I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2196 The most beautiful women in the world are all here!

Hou Xibai put away the brush, his true energy surged, steamed the colored ink dry, and closed the Baimei fan with a snap. The purpose of this trip had been achieved. Shang Xiufang, the most famous courtesan in the world and a master of singing and dancing, had already been painted on him. She fanned her Baimei fan and exhaled a breath of contentment. She looked up at the dazed beauty. She was slightly startled, but she didn't take it seriously.

"Master Hou is worthy of being a master of painting. His painting skills are unparalleled. Xiu Fang never thought that she could be so beautiful! Her beauty is breathtaking!"

Shang Xiufang withdrew her gaze from the desk. Her dreamy and blurred eyes had a fatal attraction. She looked at Hou Xibai's extremely handsome face and praised in a daze.

Hou Xibai smiled slightly, stood up, looked around, saw everyone looking at him, turned around and left, not caring about the surprised looks of everyone in the hall, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Surprise flashed across Shang Xiufang's starry eyes, and then she left, with ripples of confusion. Although she is only 21 years old, she has been performing as a performer since she was thirteen years old. What man has not seen her before? Especially for a young man like Hou Xibai, it is rare to see her without being fascinated.

Hou Xibai ignored Shang Xiufang and left directly. This was the first time in Shang Xiufang's life. He felt somewhat strange in his heart. Hou Xibai and Shang Xiufang were different from all the young masters they had seen in the past, even the bold ones. , some ruffian Kou Zhong never ignored her.

Shang Xiufang could feel that Hou Xibai really had no interest in her at all. He just wanted to pursue art. Painting the most beautiful woman on his Baimei fan was a pure appreciation of beauty, without involving any emotions or distracting thoughts. .

It was also the first time for Wang Shichong to meet Hou Xibai. The performance of this descendant of the Huajian Sect surprised him and was unexpected.

A glimmer of light flashed in Wang Shichong's tiger eyes. He looked at everyone's silence and said quickly.

"It seems that the Passionate Young Master doesn't want to be as affectionate as the rumors. He is so incomprehensible in the face of Shang Shang, a stunning beauty in the world. He might as well change his name to the Ruthless Young Master in the future!"

Although these words were Wang Shichong's joke to heighten the atmosphere, everyone present nodded in agreement. Shang Xiufang was a stunning beauty in the world. She was an excellent singer and dancer. There were a few men present who could not be tempted by her. Hou Xibai actually turned his head. Just leave, it will ruin the scenery.

Shang Xiufang quickly explained to Hou Xibai and said softly.

"Master Shangshu is joking. Mr. Hou lives up to his passion, but this passion is a devout belief in art, not the worldly love of a man and a woman!"

Shang Xiufang was a person with devout artistic pursuits, so she naturally understood Hou Xibai's thoughts and even sympathized with him. Therefore, she did not want Hou Xibai to be misunderstood by Wang Shichong, so she quickly helped to explain a few sentences.

Wang Shichong had a playful look on his face, looked at Shang Xiufang jokingly, and said jokingly.

"Everyone Shang explained to Hou Xibai like this. I wonder if the passionate young master will regret leaving today after hearing this?"

Shang Xiufang shook her head and said firmly with a serious look on her face.

"Master Hou will never regret leaving today. He is an idiot who is devoted to studying art. He is not the kind of person who will be swayed by Xiufang's few words of explanation!"

Shang Xiufang was calm and generous, not caring about the eyes of everyone, and sat back on her seat again. Kou Zhong returned to his old style at this time, no longer nervous, a hint of deep thought flashed in his sword eyes, the passionate young master Hou Xibai, he However, he was deeply impressed by him, his cultivation was unfathomable, and his actions were confusing. Even with his current state of innate perfection, he still couldn't see through Hou Xibai's true identity, which made him extremely concerned and fearful.

Rong Fengxiang is the richest man in Luoyang, and the main house composed of three rooms shows luxury and wealth. The front hall is not only large in area, high in space, and gorgeously decorated, but its momentum is even comparable to that of the palace. In the center, there are six golden pillars with a pink cricket dragon rising straight up to the roof. The ceiling is covered with patterns and carvings. The central caisson is a three-dimensional relief of two dragons competing for the pearl. Other furniture and hangings are very particular.

At this time, nearly twenty banquet tables were set up in the hall, and more than a hundred guests gathered, but it still didn't feel crowded.

Today is Rong Fengxiang's birthday, and Wang Shichong, the ruler of Luoyang, will also come to pay homage to Rong Fengxiang in person.

Wang Shichong and his party were very powerful. There were only eight guards who came in, and the others stayed outside. Even so, including Kou Zhong and others, they were the largest group.

One was a politician in power in Luoyang, and the other was the richest man and longevity minister. There were bursts of congratulations everywhere he passed.

Led by Wang Shichong and Rong Fengxiang, they walked through the halls and corridors without stopping until they reached the back hall where only the most important guests were received.

The same spacious space as the front hall has only ten seats, four of which are in the middle and six seats evenly distributed on both sides, highlighting the distinguished position of the four seats in the hall.

The guests who can be arranged in the inner hall are either the most prestigious people in Luoyang or distinguished foreign guests like Li Shimin and Tu Li. Those who are not rich enough can only attend the banquet in the other two halls.

On the surface, Rong Fengxiang is the richest man in Luoyang City, but in fact, he has a hidden identity. He is a branch of the two sects of the Demon Sect, the Six Paths Zhongzhen Preacher. Laojun Guan Guan master Pi Chen, inherits the original Taoist tradition, and is good at Yin and Yang. In the art of dual cultivation, his cultivation has reached the level of a master, ranking sixth among the eight masters of the Demon Sect.

Wearing a vest and living under the bright sky may be a method commonly used by magic sect masters. Shi Zhixuan, Bichen and others are like this. The younger generation is no less willing to give in. They are all ghosts and ghosts. Hou Xibai is the leader among them. He himself I don’t know how many vests I have. Most of them are used once and never used again. I can be called a vest maniac. Even the insane Shi Zhixuan doesn’t have as many vests as him.

It was Rong Fengxiang's birthday. I don't know why he actually invited Hou Xibai, a descendant of the Huajian Sect. It might be because of Wang Shichong's behavior at the last banquet, which made Hou Xibai so popular.

In the past, everyone knew that Hou Xibai liked to paint portraits of beauties in the martial arts world. For this reason, he gained a bad reputation and was rated as frivolous and dissolute. He was even nicknamed a passionate young master. But no one has ever seen him paint. Last time, his eyes were finally opened. His painting skills are exquisite, and the beautiful portraits he painted are lifelike. They are absolutely wonderful works. He can be called a master of painting, which is admirable.

At this time, Hou Xibai was also arranged to the inner hall, and he could be regarded as Rong Fengxiang's extremely distinguished guest.

On the left side of the entrance to the inner hall, there is a group of eighteen female prostitutes, all wearing low-snail buns, narrow-sleeved tops, corset skirts and shawls, standing in three rows to perform.

From the harp, pipa, transverse flute, waist drum, shell, etc., the joyful and melodious melody was conveyed that echoed throughout the audience.

No matter when and where, beautiful women are the focus of men's attention, and today is no exception. Dong Shuni and Rong Jiaojiao, known as the two beauties of Luoyang, were chatting and laughing happily surrounded by a group of seven or eight noble men.

Dong Shuni's skin is as white as snow and jade, unusually white, her black clothes are dazzling and her white skin is dazzling, her hair is like clouds, her eyebrows are like willow silk, her lips are white and her teeth are white, her dress is extremely gorgeous, like a proud peacock, dazzling the eyes, gorgeous and charming , has a hot body, and wears bold clothes. Most of her chest is exposed. She is tall and plump, with a curvy figure. Her whole body exudes amazing charm, which is eye-catching and cannot bear to be moved away.

Rong Jiaojiao is naturally beautiful, her beauty is alluring, her eyes are shining brightly, seducing her soul. She is affectionate at one moment, shy at the other, and her manners are delicate, smart and full of manners. A little taller than Dong Shuni, she is slim and graceful, with icy skin and snowy skin, which makes people fall in love with her.

Hou Xibai sat in the corner very low-key, silently observing everyone's actions, with a cold face, and never participated in the excitement.

There were more than ten groups of people gathered in the open space between the banquets, including Tu Li, Li Shimin, Wang Bo, Fu Qian and others, as well as their cronies. This group of big shots who control the life and death of all people never leave their profession. When it comes to political affairs, especially the currency issue that is being paid attention to now, currency is the primary issue related to people's livelihood and economy in the world.

I saw one person with a look of concern for the country and the people on his face, looking at everyone and sighing.

"Nowadays, everyone mints coins privately to replace the old five-baht coin. However, the quality of the new coins is poor, and the prices of daily necessities such as rice and cloth have gradually increased, leaving people helpless."

Although Wang Shichong is not very ambitious and does not have the qualifications to be a hegemon, he still has many years of experience in politics and is very familiar with this matter. Hearing this, he said.

"If the coins come from official furnaces, there is absolutely no problem with the quality; the problem lies with private furnace coins. These bad coins even have blurry words on the money, and there is just an outline."

Changsun Wuji, who was next to Li Shimin, was a wise man, erudite and proficient in secular affairs. He was a rare talent for governing the world. He sighed with a complicated face when he heard this.

"Official furnace money has caused another problem. Since the Han Dynasty, gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, mercury and other minerals have gradually been owned by the government. However, in order to ensure that there was enough baht money circulating in the market, and at the same time maintain quality, the old dynasty A large number of mines must be mined. Yang Guang once opened more than 20 gold mines in 12 counties including Wuling. The number of slaves reached 600,000 and there were countless casualties. However, he only mined more than 50 taels of gold and left hundreds of miles of wasteland. An official becomes a thief who kills the people. He sees the harm before he sees the benefits."

Hou Xibai had seen Li Shimin from a distance before, but he had never been in contact with him.

The Lord of the World, the True Dragon Emperor, who was chosen by both Buddhism and Taoism, was indeed extraordinary in martial prowess, with extraordinary knowledge, wisdom and erudition, and proficient in worldly affairs. Under the gaze of everyone, he also expressed his opinions.

"Today's so-called new coins are nothing more than melting down and recasting the five-baht coins from the old dynasty; while the bad folk coins are made by adding other iron impurities to the melted five-baht coins, so one penny is It can be turned into a few pennies, and when it is profitable, it is even more forbidden. The only solution is to reunite the world and put an end to this trend through a strong and powerful central government. In the current situation, no one can do anything. "

Hou Xibai understood what they were talking about very well, and even had far better insights than everyone present. This is the economic phenomenon of bad money driving out good money, and it will be a difficult economic problem even in later generations.

Hou Xibai did not participate in it. When talking about these government affairs issues, he behaved like a martial artist who was ignorant of government affairs and sat quietly in the corner.

Dong Shuni didn't care about the world affairs that these men cared about. She turned her eyes and saw Hou Xibai in the corner. Wang Shichong's niece also saw the scene of Hou Xibai painting at the banquet that day. She moved in her heart and moved her lotus steps. , walked up to Hou Xibai, who was incomparably gorgeous, and said softly.

"Master Hou's painting skills are unparalleled, and Shuni admires him very much!"

"I have a chance to meet you today. I wonder if Master Hou can draw a portrait of Shuni?"

Hou Xibai's expression was cold, his eyes were extremely calm, and he was not moved by the beautiful woman in front of him at all. He glanced at Dong Shuni, who had an expectant look on his face. He had no intention of showing off his skills in front of the beautiful woman, and refused with a cold voice. road.


Dong Shuni was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes were full of shame and anger. Hou Xibai was so disrespectful, so Dong Shuni, the beautiful girl of heaven, tasted the feeling of being rejected for the first time. She was unhappy in her heart, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she was so charming. The charming girl asked in confusion.

"Mr. Hou, why is this?"

"Is it because Shuni looks vulgar and is not worthy of Young Master Hou writing?"

Dong Shuni straightened her back, raised her head slightly, she was radiant and charming, her chest was straight, plump and round, like a proud peacock, showing off her charm and beauty wantonly.

Dong Shuni said this, obviously not to be self-effacing, but to remind Hou Xibai that she, Dong Shuni, is beautiful and charming. She is definitely a great beauty and is highly sought after in Luoyang City.

Hou Xibai glanced at the gorgeous Dong Shuni, his eyes were still clear and cold, unmoved. Dong Shuni was gorgeous and beautiful, but she was still not qualified to be painted on the Baimei Fan. The beauties on the Baimei Fan were not just beautiful. .

Appearance is important, but if it is not matched with talent and temperament, it is just a vase and cannot withstand the erosion of time.

"You are indeed gorgeous in appearance, as beautiful as Baimei Fan, but you are not talented enough and have a vulgar temperament, which is not enough to be painted on my Baimei Fan!"

Hou Xibai said this so unceremoniously that Dong Shuni's pretty face turned pale with anger, her chest rose and fell violently, plump and straight, eye-catching, and many young gentlemen were stunned and feasted their eyes.

The group of big shots related to world affairs also stopped their discussion. Most of them had advanced martial arts skills and could see all directions and listen to all directions. They noticed the movement on Hou Xibai's side and showed surprise.

This was the first time Li Shiming saw Hou Xibai. He looked him up and down. Seeing Hou Xibai's handsome appearance and refined temperament, his eyes became more appreciative and he asked.

"Then I wonder who the women on Brother Hou Baimei's fan are, and how stunning they are?"

Li Shimin speaks like a spring breeze. Even when he meets Hou Xibai for the first time, he still calls him very close without making people feel bored. This is a powerful personality charm that requires extremely high communication and language skills.

Hou Xibai glanced at Li Shimin, not much moved, as if Li Shimin was just a passerby and not worthy of attention.

"Shi Qingxuan!"

"Song Yuhua!"

"Master Fei Xuan!"


"Dugu Feng!"

"Li Xiuning!"

"Fu Junzhuo!"

"Shang Xiuxun!"

"Shang Xiufang!"

"My Hundred Beauty Fan should have painted ten women, but now I have only painted nine. The last one, I haven't seen anyone who can let me write!"

Hou Xibai's expression was indifferent. Every time he read out a name, everyone let out an exclamation. These nine women are all the most famous beauties in today's martial arts world. Even Song Yuhua, the least famous person, is also the elder of Song Que, the Heavenly Sword. Girl, the daughter of the Song Dynasty, is not something ordinary people can compare to.

Li Shimin showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that Li Xiuning was also on the list. This was his sister. She had already decided to get married and was betrothed to Chai Shao.

Li Xiuning's martial arts may not be as impressive as Shi Feixuan and others, but she has talents that others have never had. She is an extremely excellent female general. At the end of the great cause, in order to coordinate Jinyang's army, she gathered the heroes of Guanzhong, mobilized Sizhu to raise the army, and commanded " The "Detachment of Women" made great achievements and selected elite soldiers to join forces with Li Shimin on the north bank of the Wei River to jointly attack Chang'an.

Li Xiuning was the first princess in the Tang Dynasty to be given a posthumous title after her death. She was also the only woman in Chinese feudal history to be buried with military rites. She was truly a strange woman, so Hou Xibai painted her on the Baimei Fan.

The three women on Hou Xibai's Baimei fan are from noble families and have high-ranking surnames. Song Yuhua was born in the Song clan, Li Xiuning was born in the Li clan, and Dugu Feng was born in the Dugu clan.

The two are the most amazing disciples of Buddhism and Taoism, the fairy from Cihang Jingzhai and the witch from Yingui Sect.

Shi Qingxuan and Shang Xiufang are world-famous talents, and Shi Qingxuan is the daughter of the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

Shang Xiuxun is also the head of Pegasus Ranch. He controls the largest horse farm in the Central Plains, and even the four major clans must treat him with courtesy.

Fu Junzhuo was the disciple of Goguryeo's great master Cailin. He once assassinated Sui Emperor Yang Guang and stirred up the situation in the Central Plains. He was not an ordinary person.

As soon as the names of these nine beauties came out, Dong Shuni felt inferior, hid her face and left in shame. Although she is Wang Shichong's niece, she is still not comparable to these people, not to mention that apart from her appearance, she has no other talents and is far inferior to these nine beauties.

Although Kou Zhong and Hou Xibai had met several times, they had very little communication. He stared at this demon disciple who made him feel afraid and praised him.

"Today I heard the name of the beautiful woman on Mr. Hou's Baimei fan. All the beauties in the world are included in it!"

Several beauties here have some relationship with Kou Zhong. Fu Junzhuo is Kou Zhong's godmother and his leader in martial arts. He was forced to leave the Central Plains by Hou Xibai and is one of the people Kou Zhong cares about the most. Li Xiuning is Bai Yueguang in Kou Zhong's heart, and she is still unforgettable.

Everyone nodded in agreement. It was indeed true. It is difficult to find a strange woman who can stand side by side with these nine people in the world. Since then, the beauties on the Baimei fan on Hou Xibai's waist have become famous all over the world, and the Baimei fan has also become a stunning beauty list. , only the woman painted on the Baimei fan can be called a stunning beauty and famous all over the world.

After this topic was over, Hou Xibai turned into a little transparent again, hiding in the corner, not wanting to be in the limelight, and happy to be quiet.

Prince Fu Qian of Tuyuhun was a master of martial arts. The flying eagle Qu Ao entered the Central Plains that day just to compete with him. If Hou Xibai hadn't stepped in and killed Ren Shaoming and lured Qu Ao to the south of the Yangtze River, There is bound to be a fight between dragons and tigers.

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