I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2186 Eighteen Arhats,

Hou Xibai didn't dare to break the beauty's fingers for fear of hurting her, so he couldn't help but sigh, with a serious look on his face, his eyes full of appreciation, and said in a deep voice.

"I won't look down on you!"

"Yuhua, you are unparalleled in elegance, gentle and graceful, like a peony among flowers and a phoenix among birds. You are unparalleled in elegance and beauty, and you are so gorgeous that you are so stunning!"

Song Yuhua seemed drunk but not drunk, her heart trembled slightly, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, her hands suddenly exerted force, and she pulled the unprepared Hou Xibai down on her delicate body, closed her eyes tightly, with a hint of sadness on her face. Nervous and shy, her red lips pressed directly onto Hou Xibai's red lips, kissing her harshly but firmly.

Hou Xibai opened his eyes wide and looked at the beautiful face in front of him in disbelief. He didn't dare to move his hands and feet, but just passively enjoyed everything.

The strength in Song Yuhua's hand weakened, and she let go of Hou Xibai's clothes. Her face was as red as the evening clouds, her lips were parted, and her eyes were opened. They were full of affection, sparkling, bright autumn eyes, and deep affection.

Hou Xibai looked at Song Yuhua blankly, stunned by her bold move. He raised his head and looked down at the nervous beauty, without making any move for a long time.

The joy and shyness on Song Yuhua's pretty face gradually faded away, and the blush turned pale. She looked at the indifferent Hou Xibai, with a despairing heart, and wailed.

"I'm rude, please leave!"

All the boldness that Song Yuhua was filled with dissipated. It turned out that it was all his own wishful thinking and his own passion. Shamelessly, he made a bold move that he had never done before, but what he got in return was the other party's indifference.

Song Yuhua had a faint smile on her face, but her eyes were full of moisture. She forced a smile in order to preserve the last bit of poor self-esteem for herself.

Hou Xibai moved his steps and looked at the cold moon hanging high outside the window. The sword of Yue Gong Yinggui appeared in the depths of his mind. He suddenly lowered his waist and kissed Song Yuhua, who was self-pitying and self-loving. Surprise and surprise flashed in Song Yuhua's eyes, and he slowly closed them. On the bed, I was immersed in it again, raw and active, my arms were white and delicate, and I hugged Hou Xibai's neck tightly, and I would not let go this time.

Hou Xibai climbed onto the bed and hugged Song Yuhua's delicate body. He glanced at the cold moonlight outside the window and an idea came to his mind.

"Hey! It's all the moon's fault. The moonlight is so beautiful and gentle!"

Hou Xibai is not Liu Xiahui. The saint is not moved. The moonlight is cold, but the room is full of enthusiasm. The wine he drinks turns into a deep love, which lasts all night long.

The next day, a ray of light broke through the dark night. The rising sun rose in the east, and the red light of the avenue spread all over the world. Under the bright red light, the flowers and plants were much more beautiful, and the silent embroidery building became a little more dynamic.

Hou Xibai hugged the naked body, with a bit of admiration and amazement on his face, which made Song Yuhua blush with embarrassment. Her little head shrank tightly in Hou Xibai's arms. With happiness and shyness, her two white and smooth arms, He hugged Hou Xibai's waist tightly.

"You are so bold, aren't you worried about the future?"

Song Yuhua rubbed her head against Hou Xibai and found a suitable position. Her black hair was scattered, her lazy face was springy and slightly rosy, and she said firmly.

"I don't ask for the future, I just want to seize the present!"

"If I had let you go last night, I would have regretted it!"

Hou Xibai felt pity in his heart, and gently stroked Song Yuhua's smooth back with his palm, soothing her inner tension and uneasiness. He lowered his head and kissed Song Yuhua's forehead, saying softly.

"You will not let me down, and I will not let you down!"

Song Yuhua's heart was immediately filled with tenderness, her eyes were sparkling, and tears of happiness flowed out, dripping onto Hou Xibai's chest and into Hou Xibai's heart.

Hou Xibai stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Song Yuhua's eyes. He moved very gently and said nervously.

"Why are you still crying?"

"I'm so happy!"

Song Yuhua said with a smile, the pear blossoms brought rain, Hou Xibai's actions made her cry even more fiercely, the tears couldn't stop flowing out, but there was no trace of sadness in her heart, she was full of happiness.

The two got up and took a shower. Naturally, the two of them moved their hands and feet in the process. They were so intimate that it was so fragrant that it made people blush.

Hou Xibai and Song Yuhua hung out in this embroidery building for three days before leaving Duzun Fort and leaving Bashu. They didn't know where they went.

In the Dashi Temple, Hou Xibai returned here again and put on a yellow monk's robe. It was wide and breathable. His bald head was shiny. Under the sunlight, it reflected the bright light. He wore a pair of monk shoes on his feet, walking leisurely and contentedly. On the path paved with bluestone slabs in the temple.

Suddenly, a crisp sound of tinkling came from the pagoda. Looking from a distance, I could faintly see a copper bell hanging on the raised corner of the eaves of the pagoda. The mountain wind blew, making waves of pleasant clear sounds, which made people go away. Dust worries.

Hou Xibai walked slowly towards the pagoda, passing through the bamboo forest. The pagoda, nearly fifteen feet high and divided into thirteen floors, stood majestically in the square in the forest, majestic and majestic. Under the glow of the rising sun, the gilded copper flying goose on the top of the tower is even more brilliant, shining far and near. There are a total of twelve stone Buddha statues embedded on the four sides of each floor of the pagoda, which are magnificent and rich in texture. There is an Arhat Hall on the west side of the pagoda. It originally had 500 Arhat statues. They were made in accordance with the manuscripts drawn by Kumarajiva, the holy monk of the Later Qin Dynasty. They are solemn, compassionate and majestic.

Kumarajiva is an eminent monk with great virtue and wisdom who came from India to teach the Dharma. He has studied Mahayana Buddhism extensively and is especially proficient in the essence of Prajna Nature and Emptiness. His martial arts skills are even more extraordinary and holy. However, he never teaches martial arts to others and only talks about Buddhism. After coming to China, he worked as a translator of Buddhist scriptures in Xiaoyaoyuan in Chang'an.

Hou Xibai saw these Arhat statues and saw that the Buddhist Mahamudra skills were hidden in them. He had an idea in his mind and proposed to the monk who presided over the Great Seal that he would carve the eighteen Arhats among them again. The monk readily agreed.

The Buddhist Mahamudra Kung Fu contained in the statue of Luohan Hall needs to be practiced according to the five qi, three meridians and seven rounds. This is the internal strength training system of Tianzhu. It is different from the eight meridians of the Central Plains martial arts, but it is also completely different. Don't.

The five qi are the five qi of life, ascending, flat, universal and descending, which refer to the paths of internal qi and external qi traveling through the three chakras and seven chakras.

The three meridians are the middle, left and right meridians. The middle meridians run from the bottom of the sea to the top of the head and are connected by the spinal cord, which is like the Du Vein of the middle earth. The left and right meridians both originate from the testicular palace, are parallel to the central meridians, and run through the seven chakras.

The seven chakras are like the acupoints of the middle earth. From top to bottom, they are the crown chakra, the eyebrow chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the navel chakra, the reproductive chakra and the muladhara chakra. The last muladhara chakra is the perineum point of the middle earth.

Hou Xibai slowly walked into the Arhat Hall. He re-carved the legendary Eighteen Arhats, retaining the original mystery of the Mahamudra, but adding some mysterious kung fu. There were a total of eighteen sets of martial arts, each set containing With infinite mysteries, it is a magical method that he split from the "Pure and Wonderful Lotus Sutra". It can also be split and evolved into more martial arts skills.

Today's "Pure and Wonderful Lotus Sutra" has been inclusive and refined. It has become a masterpiece of martial arts. It is all-encompassing and profound. Different people have different perceptions when viewing it. It can be called a dictionary of martial arts.

Viewed horizontally, it looks like a ridge and a side looks like a peak, with different heights and distances. From the "Pure and Wonderful Lotus Sutra", one can understand thousands of martial arts, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and demons, each of which is different, but they all originate from one place, which is very wonderful.

Of course, Hou Xibai will not leave the inheritance of other sects' skills in the Arhat Hall. He will only break out some Buddhist skills and hide them in the Arhat statue, waiting for the destined person.

The monk also knew about this. He knew that Hou Xibai was leaving a legacy for Dashi Temple. In the future, he could rely on these eighteen techniques to develop thousands of unique skills, making Dashi Temple stand firm among Buddhists.

Hou Xibai held a carving knife in his hand, lowered his head, and carved on the original Arhat statue. The points, lines, surfaces, and even the depth of the color all concealed the mystery of the technique. All the thoughts in Hou Xibai's heart were unified, ethereal, and in a trance. At the time of darkness, the separation between inside and outside completely collapses. In the extreme silence of the void, billions of thoughts deep in the soul shine brightly. The light of immeasurable wisdom shines around the sky. The lotus body is pure, the inside and outside are transparent, the glass is clear, and the heart of Bodhi is bright. , Wisdom Prajna, Vajra Immortality, Enter me and I enter, Human and Heaven are one.

Hou Xibai woke up suddenly. Using the word "wake up" to describe Hou Xibai's current state is not accurate. He was not asleep just now. All the movements around him were shrouded in his mind and were vividly visible. It was a mysterious state that was difficult to use. To describe it in words, the energy and spirit are extremely abundant, the mind is clear and clear, the whole body is comfortable, and movement can be seen in the stillness.

Hou Xibai turned his head and looked at the corner of the Luohan Hall. There was a monk wearing gray robes with white beard and hair, old and stooped, who was concentrating on cleaning the Luohan Hall.

"I've met the mantra master!"

Hou Xibai performed a Buddhist salute with one hand, thinking thoughtfully. He had met the old monk in front of him several times before, and knew that he had unique skills, profound skills, and a profound realm. He was not weaker than the four great holy monks of Buddhism. , is definitely the top figure among the masters.

The back of the old monk Zhenyan Master suddenly straightened up, and he immediately became majestic and upright. He no longer looked senile. His eyes were unfathomable. He looked at Hou Xibai with a bright light, frowned slightly, and said softly.

"I've met Master Fahai!"

Fahai is now also the direct disciple of the master of Dashi Temple. He is a great monk and can be called a master, which is far higher than the master of truth.

Master Zhengon was not an ordained monk at Daishi Temple, but a sweeping monk at Daishi Temple, so he was not ranked according to seniority in the temple.

"The five hundred Arhat statues in the Arhat Hall are made according to the hand-drawn drawings of the holy monk Kumarajiva. They have extraordinary significance. If you make such random changes, I'm afraid it will be harmful rather than beneficial!"

Master Zhenyan knows the mysteries of the Arhat statues, and has learned his exquisite cultivation from them. Today I saw Hou Xibai actually re-sculpting these eighteen Arhat statues, and I was very anxious, worried that Hou Xibai would destroy the hard work and wisdom of his predecessors. , so I just mentioned a few points.

Hou Xibai chuckled softly when he heard this. There was a lotus flower disappearing in his eyes, his heart was like a mirror, and his eyes were like torches, reflecting the thoughts in the other person's heart, and he couldn't help but explain.

"No need to worry, Mantra Master!"

"I will not destroy the Buddhist Mahamudra Kungfu hidden in Kumarajiva, but there is something hidden in these eighteen Arhat statues. As the inheritance of Dashi Temple, Dashi Temple will have a foothold in Buddhism in the future! "

The mantra master was shocked when he heard this. He had not had much contact with Hou Xibai. Although he heard that this young monk had extraordinary wisdom and extraordinary understanding, he did not expect that the other party had already figured out the mystery of the Five Hundred Arhats.

"After all, Kumarajiva is from Tianzhu. The Buddhist mudra method he left behind is Tianzhu Kung Fu, which is different from the martial arts of the Central Plains. It is not suitable to be used as the inheritance method of Dashi Temple. If the master is interested, he can use it in the Eighteen Arhats Choose an inheritance among the statues as your reward for guarding Dashi Temple for so many years!"

Hou Xibai stepped away from his body and stretched out his hand to signal Master Zhenyan to get closer and look at the eighteen Arhats he had re-carved.

The mantra master was in a state of shock. He didn't expect that the young monk in front of him was so good. He could see through his falsehood and reality at a glance. His realm was beyond imagination. He couldn't help but step forward and get close to the newly carved eighteen Arhat statues. Look carefully.

Master Mantra saw that there were not many major changes in the movements of the eighteen Arhat statues, especially the seals in the hands. They were only slightly adjusted, with a bit more mysterious aura, more of the lines of the clothes, and the shape of the muscles had changed. , making the original Arhat statue become more majestic and solemn, exuding the charm of compassion. The sun shines through the wooden window, and the golden light shines on the Arhat statue, as if it is covered with a layer of robe, with immeasurable merits and supernatural powers. Vast.

The mantra master's eyes were fixed on the face of a sleeping Arhat in front of him, his eyes were closed tightly, his expression was calm and calm, his arms supported his head, his thoughts gradually fell into a wonderful state, and a pair of extremely compassionate and holy eyes came into his eyes. In the heart, those are Buddha eyes, which can see through the nine heavens and ten earths. The secrets of all things in the world cannot be hidden from these Buddha eyes.

A spiritual wave slowly spread out, and Master Mantra's eyes fell into confusion. He was dim and dim, but the spiritual platform was clear and empty. A set of exercises came into view, "Sleeping Reincarnation Dharma Sutra", which can increase wisdom. The spirit of spiritual practice, which is mysterious, profound and obscure, is firmly engraved in the mind of the mantra master.

A baby was born, crying loudly, and landed in this new world under the watch of a crowd. As the sun and moon rose and set, it gradually grew up, traveled across China, walked thousands of miles, read thousands of books, and finally worshiped in the world. In Buddhism, the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha meditates and explores the mysteries of the great road. After hundreds of years, he sits and disappears. The true spirit leaps into the air and looks back on his life, vividly in his eyes, like a dream.

The mantra master suddenly opened his eyes that he didn't know when he had closed. There was a bright light in his eyes, and there was a faint sleeping Arhat hidden in his eyes. His true energy surged, his mind was calm and clear, and the momentum around him suddenly surged. The powerful momentum was in the Arhat Hall. A strong wind blew.

The mantra master showed great joy and enlightenment on his face, clasped his hands together, bowed to Hou Xibai, and chanted respectfully.

"My Buddha is compassionate, and I sincerely thank Master Fahai for teaching you the Dharma!"

Master Zhenyan originally had no hope of advancing to the realm of the Grand Master. Now that he has received the Dharma from Hou Xibai, the opportunity has come. His spirit and soul have practiced the method of reincarnation in dreams. After a lifetime of dreams, his wisdom and spirit have been transformed. He has taken the final step and successfully stepped into the world. Entered the realm of the great master.

Hou Xibai waved his right hand lightly, and a soft and invisible Qi lifted Master Zhenyan up, and then dissipated. Master Zhenyan was secretly shocked. He was already at the level of a Grand Master, but he still couldn't resist this Qi. The state is already the state of the Buddha who has achieved enlightenment.

"Master Zhenyan is very polite. You have been guarding Dashi Temple for decades and your hard work has made great achievements. As a monk of Dashi Temple, I naturally have to express my gratitude!"

Hou Xibai then turned sideways, pointed at the eighteen Arhat statues behind him, and warned Master Zhenyan.

"In these eighteen Arhats, there are hidden eighteen Buddhist techniques created by me. Each one has its own mysteries and can be understood by those who are predestined. However, one can only understand one in the realm of a great master. It is useless to look at the others. Master, please take more care of us in the future and don’t let anyone destroy these eighteen Arhat statues!”

Hou Xibai was not worried about people being greedy for too much in the future. He left a thought in these eighteen Arhat statues as a prohibition. As long as one of the techniques is understood, the other techniques can no longer be understood, only achievement. Only when you are in the realm of the supreme master can you understand other techniques, integrate them and reproduce some of the elegance of the "Pure and Wonderful Lotus Sutra".

The mantra master's eyes dimmed, his energy and energy were completely restrained, he returned to his original nature, and his life span increased by another century. After hearing Hou Xibai's instructions, he nodded repeatedly and agreed.

"Su Wen Tian Yuan Ji Da Lun": "Five and six are in harmony, and seven hundred and twenty qi are one Ji, which lasts for thirty years."

The small meeting of the Qi of heaven and earth lasts for thirty years.

Hou Xibai nodded. He has great wisdom and a broad mind, but he is not worried about the leakage of his skills. For him, he doesn't care at all whether others learn his own skills. Those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die. If others can It is a blessing for him to innovate and develop different fruits of wisdom based on his skills, so that he can also gain something.

Hou Xibai looked at the mantra master who was full of energy and energy, and gave a few more pointers casually. Then he left under the admiring gaze of the mantra master, walking in the afterglow of the setting sun, wearing a golden and red glow, like a cassock, with a solemn and majestic appearance. Divine, immeasurable wisdom, immeasurable magical power.

Not long after Hou Xibai left, Master Zhenyan also turned around and left the Luohan Hall. His steps were firm and slow, and his figure gradually became rickety. He no longer had the majestic and upright posture, and even looked older. This was because he was restrained in vitality and held Yuan Shouyi's spirit. Achieved an Arhat body that is flawless and indestructible.

Time always passes quietly, the sun rises and the moon sets, the four seasons change, and they remain unchanged forever.

Late at night, the Dashi Temple was quiet, the lights were out, the night was dark, and a few figures crossed the night sky and disappeared into the temple.

Dashi Temple is not small in scale, starting from the Shanmen Hall, followed by the Tianwang Hall, the Seven Buddha Hall, the Mahavira Hall, the Buddhist Sutra Tower, etc. There are many halls. Although they are not as complex as the Jing Nian Temple in structure and graceful shape, they are still magnificent. Beside the rows and formations of the main hall, a tall tower rises among thousands of bamboo trees, which is particularly imposing.

Several figures chased each other, and after a while, they were already in the Luohan Hall. They couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment. Birds saw that the statues were like a forest, filling the hall, which was extremely shocking.

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