I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2154 Words are as sharp as a sword, cutting right and wrong, good and evil

At this time, Huo Ling'er's mind was silent, her spirit was empty, and she had entered a state where she forgot both things and myself. She could not think of anything, and wisdom came from her own.

"You are good at the Wuji Sword technique, and I am good at the boxing technique. Naturally, you use the weapon, and I use the boxing technique. Each one can show their strengths, and there is no need to be the same!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised, and their surprised eyes focused on this vitality girl. Martial arts practitioners all understand the truth. The danger of martial arts practitioners with weapons in their hands is only increased several times. If Without the confidence to win, there is a huge gap in cultivation, and those who use bare hands will inevitably lose. Taking the sword with bare hands sounds very impressive, but in fact, it is difficult to succeed.

Huo Ling'er's words were full of courage, big-hearted, and extremely confident. They were full of firmness and confidence in herself, and she had the belief that she would win.

Qiu Chan's brows furrowed even more tightly, her eyes filled with confusion. She and Huo Ling'er wanted to be close in cultivation, and there wasn't much of a strength gap. If she used the Wuji Sword Technique and the other party had bare hands, they would probably be defeated by force. , which made her a little hesitant, wondering whether she should agree to Qiu Chan's proposal.

Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen were sitting in a remote corner. Li Daoqing was holding the black cat in his hand, and his palms were on the black cat's body, stroking it nonchalantly, but the black cat showed an expression of enjoyment, his little head From time to time, she rubs Li Daoqing's chest. She is cute and cute, making people love her endlessly.

Li Daoqing had a faint smile on his lips, turned to face Tang Zichen and said with a smile.

"This disciple of yours is really cunning! She is using words as a sword to disturb Qiu Chan's psychology. She has a bit of your grace and wisdom!"

Tang Zichen raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes speechlessly, showing a bit of helplessness. He was charming and charming in all kinds of ways, and he opened his mouth with words of rebuttal.

"Although Ling'er is my disciple, her skills were all taught by you. This cunning method must have been influenced by you and has nothing to do with me!"

Tang Zichen said that he did not want to bear the blame. Huo Ling'er was so cunning because of Li Daoqing's influence and had nothing to do with her. She never used such methods and was always straightforward. She only treated her opponents by beating them. I've done this little trick before.

"You have a lazy temper and are cunning and scheming. Ling'er is very much like you!"

Tang Zichen and Li Daoqing have been together for a long time, and they have always seen the true face of this man. Regardless of his cultivation level, he usually has a lazy and lazy temperament, with a bit of cunning, a little sinister, and a bad personality. What he did at that time made people dumbfounded and dumbfounded. He was a complete childish devil.

Li Daoqing looked at the beautiful woman who was belittling him. He was very thick-skinned and was not ashamed, but proud. He stroked the kitten hard, grabbed Tang Zichen's jade hand, and said with a chuckle.

"Since I am a dirty person and I am so disgusted by you, why are you still willing to be with me?"

Tang Zichen held his jade hand behind his back, tightly grasped Li Daoqing's broad and slender palm, and lowered his head slightly. The sharpness in his eyes was hidden and became gentle. The gentleness is touching, the voice is very thin, but firm.

"I can't help it. When I discovered your true identity, I was deeply in love and it was hard to escape!"

Li Daoqing showed a proud smile and let out a hearty laugh. He held Tang Zichen's hand tightly with his palm. For the little black cat's mouthful of dog food, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was extremely speechless and extremely understanding. human nature.

Huo Ling'er's mind and spirit have reached a perfect state. The energy and blood in her body are slowly flowing, and her body and mind have reached a perfect state. She caught the moment when Qiu Chan's thoughts were wavering. With a step, yin and yang differentiated, gossip evolved, and an invisible The domain was born, and the body turned into a stream of light. In an instant, he rushed in front of Qiu Chan. He punched out and the air exploded. The whole air became stagnant, as if it was trapped in a swamp, which restricted Qiu Chan's movements. , the movement was half a minute slower.

When Qiu Chan saw Huo Ling'er bullying her, she couldn't help being shocked. She activated her fingers and tightened her grip on the Wuji Knife in her hand. She raised it upwards and drew a beautiful arc. The cold light on the blade was cold and endless. The sharp edge was unstoppable and slashed towards Huo Ling'er's arm.

Huo Ling'er's mind moved slightly, the hairs on her arms stood up, and she got goosebumps. This was because she felt the sharpness of the blade. She shrank her arms and stepped out again. With a twist of her body, she jumped from Qiu Chan's body. He walked around diagonally, and his body was almost at an angle of thirty degrees to the ground. Without strong waist and abdominal strength and explosive power, he would not be able to perform such an exaggerated movement and would fall directly to the ground.

This is the Bagua Wandering Dragon Step. The steps are the most flexible. The Bagua punch is both ruthless and ruthless. The thief here means that the steps are flexible and quick, making it impossible for the enemy to catch him. He is very difficult to deal with.

Huo Ling'er suddenly disappeared from Qiu Chan's sight. Her body drew an arc and went around behind Qiu Chan. She flew her hands, struck out with two palms, and aimed her Bagua series of palms at Qiu Chan. If the key point on the back is hit, the contest will be over.

Qiu Chan's perception was not weaker than Huo Ling'er's. She felt the strong wind behind her, and her heart trembled. She twisted her waist and hips, and pushed the Wuji knife back in her hand. Before she could turn around, the cold light had already reached Huo Ling'er. In front of his palm, the edge was sharp and cold, thrilling and precise, blocking Huo Ling'er's attack route.

A smile appeared at the corner of Huo Ling'er's mouth, a cunning flash in her eyes, she retracted her arm, shrank her body suddenly, took Bagua Step again, and her body suddenly slipped under the blade of Wuji Knife, and she transformed. position, appeared in front of Qiu Chan, took a bow step with his feet, and blasted out his right fist from his waist. The air condensed to form an air cannon. The sound was terrifying, like thunder exploding, shaking the world, and Tai Chi moved and beat. , fierce, unstoppable, and the most domineering.

Qiu Chan had just turned halfway when she had to twist her waist again. Her bones made a squeaking and rubbing sound. Her muscles were solidified, and she burst out with strength. She turned back again abruptly, flipped her wrist, and held the hand in her hand. The Wuji Knife changed direction and slashed towards Huo Ling'er's arm.


The storm was fierce, and the strong wind caused Qiu Chan's black hair to fly backwards, and the messy hair blocked her sight. A white, tender and strong little fist stopped in front of Qiu Chan's face. The sharp edge made Qiu Chan feel a stinging sensation. , the Wuji Knife in his hand stopped in mid-air when it was still five centimeters away from Huo Ling'er's arm, and stopped slashing downwards.

The reason why Qiu Chan stopped holding Wuji was simple. She had already lost. Huo Ling'er's fist was already in front of her eyes. If she didn't hold back, that Tai Chi move would be enough to blow her brain to pieces. Okay, the Tai Chi beats are so fierce that all practitioners understand that in this competition, the outcome is determined, life and death are determined!

"You lost, you surrendered!"

Huo Ling'er withdrew her little fist. It was small and exquisite, and very cute. But who would have thought that such a small and cute fist could break a wooden stake as thick as a thigh directly at the waist. It was so fierce.

Huo Ling'er had a sweet smile on her face, she was cute and pure, her big eyes blinked with a cunning light, and she looked at the lost Qiu Chan with a smile.

Qiu Chan took back the Wuji Knife and looked at Huo Ling'er with complicated eyes. Their kung fu was not much different, but she lost to the opponent while holding the weapon, which made her feel extremely frustrated. His martial arts will and belief were a heavy blow, and he said with some dissatisfaction in his heart.

"If I hadn't hesitated for a moment and allowed you to seize the opportunity and bully me, you would have definitely lost this battle!"

Huo Ling'er didn't refute, she nodded very calmly, with a sly smile on her face, and her eyes flashed with wisdom as she said.

"I have indeed disrupted your mind with my words. You think that you are holding the Wuji Knife and I am bare-handed. Even if I win, you will not be able to defeat me. So my mind hesitated for a moment, allowing me to seize the opportunity, get up and reach your In front of you, close and quick attack will make your Wuji Knife no longer have room to display, and it will not be able to use its advantage of being one inch long and one inch strong, but it will become a burden!"

Qiu Chan nodded, and the details of the fight just came to mind. Indeed, as Huo Ling'er said, weapons require a certain distance as a space for use. In close combat, it is not conducive to use, and it becomes a shackle that limits oneself. , lost the opportunity, fell behind step by step, fell into the rhythm of Huo Ling'er, passively responded to the challenge, so the defeat was not surprising.

Huo Ling'er's expression became serious, her face was solemn, her eyes were calm, her smile was gone, and she said to Qiu Chan very seriously.

"You didn't lose unjustly. Your sword intention was impure and you didn't reach the level of cutting off all restraints!"

"When you are fighting with the enemy, you still have right and wrong, good and evil, and moral ethics in your heart. This is wrong!"

"A true swordsman should have the most refined and pure sword intention, and move forward indomitably. As long as he strikes, he must cut right and wrong, cut off good and evil, and settle the karma of cause and effect without any distracting thoughts!"

"Use the sword to cut off everything. This belief and decision should not change with changes in the environment."

Qiu Chan felt lost and sighed. The light in her eyes dimmed a bit. She originally thought that she just hesitated in her heart, so she lost. She didn't expect that even her hesitation was guided by her opponent, and her defeat was not unfair. , convinced and sighed.

"Soldiers are deceitful. Therefore, they show their inability to use it when they can, show their inability to use it when they are close, show their distance when they are close, and show their nearness when they are far. They lure them with advantage, take them with chaos, prepare them with reality, and make them strong. Avoid them, anger them and scratch them, humble them and make them arrogant, ignore them and work for them, get close to them and leave them, attack them when they are unprepared, and surprise them."

"You won and I lost. If you don't kill me today, I will definitely fight you again one day!"

Qiu Chan raised her head and looked at Huo Ling'er standing opposite. The sword intention on her body became more condensed and pure. It was unparalleled and sharp. It seemed that it could break through all obstacles and move forward indomitably. After this battle, Qiu Chan's mental thoughts changed. , There has been no change in physical strength, energy and blood, but the will has become more firm, and he has cut everything without stopping, and has vaguely reached the state of cutting right and wrong, and knowing good and evil.

Huo Ling'er's pretty face once again bloomed with a brilliant youthful smile. Such sunshine, full of vitality, with a bit of quirkiness, cleverness and cunning, she walked step by step in front of Qiu Chan, Qiu Chan Cicada closed her eyes and waited for death without any regrets or regrets. This is the fate of a warrior. If you fail, you will die.

Huo Ling'er walked in front of Qiu Chan and smiled even more cunningly. She looked like a little fox stealing a chicken. With a bit of narrow-mindedness, she walked down the field and disappeared into the stands under the surprised gaze of everyone. There was no reminder for Qiu Chan to close her eyes and wait for death.

When the martial arts conference organizing committee saw this, they had no choice but to announce.

"The thirtieth competition, Huo Ling'er wins!"

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Chan opened her eyes in shock and looked around the audience. The cunning and clever girl had disappeared long ago. There was a bit of a smile on her face. She picked up her Wuji Knife and returned to Hongmen with brisk steps. It's just that I don't know why, but for some reason, the sword intention on my body has changed. It's a little more agile and lively, and a faint breath of life is exuding from my body. It's no longer the ultimate sword that cuts off all things and extinguishes all life. A killing knife, but a colorful knife of life and a knife of hope.

In the thirtieth match, Hongmen Wuji Dao Qiuchan lost, and Chinese girl Huo Ling'er won. No casualties. This was the first match since the beginning of the World Martial Arts Conference without any casualties between the two sides, but it was equally exciting. Everyone saw the sharp edge of the Wuji Knife and the cold light of the sword. They also saw the cunning and intelligence of the elf girl. The fierceness of the boxing skills, and the magnanimity of the winner, and the resilience and transformation of the loser, reflected the sympathy and outstanding knowledge and wisdom of the younger generation in the martial arts world, which made everyone feel inexplicable.

Li Daoqing looked at the tilted little head in front of him. His big eyes were bright and crystal clear, with a somewhat expectant look, waiting for his praise. He smiled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and caressed the girl's little head. , like petting a cat, soft and smooth, the little girl smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed into slits.

"Well done, you didn't lose the face of me and your master!"

The little girl giggled, snatched the little black cat from Li Daoqing's arms, and stroked it twice. Regardless of the kitten's desperate struggle, she held it in her arms, raised her head and nose, and took the little girl with her. He said proudly and show off.

"Of course, who am I? I am the disciple of Li Daoqing, the best master in the world, and Tang Zichen, the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Huo Ling'er said this slyly, and it seemed that she often flattered her. Tang Zichen looked at the little girl whose tail was about to reach the sky, and stretched out his hand to scratch her tall and straight nose. He ordered.

"You girl, don't be careless. After this defeat, Qiu Chan has transformed mentally and spiritually. She has made great progress and has made further progress. If I challenge you in a competition in the future, don't lose and cry!"

Tang Zichen is very familiar with Qiu Chan, the successor of the Wuji Sword, and is even very familiar with the style of the previous generation successor of the Wuji Sword. Both of them are rare female heroes and heroines in the world, and their style has even entered the golden elixir avenue. With a Wuji knife in his hand, when he dances, the scenery is picturesque, so delicate, gorgeous and stunning that even among the masters in the world, it is enough to rank in the top ten.

Huo Ling'er snorted softly and said domineeringly and confidently.

"Qiu Chan will never be able to defeat me in this life!"

Although she said this, the little girl's eyes became more cautious. She would never allow her defeated generals to surpass her in the future. It seemed that she needed to practice harder. She would succeed in holding the elixir as soon as possible and achieve the realm of land gods.

Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen looked at the tough-tongued little girl and understood. They smiled at each other, nodded, and were very satisfied with the little girl's performance.

In the spacious and bright dining hall, thousands of domestic and foreign martial arts masters gathered together to have breakfast.

The breakfast is very rich, with a wide variety of specialties from all over the world, so that each contestant can eat the food he wants. The entire restaurant has thousands of famous chefs from various countries hired, but this The cost alone is several hundred million, which is really astonishing!

But the martial artists present all ate and chewed in silence. Occasionally, a few people gathered together and talked in low voices, appearing to be thinking deeply and with solemn expressions in their eyes.

After the previous thirty martial arts conferences, the casualties were too heavy. Basically, no one survives intact in every game. They either die in a miserable condition or are severely injured and paralyzed. At least one has a broken arm or leg.

Only the last one, the fight between Qiu Chan and Huo Ling'er, had no casualties between them, but anyone who understands would know how dangerous that fist and knife fight was. As long as one of them was weak, they would be killed. Immediately there were five steps of blood splattering.

No one can guarantee that they will survive such a dangerous conference. Even martial artists with strong minds will feel stressed. Their hearts feel as heavy as a big stone, and their breathing becomes short.

However, there are also a few martial arts masters who are calm, confident, and confident. They eat calmly and remain happy and relaxed.

These people are all the top masters in the world. Their determination is firm and their beliefs are like gold and iron. They are indestructible. They are all masters of Huajin at the lowest level. They are incomparable and among the best.

This World Martial Arts Conference is exciting, with swords and swords and shadows, and extremely dangerous, but in the hidden corners that cannot be seen, there is still a secret battle going on in full swing. Compared with the swords and swords on the bright side, the hidden arrows in the darkness are more serious. It is difficult to prevent, countless agents and intelligence personnel are engaged in this crazy battle around this alternative war. Poisoning, assassination, destruction of equipment and other means are all presented one after another, which is dizzying.

Li Daoqing's ears twitched slightly, listening to the voice coming from a more secret corner, with a sneer on his lips and a cold light in his eyes. This American team was really tired of living, and they actually wanted to poison the latest researched drugs to destroy the players. Our body functions, cardiopulmonary function, and muscle strength are reduced, and people's physical strength will be reduced by half without knowing it. Without special equipment, it cannot be detected at all.

Li Daoqing took out his mobile phone, dialed the number, and said softly.

"In the second room in the northwest corner of the second floor, the surveillance equipment has been destroyed. People from the United States want to poison the food. Please deal with it!"

As the guardian of China, Li Daoqing has made it known to the outside world that the gods are forbidden to travel within China. If these people are participating in the martial arts conference honestly, he will not interfere, but if they want to use more insidious tricks, then don't blame him. Cruel and ruthless.

In the past, countless masters of the underground world who did not believe in evil paid the price with their lives and used their corpses to prove that Li Daoqing's words were definitely not false. Violators will die!

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