I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2152 Everyone is asking for help: Senior Zhu, kill him!

Tang Zichen nodded. Although Huo Ling'er is her disciple, most of her kung fu was trained by Li Daoqing. She has extremely solid kung fu and handsome skills. It will take some time for the martial arts conference to end. She can still make further progress and take further steps to suppress the current situation. The Japanese martial arts world is in decline.

The girl was originally fighting with the black cat in her arms and did not notice what was happening in the field. Suddenly she heard Li Daoqing and two people talking about her. She hugged the struggling black cat tightly. There was a flash of light in her big and clear eyes. He looked innocent and confused, not knowing what was going on, and stared blankly at the two division commanders.

Li Daoqing gestured with his eyes, and then the girl looked towards the center of the field. When she saw those four extremely insulting words, murderous intent suddenly appeared in her eyes. Her cute little face was extremely gloomy, and she stared at Beichen. An, cold words came out of her little mouth.

"It turns out he is a Japanese beast and deserves to be killed! Master, if he survives and wins this game, leave it to me! I will never let him see the rising sun today!"

After being trained by Li Daoqing, Huo Ling'er has extremely upright views and is completely different from her master Wang Chao. Perhaps she was affected by Wang Chao's defection. She is extremely patriotic and will not tolerate anything that insults her country and compatriots.

Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen nodded, very satisfied with Huo Ling'er's performance. Although he was a bit spoiled on weekdays, as long as his character and morality were not in question, he was a good boy.

"Without you taking action, there's no way he can make it out of this game alive!"

"Zhu Zhihong is a senior who came from that era. Even if he fights to the death, he will not let this kind of beast live!"

Li Daoqing's powerful mind and spirit had already sensed Zhu Zhihong's determination to kill. He knew that the blood in the heart of this respected older master had never been extinguished, and he would never allow Beichen'an to survive, even if it meant risking his life. , no matter what!

In another corner, there is a strong man in the shape of a turtle with a crane's back. His beard and hair are all erect, his face is full of terrifying murderous intent, his aura is extremely terrifying, his tiger eyes are wide open, like a man-eating beast, he is arrogant and heroic, and his mouth is bloody. One piece is an amazing statement.

"Li Daoqing is still too merciful. I will definitely go to Japan after this martial arts conference is over!"

"Let these little beasts know what it means to have great ambitions to make sacrifices and dare to make the sun and moon change the sky!"

"If I don't pick all the dojos of these little beasts, I'll wipe their necks!"

This person is none other than Ba ​​Liming. He is an old baby with a burning passion that has not weakened in thirty years. He is even crazier than the young people. Anyway, he can't make trouble in the country, so he will go to the country of the little beast to make a big fuss. A game, let them see the passion of this middle-aged senior citizen, it will definitely be a big move.

In the center of the field, Zhu Zhihong's turbid eyes were staring at the scroll in Beichen'an's hand. He narrowed his eyes slightly. There was an extremely cold murderous intent in the narrow slits of his eyes. This carefree and indifferent old man was angered, and figures appeared in his mind. , those were all his like-minded friends who died in that special era. Everyone had no regrets. Only he survived by chance and finally saw the rise of the motherland. He was greatly relieved. Now Someone actually dared to take out these four big characters in front of him. Do you really think that he is too old to move!

"I think back then, when we were strong and powerful, we could swallow thousands of miles like a tiger."

"Who can ask: Lian Po is old, can he still make a living?"

"A seventy-year-old honest man can still eat a dou of rice, ten pounds of meat, wear armor, mount a horse, and gallop. Today, I, Zhu Zhihong, will imitate the sages and never let this little beast live. A man can do something, even if it means taking this piece of meat." It’s worth risking your life!”

Zhu Zhihong's eyes were full of fierce murderous intent, he put up a posture, and said coldly to Beichen'an word by word.

"You little beast, you're looking for death!"

"I will help you today!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heated. Countless Chinese warriors and warriors stood up one after another, staring at Beichen Temple with fierce eyes, and shouted from their mouths. The shouts were so loud, The shocking news reverberated throughout China. Even the dignitaries and dignitaries in the secret room above looked at the excited Chinese in shock with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"Senior Zhu, kill!"

With one voice and one heart and one mind, both the Chinese boxers and spectators in the stadium, and the Chinese compatriots watching the match outside the stadium, all stood up and shouted, that determination to kill was so shocking that the dark clouds in the sky were shaken away, bright and clear The silver light shone down and enveloped Zhu Zhihong. The old boxer had a serious look on his face, and his heart was moved. His martial arts will was infinitely higher. Behind him were more than 35 million heroic spirits and the support of 140 million compatriots.

At this moment, Zhu Zhihong's realm has entered the peak state of his life. Although his energy and blood are no longer strong, and although his physical strength has declined, he still has the confidence to win and can kill the little beast in front of him in this stadium. , using his blood to pay tribute to the 35 million heroic souls of our compatriots.

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the start of the competition. As long as the bell rings, both parties in the contest cannot admit defeat, but will end up fighting to the death.

Of course, everyone understands that even if the bell does not ring, it is impossible for both of the two people on the field to walk off the field. When Beichen'an took out the scroll, the nature of the competition changed. , it is no longer a simple battle between warriors to determine who is superior, but a blood feud between one nation and another nation. It is the tragedy of the nation and enemies that can never coexist in the world.

The moment the bell rang, Beichen'an exploded. He stepped hard and his body shot out. He raised his right arm suddenly and slashed towards Zhu Zhihong. It was like a sharp samurai sword with a cold glow. , extremely sharp, cut through the void, and made a whistling sound in the air. This was an expression of extremely fast speed.

Beichen'an didn't say hello this time, but struck just when the ringing stopped. It could be said to be a sneak attack. But the rules are impeccable. This is what Japanese samurai often do. They are good at seizing loopholes and carrying out sneak attacks. The bottom line is extremely low. In order to win, they will do whatever it takes.

Zhu Zhihong also moved and took a step back. He did not lose his calmness because of the indignation and anger in his heart. He had never been so calm before. He knew that he was old and frail and his energy and blood were not enough to explode many times. Only by temporarily avoiding the sharp edge, seizing the opportunity, and killing with one strike can this little beast be killed.

There must be no accidents in this process, otherwise, he will be a sinner of the nation, and he will not be able to escape this shame even if he dies a hundred times.

Although Zhu Zhihong's physical strength has declined greatly, he is indeed experienced and can judge Beichen'an's moves very accurately. The distance of one step is exactly the limit distance of Beichen'an's sword. Beichen'an's palm passed in front of his eyes, and he continued Not a single hair was cut off.

Beichen'an frowned slightly, but did not lose it. He stepped forward again and slashed with his arm again. This sword was extremely fast. This is the characteristic of Japanese swordsmanship. It pursues speed and weird and tricky angles. It is full of viciousness and extremely lethality. Great, but he also deviated from the correct path of swordsmanship and embarked on the path of heresy. He has skills but no morals. His artistic conception and courage are too petty and it is difficult to reach the superior state of swordsmanship.

Zhu Zhihong's eyes were fixed on Beichen'an's shoulder. From the changes in his exertion, he could judge Beichen'an's moves. He took a step back again and dodged another knife accurately. The murderous intention in his heart became more and more intense. Awe-inspiring, the momentum is constantly building up.

Beichen'an frowned even more, pressing forward step by step, slashing out one sword after another. This was the sword technique of cutting waves and chasing the wind, which was progressive and continuous, but Zhu Zhihong still moved forward step by step. Backing away, each stroke was just a hair's breadth, making each of Beichen'an's swords look powerful, but they only cut through the air and killed a lonely person.

The thoughts in Beichen'an's mind were a little more impetuous. His brows were furrowed tightly and raised high. His cunning and vicious eyes were full of anger. He took another step forward, slashed out his arms, and cursed loudly.

"Baga, old guy, can you only dodge? You are the sick man of East Asia!"

As soon as he said this, Zhu Zhihong took a step back again, dodged Beichen'an's knife, and took exactly fourteen steps back.

At this time, Zhu Zhihong's momentum had reached its peak. His energy and blood exploded violently, and with a loud roar, his hair and beard stood on end. He was old and heroic, with an aura of incomparable tenacity. He moved forward indomitably, and he was still kind-hearted. He died nine times and still has no regrets.


Zhu Zhihong caught the flaw in Beichen'an's impetuous mind, took half a step forward, and violently punched out his fist. This was the half-step collapse fist in Xingyi Quan. The fist was strong and fierce, and he would rather die than retreat. To be straight and never bow down is the backbone and character of the nation, and there is no room for any bending or concession.

This punch contains fourteen years of suffering, the faith of thirty-five million heroic spirits, and the anger of one hundred and forty million compatriots. The meaning of the punch is grand and heavy, shocking the world and making ghosts and gods weep, even if there are many hidden in the corner. The great masters of martial arts have to admit that this punch is irresistible and irresistible. Even they can only avoid the edge temporarily and dare not resist. This is not about blood and physical strength, but about the soul, spirit and The invincibility of belief, if faced head-on, would be enough to severely impact the martial arts will of Grand Master Dan Jin, causing the realm to reverse, and the gains outweighed the losses.

Beichen'an's energy, blood, and physical strength are very strong. He is a Huajin master, and he is at the peak of his prime. He slashed fourteen times in one go, forcing Zhu Zhihong to retreat fourteen steps in a row, but he was still He couldn't resist Zhu Zhihong's invincible half-step punch.

Countless souls of heroes appeared in Beichen'an's eyes. Countless people shouted loudly at him. Endless righteous beliefs impacted his heart. His spirit collapsed, his will melted, and his body stiffened for an instant. He took an extremely fierce half step. The Beng Fist hit his chest hard, his sternum was shattered, his chest and abdomen collapsed, and the bright red stained the clothes on his chest. His body was knocked away and fell to the ground like a rag, stirring up A little bit of dust.

A scroll rolled out from his chest and landed at Zhu Zhihong's feet. It happened to be opened. The four characters "Sick Man of East Asia" were covered with bright blood, red and very bloody.

Zhu Zhihong bent down for the first time in this competition, picked up the scroll, and looked at the four big characters. He was in a daze. Countless pictures appeared in his mind. Brothers, friends, lovers, and elders all shouted loudly. With no hesitation, he rushed towards the enemy without hesitation. In the hail of bullets, figures fell one after another. In the end, he was the only one left, lonely and determined, and rushed towards the enemy's position. The charge was dyed red with red blood. On the way, an inexplicable sadness surged into my heart.

Zhu Zhihong's old eyes were wet, and he walked towards Beichen'an step by step, holding the scroll tightly in his hand, and stood in front of Beichen'an, looking at the body that was constantly twitching and twisting, his internal organs were broken, there was no hope of saving, but Grandmaster Huajin's vitality is so strong that he can survive for a while, but in the end he will inevitably die.

Zhu Zhihong looked indifferently at Beichen'an, who was bleeding from all his orifices. He was like a ghost in the sea of ​​blood, ferocious and terrifying, with blood flowing across his body, bright red and extremely dazzling.

"It turns out that the blood of animals is also red! How disappointing!"

Zhu Zhihong's face showed a look of extreme disgust. Zhu Zhihong threw the scroll in his hand and it happened to cover Beichen'an. The four big characters unfolded, extremely conspicuous and attracting everyone's attention.

"The sick man of Asia!"

The four big characters gradually became blurred, stained red by blood, and finally could not be seen clearly. Beichen'an's eyes widened, full of unwillingness. He swallowed his last breath, tilted his head, and refused to close his eyes.

At this time, Zhu Zhihong's body was stooped, showing his age and exhaustion. He had just exploded with all his strength. His mind, spirit, blood, and physical energy were all severely overdrawn. He seemed to be crushed by the heavy history and belief. Now he has won. , then I couldn’t hold it any longer.

The first World Martial Arts Conference, the result of the first competition, the Japanese warrior Beichen'an was defeated and died, and the old Chinese Huajin master Zhu Zhihong returned victorious!


The atmosphere in the whole place exploded instantly, and countless people exclaimed. No one expected that this old Huajin Grandmaster would explode in an instant. The situation was reversed, and Beichen'an, who had always had the upper hand, was killed in one fell swoop. It was so shocking and exciting that audiences from all over the world exclaimed that such a fierce and violent game had never happened before. No World Cup or Olympic Games could compare with it. This kind of naked violence and blood is engraved in human genes. Among them, all are now activated.

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

All the Chinese present bowed at the same time and gave a big salute to Zhu Zhihong. This bow was not only for Zhu Zhihong, but for countless heroes and warriors like Zhu Zhihong, who made our country as strong as it is today. , the bright flag that is always flying, represents the perseverance of the Chinese people for five thousand years, the faith that will never bow, and is indestructible!

"Old fellows, your sacrifice was not in vain, it was worth it!"

The wetness in Zhu Zhihong's eyes fell on the field, and he kept walking. Looking at this scene, he only had this thought in his heart, feeling excited and inexplicably relieved.

At this time, Wang Chao, who was in the front row of the auditorium, had an extremely complicated look on his face. He didn't know if he was infected, and he felt vaguely regretful about his defection that day. As soon as this thought came up, Wang Chao killed it and regained his composure. murmured to himself.

"I, Wang Chao, never regret the choices I make!"

"I would rather teach me to betray the world than teach the world to betray me!"

Domineering, selfish, and unruly, this is Wang Chao's nature. He will never repent, be extremely determined, and go all the way to the dark side!

At this time, in the center of the venue, the organizing committee of the martial arts conference entered the venue, and a group of medical staff roughly carried Beichen'an onto a stretcher. However, Beichen'an's chest and abdomen had been completely shattered by the Half-step Bengquan, and his internal organs were completely shattered. He had died long ago. In fact, they did not even move the scroll covering Beichen'an's body. They still covered Beichen'an's body. It was simply perfunctory. Just go through the motions.

Judging from the gritted teeth of this group of medical staff, they may directly send Beichen An to the cremation ground, and burn it to ashes together with the last relic, the scroll with four big characters on it. If no one claims it, it should be Just find a place and raise it.

Ten minutes after the end of the first game, the big computer screen started flashing violently again, with countless names jumping and flashing. The second round of computer ranking has begun again.

"After watching such fighting, I realized that special army fighting training, boxing championship gold belt competition, etc. are not worth mentioning."

In the highest secret box, the ruler of Siberia clenched his fists, his face still flushed with excitement, and his eyes were full of excitement. He turned his head and said to everyone, his eyes still looking towards the center of the venue, unwilling to move. Open your eyes for a second.

The name flashing on the screen finally stopped.

The names of two people were displayed above, but there were no Chinese martial artists among them. It is a typical name of a martial artist from the Middle Eastern world, and a name with a rather ancient European charm.

Hassan Ben Hobo.

Ladd, Frederick.

Among a group of Muslims, Hassan Ben Hobo let out a cold laugh. Wearing a white robe, he stood up and took two steps. Suddenly, with a series of quick steps, his body moved to the center of the field like an arrow. It was a long distance from the high seats to the center of the field, but it took the man a short time. Its speed is more than twice as fast as the Olympic champion's 100-meter sprint world record.

Such physical strength and explosive power shocked countless masters. They all turned their attention to Hassan Ben Hobo in the middle of the field. This man was actually a great master of Danjin. A master of this level could already establish a sect. A great master of martial arts, enough to leave his own legend in history.

Hassan Ben Hobo was wearing a large white robe, with a white cloth wrapped around his head. He had a big eagle nose and his eyes were as yellow as gold crystals. He was a half-old Muslim lecturer. This Hassan Ben Hobo is not a martial artist, but a religious leader.

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