I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2146: Man can conquer heaven and enlighten the holy monk

Wang Chao concentrated all his attention on his heart. In his mind, he could even see some tiny capillaries on his heart. These capillaries were slightly ruptured due to the violent explosion of his heart just now. .

Although these capillary ruptures are not harmful, they will recover on their own over time. But Wang Chao had a clear understanding in his heart and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's no wonder that at the peak of energy, the explosive power of hitting an inch in the air cannot be used much. The heart beats violently. Sure enough, there will be slight damage. One or two times will be fine. But if you use it too much, the little will add up, and the internal injuries will accumulate. In your old age, If the body wears out too much, it will collapse!"

Wang Chao closed his eyes and focused on every part of his body, feeling it carefully. Suddenly, he discovered that there were many tiny little points hidden in the muscles of his body.

My body is like the sky and the universe, and those little dots are like the stars in the sky. Some of these stars have strong light and some have weak light. Wang Chao knew that those were all acupuncture points. Those most sensitive and important acupoints have the strongest light.

"Break the void and see God!"

Wang Chao opened his eyes, narrow and bright, filled with endless joy, and murmured to himself.

Wang Chao stood up above the sea, standing with his hands behind his back, his face full of confidence, he turned his head to look in the direction of the mainland, looking across the sea, his expression was faint, a bit ferocious and twisted, his eyes were full of It was a cold light, with endless edge, and the voice had no warmth at all, like the ice of Jiuyou, chilling to the bones.

"Li Daoqing, I have also entered the highest realm of Chinese martial arts!"

"Just wait, we will definitely fight to the death on the grandest stage. I will defeat you in front of the whole world and become the best master in the world!"

"At that time, Sister Chen will understand that in this world, I am the only one who is worthy of her!"

Wang Chao's calves sank into the sea, and he stepped out towards the beach. He wanted to do something big, to build a grand stage for the decisive battle between him and Li Daoqing, a stage that the whole world could see. He wants to ascend to the throne of the best player in the world under the spotlight of everyone.

The highest plateau in the mainland, the pure and holy Potala Palace, Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen traveled around the world, returned to China again, and came to the most sacred Pure Land Buddhist Kingdom on this plateau.

Tibetans are all devout Buddhists. As the pure land of Buddhism in the hearts of Tibetans, the Potala Palace has an extraordinary status. Countless believers come from far away, kneeling every three steps, prostrating every five steps, wearing thick national characteristics. Clothes, the skin on the face is rough and dry, with a plateau red color, which is caused by long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays. There is also a bluish-purple color on the forehead. He is holding a prayer wheel in his hand, which is constantly turning. There is a six-character Ming Dynasty in it. In the mantra scroll, each rotation of the prayer wheel is equivalent to reciting the mantra once. The more you recite the mantra, the more you show your devotion to the Buddha, and you can escape the suffering of reincarnation.

Countless believers are chanting words, reciting scriptures, shaking prayer wheels, standing up and kneeling, kowtowing and devoutly believing. It is so spectacular that it makes people feel an inexplicable infection. They feel empty, calm and stable, solemn and silent.

Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen strolled among the crowd, following the crowd into the Potala Palace, looking at the magnificence and long-standing historical relics inside, nodding from time to time, and even saw a lottery tube in the main hall, and curiously took it stand up.

Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen are both determined people. They do not believe in immortals and Buddhas. This is true for real martial arts practitioners. They only believe in their own martial arts. The will of martial arts is as strong as gold and iron and cannot be shaken. Otherwise, their minds will deteriorate and their kung fu will be lost. It's useless.

Li Daoqing shook the stick casually, and dozens of wooden picks inside kept rotating. As the speed and strength increased, a wooden stick flew out of the stick.


The wooden sign fell on the ground. Li Daoqing bent down to pick it up. He looked at the signature with his eyes and showed a hint of amusement. It turned out to be a sign, which indicated that Li Daoqing was going to have a bloody disaster and a catastrophe.

Tang Zichen turned his head and took a look, with a funny look on his lips. With his cultivation strength reaching the level of Li Daoqing, there would be no bloody disaster or signs of impending disaster.

"This sign is not allowed!"

Li Daoqing casually threw the wooden sign into the lottery tube and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and looked at the person behind him. When this person appeared, Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen had already noticed it and didn't take it to heart. superior.

This man was wearing a waistcoat and a red monk's skirt, with a dark red cassock about twice as long as his body wrapped diagonally around his shoulders. He looked very young, with a delicate appearance, and his eyes were very clear, like a puddle of autumn water, reflecting everything. Things, it seems that any violent things will become very peaceful in his eyes.

When everyone comes face to face with this young man, they will only notice his eyes and forget his appearance.

"Donor, don't trust me completely, and don't trust me at all. Please be more careful!"

This young monk is holding a string of dark and heavy rosary beads in his hand. The rosary beads are carved with exquisite patterns and are very heavy. The beads are rolling on the fingertips, making a low collision sound. There is a very magical sound in the turning sound of the rosary beads. The effect can make people feel peaceful and peaceful.

"Hey, you have good mental and spiritual cultivation, and you can actually influence people's hearts. Which eminent monk in the Potala Palace are you?"

Li Daoqing felt a subtle mental fluctuation, and knew that the young monk in front of him had an extremely high spiritual level, and he was one of the best among the masters he had ever seen. However, this young man's blood was not strong, and he probably had not practiced Kung Fu. Only delving into the soul and spirit, what is pursued is the liberation and freedom of the soul, which is the path of cultivation for Buddhist ascetics.

"A young monk is just a nobody. How can he be considered a great monk? Donor, you are praising me!"

This young man's state of mind is extremely cultivated, and he has overcome his ambition for fame and fortune. He has a stable and peaceful state of mind, and does not seek externally. He is satisfied with the stability and tranquility of his heart. He has a certain artistic conception of body as Bodhi and mind as bright mirror.

Li Daoqing didn't bother to explore the identity of this young monk and said with a smile.

"Little monk, you can't believe what you say, and you must not disbelieve it!"

"But I don't agree. I only believe that my destiny is determined by me and not by God. Man can conquer God!"

When Li Daoqing said these words, his aura changed drastically, and he became majestic and majestic. In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one who respects himself. What he respects is not his own self, but his true nature. If he realizes this nature, he can realize Bodhi and achieve the fruit of enlightenment.

After that, Li Daoqing shook the lotus tube in his hand again, and another wooden sign flew out. Before it hit the ground, Li Daoqing caught it, his eyes focused, and he looked again, and saw another sign, indicating an ominous sign.

The young monk and Tang Zichen couldn't help but twitching at the corners of their mouths as they looked at the stick and signed the lottery. They thought that Li Daoqing was so powerful that he would change his life against the will of heaven and pulled out a stick to sign the lottery. Unexpectedly, it was still like this. Inexplicably, he had some thoughts. The urge to laugh.

Fortunately, both Tang Zichen and the young monk have extremely high spiritual realms and are very capable of controlling their emotions. They generally would not laugh out loud because of such trivial matters.

Li Daoqing seemed to feel the strange gazes of the two people, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly, twitching the corners of his mouth, narrowing his eyes slightly, and with a bit of seriousness, he once again threw in the lottery he had just shaken out. The lottery tube shook vigorously again, and he was still struggling to explain.

"It was just an accident. This time I will definitely be able to get one to sign!"

Before he finished speaking, a wooden stick flew out. Tang Zichen stretched out his hand, like a stream of light, and grabbed the wooden stick in his hand. He took a look and saw that the corners of his mouth were twitching. A smile appeared in his calm and cold eyes, and his eyebrows were curved. , with a smile overflowing, he looked playfully at Li Daoqing, whose face was ashen, and signed another sign.

The young monk's eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a faint smile appeared, and his body twitched slightly. He seemed to be unable to control his urge to laugh, so he lowered his head quickly and tried very hard to control himself.

Li Daoqing's eyes became a little sharper, he gritted his teeth, his face was drooped, and he was very gloomy. He shook the lottery tube again. He still didn't believe in evil. He was a great master who only had his own way and showed himself to others. How could he be so lucky? Back, how is that possible?


A wooden stick flew out, and the stick was drawn, and the stick was shaken.


"It's better to sign!"

Li Daoqing shook out wooden picks one after another. More than ten wooden picks were shaken out in a row, and each time he signed, it was strange.

Tang Zichen and the young monk could no longer control their urge to laugh. They laughed loudly, which made Li Daoqing's face become extremely dark and gloomy. Two flames rose up in his eyes, burning fiercely and extremely vigorously.

Li Daoqing stared at the tube tightly, gritting his teeth in a horrifying way, shaking his hand vigorously, and pulled out a wooden stick again. Li Daoqing picked it up, frowned, and signed it!

Li Daoqing's brows suddenly relaxed, his eyes were full of joy, and a bright smile bloomed on his face. He showed off the top sign to Tang Zichen and the young monk. He was extremely proud, with a bit of excitement in his voice.

"What do you think? I'll just say that my fate is up to me and not God, and man can conquer God. As expected, it's like I won the lottery!"

Tang Zichen and the young monk's faces were extremely stiff, and the corners of their mouths kept twitching. They were very speechless. After shaking the lotus tube so many times, they only got one up and down, and the others were down and down. Is this what Li Daoqing said about changing fate against the will of heaven, and man can conquer nature? , this probability is too small. Even if ordinary people are unlucky, they will not be so unlucky.

Li Daoqing didn't care what the two of them thought. He put down the lotus tube with satisfaction, reached out and took Tang Zichen's jade hand, turned and walked outside, leaving this Buddhist holy land, the pure land on earth.

After a long time, the young monk picked up the stick put down by Li Daoqing, shook it casually, and a wooden stick flew out with a sign indicating good luck.

Seeing this, the young monk couldn't help but shake his head slightly, with a smile on his face, and put the wooden skewer into the holder.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps. Several old monks came to stand behind the young monk, bowed respectfully, and said piously.

"Holy Monk!"

The young monk turned around, still holding the lotus tube in his hand, and looked at the monks. He looked solemn, holy and majestic, and said softly.

"Get up, no need to be polite!"

An old monk with white hair and beard looked at the lotus tube in the holy monk's hand, with a gentle expression and a smile, and asked curiously.

"Why is the holy monk interested in asking for a signature?"

"The holy monk has a precious destiny, so he must have received the best lottery!"

The young holy monk looked down at the lotus tube in his hand, put it aside and said with a smile.

"It's true that I got the top lottery!"

"I just met an interesting person. I drew the lottery more than a dozen times, and he always placed the lottery. It's really funny!"

The old monk couldn't help but be stunned, and a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes. There are such unlucky people in the world. This must be such bad luck!

"I'm afraid this person is suffering from bad luck. It's really rare!"

The holy monk suppressed his smile, looked solemn, glanced at the lotus tube, glanced at the monks, looked solemn, and said in a solemn voice.

"On the contrary, he finally got the top lottery!"

"That doesn't mean anything. After drawing more than a dozen times, I only got the lottery once. This is already extremely bad luck!"

The old monk was puzzled and looked at the holy monk with a bit of confusion, wondering what the meaning of his words was.

"Man is determined to defeat nature. Didn't he change his fate in the end against nature? The lottery from the bottom to the bottom turned into the top of the lottery. That's enough!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic figure appeared in the heart of the young holy monk, with a smile on his lips, and a thought flew out. A supreme true Buddha appeared and sat under a towering Bodhi tree. This Bodhi tree has colorful divine light. , shining all over the world. Under the seat is a twelve-grade golden lotus, exuding compassion and peace. In front of it is an eight-treasure merit pool, in which countless golden lotuses sway slightly with the water, bright and beautiful, and there are even golden carp in it. Wandering. Three large relics are suspended above the Buddha's head. They are white and round, with immeasurable light, immeasurable life, and immeasurable wisdom. The light of wisdom illuminates the heavens, enlightening wisdom and guiding the direction for all sentient beings. There is the power of endless faith in the void. For the waterfall, they gather towards the golden body of Buddha, the sound of reciting scriptures resounds in the sky, it is peaceful and stable, the supreme pure land.

"Children can be taught!"

A clear voice sounded deep in the heart of the young holy monk, and countless true meanings of Buddhism emerged, making his eyes appear enlightened. He sat cross-legged, and countless mantras of the great path rang out, filling the depths of his soul, and his soul was full of stability. , the light of wisdom shines, countless insights come to mind, absorbed and digested, the soul and spirit continue to rise, entering the unknown place, the soul shines brightly, and great joy, great wisdom, and great stability arise.

After an unknown amount of time, the young holy monk slowly opened his clear eyes, his eyes were soft and solemn, he clasped his hands together, lowered his head and chanted.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

All the monks gathered around the holy monk to protect him. When they saw him waking up, they all stood up and saluted, and congratulated him in unison.

"Congratulations to the holy monk for attaining the path to Bodhi and becoming the Tathagata of Enlightenment!"

That's right, after being enlightened by a thought from Li Daoqing, the young holy monk has reached the spiritual realm of the sincerity, not seeing or hearing, and avoiding danger. In Confucianism, this kind of spiritual cultivation is the realm of sages, and in Taoism, Among them, they are called deities. In Buddhism, those who achieve this state are the Tathagata of Enlightenment and the path to enlightenment.

On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the grasslands are endless, and everything is green as far as the eye can see. The blue sky is as clear as a wash, which makes people feel relaxed. The white clouds in the sky are extremely low, holy and pure, and you can reach them with your hands.

Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen were walking between heaven and earth, with an open mind, a quiet soul, and joy. Suddenly, they stopped at the same time, looked back, smiled at each other, and whispered.

"That young monk really has spiritual roots, is naturally wise, and has attained the path to Bodhi. My enlightenment to him is not in vain!"

Li Daoqing was originally not involved with the young monk, but the young holy monk's kind reminder caught Li Daoqing's eyes, and then he used people to conquer heaven, asked for fortune-telling, and enlightened the young monk.

The young holy monk is also very wise and has some understanding. He did not miss the opportunity and good fortune, and he realized the path and fruit of Bodhi in one fell swoop. He achieved the path of sincerity, which is considered a profound blessing.

With Li Daoqing's current state, just giving him a few pointers would be good luck, great luck, and great blessing to others.

"You are also weird. Every time you draw the lower and lower numbers, you are so unlucky! If you hadn't drawn the upper and upper numbers in the end, how would you have ended up?"

Tang Zichen rolled his eyes. It was true that Li Daoqing counted the little monk, but it was also true that he had bad luck. Originally, he only had to roll out and sign for the second time, but who knew that Li Daoqing had bad luck and shook for more than ten times in a row? Every time, they were all signing, and they almost couldn’t get off the stage.

Li Daoqing also looked aggrieved, shrugged his shoulders, looked up at the sky speechlessly, and sighed.

"I don't want to either!"

"The worst case scenario is that I will appear as a saint in front of others and just enlighten him directly!"

"Just doing that seems a bit embarrassing. Look at the fairy tales in myths and legends. They all pretend to be gods and ghosts and keep their posture high!"

Li Daoqing muttered, remembering the embarrassing scene just now, and he couldn't control it. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't dare to look at Tang Zichen who looked at him with a joking look, and quickly changed the topic.

"I have a feeling in my heart. I am afraid that your disciple has achieved the highest state of national martial arts, and has achieved the state of breaking the void and seeing the gods as indestructible!"

"I'm afraid he will be restless again and cause trouble for me!"

Tang Zichen was slightly startled when he heard the words, and his expression was a little more sighing. He sighed, held Li Daoqing's big hand with his white and soft jade hands, and said firmly.

"He has already left the army and needs to be responsible for his own choices!"

"You don't have to worry about me!"

Li Daoqing withdrew his gaze, looked at Tang Zichen who was serious, nodded and whispered.

"I have spared him three times. If he provokes me again, I will not show mercy!"

Tang Zichen nodded understandingly, Li Daoqing had done all he could to be benevolent and righteous, and if Wang Chao didn't realize it, he wouldn't be able to blame anyone even if he died.

The more Tang Zichen knew about Li Daoqing, the more he understood that Wang Chao was no match for Li Daoqing anyway, and challenging Li Daoqing would only lead to death.

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