I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2127: Falsely preaching Ten Thousand Volumes of Scripture, but really preaching one sentence

Li Daoqing looked at the surprised Ba Liming. There was a slight smile on his handsome and heroic cheeks. He was natural, elegant and kind, and even looked a little bright and innocent. The eyes were slightly narrowed, clear and agile, pure and pure, like the eyes of a child, unable to hide any secrets.

In Ba Liming's eyes, it was so unfathomable, and there were many thoughts in his heart. A vague thought arose in Ba Liming's heart, but he couldn't believe it. The path of national martial arts was to the point where he could break the void and see that the gods were indestructible. The realm has reached the end of martial arts.

Ba Liming is now a great master of the realm of not bad martial arts. He and the leader of the god assassination group have the same understanding, that is, after practicing the martial arts to this level, there is no way forward. This is the feeling deep in their hearts. The limit of what the world can accommodate is not made without reason.

Martial arts practitioners all have amazing intuitions, which sometimes seem so outrageous, but they firmly believe in them. In the end, the facts proved that this kind of martial artist's intuition is right and has been fulfilled.

Now, something is wrong with Ba Liming. Deep in his heart, two completely different reactions occurred. One is to break the void and see that the gods are indestructible. This is the highest level of national martial arts. At the end, there is no way forward. The other induction is Li Daoqing has broken through the shackles, once again took a step above the supreme realm of Chinese martial arts, explored a new path, and turned the impossible into possible.

Facing such two contradictory feelings, Ba Liming was confused for a moment. His face changed and he was stunned. From time to time, his tiger eyes looked at Li Daoqing. He hesitated and hesitated. It's not like the character and style of Ba Crazy Demon, the King of Martial Arts.

Li Daoqing's eyes were gentle and soft. He moved his gaze and looked at Chen Aiyang aside. There was a faint sound of thunder in his body, buzzing and vibrating. The skin, muscles, bones and even blood of his whole body were so vibrated that his whole body seemed to be electrocuted. Average, even looking a little funny, the black hair on his head stood up, becoming an afro, non-mainstream, this is extremely rare for Chen Aiyang, he always gives people the impression of being elegant, gentle, and a humble gentleman.

The sound of thunder was also mixed with the sound of frogs, which woke up Ba Liming. He turned to look at Chen Aiyang, looking at the long hair standing up, he was slightly stunned, with a bit of surprise in his eyes. , it is true that the image has changed a bit, which makes people laugh. Ba Liming is a great master of boxing, proficient in hundreds of boxing schools, and knows all the sects. Listening to the thunder and crowing of frogs in his ears, he frowned slightly and whispered muttered.

"The Diaochan Jin of the Wudang Golden Toad Sect! The Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound of the Xingyi Fist?"

Baliming's ears stood up, listening to the low thundering sound. The croaking frogs gradually disappeared completely. His brows were furrowed, and his thick and slender face was erect, like two sharp swords, thrust straight into the sky, and his face was waiting for him. A little confused, he shook his head in surprise and said again.

"No! This is not the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound in Xingyi Fist!"

The bright sunshine fell, shining on Chen Aiyang's body. It was golden, like a golden feather robe, sacred and noble. As the sound of thunder gradually became louder, the golden sunshine faintly dimmed, and it seemed that it had penetrated into Chen Aiyang's body. Inside the body, the temperament on the body also has a bit more warmth and sunshine.

Ba Liming's eyes tightened, only as big as the tip of a needle, as if he saw some unbelievable sight. The muscles in his whole body contracted and tightened, and millions of pores were closed. Qi and blood surged up, rushing straight to his head. His face was fierce and rough. Full of blood, he opened his mouth with difficulty and turned to look at Li Daoqing. His voice was hoarse and sharp, which was very unpleasant.

"This is swallowing the spiritual essence of heaven and earth, collecting the essence of the sun and the moon!"

In Chinese martial arts, there is a method to collect the essence of the sun and the moon, and the heart and mind integrate the laws of the movement of the sun and the moon. The heart and mind act according to this law, and finally achieve the goal of doing it naturally without seeking it deliberately. Even an ordinary person can improve his physical condition, reach the point of infinite strength, and prolong life. It is a method of cultivating the body. It’s not really about swallowing the essence of the sun and moon into the body.

Ba Liming has now achieved the fruit of Bodhi, achieved the highest level of national martial arts, and has amazing eyesight. He can guarantee that Chen Aiyang really swallowed the essence of sunlight just now. How is this possible?

Li Daoqing nodded, his face still calm, with a slight smile, his eyebrows were crooked, and he felt a little funny. It was very interesting that Ba Liming was so frightened by Chen Aiyang's performance. Dan's lips parted slightly, his voice was clear and clear, without any surprise.

"It's just a little trick, it's hard to live up to the standards of elegance, and it makes you laugh, Master Ba!"

Ba Liming kept opening and closing his mouth. There was always a civilized word in his heart that he wanted to blurt out to express his inner surprise. However, looking at Li Daoqing who looked calm, he wisely kept this sentence in his heart and closed it. mouth.

Baliming took a deep breath through his nose. The breath was extremely long, like a bellows pulling, making a whirring sound. Baliming's abdomen inflated, as if he was pregnant for ten months. Then he managed to suppress the shock in his heart. In his heart, he was extremely certain that Li Daoqing had definitely surpassed the realm of breaking through the void and seeing the immortality of gods. He once again took a step forward and found the way forward for national martial arts. He achieved a feat that had never been done before in history. It can be said that The last word was Taozu.

Countless light spots in Chen Aiyang's body emerged in his mind, and each light spot hid endless mysteries. However, he was insufficient in cultivation and lacked kung fu. Although he had activated the "Thunder Sound of Creation" method, it made his body All the acupoints in his body vibrated endlessly, forming a resonance, but they still could not be opened. After achieving the state of seeing the gods and being indestructible, his thoughts turned into a sword of wisdom, cutting off the feeling of loss in his heart, and once again restored the Gujing Wubo state of mind. He slowly opened his eyes, and in the depths of his eyes there was an endless starry sky, mixed with endless thunder, as if a big world was hidden.

Li Daoqing did not make a breakthrough against Chen Aiyang, and did not show any surprise or disappointment. After all, Chen Aiyang had just stepped into the Gangjin Grand Master, and his energy, blood and kung fu were insufficient, and he still needed some time to accumulate knowledge.

"Yes, you have already glimpsed the secret of breaking the void and seeing the immortality of gods. As long as you follow the steps, you can step into this realm in up to three years!"

Chen Aiyang has a calm personality, a calm mind, and is elegant and harmonious. Nodding, with the air of not being happy for things or feeling sad for oneself, he congratulated Ba Liming who had made a breakthrough.

But Ba Liming looked at Chen Aiyang with envy. Compared with breaking the void and seeing the gods, Ba Liming understood that Chen Aiyang had Li Daoqing as his master, and he would definitely be able to surpass this realm in the future. This was the greatest opportunity.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries and returned to the house together. They talked about boxing and kung fu, and exchanged ideas with each other. As the saying goes, if three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher. Ba Liming got a lot of kung fu secrets back then, and he learned from others' strengths and quoted from others. It can be called a living dictionary of Chinese martial arts. His understanding of boxing is very profound. Some of his ideas even inspired Li Daoqing.

Of course, Li Daoqing's whimsical ideas benefited Ba Liming and Chen Aiyang a lot. Only then did they understand that listening to your words is worth ten years of reading. It was indeed a lie.

After Ba Liming's breakthrough, he did not leave the capital. Instead, he bought a house in the suburbs of the capital, not far from Zhou Binglin's courtyard, and lived there. He often came to ask Li Daoqing for advice. Over time, he became acquainted with Li Daoqing. They also became friends and got along very harmoniously.

It's October now, and although the weather has gradually cooled down, the aftertaste of the autumn tiger is still there. The sun hangs in the sky, shining down hard, making people sweat. However, the Summer Palace is full of clear water, green trees, cool breeze, and a cool world.

After Zhou Binglin had breakfast, he came to the park again, preparing to play chess with Lao Litou and others. He came a little early, and the group of uncles hadn't eaten yet, so they had to wait for a while, so they wandered around the park. When I got up, I suddenly heard two young voices, and they were actually talking about boxing and kung fu. I couldn't help but feel curious, stopped, and looked around.

"You have strength now, but the energy in your whole body is very thick and has not become thinner. What I am teaching you is Zhuang Kung Fu, which can make your energy thinner. In this way, when you kick, no matter how hard you jump, you will not get sprained. sinews.”

A young man of about twenty years old, with an average appearance and a mediocre temperament, was wearing a gray sportswear. Standing in front of him was a pretty and charming girl. The man stretched out his hand like a snake's head and placed it flat on his chest. The other hand gently pressed on the waist. The legs move forward and backward, making a snake-like posture of running forward without moving. This is another demonstration of the pile skill in Xingyiquan.

The girl looked sweet and sunny. She raised her head and watched the man's demonstration. She didn't move for a few minutes. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and her small mouth was pouted. She was pink, plump and very attractive. She asked incomprehensively.

"Does standing still like this really have any effect?"

"Standing does not mean that you do not move, but that you move slightly, not moving your body, but moving your ligaments and muscles."

The man asked the woman to perform the same movements as him, corrected her movements bit by bit, pointed out the key points and mysteries, and explained them in his mouth.

"The kicking method of Taekwondo is to exert force from the Achilles tendon muscles, transfer it to the thigh, and then turn the waist. It explodes in an instant and kicks out. It is very fierce and powerful. What you have to do now is to slow down your movements and feel the instantaneous force. The process is like a slow-motion decomposition in the camera.”

"First, the muscles of the tendons of the feet move, and then the muscles of the calves, knees, thighs, and waist are affected. Only the muscles and skin are moved, and the body is not moved. Use your mind to command them to move gently."

The man was very familiar with the force-generating techniques of Taekwondo, and he also had a good understanding of the power of boxing. He guided the woman's practice bit by bit. His words were concise and comprehensive, explained in simple terms, and very vivid. People could understand the truth at once, and Zhou Binglin secretly I was amazed and started to love talents.

"You move slowly like this, shaking your body, shaking slowly, from your feet to your waist, step by step. It's like sifting sand on a construction site. The more you sift, the finer it becomes. It's better to move small than to move big. This way you can Slowly strengthen your muscles and ligaments so that when you exert force, you won't get strained or sprained."

The girl seemed to be very convinced by the man's words, with a bright light on her face. She looked at the man in front of her with admiration and made corrections little by little as he explained.

"You need to develop a keen perception. If you are not sensitive, you will not be able to practice kung fu. When moving, your spirit and mind must move slowly with the muscles."

The man looked at the girl's movements and was still a little dissatisfied. He frowned slightly and explained again.

The girl was a little puzzled and confused. She had been practicing Taekwondo before and had never been exposed to Chinese martial arts. Some time ago, something happened. The Korean Taekwondo coach returned to China. She had no one to guide her, so she had to ask for help. Man. They are old classmates. Before, this man was very inconspicuous and even gave up the college entrance examination. But recently, she learned from her father that the man now has become a famous boxing master, with profound kung fu and great achievements. He also has the reputation of being an invincible king. .

That's right, the man and woman in front of him are Wang Chao and his high school female squad leader Cao Jingjing. After several years of training, Wang Chao has entered the realm of Huajin Grandmaster. Under the arrangement of the army, he and many The great boxers competed in martial arts and even defeated the dragon and tiger master of the Shaolin Temple. He was so famous that he was called the Invincible King by many boxing masters in the capital. They believed that he could be compared with Yang Luchan, who had beaten all the invincible opponents in the capital.

“What is God and will?”

Cao Jingjing stared at Wang Chao blankly. She didn't quite understand the expressions in these Chinese martial arts. She stared at Wang Chao with her big eyes blinking, waiting for him to answer his questions.

Wang Chao felt speechless for a moment, thought for a while, and then gave an example.

"This. Now you are slightly exerting force from your heels, imagining that someone is holding a sharp knife, and the blade is going to cut your skin at any time, and your skin trembles. This is sensitivity, which means that both God and mind Put it in that place. Wherever you move, there must be this sharp perception in that place to count. If not, search carefully. Only when you find this feeling can you practice kung fu."

What Chao taught Cao Jingjing was the essence of the authentic pile method, which is to turn rough strength into fine pieces, just like sifting through sand. It is a skill that truly nourishes strong ligaments, tendons and tendons. This posture is a frame for drilling and punching. When used as a stance, you can slightly move your waist and leg muscles.

Wang Chao did not teach Cao Jingjing the three-body posture. The three-body posture requires moving the spine. It is the essence of boxing. It is also the most difficult to understand and cannot be taught immediately. But the principles of the pile technique have been thoroughly explained. Whether Cao Jingjing can understand it depends on her own skills.

Cao Jingjing stood tall, looked at Wang Chao with big eyes, and asked curiously.

"You just teach me this little thing? Nothing else?"

Wang Chao nodded and looked at Cao Jingjing, who was a little dissatisfied, with a half-smile but not a smile. These things were all true. In the past, except for direct disciples, it was impossible for others to learn.

"This is enough for you to learn, you must know that you can bite off more than you can chew!"

Cao Jingjing was a little disappointed. She thought the kung fu in Chinese martial arts was as magical as in martial arts novels, so she muttered.

"Aren't there other things like tendons, acupuncture points, luck, and meditation?"

"Hahahaha, most of those things are deceptive. Only by practicing kung fu to the highest level and becoming familiar with every inch of flesh and blood in your body to an unparalleled degree can you perceive these things. In the beginning, Just talk about this, it must be false, you think martial arts is some mysterious thing, Bai Juyi's poems must be read so that an illiterate old woman can understand them, then they are considered good poems."

Wang Chao laughed loudly and was amused by Cao Jingjing's idea, but he also understood that when he met Tang Zichen, he had the same idea. Only when he truly stepped into the practice of national martial arts could he know what the real kung fu was. It's so mysterious and unpredictable, but it's more a result of hard work.

Cao Jingjing nodded with some disappointment, her big and bright eyes dimmed a bit, and she rolled her eyes at Wang Chao with a charming look.

"I always feel that your explanation is too simple and straightforward! It is completely inconsistent with the mystery of martial arts in my mind!"

Wang Chao sensed the ever-present gaze, his muscles tensed slightly and his hair stood on end. He turned his head to look deep into the woods behind him and said softly.

"If you want me to explain it in a profound way, that's fine. There are many terminology in the boxing secrets to deceive outsiders!"

"Only those who can use simple situations in life to explain the profound principles of kung fu are the boxing masters who truly integrate life into martial arts. The kind of person who teaches you kung fu but you don't understand it is a martial arts practitioner. Not home."

Cao Jingjing seemed to understand. She looked at Wang Chao with clear eyes. She felt that his demeanor and demeanor at this time were different from the people she had seen in school. He was particularly charming. She lowered her head slightly and said softly.

"So, you are a martial arts master?"

Wang Chao did not answer Cao Jingjing's question, his eyes were dark and dark, thoughts were surging in his heart, and he suddenly shouted deep into the woods.

"My friend, you've been listening there for so long and you still haven't come out?"

Zhou Binglin didn't expect that Wang Chao's perception was so sharp. He was a little surprised. He ducked out from behind the big tree. He was a little embarrassed. He originally thought that Wang Chao was just a novice in boxing. He was interested in talents and wanted to give him some advice. , but as Wang Chao gave Cao Jingjing guidance, he understood that Wang Chao was also a martial arts master and did not need his guidance at all, so he did not show up. It was just embarrassing that Wang Chao still discovered his figure, so he had to Came out to meet him.

Zhou Binglin walked toward the two of them. When he was about ten meters away, he stood still and his eyes stayed on Wang Chao's young face for a moment. Then he looked at Cao Jingjing aside and laughed loudly.

"Little girl, you may have never heard of a sentence, falsely preaching Ten Thousand Volumes of Scripture, but really preaching a sentence!"

"This young man can describe Kung Fu training as sifting sand, very vividly and vividly. This metaphor is very good!"

"I didn't expect to meet a practitioner here who is well versed in the principles of internal medicine. Young man, your explanation of Zhuang Gong is so clear that even ordinary people can understand it. It shows that you have a deep understanding. But Master It’s better not to flaunt this title randomly. If you were in the old society, it would be terrible, because anyone who wants to compete with you will have to cross the threshold.”

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