I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2123 Ba Liming, the King of Martial Arts

Hebei Prison has a five- to six-meter wall erected with an electric grid on top. Only one gate is tightly closed. The entire gate is made of steel. It is extremely thick, five to six centimeters thick, enough to withstand armor penetration. Bullets were fired, and outside the wall, there were soldiers standing guard with weapons in their hands and sharp eyes, constantly patrolling the surroundings. This shows how tightly guarded the prison is.

There are two people standing behind Wu Wenhui, one of whom is wearing a white training uniform with a red belt tied around his waist. He has a graceful figure, standing tall and proud, with beautiful appearance, smooth and white skin, and his palms are different from ordinary people. Except for the thumb, it is as long as four fingers. , after just one glance, I felt the sharp edge and couldn't help but blink.

This person is none other than Yan Yuanyi, the instructor of Changfeng's ace unit and a warrior at the Danjin Grandmaster level. He is powerful, fierce in style, and will not be outdone by women.

The other man was about 1.8 meters tall and burly, wearing a canvas camouflage uniform and holding a large, thick and long gun barrel in his hand.

The barrel of this big gun is as thick as a goose egg, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to grasp it! In particular, the entire gun body and gun head are integrated, black and shiny, with a heavy metallic sheen, just like a big iron rod. Moreover, this pole is made of pure steel, very long, very long! It is between three and four meters tall, almost as tall as two people! It is longer than an ordinary wooden gun.

A large steel gun, three to four meters long and as thick as a goose egg, shows its heavy weight. The gun barrel in the man's hand kept rotating, and the gun handle rolled slightly on the ground, making a rumbling sound, as if a rock was rolling down. The momentum was huge.

This big steel gun has a sharp tip, like a needle point, and both edges are also sharp, and its cold light flashes, making people terrified.

The whole gun is full of a sense of power and oppression. Holding it in this man's hand, it feels like being on an ancient battlefield, with thousands of troops and horses fighting bloody battles. One person, one horse and one gun, marching directly into the company camp. The head of the gun pierced out, cold light flashed, blood splashed, ghosts cried and gods howled.

This man is the instructor of the Sword Ace Unit, Liu Mubai, who is also a master of Dan Jin. He is very powerful and very dangerous.

Liu Mubai practiced the Yin Talisman Spear. The Yin Talisman was a method of secret communication in the ancient army. It also represented killing and fighting. The Yin Talisman Spear meant the spearmanship on the battlefield.

This kind of martial arts is Liu Mubai's family kung fu. From ancient times to the present, there are only a few perineal talisman spears in society, but they have all been lost. Wang Zongyue during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty once wrote a manual of yin talisman spears, but there are only theories in it. , there is no specific practice method. Wang Zongyue is Chen Changxing, Yang Luchan’s Tai Chi master. He changed Chenjiagou's cannon-beating and Changquan into Tai Chi. He was a martial arts master and the main creator of Chen style Tai Chi.

Speaking of Liu Mubai, he and Zhou Binglin have a relationship. At that time, Qigong craze was rising in society, and Zhou Binglin once held a Tai Chi class. Liu Mubai wanted to learn the Tai Chi pole, which is also the Tai Chi gun, in Sun style Tai Chi. I changed my name and joined the class.

Who knew that Zhou Binglin only taught those fluffy twenty-four postures, and naturally could not teach the real thing, which made Liu Mubai very angry.

That night, Liu Mubai raised a large wooden gun and, in front of Zhou Binglin, killed more than a dozen flies on the window in three seconds, showing off his extremely skillful marksmanship. However, Zhou Binglin's expression did not change, and he did not show any signs of anger. A look of surprise.

At that time, Liu Mubai's strength was not as good as Zhou Binglin's. He was new to Huajin, so he would not be afraid of Zhou Binglin, who was known as the Little Martial God.

Behind Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai, there were five or six people, fully armed, holding weapons in their hands. They looked solemn, silent, and did not say a word. Everyone stood up straight, like an ancient pine, with a very suppressed aura.

Wu Wenhui looked back, stepped out, walked into the big iron door, and entered the heavily guarded prison.

"Let's go and meet this Ba Liming, Ba Crazy Demon, the King of Martial Arts!"

Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai glanced sideways at each other, with a somewhat dignified look in their eyes. There was a strong momentum rising from their bodies, and their fighting spirit was about to be suppressed. This is the instinct of martial arts practitioners. When they see a master, they will I want to challenge myself, compete, and decide the outcome.

The two stepped forward, leaving a trail of marks on the hard ground. Several fully armed warriors followed closely behind them, showing no signs of emotion. They were cold and ruthless, like robots.

In the deepest cell, there was a loud stamping sound, bang bang bang, and the ground shook like an earthquake. And there seemed to be a barrage of cannons fired inside.

Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai's ears twitched, their eyes looked shocked, and when they looked at each other, a human figure appeared in their heads. They were practicing boxing and kicking in a closed room. The wind of the boxing was so strong that the wall crackled and vibrated, as if Big waves emptying and slamming!

What a powerful ear and hearing Master Danjin has! As soon as you hear the strong wind and the loud stamping of feet coming from the prison, you know that the practitioners have reached the stage where strong winds will explode with just a random movement of the body, and they will fight against the cloth. This is indeed the last step. Realm is only one step away.

At that time, Li Shuwen, the sharpshooter, practiced in a small secret room with a radius of three to four feet. He fought with fists and kicks, and the strong wind blew, making the windows rattle. Sometimes there was a violent explosion, and the wooden windows and the thick paper window paper were all blown away. The strong wind shook. The strong wind beat against the walls, just like the waves hitting the rocks. People who entered the small secret room were immediately suffocated by the strong wind and were shaken to the point of dizziness.

The five or six fully-armed warriors with cold expressions behind them also had expressions that were a little more fluctuating, as they were shocked by the terrifying fist wind.

Only Wu Wenhui remained calm, as if he didn't hear the sound of the waves, and walked into the room next to the sound.

There are huge iron window railings and large iron doors. The room is pitch black with no lights. It’s hard to see what’s inside. The strong wind and stomping sounds just now have disappeared. It’s quiet, as if it’s an empty house. There’s nothing there. A little bit angry inside.

With a bang, two soldiers with live ammunition opened the large iron door of the prison. They seemed to be accustomed to such situations and were not surprised. This old man goes crazy every night and makes huge noises in the middle of the night.

With a buzzing sound, the fifty-watt light bulb was turned on, and a man fell down on a large iron bed.

Ba Liming, the king of martial arts thirty years ago, the great master of martial arts and divine power, Gang Jin, appeared in front of everyone.

Ba Liming's hair is half a foot long, jet black, without a trace of gray. Especially when he inhales, his hair stands straight up, as if it were electrified, but when he exhales, it falls down again. Angry hair can reach the crown, and it can actually be seen in reality, which is called miraculous.

Ba Liming has good skin on his face and looks like a middle-aged man, but the beard on his chin and long hair make him look older. The beard is very big and thick, all over his cheeks. The roots are clearly defined, like a sharp sword, and it looks very piercing.

These are not the most eye-catching things for Yan Yuan and others, but the huge steel shackles on his hands and feet are the most eye-catching!

The iron rings of those shackles were as thick as eggs and very long, about three to four meters long, and they were coiled around him like ropes. The shackles on both hands also have a large iron lock, which is square and about the size of a child's head. The shackles on his feet were the same, dragging two lead balls as big as basketballs. The weight on this body may not be two to three hundred kilograms. Such a heavy weight pressed on Ba Liming's body, but it made people feel lighter than silk.

Although he clearly heard the sound of the cell door opening and felt the dazzling light, Ba Liming still closed his eyes and sat on the bed, motionless, breathing evenly, his hair rising and falling with his breathing, and paying no attention to any movement from the outside world.

Huge shackles and iron chains, a beard as tall as sword grass, and hair standing straight! Baliming sat on the bed, with a turtle-shaped crane back, big and drooping ears, wider and slender hands. Everything showed that Baliming contained an extremely ancient and mysterious aura. Earth-shattering explosive power!

Yan Yuanyi only glanced at Ba Liming, then slid away and looked at the layout of the prison room. This is a single prison with a small area, only about 20 square meters. The furnishings are simple, just a bed and a cabinet. The bed is very large, made of hard cement board. The quilt is rolled to one side, and the person sits on the bed.

The large wooden cabinet at the bedside is filled with huge thick glass jars, fixed with iron shelves. The glass jars are all filled with medicinal wine, and a whole cobra is soaked in it. It is snake wine, which is good for rheumatism. , arthritis and other types of arthritis have special effects.

There was a large piece of bone soaked in some jars, and Yan Yuanyi could tell at a glance that it was tiger bones, tiger bone wine, a good medicine for strengthening bones and tendons. There are also several large jars containing liquids concocted from precious herbs and pills. There were some books and magazines placed on the lower floor of the cabinet. Yan Yuanyi glanced at them, then passed by and looked at the ground.

The concrete in the middle of the ground was stamped on for a long time, leaving a huge hole that was almost half a person's height. At first glance, it looked like a trap cellar dug in front of the bed. Inside the pit was exposed mud as smooth as a mirror, which was harder than steel after being trampled by Baliming.

Yan Yuanyi's heart trembled, her face became more solemn, and she thought secretly in her heart.

"The life in prison is pure and lonely, which is the best environment for practicing martial arts. Guo Yunshen, the great master of Xingyi at that time, also practiced his boxing skills to the pinnacle after three years in prison. And the man in front of me has been imprisoned for a long time. Thirty years, far more terrifying than Guo Yunshen!"

Liu Mubai also had the same look on his face, his face was extremely solemn, he was holding the big steel gun shaft tightly in his hand, the veins on the back of his hand were exposed, and an extremely sharp spear intent emanated from the depths.


Like gold and iron vibrating, Ba Liming suddenly opened his eyes, wild and heroic, with piercing eyes, and looked at Liu Mubai beside him. The sharp spear intent he just felt was coming from this person.

Ba Liming immediately felt a sharp punch, and his eyes moved to look at Yan Yuanyi next to Liu Mubai. A smile gradually appeared on his rough cheeks, and he let out a loud burst of laughter. The laughter vibrated from the vocal cords of his throat. , a small wind blew in this small room of more than 20 square meters, and the walls vibrated with a buzzing sound, which was extremely frightening.

"I'm really lucky today. I actually saw two rare masters of Danjin!"

"One is practicing the Yin Talisman Spear, and the other is practicing the Emei Ci!"

Ba Liming has profound kung fu, has seen a lot of people, is well-read, and has amazing eyesight. With just one glance, he can see the kung fu of the two people, which is enough to show how profound Ba Liming's martial arts training is. It can be called There is no kung fu boxing technique that he has not seen in the living dictionary of martial arts.

"It's really rare for a woman to become a great master of Danjin!"

Ba Liming's eyes lingered on Yan Yuanyi for a while, with a bit of surprise on his face, and he clicked his tongue, as if he had seen something rare.

This unscrupulous gaze made Yan Yuanyi very unhappy. Anger rose in his heart, his face changed color, and he raised his palm, about to stab out with four equally long fingers.

Wu Wenhui raised his hand and grabbed Yan Yuanyi. He came here with a purpose, not to conflict with Ba Liming.

"Madman Ba, you have been in this cell for thirty years, haven't you had enough?"

Ba Liming could have been released after serving his sentence a long time ago, but he was dissatisfied with the outside world, resentful in his heart, and unwilling to come out. Fortunately, he stayed here and practiced boxing hard. Not only did he achieve the realm of innate Gangqi, he also conquered all the boxing skills of hundreds of schools. When he has reached the level of proficiency, he has achieved great success. His physical body has become a saint, and his energy, blood and strength are far superior to those of ordinary Gang Jin Grandmasters. He is only one step away from breaking through the void and seeing the immortality of gods.

"I feel very comfortable here. I have lived there for thirty years and am very used to it. I have food and drink, and there are people who respect me. Why should I go out? Haha, hahahaha!"

Ba Liming glanced at Wu Wenhui. They were also old acquaintances. Back then, Wu Wenhui formed three ace troops: Changfeng, Sharp Sword and Fang. The first choice for the chief martial arts instructor was Ba Liming, but this old guy was unruly. Tie, looked down upon Wu Wenhui, and ignored Wu Wenhui, causing him to return without success.

After Ba Liming finished speaking, he looked at Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai again, and stood up suddenly. He was extremely tall. The three-meter-high cell seemed much smaller after Ba Liming stood up, and his aura was extremely violent. , making the whole room become narrow, making people feel suffocated and having difficulty breathing.

"Let's fight first. I haven't seen Grandmaster Danjin for many years!"

Ba Liming's whole body was full of fighting spirit, his power was terrifying, his hair and beard were standing straight, like a male lion, powerful and fierce, his eyes were shining, his eyes were fixed on Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai, his fighting spirit was high, his fist power exploded, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. The big iron chains clattered loudly, and the big lead balls shackled on the feet also rolled on the cement bed, making a deafening sound of thunder.

"Haha! Thirty years, thirty years of loneliness. I hope you won't disappoint me and take more punches from me!"

Ba Liming ignored Wu Wenhui's livid old face at all. His face was red and his voice was full of anger, like thunder exploding, making Wu Wenhui's face even more ugly!

Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai looked at each other, and took a step forward at the same time to block Wu Wenhui. Wu Wenhui knew that they were also interested in fighting. With an old face drooping, he and several soldiers behind him slowly exited the cell and stood. Watching the battle outside, he knew that no matter what he said at this time, Ba Liming, Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai would not listen. This is the blood and temperament of martial arts practitioners. When they meet a master, they must fight.

The big iron chain wrapped around Ba Liming's body was suddenly thrown up, like a big iron gun, hitting Liu Mubai hard!

At the same time, Ba Liming's body suddenly took a step, and the gang energy exploded. In one move, it was like a big mountain, carrying a suffocating wind, crazily crashing into Yan Yuanyi!

This action was so fast and violent that it was like a landslide and a tsunami, thousands of troops and horses attacking at the same time. Using a big iron chain as a spear and hitting it with your body is exactly the big spear and close body support in Bajiquan.

Liu Mubai's face was full of solemnity. He held the handle of the big steel gun, like a poisonous dragon emerging from a hole. The high-quality elastic steel gun body shook and made a more violent sound than Ba ​​Liming, with a harsh sound. The sonic boom screamed directly towards Ba Liming's lower and middle paths. The tip of the gun swayed unsteadily, up or down, making people uncertain in an instant. They didn't know whether the shot was coming for the waist or the legs.

The legs are pierced and the roots are cut off, the waist is pierced and blood flows! If you hit it, your soul will go away, but if you hit it, the ghosts and gods will be sad! This is the power of spearmanship, the limit of boxing, plus the limit of cold weapons, the combined power!

You can imagine what the scene would be like when a large steel pole over three meters long and as thick as an goose egg pierced a person's body under the impact of this violent force.

No matter what kind of golden bell, iron shirt, or Kung Fu training Ba Liming had, or what kind of armor or body armor he wore, they all looked childish and ridiculous under the power of this kind of gun.

Yan Yuanyi was not to be outdone. He raised his arm, his palm was like a knife, and he stepped on the steps. He twisted his body and dodged to the side. He raised the knife in his hand and slashed towards Ba Liming's neck. After receiving this blow, If it hits, Ba Liming's head will definitely fly out and his body will be incomplete.

Ba Liming seemed not to have seen the attack of the two men, with an arrogant smile on his face, his body shrank slightly, his head completely disappeared from Yan Yuanyi's sight, and was hidden under his chest, like a turtle shrinking its head. , extremely quickly.

Ba Liming's body turned slightly, and the chain in his hand twitched hard, and it was wrapped around the big iron spear that Liu Mubai poked, round and round. This is the silk winding power in Tai Chi, and it was actually used by Ba Liming. Iron chains as thick as eggs were displayed.

Liu Mubai naturally saw the secret, his expression was extremely calm, and he suddenly shrank, cat-walking, folding his waist, and arching his spine. His whole body was like a big chicken, no, in terms of preparation, he was like a big peacock. He folded his body and moved his head to the front. He did not even use a gun and relied solely on his body skills to avoid Ba Liming's silk-winding blow.

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