I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 212 Guiding Fan Xian

"What do you think of me now?" Guo Baokun did not deny Fan Xian, nor did he confirm whether Fan Xian's words were correct. He wanted Fan Xian to understand a truth, not to argue with Fan Xian, so he continued to ask Fan Xian questions. , with a noncommittal expression on his face, his hands behind his back, the breeze blew by, and the green robe on Guo Baokun's body swayed slightly with the wind, like the waves in the sea.

Fan Xian looked at Guo Baokun and felt that the other person was so far away from him at this time. As the saying goes, Guo Baokun at this time is the most suitable description. Guo Baokun at this time is like the hermit who always lives in the mountains and forests. There is no trace of worldliness in his body, and his tranquility and indifference make people look up to him.

"I don't know!" Fan Xian blurted out simply, not knowing why he gave such a hasty reply.

"Yes, whether I need to follow the rules of the world now depends on my own mood. As long as I am willing, I can do whatever I want. This is the embodiment of strength. Being strong is not to be able to do other things, but to be able to do so. Live according to your own will, no one can force you to do anything, and no one dares to plot against you." Guo Baokun's voice was not loud, but it was deafening, causing Fan Xian's expression to change drastically.

Fan Xian looked at Guo Baokun blankly, thinking about his experience today. He had been under the arrangements of others and was exhausted. Although he relied on his intelligence and good force, he was able to solve the problem perfectly. But this feeling made Fan Xian feel very aggrieved and depressed. He longed for a life where he and his lover would make love at sunrise and rest at sunset. He did not want to compete in this power field. If he was not careful, he would fall into the abyss. During this time, he never thought that he could become a grand master, and he never thought that if he were a grand master, would these troubles and calculations still happen to him.

"Can strength bring freedom?" Fan Xian murmured to himself, looking lost. At this time, he felt a little ashamed of his intelligence. He only thought of using other people's power and rules to solve troubles, but he never thought that he could use others' power and rules to solve problems. He relied on his own strength to break the situation, and his views were not impacted like today. It turns out that the biggest rule in this world is strength, and he was completely in the wrong direction.

"But to my current level, I can't progress overnight, let alone become a grand master!" Fan Xian had been convinced by Guo Baokun at this time, but he was even more distressed. He knew that his strength was among the younger generation. We are already at the top of the list, so it is difficult to make huge progress.

Fan Xian frowned and paced back and forth behind Guo Baokun. Obviously at this time, he had not realized why Guo Baokun said these things to him. If Guo Baokun didn't have the means to make Fan Xian make great progress, he wouldn't. I will talk about these things at this time.

"It is said that what smart people like and are best at is guessing other people's thoughts, but what they hate the most is being guessed. It seems that I was wrong. You can't guess my thoughts. It seems that you are not a smart person. , It's just a little wit!" Guo Baokun looked at Fan Xian who was spinning around in circles, and interrupted him impatiently. It was so obvious that he must have wanted to guide him well in this last period of time. Give Fan Xian the power to protect himself, so that he can trust him with his unresolved matters in this world.

"You have a way to improve my strength!" Fan Xian stopped suddenly and raised his head to look at Guo Baokun, with expectation on his face and his eyes staring straight at Guo Baokun, like a begging puppy. Waiting for Guo Baokun to give a positive answer.

"Of course, otherwise I would be full and full, and I would have nothing to talk to you about so much nonsense. If I leave this world, I still have some things that I still need you to help me deal with, so naturally I can't let you die easily. .”

Guo Baokun glared at Fan Xian angrily, a little dissatisfied with Fan Xian's stupidity at this time. In fact, he also knew that he couldn't blame Fan Xian. After all, the stimulation he gave Fan Xian today was too much, which made his mind difficult to control for a while. react to.

"Follow me!" Guo Baokun mobilized his zhenqi and ran towards the outside of Kyoto. He seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll, but Fan Xian behind him could only keep up with Guo Baokun at his own risk by using all his zhenqi.

"Hoo ho ho!" Fan Xian stuck out his tongue, sweat dripping from his forehead. He held his knees with both hands, bent over, panting heavily, and breathing rapidly. At this time, Fan Xian opened his mouth several times, but could not speak. He seemed really tired at this time. Fan Xian raised his head and looked at Guo Baokun, who was as relaxed as if he were out on a spring outing. He was a little more impressed by the Grand Master. There was really a big gap between him and him.

"Take a rest, let's start again!" Guo Baokun and Fan Xian had already arrived at a deep mountain and old forest. There are several wooden houses here. This mountain forest is the property of the Guo Mansion. Rich and powerful families like the Guo Mansion have Huge industries, land, rivers, mountains, forests, shops, mineral deposits, workshops, etc. are all involved. Don't look at the inconspicuous houses in front of you. This is because Guo Baokun didn't want to be disturbed here, so he built them with his own hands. Every year he comes here to live for a period of time, either in retreat or studying, which counts. Guo Baokun is a place for relaxation and relaxation, where he can live away from the hustle and bustle of the world, calm his heart, and live the life of a hermit picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountains.

Seeing how familiar Guo Baokun was with this place, Fan Xian knew that this was a place Guo Baokun himself often visited. Without being polite, he sat down on the ground and put his hands behind his back, completely ignoring the dust that splashed up and soiled his precious silk robe.

"But I'm exhausted!" Fan Xian complained. He also knew that Guo Baokun really tested himself and measured his strength in order to prepare for the next guidance. However, Fan Xian's temperament is that of a standard modern person, so it's okay. I just like to say something mean and complain, although most of it is just unintentional.

"Sooner or later, your poor mouth will get you into trouble!" Guo Baokun looked at Fan Xian who had calmed down and couldn't help complaining about Fan Xian's poor energy. In this world with strict rules and caution, It's really not a likable personality, but it is considered to be a frivolous performance.

"It can't be changed. As the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but a nature is hard to change." Fan Xian was quite self-aware at that time and knew that his nature was like this in his previous life and it was difficult to change.

"But it's not a big deal. You are weak. Even if you change your character, you won't be taken seriously. If you are a great master, people will think you are genuine and admire you!" Guo Baokun is always thinking. He instilled in Fan Xian the concept of strength first and wanted to strengthen Fan Xian's belief in martial arts.

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