I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2092 When will you go down the mountain? Innate strength!

Guan Zhongyi knew that everyone was holding fire in their hearts and wanted to vent it out. As long as he ensured that Li Biao did not die, that would be enough, so he did not say anything more. He just looked at Li Daoqing on the side and pulled out a sentence uncomfortably. With a stiff smile, he explained softly.

"They are all rough people and don't know how to take care of others, so it's normal for them to act big and make you laugh, little junior brother!"

Li Daoqing nodded, expressing his understanding sincerely and gaining recognition from others.

"I understand, I understand! It's just that the movements were a bit loud, and Li Biao's howling was too exaggerated. He really is not a man!"

Everyone smiled and nodded, saying that what Li Daoqing said was reasonable. It was not their problem, but that Li Biao was too fake.

Everyone carried Li Biao out of the dense forest together. Li Daoqing and the others parted ways and took the helicopter back to Wudang Mountain. Guan Zhongyi originally wanted to go back with him, but the superiors ordered him to personally escort Li Biao back, so he did this. Give up.

The next day, Li Daoqing walked out of the bedroom. The bright and warm sunshine shone on his body. It was warm and very comfortable. He stretched out comfortably and moved his joints. Then he walked under the century-old pine tree and sat in front of the stone table. He picked up a cup of hot tea brewed by Taoist Xuanyuan and took a sip.

Taoist Xuanyuan picked up the purple clay pot again and filled Li Daoqing's empty tea cup. He asked with a puff of white air and some concern.

"You weren't injured last night, were you?"

Taoist Xuanyuan looked at Li Daoqing up and down with bright eyes. He regarded Li Daoqing as a treasure and did not want him to be harmed at all.

Li Daoqing felt the gentle breeze blowing, which was a bit cool. Then he looked at his master, Taoist Xuanyuan. Feeling his concern, his heart warmed and he answered with a smile.

"Don't worry, Master, it's just a mere transformation, there's no way it can hurt me!"

The worry in Taoist Xuanyuan's eyes dissipated, but his face darkened. How could this child speak? What does it mean to be just a weak person? Could it be that he forgot that the master in front of him was also a Huajin? He spoke so unabashedly.

"Why do you have a mouth? Your words are so unpleasant!"

Li Daoqing looked at the angry master with a look of helplessness on his face, sighed, and could only comfort the angry Taoist Xuanyuan.

"That Li Biao is just a beginner in transforming energy. Compared with a boxing master like you, master, who has already perfected the transformation of energy and touched the way of alchemy, he is really far behind and cannot be compared!"

Taoist Xuanyuan's face lightened up just now. People say he is an old boy, and he is indeed honest. Since Li Daoqing entered the realm of holding pills, Taoist Xuanyuan has lost the heavy pressure in his heart, and his personality has changed. He is much more mature. A bit lively and willful, like a child, with joy and anger coming from his heart, but his state of mind has improved to a higher level.

Li Daoqing squinted his eyes slightly, enjoying the morning sunshine. His ears stood up and trembled slightly, listening to the sounds of the world.

On the ancient pine tree, there were several playful little squirrels with bulging mouths. They found some dried fruits from somewhere and stuffed them all into their mouths. They jumped on the pine branches and disappeared into the canopy in the blink of an eye. I don’t know where it was hidden.

Li Daoqing's whole person exuded a stable and peaceful aura, which caused Taoist Xuanyuan to be infected by the aura, and his heart was calm and stable without ripples. This state was very mysterious.

Taoist Xuanyuan's eyes fluctuated slightly, and the little ripples turned into stormy waves. He finally remembered what this aura was, looked at Li Daoqing in surprise, and lost his voice.

"This is the Pure Land of Buddha, the ashram of immortals and gods!"

Li Daoqing nodded and shook his head, neither admitting nor denying.

"This is just a mental magnetic field!"

Li Daoqing's spiritual cultivation is the best in the world. Even Tang Zichen, who has achieved the most sincere way, is still inferior to Li Daoqing. His spiritual power can already manifest some magical properties in this world, forming a special magnetic field. , making people in the magnetic field feel peaceful and stable, as if they are in a paradise world, a paradise.

Taoist Xuanyuan looked at Li Daoqing with a complex expression. Feng Shen was handsome and Feng Cai was unparalleled. He found that he could no longer understand the realm and strength of this proud disciple. The gap was really too big. He lowered his head in disappointment. He sighed and said.

"Dao Qingqing's cultivation level has exceeded my teacher's understanding. I'm afraid I won't be able to teach you anything!"

"When are you going to go down the mountain?"

Since Li Daoqing can't learn anything by staying at Wenqu Peak, it's better to let him go down the mountain and see the nature of the world and the warmth and warmth of human beings. Maybe it will be more helpful to his cultivation.

Hearing this, Li Daoqing chuckled, shook his head, and said to Taoist Xuanyuan.

"Master, it's not time for me to go down the mountain yet!"

Taoist Xuanyuan was puzzled and looked at Li Daoqing. He picked up the tea cup in his hand, blew lightly, took a sip of tea, and then asked curiously.

"Not until then, then when will you go down the mountain?"

Li Daoqing stretched himself, picked up the tea cup in front of him, drank it all in one gulp, stood up, and walked towards the outside of the Taoist temple. His steps were firm and he moved forward indomitably. Only one extremely domineering word fell into the breeze and floated to Taoist Xuanyuan. Got in the ears.

"When I become number one in the world, it will be the day I come down from the mountain, and it will also be the day when the Wudang Golden Toad Sect will flourish!"

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Xuanyuan couldn't help but be stunned. He couldn't hold the small teacup in his hand at all. The tea spilled and scattered all over the floor. The corners of his mouth slightly raised and he let out a somewhat hearty laugh that resounded throughout the entire courtyard.

"Hahaha! Okay, okay, the day you become number one in the world will be the day when the Wudang Golden Toad Sect will flourish!"

The laughter gradually subsided. Taoist Xuanyuan raised his head and drank the remaining tea in the cup in his hand. He stood up and said in a low voice with a bit of solemnity on his face.

"It seems that I have to find some old friends to help this kid. After all, my master can't always be just a decoration!"

"Daoqing is growing up now, and it is difficult for his Qi and blood to be perfected. I remember that Lao Zhou from the Sun Family Tai Chi Sect had a secret recipe for nourishing Qi and blood and improving physical fitness. Sun Lutang got it from the master of the inner palace. Sun Lutang had a lot of help when he became the best in the world!"

Taoist Xuanyuan reached out and took out a PHS device inside his Taoist robe. After all, this is a modern society. Although he lives on Wenqu Peak and is isolated from the world, there is no shortage of modern technological supplies in the Taoist temple, such as TVs, mobile phones and computers. The disciples of the sect spent a lot of money to install it. On weekdays, Taoist Xuanyuan often communicates with people from the outside world.

Only Li Daoqing seems to be living outside the world. He has never used any electronic technology equipment and has no interest in televisions and computers. He works at sunrise and rests at sunset. He practices boxing and martial arts every day, immersing himself in it and having fun. Infinite is a true martial arts idiot.

Otherwise, even if Li Daoqing has a profound state of mind, it will be difficult for him to achieve the state of Baodan at this age. Chinese martial arts is a hard-working skill. As long as you understand the principles, you still need to study hard and practice hard, strengthen your qi and blood, improve your physique, and increase your physical strength. Only when you understand strength can you be considered accomplished. Otherwise, everything is just talk on paper and you cannot be considered a master of Chinese martial arts.

Over the years, Li Daoqing has become accustomed to practicing martial arts on the top of Wenqu Peak, facing the mountain wind, wild and unrestrained. A timid person, not to mention martial arts, will be frightened and tremble just standing here, even the courageous one A master of boxing wouldn't dare to stay in a place like this all the time. Not everyone dares to swing their fists and kicks, practice kung fu, and steal secrets from heaven, and those who succeed are even rarer.

Li Daoqing stepped on the yin and yang, held the sun and moon in his hands, and stood upright against the sky. The meaning of the round sky and the square filled the top of the mountain. The Tai Chi moves in Li Daoqing's hands moved smoothly and smoothly, but the strength was invincible. The void in front of him kept ringing. Thunder rolls incessantly.

Tai Chi, a fierce and domineering boxing technique, has been practiced to a state of transformation by him. Even the person who created this Kung Fu dare not say that he has the level and passion of Li Daoqing.

Taoism does not talk about Tai Chi. Tai Chi is not a Taoist term. Taoism only talks about golden elixirs. However, there is the Buddhist Enlightenment, the Taoist Golden Pill, and the Confucian Tai Chi. They are all the same thing, talking about the mind's ability to control one's own Qi and blood.

Compared with the Buddhist Yuanjue and the Taoist golden elixir, the Confucian Tai Chi is easier to understand. Confucian scholars pay attention to the Tai Chi meditation method of sitting quietly and retracting the mind, which is to stabilize the mental ape and tie the mental horse. When your mind is completely calm, you can naturally control your Qi and blood to move around the world. If you want Qi and blood to go to your internal organs, go to your internal organs. If you want blood to go to your head, go to your head.

The great Confucians of the past dynasties, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, are all great experts in this field. Zhu Xi even praised the practice of spending half the day reading and the other half sitting quietly. This is actually the golden elixir. After the golden elixir is achieved, if you use it for learning, you will become a great Confucian or a saint. If you use it for practicing martial arts and beating people, you will become a great master or immortal.

The evolution of apes into humans is a huge progress, and when a person who practices martial arts successfully holds the elixir and achieves elixir power, it is equivalent to evolving from a human to an immortal.

The gap between apes and humans is as big as the gap between ordinary people and Danjin masters.

After Li Daoqing succeeded in holding the elixir, he was able to condense his qi and blood into elixir energy. Over time, all the hidden points in the bones and organs of the body will receive powerful stimulation from the condensation of qi and blood, thus truly improving his physical potential and possessing extremely powerful physical fitness. and strength. Li Daoqing's current strength and fist strength have increased significantly, at least twice as much as before holding the pill, which is amazing!

Li Daoqing pushed out his palm slowly, making a buzzing sound, like the high-frequency vibration of hitting a tuning fork hard. The air resonated and exploded, like a bolt from the blue!

Li Daoqing carefully understood the changes in the strength and blood in his body. The Tai Chi moves in his hands kept pouring out. The strong wind was so domineering that it defeated the mountain wind. The fallen leaves and dust around him were pulled by the inexplicable force and spun into the air. Li Daoqing was completely wrapped in it. From a distance, it looked like a big round ball, and no trace of him could be seen.

Li Daoqing's mind entered the sky, unable to stop thinking. He had already fallen into enlightenment. He stepped on the yin and yang eight trigrams, and on the top of the mountain hundreds of feet away, he moved vertically and horizontally, flickering and turning, a world made of fallen leaves and dust. The ball is like a planet, constantly rotating, and Li Daoqing is the sun star, attracting it firmly in its orbit.

Li Daoqing looked inside, and countless stars lit up, like a bright starry sky. Powerful rivers of Qi and blood made a roar that shook the heaven and earth, and rushed straight into the starry sky. These secret body acupoints flowed Through it, it enhances one's physical fitness, strengthens Qi and blood, and improves physical fitness. Each acupuncture point has its own unique role.

For example, in the lower abdomen, the Xuemen Shangqu point hidden inside the muscles is the most important midpoint of Qi and blood circulation, connected to the liver and kidneys, and a general hub for filtering toxins and impurities in the blood. When the blood gate is strong, the person's blood has a greater ability to eliminate toxins and impurities. The blood gate is stimulated and cooperates with the heart. The blood in the whole body immediately boils, the energy is strong, and unprecedented potential is unleashed.

Now, Li Daoqing can not only feel the vital points of large acupoints such as the Blood Gate, but his sensitivity has gone a step further and can feel more subtle and deeper acupoints. At the same time, he has become more sensitive to his body and can sense even the smallest changes in his body. This is also the secret of breaking through the void and seeing that God is indestructible.

Being indestructible does not mean that the physical body is as hard as fine steel and can be chopped with knives and axes without being damaged, but that once there is any slight damage to the physical body, people can keenly sense it and come up with countermeasures to repair and nurse it back to health.

Although these minor injuries are nothing to a powerful boxer. But if it accumulates too much, it will cause internal injuries and loss of qi and blood. When a person gets old, internal injuries accumulate, physical strength declines, qi and blood weaken, the fighting power will weaken, and they can no longer fight. This is why many masters of the older generation , must cultivate a disciple who is worthy of the family, in order to let the disciple take his place and face the challenges of others, so as not to lose his lifelong reputation and honor.

Li Daoqing's muscles, bones, and membranes all over his body were vibrating. Powerful Qi and blood surged, repairing some minor injuries in his body. His whole body was in a calm and exciting state. He first used Tai Chi beating techniques with his hands, and the energy was strong. The power was domineering and ferocious, invincible in both vertical and horizontal directions, and the momentum was extremely frightening. The fist wind made a rolling thunder sound, making the fallen leaves and dust balls around him continue to bulge.

Gradually, the moves in Li Daoqing's hands changed, and he used another boxing technique of the Jin Chan School, Xiantian Taihe Fist. This is the Spreading Palm Kung Fu. The moves are soft and silent, but the power is hidden and wraps around Li Daoqing's body. The drops on the wall of the ball were also shattered and turned into powder, which fell all over the ground.

Li Daoqing's mind became clearer and clearer, and his spiritual senses began to sense in the dark. The moves in his hands became more and more complicated, or he used Xingyi Five Elements Fist, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which complement each other; split, jump, drill, cannon, horizontal, and force. With fierce strength, his fists turned into long spears. The spears shot out like dragons, advancing but not retreating. Twelve shapes are also used, including dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, hawk, rooster, swallow, harrier, snake, bird platform, eagle and bear. The dragon is soaring, the tiger is majestic, the monkey is agile and smart, the swallow is nimble and clever, the chicken is aggressive and clever, the snake is cold and ruthless, the bear is honest and strong, the horse is quick and agile, both physical and spiritual, and mysterious.

Li Daoqing steps on the Bagua steps, Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, Dui. Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, Zhen is the thunder, Xun is the wind, Kan is the water, Li is the fire, and Gen is the mountain. Convert to Ze. Hexagram 8864, a sealed space seems to be formed within thirty-six steps under the feet. It is a realm of eight trigrams. Anyone who steps into this realm will have his destiny controlled by Li Daoqing, and he cannot control his life or death. He walked under his feet and kept thrusting out his palms. The wind from his palms was strong, causing fallen leaves to fly all over the ground and raising dust. He used his palms as a knife. The knife was sharp and cut through countless fallen leaves. The fracture was smooth, like a treasured sword, cutting through iron. Mud is really scary.

Twelve-way Tan Kou, with dense shadows on the legs, Wing Chun, Hong Quan, Stab Kick, Luo Han Quan, Pao Quan, Chang Quan, Plum Blossom Quan, Tong Bei Quan, etc. There are various schools and various boxing moves. Li Daoqing's hands spread out, and the shadows of his fists and legs that filled the sky disappeared and turned into Wuji style. His body's energy and blood surged. He flicked his arm, released a burst of force, and hit the rock beside him in the air. A small crater was left on the ground, with gravel flying everywhere. This was the result of the innate Qi, secret energy, and the ability to fly an inch into the air.

Li Daoqing finally stepped into the Gang Jin. He was only one step away from the supreme state of breaking through the void and seeing the indestructibility of gods. Although he could not be called invincible, he was still unscrupulous.

Li Daoqing put away the Wuji style and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. This breath of turbid air was filled with scorching heat, condensing and not dissipating. It was like a flying sword, five feet long. The breath turned into a sword. Li Daoqing's internal organs functions became more powerful. , the distance is two feet longer than before, how terrifying this is.

At this time, the spheres surrounding him suddenly scattered, and the fallen leaves and dust flew into the air. Li Daoqing frowned slightly, and his whole body vibrated with strength. The one-inch-wide space in the air was filled with his dark energy, shutting out all the dust and fallen leaves. Outside, don't get close, and don't get dust on your body.

On the ground at the top of the mountain, there was a mysterious and mysterious Yin-Yang Bagua diagram of fallen leaves. The mountain wind blew again, blowing away the fallen leaves and dust on the ground, and the Bagua diagram also disappeared, leaving only the worldly and independent Li Daoqing, dressed in a gray Taoist robe, with flying black hair, is so ethereal that he is otherworldly and makes people feel moved when he sees him.

Li Daoqing's eyes were indifferent and ruthless, reflecting the vicissitudes of time. He looked down at all living beings in the world and the mainland of China. His mind was high on the throne of the Nine Heavens. He was like a god, high above, immortal and immortal. His mind was empty and clear. His body was a Bodhi tree, and his heart was like a mirror. Reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun, it is brilliant and dazzling.

After a long time, Li Daoqing came back to his senses. His eyes turned gentle, and the original indifference and coldness had disappeared. He was like a god descending to the earth, reincarnating all living beings, and experiencing all kinds of things in the world. There is no otherworldly air, gentleness and kindness, with a smile on his face. With a faint smile, he turned around and walked towards the Taoist temple, as usual, unhurried, leisurely, leisurely, comfortable and lazy.

When Li Daoqing returned to the Taoist temple, Qingsong and Cangbai were moving the dining table out and placing dishes. The piles of delicious food were too big to fit in. The aroma of the food floated in the courtyard and lingered on the tip of their noses.

Li Daoqing twitched his nose slightly, and his smile became even brighter, full of the atmosphere of human fireworks, and there was no trace of otherworldliness.

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