I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2081: Fighting, fighting, breaking the law as soon as you hit

Chapter 2081: Fight, fight, it’s illegal to fight!

The kung fu of each sect is a secret that is not passed down. It is not impossible to communicate, but you must not eavesdrop or learn from it. If you are discovered, you will be hunted by the sect and will not stop until you die. This is the biggest taboo for martial arts practitioners. .

Taoist Xuanyuan stood under the ancient pine tree with bright eyes. He was still wearing a yellow Taoist robe, but the fly whisk he originally held in his hand was not there. It was inconvenient for him to teach Li Daoqing the martial arts today.

"Our Golden Toad Sect has a lot of kung fu, which have been passed down from our ancestor, and can be traced back to the source, which is Zhang Sanfeng. You must be familiar with this name!"

The founder of the Jin Chan Sect is a disciple of Zhang Sanfeng, so speaking of it, they can also be said to be Zhang Sanfeng's disciples and grandsons. They have a close relationship with the Sanfeng Sect, but they have become estranged over time. Fortunately, they also stayed on Wudang Mountain. , there is still a strong friendship between them, but they are not fighting each other.

Li Daoqing showed a somewhat strange look. He never thought that one day he would become Zhang Sanfeng's disciple. He had dealt with Zhang Sanfeng in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. Although they were not in the same world, he always felt that they were in the same world. It seemed that Zhang Sanfeng had taken advantage of him.

"Xiantian Taihe Quan and Tai Chi are the main techniques of our sect!"

Needless to say, Tai Chi, Tai Chi, Bagua Quan, and Xingyi Quan are known as the three internal martial arts. This is Wudang Mountain, so it is natural that the Jin Chan School is proficient in Tai Chi.

The original name of Wudang Mountain is Taihe Mountain, and Xiantian Taihe Quan is naturally the authentic Kung Fu of Wudang Mountain. It is a continuous palm Kung Fu that can press a large piece of terrazzo under the soft tofu without any secret strength. Falling Apart is definitely an excellent internal martial art and should not be underestimated.

"Next, Master will demonstrate these two skills to you. You will be fascinated to watch!"

Taoist Xuanyuan stopped to explain, and with a movement of his body, he disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the ancient pine. He pressed his palm lightly and printed it on the thick and dry trunk.


The ancient tree shook violently, and countless pine needles fell from the sky like raindrops, falling all over the ground.

Li Daoqing's eyes were slightly condensed, with a thoughtful look on his face. Just now, Taoist Xuanyuan pressed lightly, without using any dark energy, but it knocked down countless pine needles. This should be the Spreading Palm Kung Fu of Xiantian Taihe Fist. The strength is clever and can actually have similar effects to An Jin. No wonder it can become one of the two major fist types of the Golden Toad Sect.

Taoist Xuanyuan retracted his palm. There was no damage on the tree trunk. Just like before, Taoist Xuanyuan turned back to Li Daoqing and said.

"This is Xiantian Taihe Fist. Only a few people in the sect are proficient in it, and among them, Master Qi Wu Quannan is the most proficient!"

Wu Quannan is the younger brother of Taoist Xuanyuan. The two have a deep relationship. They once participated in the Vietnam Self-Defense Counterattack together. They are the closest among all the younger brothers and can trust each other with life and death.

Li Daoqing knew Wu Quannan. When he became a disciple that day, Wu Quannan came to attend the apprenticeship ceremony. He opened a traditional Chinese medicine orthopedics clinic at the foot of Wudang Mountain. On weekdays, he set people's bones and sold some plasters. He looked like a Taoist priest. , but he is not a regular Taoist monk and does not receive a salary from the Taoist Association. Belongs to wild Taoist priests.

Wu Nanquan is fair and fair, has no beard, is not burly, and even looks a little thin, taciturn, and aloof, completely different from Taoist Xuanyuan.

After the Taoist Xuanyuan demonstrated the Xiantian Taihe Fist, he took another step, shrunk down to an inch, and suddenly came to Li Daoqing's eyes. He stretched out his arm and gave it a violent swing, making the whole arm crackle. It was loud, as if the air was being blown away, like firecrackers being set off during the New Year.

"Tai Chi seems to be soft and soft, and it emphasizes how to move a thousand pounds with four ounces. In fact, this is just the surface. Tai Chi's fighting style is the most vigorous. This fierce strength can be found in the word "beat", so watch it!"

Li Daoqing's eyes were bright and his vision was astonishing. He even saw the hairs on Taoist Xuanyuan's forearms standing up. As he exerted force, the entire arm muscles were mobilized, like a battlefield sledgehammer, slamming out, The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, it was extremely terrifying.

Ancient generals were fierce men who wielded hammers. Li Yuanba, the first hero in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, beat the world with two golden hammers that beat drums and urns. When the Tai Chi predecessors created the boxing, they drew on these legends and named the most powerful force in Tai Chi as beating, moving and blocking beating, leaning body beating and so on.

Taoist Xuanyuan retracted his arm, no longer exerting force, and the hair on his forearm no longer stood up, and was hidden in his Taoist sleeves again. Looking at the thoughtful disciple, Taoist Xuanyuan continued to teach and resolve doubts.

"There are three forms of Chinese martial arts, one is fighting, one is practice, and the other is performance. Don't look at Tai Chi practitioners, who are slow and flowing. They are all performances, not even practice. , the true Tai Chi style has rarely been spread.”

"After all, the way to fight, the way to fight, is a violation of the law, so it cannot be taught easily!"

"It goes without saying about acting. The old man who trains in the park knows a few tricks. It's not interesting. People who practice martial arts mainly practice fighting and training!"

“I just showed you how to play, so I won’t go into details here!”

"We start with the practice. The practice is to increase the strength, change the tendons and cleanse the marrow. We must start with the Zhuang Gong. Tai Chi Zhan Gong is the foundation of Tai Chi."

Taoist Xuanyuan put on a Tai Chi stance, which was round on the outside and square on the inside, forming a unified body of Hunyuan, which had an indescribable and mysterious meaning.

"As long as you stand upright in the stance, you can increase your strength and learn how to play. Come over here and touch the muscles on my body. Remember which ones are tight and which ones are loose. Each type of stance is different. They have different characteristics, so keep them in mind!”

Li Daoqing walked up to Taoist Xuanyuan obediently, stretched out his hands and groped around Taoist Xuanyuan's body. He remembered the strength of each muscle one by one, and a model of Taoist Xuanyuan appeared in his mind. , the muscle changes on the body are revealed one by one, very accurately.

Next to Taoist Xuanyuan, there is a virtual figure of Li Daoqing, and the muscles on his body are also displayed. According to the changes in Taoist Xuanyuan's muscle strength, the movements of the Tai Chi piles are adjusted until all the muscles reach a perfect coordination. The effect gradually dissipated.

"How was it? How much did you remember?"

"Take your time, I will slowly correct your mistakes in standing, there is no rush!"

Taoist Xuanyuan finished the exercise and looked at his apprentice who had taken away his hand with a smile on his face. This Tai Chi pile looked simple, but the change in strength inside was the key point. It was a secret that was not taught. Without the guidance of a famous teacher, even if No matter how hard you try, you can't get started.

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