I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2075: Just kill enemies, don’t perform!

After the apprenticeship ceremony, Li Daoqing had a name in Wudang. Taoist Xuanyuan was a member of the Wudang Taoist Association, and Li Daoqing, as his close disciple and successor, naturally became a member of the Wudang Taoist Association. He was the kind of Don't underestimate this status as a Taoist who has exactly Dudu. The above supports the Taoism of various sects in Wudang Mountain. It is through the Wudang Taoist Association that you can enter it. There are many benefits and benefits, and you can receive a lot of salary every month, which is enough for Li Daoqing. of martial arts training expenses.

Although Taoist Xuanyuan accepted Li Daoqing as a disciple, he did not directly teach Li Daoqing his own martial arts. Instead, he wanted his disciples to check Li Daoqing's background. This is also human nature. After all, a true inheritance is not passed down so easily. , you need to have a clean background and know your roots.

During the century of humiliation, Japanese people pretended to be Han Chinese, joined various major martial arts schools, and secretly learned the kung fu of each school, which made Japanese karate develop greatly. Now, the basic kung fu of all major Japanese schools are stolen from their masters. Come, fortunately, he was discovered later, and the masters of various sects in the mainland were furious. They took action at the same time and killed most of them. This prevented some of the profound methods of refining marrow and holding pills from leaking out. Therefore, from now on, when each sect recruits disciples, they will investigate The origins of the disciples of the Qing sect, so as not to spread bad news and cause big trouble.

Li Daoqing was not in a hurry. He walked around Wenqu Peak every day, had enough to eat, and had free time. These days would not change even for a god, he was extremely free and at ease.

The Wudang Golden Toad Sect also has disciples in the police department. They can easily check the household registration information. It is easy to find out the origin of Li Daoqing. It does not take much time to get to the root. It is easy to practice among the six doors. It is not only beneficial to personal practice, but also to Martial arts are also of great help, which is why many martial arts masters have entered the system.

Taoist Xuanyuan learned that there was no problem with Li Daoqing's origin, and he finally let go of his last worry.

On that day, the sky was clear and the wind was gentle. The ancient pine in the courtyard had been flourishing for hundreds of years. A gust of wind blew off a few pine needles, which fell towards the head of Taoist Xuanyuan. , but suddenly changed its trajectory, crossed over the head, and landed on the ground.

Li Daoqing's clear eyes were slightly focused, his pupils shrank, and he was thoughtful. Although he had not practiced martial arts these days, he had already learned about the world and heard many familiar names: Xiaowu God Zhou Binglin, Wu Yunlong, the number one master in Ouchi. , Shaolin Luohan Xingyi monk and others immediately understood the origin of this world, the story of Dragon and Snake. Understand the cultivation methods and national arts of this world. It is a very interesting set of cultivation theories. It is the first step towards a world without demons and the beginning towards the transcendent. It is of great reference value and has important reference significance for Li Daoqing.

The scene that just happened to Taoist Xuanyuan was a matter of transforming energy. A feather cannot be added, and a fly cannot fall. This is an achievement after practicing martial arts to a high level. The body's senses are extremely sensitive. When it reaches the point of emptiness and agility, the body's strength instinctively bounces the pine needles away before they fall. This is muscle memory, and it doesn't even need to be Driven by people's autonomous consciousness.

Taoist Xuanyuan naturally didn't know that Li Daoqing had clearly seen his Kung Fu foundation. He waved a whisk in his hand to attract Li Daoqing's attention, and then he began to formally teach Li Daoqing Kung Fu skills, so that he could grow up as soon as possible and become the mainstay of the Wudang Golden Toad Sect. .

"Dao Qing, before I teach you my skills, I want to tell you some of the essence of Kung Fu! Listen carefully!"

Taoist Xuanyuan has a serious look on his face. He is different at this time from before. A strict master produces a good disciple. He does not want Li Daoqing's piece of jade to be ruined in his own hands. It needs to be carefully polished and carefully carved to create something like He's Jade. Unparalleled beauty, so the requirements for Li Daoqing are very strict. I hope he can study hard and not be slack or have distracting thoughts.

Li Daoqing now puts on a gray Taoist robe. He looks like a handsome little Taoist boy. He is white and rosy, smart and intelligent. He looks very lovable. He has a serious expression on his pink face, like a little adult. , looked up at Taoist Xuanyuan, and nodded very solemnly, without any perfunctory or coping, nor the impatience and restlessness of ordinary children, appearing very calm and determined.

Taoist Xuanyuan took a clear view of Li Daoqing's performance, nodded secretly in his heart, and liked it even more, but he still didn't show anything on the surface, his eyes were serious, he pondered for a while, thinking about the words, and then he spoke.

"Real kung fu is not as magical as in martial arts novels. The Nine Yin White Bone Claws, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and Toad Kung Fu that ordinary people know are all fabrications and do not exist in reality!"

"There is only one kind of kung fu in China, which is national martial arts. Although other countries have other names, the essence is the same!"

Taoist Xuanyuan is now fifty years old. When he was young, he served as a soldier and participated in the Vietnam Self-Defense Counterattack. He had a lot of dead souls in his hands. This was also the only way for those who practiced martial arts.

Taoist Xuanyuan's aura was fierce, as if he had returned to the days when he was killing enemies on the battlefield. His aura was terrifying, his eyes were shining with strange light, he stared at Li Daoqing closely, and said solemnly.

"Only kill the enemy, don't perform, this is Chinese martial arts!"

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the revolutionaries led by Sun Yat-sen repeatedly assassinated high-ranking Manchu officials and even princes. Most of them relied on the efforts of people in the martial arts world. Later, when the Republic of China was established and the Japanese invaders invaded China, in order to strengthen the country and strengthen its species, Sun Yat-sen, Feng Yuxiang and others vigorously promoted martial arts. The central martial arts academy was established by the state to integrate the martial arts of various schools, such as Xingyi, Xingyi, etc. Tai Chi, Bagua, Tongbei, Mantis, Baji, kick kick, Hongquan, iron wire, split hanging, kick kick, wrestling and many other martial arts are all collectively called Chinese martial arts.

"Strengthening a country and breeding is the greatest significance of national martial arts. You must keep this in mind!"

Taoist Xuanyuan was once a soldier, so he was naturally patriotic and would never allow his disciples to commit treason, so he emphasized this point to Li Daoqing. This is also a view unanimously recognized by all the sects in Wudang Mountain, so the above There will be more support for Wudang Mountain. Unlike the Shaolin Temple, as long as it is conducive to the development of the sect, it will teach real kung fu to foreigners regardless of the righteousness. This has made some countries' military and secret service agencies have many more masters, and the motherland has suffered some Loss, what is the difference between such behavior and treason? Naturally, it will be suppressed by the above.

Li Daoqing naturally knew his stance and would never waver. He nodded solemnly, without any words, but with the power to make people believe. This is the magical effect of spiritual cultivation.

Li Daoqing's spiritual cultivation is extremely high, and he has already reached the highest state of national martial arts spiritual cultivation. The way of sincerity can be known in advance. Looking at the entire world of Dragon and Snake, there is only one person who has achieved this state, and that is Tang Zichen.

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