There were still red fingerprints on Mou Xianmin's slender white neck, which looked particularly scary. Mou Xianmin calmed down and looked at Chen Xingjun who was paralyzed on the ground. His eyes were still shining with determination and he said very calmly.

"I have asked my lawyer to draft a divorce agreement. I am finalizing this marriage. If you don't sign it, I will not only tell all the people in South Korea about your inhumane things, but I will also sue you for attempted murder!"

Mou Xianmin felt the pain on his neck and reached out to touch it gently, with a cold look on his face.

She made up her mind that even if she broke up with the Shunyang family and gave up everything, she would get a divorce. She was not willing to live as Chen Daojun's sister-in-law for another second.

At this time, Chen Xingjun's pain gradually subsided and he regained his composure. He looked at the determined woman in front of him and slowly stood up. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were flickering. He weighed the pros and cons and finally spoke after a long time.

"Okay, I agree!"

"From now on, there will be no relationship between you and me. I don't want to see you again!"

Mou Xianmin breathed a sigh of relief, joy filled her heart, she opened the drawer on the side, placed the divorce agreement she had prepared in front of Chen Xingjun, and handed out the pen.

"You can read the contents. I won't ask for a penny from you, but you don't have to worry about my property!"

Chen Xingjun read it carefully and found that, as Mou Xianmin said, there was no problem with the division of property. He took a deep breath and signed the divorce agreement.

Mou Xianmin picked up the signed divorce agreement. She was inexplicably excited, her face was full of joy, and she turned to leave.

Chen Xingjun threw the pen in his hand on the ground, looked up at Mou Xianmin's back, felt unhappy, and sneered directly.

"Don't be too happy too early!"

"Even if you get divorced, what will happen?"

"Will Daojun want you? In the end, it's just a joy in vain!"

Mou Xianmin paused, looked back at Chen Xingjun, with a bit of disdain and ridicule in his eyes, and said very firmly.

"Even if Daojun doesn't want me, I won't live with you. There's no comparison between you and him!"

After that, Mou Xianmin walked out of the room very proudly with firm steps, without disturbing others, and drove away from Zhengxinzhai.

"Shunyang Automobile has received huge financial support from the state, but it is facing poor management. As members of the opposition party, we must hold it accountable on behalf of the people!"

"The country's funds are the hard work and sweat of the people, not a cornucopia of big companies. Shunyang Automobile has consumed the hard work and taxes of all the people. Please attend the hearing, Chairman Chen Yangzhe."

A group of politicians stood in the lobby of Shunyang Group holding banners, looking excited and upright as they faced reporters' interviews.

The flashlights of these reporters blinded people's eyes and they kept taking photos. This was big news. Everyone went crazy and kept asking the politicians of the opposition party.

Zhengxinzhai, study room on the second floor.

The curtains were tightly closed. The sunlight passed through the thick curtains and was already dim, making the room a little dim. Chen Yangzhe leaned on the seat, put his glasses on the table, closed his eyes tightly, and his old face was filled with a heavy smile. Tired, head raised, a little weak.


The study door was pushed open, and a tall figure walked to the window and stretched out his hand to open the curtains. The bright sunlight passed through the window and shone on the floor, making the whole room suddenly brighter.

Chen Yangzhe felt the sunlight shining on his body and slowly opened his eyes. His cloudy eyes were full of blood. He was already seventy years old and his energy was not as good as before. Now he was hit again and felt powerless.

Chen Yangzhe narrowed his eyes slightly, adjusted to the dazzling light, put on his glasses, and looked at the person sitting down, who was Chen Daojun.

Chen Daojun is wearing a black casual suit with a white shirt underneath. His back is straight and he always has a faint smile on his face. He is confident and gentle, making people feel at ease.

"It turns out to be Dojun!"

Chen Daojun looked at the much older old man in front of him. Although he often dyed his hair, he could still see the white hair hidden under the black. The skin on his face was sagging, wrinkles and age spots were all over his face. He was no longer the strong and domineering businessman. He is a hero, just a tired old man.

"Shunyang Automobile's stock has fallen very seriously. I heard that shareholders are going to launch a vote of no confidence in you."

Chen Yangzhe nodded, his face was heavy, and he spoke slowly.

"For those shareholders, the stock price is paramount, and they will support whoever can bring them benefits!"

"Aren't all businessmen like this? Even if you can forgive the enemy who killed your parents, you will never forgive the enemy who stole money. This is human nature!"

Chen Daojun nodded. It is true. Most businessmen put profits first and can do anything for profit.

Chen Daojun narrowed his eyes slightly and tapped his fingers on the table very rhythmically, making a "dong dong dong" sound.

"What are you going to do?"

"In a capitalist society, if there is no way to protect the stock price, then of course there is no way to protect the management rights. This is the unified global standard you have been talking about!"

"Now the opposition parties are making noise all day long in order to gain public support. They want you to attend the hearing. They hope to boss you around and yell at you on the spot."

A stern look flashed in Chen Yangzhe's eyes, his gaze was fierce, his aura gradually rose, and the original weakness and powerlessness disappeared. He turned into the powerful chairman of Shunyang Group, a South Korean business tycoon, ruthless, Domineering and powerful.

"They just want to use me to attract the attention of the people and put on a show for the upcoming election!"

"Those shareholders are just a bunch of losers, short-sighted and only see immediate benefits!"

Chen Daojun's face was calm, he stopped tapping his fingers, leaned forward, looked at Chen Yangzhe's somewhat pale face, frowned slightly, and said softly.

"President, sell me the shares of Shunyang Group. At your age, you should be able to live a long life!"

Chen Yangzhe was stunned when he heard this, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Daojun in surprise. The cold expression on his face gradually disappeared, and a smile bloomed. He patted Chen Daojun's junior excitedly, making a loud bang, in disbelief. asked.

"Can you say what you just said again?"

Chen Daojun felt the powerful slap on his back, with a sharp look in his deep and calm eyes, and said confidently.

"President, please hand over the Shunyang Group to me, and I will make those people shut up!"

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