I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2041 Chen Yangzhe’s speculation

Zhengxinzhai, study room on the second floor.

The curtains blocked most of the sunlight, making this solemn study seem a bit dark. Chen Yangzhe sat on the sofa, leaning back with a calm expression, listening to Room Chief Li's report.

"Chairman Chen Daojun is now caught in the whirlpool of public opinion. The prosecutor is investigating him. Although we don’t know the final result, the Miracle Investment Fund has suffered a major blow. Customers have asked for the return of their principal. A total of seven Hundreds of billions of won, and due to the chain reaction, Miracle Group lost at least one billion U.S. dollars this time!"

Chen Yangzhe blinked his tired eyes, took off his reading glasses from the bridge of his nose, glanced down, and murmured to himself with a hint of surprise.

"Rongji and Dongji can't be Dojun's opponent even if they join forces!"

"Didn't Miracle Group do anything unusual?"

Director Li raised his head and glanced at Chen Yangzhe. He stood up straight, placed his hands on both sides of his body, pressed tightly against the midline of his pants, and answered very respectfully.

"Yes, President Chen Daojun has no reaction at all except cooperating with the prosecutor's investigation!"

Chen Yangzhe put his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose again, tilted his head, and said in confusion.

"How strange!"

"Daojun is not a person who suffers losses. Although he rarely takes the initiative to attack, as long as someone provokes him, he will definitely fight back crazily!"

"Back then, I just asked him if he had broken the Korean white porcelain, and he threw my precious celadon! How could Daojun with such a character suffer such a big loss without any counterattack? Woolen cloth?"

Seeing that Chen Yangzhe was puzzled, Chief Li couldn't help but said.

"Could it be because Chairman Chen Daojun is busy dealing with the prosecutor's investigation, so he doesn't have time to fight back!"

Chen Yangzhe was stunned for a moment, straightened up, showed a serious expression, and said in a deep voice.

"Dojun is not someone who only takes a beating without fighting back. He must retaliate. He will never stop retaliating just because of this!"

Chen Yangzhe had various guesses constantly popping up in his mind, but he still didn't guess how Chen Daojun would fight back. He rubbed his brows tiredly, and gave up guessing Chen Daojun's counterattack method, but he still said firmly.

"Dojun has already fought back, but it hasn't been revealed yet. It seems that we will see the final result soon!"

Director Li was a little unconvinced. In his opinion, Chen Daojun was now deeply involved in national public opinion and in an embarrassing situation, and he had no energy or time to fight back.

Chen Yangzhe knew Director Li very well, just like Director Li knew Chen Yangzhe very well. Seeing Director Li disapproving, he said with a smile.

"Perhaps in your opinion, it is a very troublesome thing that national public opinion is morally condemning Dojun!

"Dojun doesn't care about this. The people are ignorant and blindly obedient. There is no need to take their reactions to heart!"

"As for those at the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office, they will not easily offend a chaebol, and they are still a very young chaebol!"

"The person in charge of the case is Xu Minying, and she is Dojun's girlfriend. Isn't it obvious enough? This prosecutor's investigation is just a formality!"

"So, Daojun has definitely counterattacked, but we don't know it yet!"

The sharp eyes like an eagle looked at Director Li quietly, which made him feel chilled. He quickly lowered his head and replied.

"President, what you said makes sense. I will also ask the secretary's office to investigate in detail!"

Chen Yangzhe withdrew his gaze, waved his hands, relaxed his body, and leaned on the sofa, like a well-fed tiger, with all his sharpness and power restrained.

"No need to go to such trouble, let's just wait for the mystery to be solved. This will be fun!"

The occurrence of some tragedies is inevitable and cannot be prevented. The picture played on the TV shocked everyone.

On September 11, New York suffered a heavy blow. Everyone felt sad for this disaster. The whole world fell into silence. Everyone understood that the stock market was going to collapse. This incident would impact many people. industry, causing panic.

The South Korean stock market announced that it will postpone the opening of tomorrow by three hours, while the U.S. stock market will be closed for four days.

Everyone knows that as soon as the market opens, everyone will panic sell.

Chen Daojun watched this scene calmly, looked at the news that had ended, turned off the TV, picked up the microphone, and gave instructions.

"Follow the plan!"

At Shunyang Securities Company, Chen Dongji was extremely irritable. He looked at the subordinates in front of him and said angrily.

"Notify all traders and securities brokers to sell off all projects that are prone to price fluctuations first, and everyone must be on standby three hours in advance!"

The panicked and angry Chen Dongji kept roaring, angrily took off the watch on his wrist, and threw it to the ground angrily. This valuable watch ended its life like this.

"Yes, we understand!"

Several of his subordinates trembled, bent down and nodded, not daring to stay for a moment longer, and hurriedly left the office.

Executive Bai looked at the furious Chen Dongji, gritted his teeth, and said as if he was dead.

"Vice President, there is a more urgent situation now. The stocks you invested in New York under the Miracle Investment Project, including airlines, hotels, travel agencies, and property insurance companies, have all been severely impacted by this incident, causing great harm. The loss was at least 600 billion won!"

Chen Dongji looked at Executive Bai blankly, without any reaction for a moment, and sat slumped on the sofa, with a look of despair in his eyes, and murmured.

"It's over, it's all over!"

Chen Dongji's lips were trembling continuously, his breathing was rapid, he gritted his teeth and looked at Executive Bai, and roared.

"Didn't you say that there is no problem with this investment? Why is this?"

Standing at attention and bending down, Biao said very apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Vice President, I'm sorry for you!"

Chen Dongji panted violently, his heart beating wildly in his chest, which made him feel palpitations. He stood up tremblingly, walked to the wine cabinet, opened a bottle of strong liquor, and poured it into his mouth without hesitation. , the strong drink flowed from the corner of his mouth, making all his clothes wet.


Chen Dongji drank up a bottle of wine in one breath. With his eyes dazed and drunk, he staggered towards Executive Bai and smashed the bottle in his hand on Executive Bai's head.

"Tick tock! Tick tock!"

Drops of bright red blood dripped down his forehead. Executive Bai covered his head, not daring to move, and looked at the violent Chen Dongji in horror.


Chen Dongji laughed, with madness and anger in his laughter. He looked at the blood-stained wine bottle in his hand and smashed it on the ground.


The wine bottle shattered and the glass shards flew across the void, leaving a scratch on the back of Chen Dongji's hand and red blood.

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