I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2039 The strong do not believe in fate

There was a bit of worry on Xu Minying's face. She was still very worried about public opinion. The national character of South Korea is very sensitive and extreme. It is easy for people to provoke those sensitive nerves and make irrational behaviors. This is very likely to have a bad impact on Chen Daojun.

Chen Daojun leaned back, put his arms around Xu Minying's shoulders, pressed her head against his chest, and said coldly with a cold light in his eyes.

"I know exactly who is behind this, and I will take care of them. You, just do your job well. You don't need to worry about me!"

Chen Daojun lowered his head, kissed Xu Minying's forehead gently, looked into those bright eyes, and said very confidently.

"I am Chen Daojun, the president of Miracle Group. In fact, I can defeat those villains!"

Xu Minying responded softly, with endless pride in her heart. This was the person she liked. He was so confident at all times. This maturity and stability far beyond his age deeply attracted her.

Xu Minying raised her head and kissed Chen Daojun's lips very proactively. Her face was slightly red and she was full of charm.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

"President, the people from the Financial Tax Department have sorted out all the information. They are ready to leave and are waiting for Prosecutor Xu Minying!"

Team leader Liu of the secretary's office knocked lightly on the door but did not open it. He knew that there were only two people in the office, Chen Daojun and Xu Minying, and he was afraid that he would see something he shouldn't see.


Chen Daojun hugged Xu Minying tightly and refused to let go for a long time. Xu Minying leaned quietly in Chen Daojun's arms, unwilling to leave.

After a full five minutes, Xu Minying struggled slightly, then stood up from Chen Daojun's arms, straightened her appearance, and then said.

"I should go, otherwise I don't know what they will think!"

Chen Daojun nodded and sent Xu Minying out, saying with some reluctance.

"I won't send you down anymore. Take care of yourself and don't just ignore it when you get busy!"

Xu Minying nodded and left reluctantly.

Wu Shixuan entered the office again and sat down in front of Chen Daojun. His face lost the playful smile just now. He had a straight face and was very serious, with evil eyes in his eyes, and said to Chen Daojun.

"I have conducted an inventory of the investment department and found the insider who leaked information about our investment in New Data technology!"

"According to his confession, he is a chess piece planted by Chen Dongji, the vice chairman of Shunyang Group, in our company. This incident should be controlled by vice chairman Chen Dongji behind the scenes!"

Chen Daojun nodded calmly. He already knew this in his heart, thought about it, and said.

"Use this chess piece to pass some false news to Chen Dongji. I will use this opportunity to acquire Shunyang Financial Holdings Company so that they can steal the chicken but lose the rice!"

"After this is done, send this chess piece to live abroad. He will definitely not refuse!"

Wu Shixuan understood, a cold light flashed in his eyes, with endless coldness, and he said angrily.

"You are already showing mercy by sparing his life. How dare he refuse!"

As Wu Shixun, who has been in the financial industry all his life, he has seen too much darkness. If such a chess piece planted in an enemy company is exposed, it will generally not end well.

Most of the people engaged in finance are wealthy people. They are the most cruel and ruthless people. How could they spare the insider who caused huge losses to them? The power and darkness of capital are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Chen Daojun's treatment is already the most lenient. If the other party still doesn't know what to do, he is really looking for death.

"He's just a little shrimp. He has no choice at all. If we give him a way out, it's enough to make him work for us!"

Wu Shixuan nodded in agreement, stood up and left.

Chen Daojun leaned on the sofa, with a calm expression and unfathomable eyes. He was silent for a long time before he spoke.

"It's so boring!"

At Shunyang Securities, Chen Dongji was sitting behind his desk, looking expectantly at the man who was calculating in his hands like a semi-immortal, and asked curiously.

"Manager Bai, what do you think? Have you figured out Daojun's fate? Will we succeed?"

Executive Bai is Chen Dongji's right-hand man. He is the investment manager with the highest annual growth rate among Shunyang Securities. He is proficient in numerology and has won Chen Dongji's trust.

Of course, these are all the characters created by Executive Bai himself. In fact, he is just a big liar. He does not understand Yi Shu at all. He has also suffered continuous losses in investments. He only used his authority to misappropriate other funds to fill his own shortcomings, making himself The investment record looks the most impressive.

From this point of view, Chen Dongji’s structure is still too small. The strong do not believe in fate and will never pin their future on the vague destiny. They always believe in themselves. No matter what kind of blow they encounter, they will still Stay true to yourself and never waver.

Executive Bai stopped pinching his hands and said in a serious tone.

"This is when President Chen Daojun encountered the white tiger. His fate is at its weakest at this time. If the vice president can seize the opportunity, he can suffer huge losses!"

Chen Dongji showed a satisfied smile, put his hands on the edge of the desk, bent over, very excited, raised his head and said to Executive Bai.

"Great, as long as I defeat Dao Jun this time, I can get Shunyang Financial Holding Company. I will definitely inherit Shunyang Group and become the second president in the future!"

As a senior liar, Executive Bai would not finish his words and moved his fingers again. Chen Dongji did not dare to disturb him and quietly waited for Executive Bai's calculation results.

After more than ten minutes, Executive Bai stopped pinching tiredly and said with a serious face.

"Vice President, President Chen Daojun, although he has been attacked by a white tiger at this time, his life is precious after all. If he can get through the difficulties this time, he will definitely leap over the dragon gate and truly ascend to heaven and become a dragon. It is unstoppable, so we still need to grasp it well. This opportunity!”

Chen Dongji had been deceived by Executive Bai all these years. He nodded repeatedly when he heard this, with a very pious expression on his face and a calculating light in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

"In this case, I will definitely do my best. Shunyang Financial Holding Company must not be handed over to that boy!"

Miracle Group, Representative Office.

Wu Shixuan put on a gray suit and had a solemn expression. He sat on the sofa and looked sharply at Agent Wu standing in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"You did a good job this time. Representative Chen Dongji has been fooled. The president is very satisfied with your performance and decided to reward you with a sum of money. After the network is closed, he will arrange for your family to live in the United States together!"

Agent Wu showed excitement on his face, a flattering smile on his face, and said gratefully.

"Thank you, President, and thank you, Representative Wu. I will always be grateful to you two for your great kindness!"

Today is the Spring Festival. Tai Su is here to wish all the success to his family, peace and joy, everything they ask for, and a smooth journey! Secretly bless yourself again, all your wishes will come true and you will get what you want!

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