I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2025 Search Shunyang Department Store

Xu Minying's expression changed, and the figure of Chen Daojun appeared in her mind. He was her boyfriend, and the Chen Huarong she wanted to search was her aunt. Would he be angry?

Xu Minying was also full of distracting thoughts, but when she thought of the principles and dreams she insisted on, her eyes condensed and she became very determined. No matter what the outcome was, she would never let the crime happen, and she made a decision.

Xu Minying stood up, looked around, and said firmly to several assistants.

"We are the prosecutors of South Korea and the last line of defense for the people. If even we compromise on crime, then what is the point of our existence?"

"Although the Shunyang Group has deep financial foundations and a complicated network of relationships, can we turn a blind eye to their crimes?"

Everyone was young, and the blood in their hearts had not yet cooled down. Naturally, they could not understand the chaebol's style. When they heard Xu Minying's question, they all stood up, waved their arms excitedly, and answered loudly.

"We will never!"

Xu Minying was in high spirits. Looking at these like-minded colleagues, she felt extremely excited. In this case, what are you waiting for?

"Start the investigation, retrieve the account balance details of Representative Chen Huarong, and pay close attention to all accounts of Shunyang Circulation Group. We must find evidence of Representative Chen Huarong's crime before we can apply for a search!"


After several days of hard investigation, Park Yongwu placed a thick stack of documents on Xu Minying's desk. Xu Minying raised her head from her busy work, with a hint of inquiry in her eyes.

"Prosecutor, this is the analysis of the relevant fund flows found when reviewing the income and expenditure details of Representative Chen Huarong's account!"

Xu Minying had tied up her hair at this time, looking a bit more capable and refreshing. She was wearing a blue shirt on her upper body. This was the same outfit as the prosecutor, but it fit her perfectly. It has the softness of a woman and the strength of a professional woman.

"Have you found any signs that Representative Chen Huarong has embezzled public funds?"

With a bright smile on her face, Xu Minying's rather expectant eyes appeared in her black and white eyes, and she asked quickly.

Pu Yongwu had a white towel hanging around his neck, and the blue shirt on his body was soaked. He put his hands on his hips, showing a bit of exhaustion and excitement. He was exhausted from looking for evidence that Chen Huarong had embezzled public funds in the past two days. I only need to sleep for two or three hours a day to analyze all the account information in such a short period of time.

"Ah! No, not found!"

"There is no trace in this regard. It has always been the best tradition and history of Shunyang Group!"

Pu Yongwu reached out and patted the back of his neck and raised his head. He had been very uncomfortable looking at these documents these past few days.


Xu Minying sighed, a little disappointed, looked down at the thick stack of account details, and felt for the first time how difficult Shunyang Group was.

Suddenly, Park Yongwu leaned forward, stretched out his right hand and pointed at Xu Minying, smiling proudly.

"However, I found another interesting account!"

Xu Minying's big eyes were full of surprise, and she looked at Park Yongwu intently.

Pu Yongwu casually pulled the office board aside, picked up the marker, and kept writing and drawing on it for a quarter of an hour.

"Come and see this place!"

"The legal person account of Shunyang Department Store has more than 100 billion won in funds. This money is deposited into hundreds of accounts in units of 300 million, 400 million, etc.!"

Xu Minying looked at the data above carefully, looked at Park Yongwu, and asked hurriedly.

"These accounts should all belong to Shunyang Department Store customers, right?"

Pu Yongwu did not answer directly, but continued to look at the account information recorded on the board and explained to everyone.

"Although these accounts have different account names and different banks, I found one thing in common!"

“That’s where these banks are. You can see Hoehyeon-dong, Chungmuro, and Euljiro from here.”

Xu Minying tilted her head, a look of enlightenment appeared in her eyes, and she understood what Park Yongwu meant and said.

“These are all in Myeongdong!”

"Myeongdong's private debt market has a large money laundering center, so where did the laundered money go?"

The excitement on Pu Yongwu's face suddenly froze. Xu Minying's words interrupted his showing off and explanation. He looked at the prosecutor who knew everything and answered quickly.

"Shunyang Design!"

Pu Yongwu wrote a few big words with a red pen on the white office board, drew a circle, and circled the words.

"On the surface, the funds in the accounts of Shunyang Department Store customers passed through Myeongdong Money Laundering Office and finally flowed into Shunyang Design!"

"Shunyang Design does not have any income and expenditure details. All funds come from Shunyang Department Store funds flowing out from money laundering companies!"

"Shell company?"

Xu Minying took two steps forward, looked at the big words, and breathed a sigh of relief. She finally caught the tail of Shunyang Group.

"Representative Chen Huarong misappropriated public funds by establishing the ghost company Shunyang Design!"

Xu Minying immediately turned around and said to a man in his thirties.

"Chief Song, please help me apply for a search warrant from the court!"

"I want to seize and search Shunyang Department Store and request that Representative Chen Huarong be summoned!"

"No problem, I'll go right away!"

At Shunyang Department Store, a group of prosecutors and investigators in handsome black suits poured into the company lobby, took out a search warrant, and conducted a comprehensive search of Shunyang Department Store.

"Representative, people from the Golden Tax Department are here. They want to seize and search our company's accounts. We need you to handle it!"

Li Hairen wore a small black suit and her long black hair was tied up. She looked very energetic. Li Hairen has changed a lot during this time. She has become more powerful and capable. During this time, she is busy with The group was undergoing reforms and was so busy that he hadn't gone home to cook for a long time. Chen Ruiji was very dissatisfied with Chen Daojun's actions of squeezing his mother. The good and sweet wife turned into a domineering female president, which he couldn't bear.

"I gonna go see!"

Li Hairen stood up, followed by Executive Li, and walked out of the representative office together. They saw the prosecutor's office staff who were stopped in the lobby.

Li Hairen hurriedly quickened his pace, waved the staff out of the way, and stood in front of the prosecutors.

"I am Prosecutor Seo Min-young from the Golden Tax Department of the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office. This is our search warrant. We received a report that Representative Chen Huarong is suspected of embezzling public funds. We need to seize and search Sunyang Department Store. Please cooperate!"

Xu Minying didn't notice the appearance of the visitor. She just flashed the search warrant in her hand and read out the procedural words in an upright manner.

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