I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2018 Chen Huarong Eliminated

"I have received news that, aunt, you misappropriated public funds from Shunyang Department Store's account for stock trading. You lost all your money and caused huge losses to the group!"

The smile on Chen Huarong's face froze at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Chen Daojun who changed his face again in disbelief, suspecting that he was hearing hallucinations in his ears.

"What did you say?"

"Who is talking nonsense? I am the only daughter of Chairman Chen Yangzhe of Shunyang Group. How could his beloved daughter misappropriate the company's public funds for stock speculation?!"

There was a bit of arrogance on Chen Huarong's face, but she could not hide the panic in her eyes. If she was found to have embezzled public funds to speculate in stocks, she would have to face prosecution from the Seoul prosecutors. Even if she could get rid of the charges, her reputation would be ruined. It might even implicate her husband, causing him to resign and no longer be able to serve as mayor of Seoul. Not to mention that he will be given up by Chen Yangzhe and will never have any chance to inherit Shunyang Group.


Chen Daojun's face showed a bit of amusement, he stretched out his hand to scratch his hair as if he was distressed, and turned back to ask Mr. Ren who had just entered the office.

"Ren Standing Committee, Representative Chen Huarong said that he has never misappropriated company funds!"

"But you told me that my aunt misappropriated 120 billion won from the company's account!"

"I wonder which one of you is lying?"

Standing Master Ren respectfully walked to Chen Daojun's side, put the document in his hand in front of Chen Daojun's eyes, and said softly.

"President, this is a detailed record of Representative Chen Huarong's misappropriation of public funds!"

"I would never dare to deceive the president!"

Standing Master Ren had a serious face, sincerity and awe under his dull eyes. He bowed at 90 degrees, held the document, and turned the pages page by page for Chen Daojun to read.

Chen Daojun glanced at it, looked up at Chen Huarong, whose face was ashen, gently waved his hand, and gave instructions to Standing Committee Ren.

"In that case, show this document to Representative Chen Huarong, lest she think we have wronged her!"

Executive Ren nodded, closed the document again, walked to the desk, placed the document fee in his hand in front of Chen Huarong, and said in a deep voice instead of the usual respect, with a bit more solemnity.

"Please also ask Representative Chen to take a look at it to see if it is consistent with the facts."

Chen Huarong's triangular eyes widened, full of resentment and confusion, and his voice seemed to crawl out of his throat, very harsh, and he asked sternly.

"Ren, Standing Committee, you actually cheated me and betrayed me!"

Ren Changzhu looked normal, looked at the hysterical Chen Huarong very calmly, and said in a deep voice.

"Representative, I have advised you not to take risks or embezzle public funds, but you just don't listen. I can't go all the way with you and drown in the stock market, so I have no choice but to save myself!"

"President Chen Daojun appreciates my financial management philosophy very much. I naturally want to cherish this opportunity. I can only hand over the details of your misappropriation of public funds to President Chen!"

Chen Huarong's eyes were filled with frightening looks, as if he wanted to eat people, his face was ferocious, he stared at Chen Daojun, and shouted loudly.

"So, you designed all this!"

"Including luring me to buy New Data technology stocks, it was all calculated from the beginning!"

Chen Daojun did not deny it. He stood up with an indifferent expression, showing aloofness and indifference. He looked down at Chen Huarong and said coldly.

"You're right, I set up a trap on purpose!"

"I also know that you will inevitably be greedy in your heart, and in the end you will definitely put all your money into the stock market!"

Chen Huarong looked pale and stared at the ruthless Chen Daojun with fearful eyes, very puzzled.


"why are you doing this?"

Chen Daojun walked to Chen Huarong's side, his cheek was close to Chen Huarong's ear, his voice was full of chill.

"Have you forgotten what you said?"

"There are some things you shouldn't say randomly, as it will kill someone!"

Chen Daojun sneered, which frightened Chen Huarong so much that he took two steps back and bumped into the desk. It was a mess, and countless items fell to the ground, making a noisy sound.

Chen Huarong recalled in his mind what he had said after the Zhengxinzhai family gathering, his face became extremely ugly, he looked at Chen Daojun gloomily and said in disbelief.

"Just because I said that Li Hairen is an actor?"

"As for you, that's just my angry words!"

Chen Daojun's face was covered with frost, and he was extremely gloomy. He stared directly at Chen Huarong with a terrifying gaze, which made her look away, and her heart was filled with fear.

"She is my mother. If you make her unhappy, you just don't take me seriously. You must pay a heavy price!"

Chen Huarong regretted it so much at this time. She never thought that she would suffer such violent revenge because of the quick words she said. The price was so heavy that she was breathless and unable to bear it.

Chen Daojun looked at Chen Huarong with a look of regret and fear on his face. He exhaled slowly, calmed down the anger on his face, and regained his composure. However, under this calm face, there was an abyss hidden, enough to swallow everything. Chen Huarong was even more frightened. She even had the illusion that she was not facing her nephew, but her father, President Chen Yangzhe, who was just as ruthless and domineering.

"Hand over all the shares of Shunyang Circulation Group, otherwise this document that you embezzled public funds will appear in the hands of the prosecutor!"

"By then, it will not end well!"

Chen Huarong's face was full of reluctance. After hearing this, he had to weigh the pros and cons. He lowered his head, clenched his hands tightly, and even dug his nails into his palms. At this time, only severe pain could relieve the regret and resentment in Chen Huarong's heart.

"I know, I will do it!"

A voice full of disappointment sounded in the office, revealing powerlessness and frustration. Chen Huarong's entire energy and energy were gone. There was no trace of his previous pride and arrogance. He was like a defeated rooster, dejected.

Chen Daojun nodded to Wu Shixuan. Wu Shixuan took a document from the person behind him, which was a share transfer document that had been drafted long ago, and walked up to Chen Huarong and motioned for her to sign.

Chen Huarong held a pen in her hand, which weighed as much as a thousand pounds. She was unable to write and did not sign.

Chen Daojun sneered, turned around and left, leaving only one sentence that shocked Chen Huarong.

"Since I don't want to, I won't force it. All the news in South Korea tomorrow will be that Representative Chen Huarong is suspected of misappropriating the group's public funds, causing huge losses. The prosecutor is opening a case to investigate!"

Chen Huarong laughed miserably, waved his hand, and signed his name on the document. He raised his head again, showing an arrogant look, glanced at everyone, and walked out, maintaining his last bit of self-esteem.

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