I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 20 Inside the ramen restaurant

The location of Ichiraku Ramen in the village is not very ideal, but it is very famous. It has witnessed the growth of the Sannin, the love of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Kushina, and the innocent love of Uchiha Obito. It was the first time that Uzumaki Naruto felt the warmth of kindness.

The boss of Ichiraku Ramen, Uncle Tezada, is warm and cheerful. He has superb ramen skills, generous portions, delicious food and low price. What is even more valuable is that Tezida treats everyone equally and does not differ from the prejudice and ignorance of the villagers. When Naruto was young, he was hungry. When he couldn't bear it, he enthusiastically treated Naruto to ramen for free. Therefore, Ichiraku Ramen was not only delicious and cheap, but also full of heart.

"I want a bowl of miso ramen!" Xiao Li shouted happily.

"I want a tonkotsu ramen!" Tiantian followed closely.

"I also want a miso ramen." Kai and Xiao Li have almost the same taste. No wonder Tiantian suspects that the two are related by blood.

"I want a seafood ramen!" Neci also ordered a bowl, but he preferred seafood ramen. This may be related to the fact that he couldn't afford seafood in his previous two lives, but he likes seafood very much in this life.

"Hey? Kakashi, you're here too!" Kai just happened to sit down and saw Kakashi sitting in the corner.

"Kakashi, why are you sitting so far away? Come and sit with us. It's just the right time to introduce you to my lovely student. You also happen to know Li and Neji!" Kakashi is Kai's lifelong rival, so he saw Kakashi, Kai couldn't wait to show off his student.

Although Kakashi didn't respond, he silently picked up the ramen and sat over.

Looking at Kakashi in front of him, Neji felt a little strange. It stands to reason that Kakashi would not listen to Gai's words and sit here. According to past experience, Kakashi would ignore Gai's greeting and Neji would pretend to be casual. He left directly, so Kakashi's behavior was a bit abnormal.

Neji opened his Byakugan directly and observed the situation around him. He suddenly realized when he saw Uzumaki Naruto in yellow clothes.

Kakashi's life was full of misfortunes. His family, teammates and teachers all suffered misfortune, so the whole person fell into a completely negative state. Uzumaki Naruto is the only orphan of Kakashi's teacher, the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato. Because of Naruto The special identity of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was banned by the Third Generation to conceal Naruto's identity. Therefore, Kakashi cannot directly contact Naruto, but he is obviously still secretly paying attention to Naruto's growth.

Although Neji turned on his Byakugan, there were no protruding meridians around his eyes, and they could not be observed at all from the outside. From this, it can be seen that Neji's Byakugan has far exceeded the limit of Byakugan, reaching a level that others cannot understand. realm.

"Huh?" Kakashi seemed to feel a vague peek, but he couldn't determine where the peek came from. But Kakashi knew that Neji would have such strength if he walked straight into the Ichiraku Ramen Shop, so he looked directly at Neji.

"?" Kakashi's eyes revealed this doubt, as if he was asking why Neji was peeping at him.

Neji moved his gaze in the direction of Naruto. Kakashi followed Neji's gaze and immediately understood that Neji knew why he was sitting in the corner.

Kakashi was surprised, Naruto's identity was top secret, how could Neji know it?

Kakashi thought about Neji's powerful strength and keen perception again, and felt a little relieved.

With Neji's strength perception and Byakugan, as long as Naruto appears in front of Neji, Neji will definitely notice that Naruto is different. What's more, Naruto and Neji are only one level apart, and they must have met each other in the ninja school, so it's not surprising that Neji knows how special Naruto is.

Neji saw Kakashi's confusion, looked directly at Kakashi, and directly pulled Kakashi's spirit into the fantasy world.

"Where is this?" Kakashi remained calm. Although he was pulled into the spiritual world by Neci, he did not act excessively. He knew that Neci would not do anything excessive.

"This is the result of the exchange between me and Senior Uchiha Itachi - the Gensei of Spiritual Space." Ningji said that Gensei had a look of pride on his face, because it was because the Gensei had played an unimaginable role in Ningci's growth. The effect far exceeded Neji's previous expectations.

Kakashi looked at the surrounding environment and the people coming and going around him, suspecting that he had been affected by Neji's illusion or was taken to other places by Neji's time and space ninjutsu.

"Then who are the people around?" Kakashi was shocked. He had a shocking guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

"Those are all transformed by my spiritual thoughts. Each one needs to experience a different life, until they experience death, and then go through reincarnation and transform into a different life." When Ningci said this, his face was full of pride, which is extremely rare. Show off his achievements to Kakashi.

"Is this a fantasy world? This is no longer a spiritual space. It can already become a spiritual world!" Kakashi was shocked by Neji several times, but none of them was as shocking as the one Neji gave him this time.

Looking at Neji in front of him, whose face was still full of childishness, Kakashi had already seen the shocking reality of Neji behind his entire face.

Kakashi has been able to determine that no one in the current ninja world is Ningji's opponent. Maybe Neji is now the new generation of ninja god.

"What strength have you reached now?" Kakashi asked Neji cautiously.

"Strength?" Neji scratched his head, not knowing how to answer such a general and vague question.

When Neji was researching experiments, he experimented with some theories and ideas from the previous two lives, such as the fantasy world. Neji himself just wanted to use the gap between the time speed of the mental space and the outside world to speed up research, but later Ningji On a sudden whim, I substituted part of my spirit into the characters in the ninja biographies I had read, and used my mental space to simulate experiencing the other person's life.

The result was beyond Neji's expectation. The experience and state of mind experienced in the spiritual world actually brought Neji an unimaginable improvement in strength, as if he had really experienced the life of those legends in the ninja world.

Later, Ningci thought of the legendary dream of enlightenment, and divided his spirit into countless thoughts, allowing them to experience birth, old age, illness, and death in the fantasy world, and evolve joys and sorrows. This made Ningci's mental power grow to a point that far exceeded Ka The imagination and realm of Cassie and others are even more indescribable.

What Neji can be sure of is that even if his body dies, his spirit can still live on in the world like the tailed beasts and the Six Paths Sage. It can be said that death has no meaning for Neji.

Realm belongs to realm, strength belongs to strength. Neji's current shortcoming is his body, or Chakra. Although Neji's chakra is not inferior to Kage level, he is limited by the energy of cells in his body and cannot refine more. Chakra may be able to exert super shadow level strength by relying on a strong spirit, but it cannot reach six path level strength.

However, these cannot stop Neji. Neji has found the way, which is natural chakra, but due to the lack of relevant data experience, it will take some time. However, Neji can also get in touch with the magic of Miaomu Mountain through Jiraiya. There is no need to learn it. As long as he takes a look, he can greatly shorten his research time and create his own magic, so that he can be like a toad. The Great Immortal and others also achieved immortality, which was something that even the Immortal of the Six Paths had never achieved.

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