I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2 Preliminary Analysis of Chakra

Time always passes by inadvertently, especially when a person is focused on improving himself, the illusion of not having enough time will be particularly strong.

The setting sun at dusk smudges the entire sky, and the warm spring breeze is intoxicating, as if caressing the lover's cheek.

"Fufufufu! The feeling of practicing is really intoxicating. This is the feeling of becoming stronger, especially in the early days when you can feel the progress every moment, it is more addictive than anything else." With the sweat falling off his face, Neji stopped practicing all afternoon and felt the gradually getting stronger feeling in his body. Even the fatigue in his body seemed to have disappeared.

"The chakra in my body has increased by about two-thirds. It seems that my body can extract more energy after my spiritual fusion."

Chakra has been studied since it was taught to all living beings by the Sage of Six Paths, and has been very perfect in theory. Basically, the consensus in the ninja world is that chakra is formed by the fusion of cellular energy and spiritual energy of the human body and can affect reality. of extraordinary power. Everyone has chakra, but due to chakra manipulation and some physical reasons, some people are unable to use ninjutsu and illusions with it even if they can refine chakra. The representative figure among them is Xiao Li.

Ninja talent means that someone is born with a large amount of chakra, such as the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan. Some people are born with strong spirits, such as the Uchiha clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Nara clan. There are also those who are balanced but not outstanding, but those who can control the combination of the two well also have outstanding talents. This is the case for most ninjas.

As the bloodline of Kaguya, the Hyuga clan has outstanding physical talents. Although it is not as good as the Senju clan, its cellular energy still has a great advantage compared to civilians. In addition, the Byakugan also has outstanding mental talents, but the two Not as outstanding as Senju and Uchiha gives people a mediocre feeling.

As a prominent family in the ninja world, there is no doubt about the talent of the Hyuga clan. Now Neji III is a human being with soul fusion and spiritual strength that is unmatched by ordinary people. That's why the chakra increased by two-thirds in one day than before.

Judging from the current growth trend, in the past two years before Neji entered the ninja school, Neji's chakra amount could basically reach the level of a special jounin. This is already amazing. Originally, the Hyuga clan's soft fist He is famous for being able to cause huge damage with a small amount of chakra, and he focuses on using Arrancar, so basically Neji will not be short of chakra in the future.

As for the time traveler who was invincible after graduating from ninja school at the age of 6, like in the fan novels of his previous life, Neji felt inferior to him. He is a self-aware person and will not think that he can innovate the chakra theory that everyone in the ninja world has studied for hundreds of years by just thinking about it, and he can casually develop ninjutsu and theories that span the ages.

If Ningci were to think blindly like those time-travelers, he would be asking for death. Only after systematically studying the theoretical knowledge of the ninja world, after years of research and practice, and being a genius himself, can he introduce the old and bring forth the new. Research your own unique ninjutsu.

Even a genius like the Fourth Hokage only created the Rasengan and perfected the Flying Thunder God technique. The most famous people in Kakashi's life were Chidori and Raikiri.

Although Neji realized that he had an amazing talent in one afternoon of training, he actually learned the 128 Palms of Rou Fist and Bagua after just one look at it. He was unable to use it only because of chakra and body strength issues.

It is precisely because he has such an amazing talent that he must study step by step. Talent determines the lower limit, but learning can increase the upper limit. He does not want to just rely on talent, knowing it but not knowing why.

Just like in modern society, people will use modern technology, but there are few people who can understand the principles. This is the gap.

Although Neji is a branch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizatsu is his uncle after all. As long as it does not involve the secrets and secrets of the clan, he can still see other knowledge about ninjutsu and chakra. This is The advantages of being a prominent family in the ninja world.

Children of civilians can only be exposed to basic knowledge in ninja schools. Only by desperately gaining military exploits on the battlefield can they have the opportunity to come into contact with advanced ninjutsu knowledge, and these are indeed readily available within the ninja clan.

Neji was somewhat grateful that he became a member of the Hyuga clan. He did not have the crisis of genocide of the Uchiha clan, and he also had a unique blood-stained talent and rich knowledge resources. Although he had the restriction of being a caged bird, this was just an illusion to Neji, so as long as he practiced step by step, By following the formal path, Neji will definitely stand at the top of the ninja world and become a strong influence on the ninja world.

There is absolutely no need to take side paths like some people without talent. After all, you can reach your destination safely by taking the main road, so why take the cliff.

Since Neji's mother passed away early, only Hinata, Hizashi and Neci were together at every meal. As a father, Hizashi, like all fathers in the world, always has an attitude towards his son, no matter how much he cares about him. , there are only strict instructions on his lips and few warm words, so the whole atmosphere is relatively quiet every time he eats.

But today is an exception. After all, Neji is no longer the child he used to be. Coupled with the familiarity during this period, he got rid of the strangeness at the beginning and had an independent and mature thinking. Not to mention that it was his first time to practice today. He had many questions to ask, so this dinner was more interesting than before. It's a bit lively and has a warm family atmosphere.

"Father, I want to know how to extract more chakra?"

"Chakra extraction cannot be rushed. Although there are better chakra extraction methods in the family, they are not suitable for your current age. You cannot grow as a ninja in a hurry, otherwise you will only overdraw your body and consume your own potential. .”

"Ningji, you have to remember that ninjas cannot seize the day and ignore long-term development. You are already extremely talented and must not take shortcuts. Do you hear me clearly?" Hizashi looked at Neji sternly and waited. Neji's answer.

"Yes, father, I remember it!" Neji was not a child, so he naturally knew that this was for his own good, and he agreed with this view in his heart.

"That's good!" Hizashi nodded with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with Neci.

He is sensible and well-behaved, but also has extraordinary talents. It is a pity that he became a branch due to his own reasons.

Thinking of this, Hizashi lost his appetite. His brows wrinkled unconsciously.

"Father, I want to see the family's collection of books. I wonder if it's okay." Neji looked at Hizashi who put down the tableware and quickly made his request.

"Well, it's a good thing to want to learn, but you should know that you can't learn the secret techniques of the clan. There are only some ordinary information." Although Hizashi was surprised by Neji's request, he still kindly reminded him.

"I know, Father, I just want to gain a better understanding of ninja knowledge. Not for the secret arts."

Neji naturally knows that every family has corresponding confidentiality measures for secret techniques. Just like Konoha's sealed book, only through strict screening can one get a glimpse of its secrets. Not everyone is qualified to consult it. . These rules cannot be violated even by the Hokage and the clan leader.

"I will talk to your uncle, and the results will be available at the latest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Hizashi got up and walked towards the bedroom, but still chose to comply with Neji's request.

"Yes, good night, father!" Neji quickly stood up to see his father off.

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