Chapter 1990 Chen Rongji’s Fatherly Love

Chen Rongji walked into the study room fearfully. Looking at his sobbing wife, Chen Rongji felt somewhat guilty. After all, he had caused her trouble.

Chen Yangzhe sat behind the desk, with his fingers crossed and his chin resting on his hands. His eyes were round, like the eyes of a tiger, exuding a terrifying power that made Chen Rongji tremble several times.


Chen Rongji simply knelt down on the ground, not daring to raise his head. He lowered his head, looked at the papers scattered on the floor, and glanced casually. The content above made his pupils shrink. It was the detailed content of his land speculation. , such secret things, even his wife didn't know about it. Unexpectedly, his father found out clearly, and the fear in his heart became even more.

The dim light fell on Chen Rongji, the eldest son and vice-president of Shunyang Group who already knew his destiny. He looked like a pupil who made a mistake, admitting his mistake to his father. He looked very ridiculous.

Chen Rongji knelt respectfully in the study, put his hands on his knees, and bowed his body, very humble and respectful. His burly body shrank into a ball. He was already fifty years old, but he still wanted to be with his father. With such a humble face in front of him, his big, somewhat ferocious face looked very ridiculous.

"Dad, it was my negligence!"

Chen Rongji had a mournful face, showing fear and fright. His eyes moved back and forth in his eye sockets, avoiding Chen Yangzhe's gaze, and explained pitifully.

"I overestimated my capabilities and wanted to use my own strength to make up for the company's losses caused by the last acquisition of Handao Steel!"

Chen Yangzhe's face was livid, his eyes were full of disappointment and dissatisfaction, and his solemn expression was particularly terrifying. He showed no mercy to the cowardly and incompetent eldest son, and reprimanded him coldly.

"You really know how to be clever. Don't you know what kind of society we are in today?"

"You are already old, why do you still look like a young man who is ignorant of the world?"

Chen Yangzhe put down his crossed hands and leaned forward slightly, which gave Chen Rongji a greater sense of pressure and made him feel suffocated, and he did not dare to breathe.

"Is it really because as long as you do it secretly, no one will know?"

In order to serve Chen Yangzhe in prison, Chen Rongji suffered from arthritis in prison. Whenever it rained, he would suffer unbearable pain. There were no stars and moon tonight, and the clouds were obviously going to rain. Chen Rongji was a little unable to hold on. He paused, rubbing his knees unconsciously with his hands, a painful expression on his face.

Chen Yangzhe paused for a moment, sighed, and finally softened his heart. His cold attitude softened a lot, and he said in a deep voice, showing a bit of worry.

"Get up!"

Chen Rongji was suffering from arthritis at this time. He put his hands on the ground, but still did not have enough strength to stand up, and kept struggling.

Chen Yangzhe put down his condescending attitude, snorted, stood up, walked around the desk, walked in front of Chen Rongji, stretched out his hand to help him up, his mouth still unforgiving.

"How can a man survive in this cannibalistic society if his knees are so weak?"

With the help of his father, Chen Rongji stood up with difficulty, with a bit of humility and respect on his face.

Chen Yangzhe let go of his son's arm and walked to the window. Looking at the dark night outside the window, he couldn't hide his disappointment. Although he had long determined that Chen Daojun was the most suitable heir to control Shunyang Group, he had no interest in this flower. The eldest son, who has worked hard to cultivate, still has different feelings and is far more favored by him than other children. But now he is completely disappointed. He is stupid and greedy. This kind of person cannot become a qualified group controller. , the original idea became more firm in my heart.

Chen Rongji looked at his somewhat rickety father standing in front of the window, with a somewhat flattering smile on his lips, and said softly.

"Dad, it looks like it's going to rain!"

Chen Rongji had a humble smile on his face and was a little unsteady on his feet. Seeing this, the eldest aunt quickly supported him and said sarcastically to herself.

"You also know that my knees are very accurate in predicting the weather!"

"Dad, wear more clothes when you go to work tomorrow morning and don't catch a cold, otherwise we will have an asthma attack and we will worry!"

Although Chen Rongji has mediocre talents, he has been somewhat scheming as the vice president for so many years. With his softest words, Chen Yangzhe's frozen heart melted.

Chen Yangzhe turned around and looked at the eldest son. He was very moved. The anger and disappointment in his heart suddenly dissipated without a trace. No one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes.

"That's it! Get out!"

"Let's stop this!"

Only then did Chen Rongji let go of his worries, dispelled all his uneasiness, and walked out of the study with the support of his wife.

In the bedroom, Chen Rongji was lying on the bed. Chen Xingjun put a hot towel on his purple knees. He asked unspeakably with a bit of guilt on his face.

"Why are you doing this? The land in the Shuise area is obviously mine."

Chen Rongji waved his hand to stop his son's words. Walls have ears. Some things should just stay in your heart without saying them out. He reached out and patted the back of his son's hand and comforted him.

"I am your father after all, then your grandpa will forgive me!"

At this time, Chen Rongji was not as cowardly and incompetent as he was in the study before. He was more responsible as a father and warned his son very seriously.

"You are different from me. I have disappointed your grandfather too many times!"

"You must act carefully again and again. You must not let your grandfather disappoint you. You must become the future heir of Shunyang Group!"

Chen Rongji firmly grasped his son's hand, stared at his son expectantly, and gave final instructions.

"You must remember my words!"

"The only asset I own is you. Whether it is the Zhengxinzhai family or the Shunyang Group, they all belong to your grandfather. I have lived in the shadow of your grandfather all my life, and you are the only one! You must also do something for me. Let me argue, you are the eldest grandson of our Shunyang family and the future heir of the Shunyang Group!"

Chen Xingjun was a little sad, tears filled his eyes unknowingly, his nose was a little sour, and he nodded heavily.

"I see!"


There was the sound of raindrops outside the window, hitting the window with a crackling sound. Chen Rongji stared at the rain on the window glass and said thoughtfully.

"God is so fickle and unpredictable!"

Zhengxinzhai, in the study on the second floor, Chen Yangzhe turned off all the lights and stood alone in front of the window. His whole body was swallowed up by the darkness. He stared at the rain on the window and asked himself while choking.

"The sin I have committed is too deep. In this world, besides me, is there anyone else who sacrifices his own child's father in order to cater to others?"

The figure of his eldest son, Chen Rongji, appeared in front of Chen Yangzhe. In order to save Shunyang Group, he sacrificed Chen Rongji, which made him go to jail and suffered from severe arthritis. On rainy days, Chen Rongji, who was only fifty years old, would feel pain. It was unbearable and it was difficult to move, which made Chen Yangzhe feel full of guilt.

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