I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1977 Funding Yin Xuanyou

Yin Zhongxin quickly put down the flowers in his hand, and under his wife's surprised gaze, he walked up to Chen Daojun, bowed ninety degrees, and said very respectfully.

"President, I didn't expect you to come to the store. We are truly lucky!"

Only then did the proprietress react. She covered her mouth with her hands in surprise, fearing that she would not let out an inappropriate scream. She did not expect that this young and gentle college student would actually be the president of her husband. She quickly came over and bent over. He lowered his waist and greeted him very respectfully.

"President Chen, I am blind to gold and jade, so I didn't recognize you. I'm really sorry!"

Chen Daojun waved his hands after hearing this, stood up, helped Yin Zhongxin and his wife up, and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, I don't blame you!"

Yin Zhongxin and his wife looked at Chen Daojun who was so kind, with flattered expressions on their faces. Their backs were still slightly arched, not straight. South Korea is a country with serious class divisions. As the president of the Miracle Group, he has a respected status. Yin Zhongxin and his wife did not dare to be rude at all, with humble smiles on their faces.

Chen Daojun sighed, knowing that this was the rule and not forcing the other party. He looked at the two of them. The hardships of the little people were sad. His fingers were rough and full of calluses. The clothes on his body were also old clothes that he had worn for several years and were a little worn. The face and eyes are full of the wind and frost of life, revealing the vicissitudes of life, and that humble smile is so small that it makes people cry.

"I just heard you say that your son Yin Xuanyou dropped out of school?"

There were wrinkles on Yin Zhongxin's face that was full of hardships in life, showing a bit of bitterness and guilt. His broad and rough palms were tightly clenched into fists, with bulging veins. His body was trembling slightly, and he answered in a low voice.


"I am the only one with an income in our family now. Even if Xuanyou's child gets very good grades, he still can't go to college. We can't afford the cost of college, so we can only let him drop out of school and work in a factory!"

Having said this, Yin Zhongxin's somewhat turbid old eyes revealed a bit of gratitude, and he said respectfully.

"If the automobile company hadn't expanded its scale and recruited new workers, Xuanyou might not even be able to find a job. I have to thank the chairman for his gift!"

Chen Daojun nodded when he heard this, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Looking at the couple who were still standing respectfully in front of him, he reached out and patted Yin Zhongxin's arm and asked.

"Which university can Yin Xuanyou get admitted to with his grades?"

The guilt look on Yin Zhongxin's face became more serious, and he said in a low voice.

"The outstanding academic performance is very good and he can be admitted to Seoul National University, which makes us parents delay his future!"

Xu Minying looked surprised when she heard this. She didn't expect that the unattractive couple in front of her could actually raise such an outstanding son.

Xu Minying understands how difficult it is to be admitted to Seoul National University. She comes from a privileged family and has received the best education since she was a child. She spent an unknown amount of money and found many excellent teachers to tutor her before she was admitted to Seoul National University. Even so, she His grades are also very average among Seoul National University.

And Yin Xuanyou lives in such an ordinary family, goes to the cheapest school, and should not have money to go to cram schools, but he can still be admitted to Seoul National University. He can be said to be a genius academic master, but now he dropped out of school and became a worker. What a waste.

Chen Daojun frowned slightly and was slightly startled. He didn't expect Yin Xuanyou to have such good grades. No wonder he would blame his father for letting him drop out of school, which completely changed his destiny.

"Agent Yin, you are an employee of Miracle Group. Your son was admitted to Seoul National University, but you couldn't afford the tuition and had to drop out. It won't sound good if you tell anyone about it!"

"Well, I can sponsor Yin Xuanyou to study at Seoul National University, but in return, after graduation, Yin Xuanyou needs to work in the Miracle Group's secretary office for five years!"

"how do you feel?"

Yin Zhongxin and his wife looked at each other, their whole bodies trembling with excitement, their faces full of surprise and excitement. The two of them fell to their knees with a plop, and kowtowed.

"President, we will always remember your great kindness!"

Chen Daojun looked down at Yin Zhongxin and his wife who kept kowtowing, and said with a smile on his face.

"Get up!"

The couple still kowtowed three times before standing up. Their foreheads were already livid, but their faces were filled with happy smiles, and they looked at Chen Daojun with gratitude.

"Since Yin Xuanyou has joined Miracle Motors, don't tell him the good news before school starts. Let him experience the hardships of his father's work and practice hard, so that he will cherish this hard-won opportunity. , study hard and become your pride!"

When Yin Zhongxin heard what Chen Daojun said, he naturally did not dare to object. He nodded repeatedly and said to Chen Daojun.

"President, we will do whatever you tell us!"

The gratitude in Yin Zhong's confidence could not be greater. Chen Daojun's support for Yin Xuanyou was said to be conditional and pricey. Rather, it was because he valued it. How could it be so easy to enter the secretarial office of a large consortium like Miracle Group? This was Chen Daojun's appreciation for Yin Xuanyou. Cultivate, Yin Zhongxin naturally understands this truth.

Chen Daojun nodded and looked at Xu Minying who had stopped eating. He asked gently with a smile in his eyes.

"Are you full?"

Xu Minying had some appreciation in her eyes, and she was very happy with Chen Daojun's actions. This kind of charity to support others reflects Chen Daojun's social responsibility, which is a principle she has always adhered to and believed in.


Xu Minying nodded and touched her stomach with her hand, indicating that she was full.

Chen Daojun then picked up his schoolbag, stood up and said to Yin Zhongxin and his wife.

"In this case, it's time for us to leave. I won't pay for this meal. It's not excessive!"

Yin Zhongxin showed a very honored smile on his face, nodded and bowed in flattery.

"President, where are you from? It's really an honor for us to have you eat at my house!"

The landlady also nodded with a smile on her face, a flattering smile on her face. Chen Daojun didn't hate such flattery. It was not shameful. It was the parents' sincere expectations for their children and the love and care they gave to their children. It only made people admire them!

Chen Daojun and Seo Minying left the shop with the gratitude of Yoon Jongxin and his wife, and walked all the way towards Seoul National University.

Yin Zhongxin and his wife waited until Chen Daojun's figure completely disappeared into the distance, then they slowly straightened up. There were tears of joy in their eyes. They held hands and leaned on each other. The landlady said with a hint of tears.

"We, Xuanyou, have finally met a noble person. We can stand out and become what everyone calls a successful person!"

"You have to work harder in the factory from now on, and don't let down the president's kindness!"

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