I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1967 Chairman Chen Daojun of Miracle Group

The current situation of the economic crisis is constantly being broadcast on the TV. Countless South Korean companies have gone bankrupt. Now South Korea can only apply for 20 billion U.S. dollars in financial support from the international currency. For this reason, it has to open up the financial market and relax the labor market. , the entire country fell into a situation of austerity and national bankruptcy.

Chen Daojun took the opportunity to acquire South Korea's second-ranked Yazhen Automobile, carried out institutional reforms, and even personally innovated automobile technology. He also went to the mainland with Wu Shixuan, willing to cooperate with the mainland and let go of some aspects. Related automotive technologies and joint development have pushed Yazhen Auto into that huge population market.

Chen Daojun himself has technical advantages and understands the market. The new Yazhen car he designed not only has excellent hardware, but also has a fashionable appearance. With the cooperation of the mainland, like Tesla in later generations, it became popular in the mainland, making Yazhen Not only did the automobile come back to life, but it also expanded in scale, expanding and building factories in mainland China. When South Korea's economy was in such a difficult time, it stood out and attracted the attention of all parties.

Chen Daojun even relied on his abundant funds to acquire high-quality companies in South Korea. He even shorted the stocks of Shunyang Group and Daying Group. He enjoyed a lot of money and his wealth increased sharply again. Chen Daojun even set out to acquire companies. Reorganized and merged to form Miracle Group.

Zhengxinzhai, study room on the second floor, Chen Yangzhe looked at the little grandson in front of him, his ruthless face showed a bit of shock, and he said with some sigh.

"I'm really old. I didn't expect that you actually dug a hole for Shunyang Group when you acquired Han Dao Steel. This strained our capital chain and made us unable to acquire Yazhen Automobile. Daying Group has only now paid back Clear your loan and let you acquire Yazhen Auto Group easily!"

Chen Daojun sat on the sofa, nodded and blew the hot tea in his hand, took a sip, and said with a faint smile.

"This is a shopping mall, isn't it? As long as it's legal, all means can be used. If you still have to worry about the so-called family ties and the three principles and five permanent principles, how can a businessman make money?"

Chen Yangzhe's expression froze slightly, his sharp and cunning eyes filled with admiration. He stood up, walked to the window, looked at the withered autumn scene outside the window, nodded and said.

"You did the right thing, businessmen should disown all their relatives!"

"Your eldest uncle is a fool. He thought he had really defeated you and acquired Handao Steel. He was very proud of it. But now he regrets it endlessly and worries about the group's capital chain every day!"

Chen Daojun put down the tea cup in his hand, with a bit of disdain on his lips, and sarcastically said in a cold voice.

"Vice Chairman Chen Rongji doesn't understand what investment is at all. If he hadn't been born in Shunyang Group, he would have been a factory worker at most, groveling for food and clothing every day!"

When Chen Yangzhe heard this, he couldn't help laughing, turned to look at Chen Daojun, and said jokingly.

"You are such a vindictive kid. You hold a grudge very much. Rongji just said something about your father, but you hit him everywhere!"

Although Chen Daojun was so stingy, he didn't want to admit that there were some things that could be done but not said, so he asked pretending to be confused.

"President, I don't understand what you mean!"

Chen Yangzhe looked at the thick-faced Chen Daojun and admired him more and more. This boy really looked like him when he was young. Businessmen should be like this, ruthless and ruthless.

Chen Yangzhe stood opposite Chen Daojun, his eyes shone with light, sharpness and calmness appeared in his eyes again, and he said in a deep voice.

"Although what you did surprised me, it was still within the acceptable range. What I didn't expect the most was that you would go to the mainland and revitalize Yazhen Automobile all at once. Now it has become the top ranking in South Korea. The number one automobile company is truly amazing!”

"When everyone is turning their attention to North America, you are the only one who saw new markets and business opportunities, went against the grain in the crisis, and achieved success. I also admire you for this!"

Chen Daojun did not get carried away because of Chen Yangzhe's compliments, and replied calmly.

"The development of Europe and the United States has reached a bottleneck. Nowadays, world development needs to open up new markets. As a country with a large population, mainland China has a huge consumer market. My success this time also proves this. We have to admit that they are about to rise and take off and become The most dazzling pearl in the world economy!”

When Chen Yangzhe heard this, he thought deeply. Unfortunately, Shunyang Group is now in crisis and has no ability to expand outwards. Even if he knows this, he cannot eat that sweet piece of cake.

"Now that you are the president of the South Miracle Group, have you ever thought about inheriting the Shunyang Group?"

Chen Yangzhe raised this question again. Now he feels more and more that among the descendants, only Chen Daojun is the most capable and can run Shunyang Group more brilliantly. Others, even Chen Xingjun, his eldest son and grandson who has high hopes for him, may not do the same. Less than that.

Chen Daojun did not answer immediately after hearing this, but looked at the other party with strange eyes, which made Chen Yangzhe a little confused, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Nowadays, Shunyang Group cannot decide the successor just by saying a word from you, the president. The entire group's shares are dispersed. Even if you have a high prestige, they will not agree when it comes to their own interests!"

Chen Daojun looked outside the study room. The shares of Shunyang Group had long been dispersed to everyone in the Shunyang family. The total amount exceeded 40%. Even Chen Yangzhe still had some shares in his hands, but We still cannot ignore the opinions of these people, which is why Chen Daojun never thought of inheriting Shunyang Group.

If he accepted the Shunyang Group, he would have to deal with these elders, which would be really annoying. He might as well start over and establish a new group, which would make him more comfortable and free from constraints.

"I am confident that the miracle group I created will definitely surpass Shunyang Group, so why should I attract hatred from others!"

When Chen Yangzhe heard this, his eyes dimmed a bit. He also knew what Chen Daojun was thinking, and even heard about Chen Daojun's Miracle Investment Company. During this period, he spent a lot of money in his hands and acquired many high-quality companies. After the merger and reorganization, the Miracle Group was established. Even if the scale is not as large as the Soonyang Group, it can still be regarded as one of the top five giant groups in South Korea. There is indeed no need to scheming with people like Zhengshimjae. They are no longer on the same level.

"Chairman Chen Daojun of Miracle Group?"

Chen Yangzhe murmured to himself and looked at the little grandson in front of him absentmindedly.

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