I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 196 Yan Xiaoyi

"Your Majesty, it is the behavior of a gentleman to see through and not tell the truth!" Guo Baokun did not think that his little plan could be hidden from Emperor Qing. It can be said that if the three Qing Emperors were compared in terms of cultivation and cultivation, they were no match for Guo Baokun, but compared with In terms of his grasp of the tactics of power and human affairs, none of the ten Guo Baokun could be a match for Emperor Qing. This is why the plum blossoms are a little whiter than the snow, but the snow is less fragrant than the plum blossoms. Guo Baokun still has a clear self-understanding of himself. He knows that what he is good at is definitely not these machinations, and he has no intention of understanding them, so it is not surprising that Emperor Qing guessed his plan.

"Don't you always say that I am not a gentleman, but an overlord? An overlord does not need to pay attention to these rules." Emperor Qing seemed to be in a very good mood today, and started joking with Guo Baokun, without any of his usual seriousness and kindness. Cold, like a kind old man having fun with his nephew.

"Isn't it because Your Majesty is being used today? When you are polite to others, you must ask for something. I still understand this truth!" Guo Baokun said to Emperor Qing in a self-deprecating voice. In fact, when he heard that Emperor Qing was coming to Tianping Villa today, Guo Baokun He knew that his opportunity to retaliate against Lin Ruofu and Yuan Hongdao had come. Although he could directly take revenge, there would be some trouble later on, so he needed to find an excuse. Even if it was revenge, Lin Ruofu would have nothing to say.

Guo Baokun remembered that in the original work, in order to test whether Fan Xian killed Lin Gong, Lin Ruofu asked the guards he trained to kidnap Fan Xian for questioning. Unexpectedly, he arrested the prince who came to show his kindness to Fan Xian. Later, these Lin Ruofu All the power of the mansion was killed by Xie Bian, sent by the second prince, who tricked Lin Ruofu into the trap. Now Guo Baokun just wanted to seize this opportunity. He did the second prince a favor and killed the power of the Lin mansion before Xie Bian took action. The slaughter made Lin Ruofu know that some people should not be messed with.

Guo Baokun and Emperor Qing kept going back and forth in the room, fighting endlessly on the square-inch chessboard. Suddenly Guo Baokun's ears trembled slightly. He heard the noise coming from outside. Someone broke into Taiping Villa. It must be Fan Xian and Wu Zhu came to Taiping Villa to look for the things Ye Qingmei left here, but they were discovered by Yan Xiaoyi. Yan Xiaoyi and Wu Zhu started an archery fight across the courtyard wall. Fan Xian was stunned by the two of you. It was precisely because Wu Zhu held Yan Xiaoyi back that Fan Xian was able to sneak into Taiping Villa.

Fan Xian carefully pushed open Ye Qingmei's room, put the dagger behind him, and walked into the room carefully step by step.

"Fan Xian, what are you doing here?" Emperor Qing had already noticed Fan Xian's intrusion, but because he and Guo Baokun were fighting fiercely on the chessboard, he did not stand up and only glanced sideways at Fan Xian. , asked calmly.

"Wan'er and I were playing again and were a little thirsty. We saw there was a courtyard here, so we came to ask for a glass of water." Fan Xian lied in a panic. He did not expect to meet Emperor Qing directly here. , a little nervous for a moment.

"It's a coincidence that I got it. This was originally the residence of an old friend of mine, but this old friend has been gone for many years. Sometimes when I feel tired from dealing with government affairs, I will come here to relax. I didn't expect to meet you!" Emperor Qing put down the game in his hand, knowing that he had already lost. Every time he played chess with Guo Baokun, Emperor Qing always lost, so it was not surprising. He was used to it.

"You really don't give me any face. You win every time and never let me down once." Emperor Qing looked at Guo Baokun and said helplessly.

"So many people have deliberately lost to you. If I lose, you will have no opponent!" Guo Baokun unconcernedly exposed the concessions made by other ministers when playing chess with Emperor Qing. He was not worried at all that Emperor Qing would Angry and annoyed.

"They are just afraid of me! Why should I ask them to give up the chess!" Emperor Qing said angrily. In fact, with Emperor Qing's chess skills, those ministers are not necessarily the opponents of Emperor Qing, but they dare not compete with Emperor Qing. Because of Emperor Qing's game, Emperor Qing couldn't enjoy himself every time he played chess, but Emperor Qing couldn't expose it. This was an unspoken rule that even Emperor Qing had to abide by, pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

"Guo Baokun!" Fan Xian said with some surprise when he saw Guo Baokun turning around.

"Why don't you recognize me after we haven't seen each other for a few days?" Guo Baokun said to Fan Xian teasingly.

"Why are you here?" Fan Xian was a little confused. Could it be that anyone from Taiping Courtyard could come? He was too careful.

"I'm here with Your Majesty to relax!" Guo Baokun naturally knew what Fan Xian was surprised about, but he didn't directly tell his purpose. He just used Emperor Qing as an excuse.

"I wonder which of your Majesty's old friends is the owner here?" Fan Xian remembered Emperor Qing's words and asked quickly. You must know that he really wanted to know what the relationship between Ye Qingmei and Emperor Qing was and why he met him in Taiping Villa. As for Emperor Qing.

"Those are all old things, so I won't mention them anymore!" Emperor Qing changed the subject. He didn't want to talk about Ye Qingmei's affairs with Fan Xian, and he didn't want Fan Xian to know about his relationship with Ye Qingmei. past.

"Your Majesty, someone was spying outside the other courtyard just now. It is no longer safe for Your Majesty to be outside. Please return to the palace immediately!" Yan Xiaoyi knelt on the ground outside the door and reported to Emperor Qing inside the room what had just happened. incident, and persuaded Emperor Qing to return to the palace. The man just now was very powerful, and Yan Xiaoyi was not sure he could beat him, so he didn't want Emperor Qing to take risks.

"Don't worry, my safety will be guaranteed as long as I am with you!" Emperor Qing did not comment on Yan Xiaoyi's words. He was joking, who is Emperor Qing? He is a grand master, and Guo Baokun is also here, two grand masters. All the masters are in this room, who can threaten Emperor Qing's safety.

"Has Your Majesty been frightened?" Yan Xiaoyi discovered something was wrong. As the only ninth-grade archer in the world, Yan Xiaoyi's hearing and eyesight were far beyond ordinary people. He could tell that there were two people in the room at this time. Although he knew that Guo Baokun and Emperor Qing were present in the room, Yan Xiaoyi had tried it since the beginning. It was difficult for him to hear Guo Baokun's breathing through the wall. Although it was a bit difficult to accept, Yan Xiaoyi also knew This is because Guo Baokun's strength is unpredictable. At this time, Yan Xiaoyi heard the breathing of two people, one belonged to Emperor Qing, and the other was not Guo Baokun, so he could only be an intruder.

Yan Xiaoyi stood up, took the iron bow from his back into his hand, took out an iron arrow from his back, put it on the bow string, slowly drew the bow to full capacity, and aimed at the sound of breathing in the room. land.

"I would like to ask your majesty to see you!" Yan Xiaoyi shouted loudly to Emperor Qing.

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