I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1950 Shorting US stocks and investing in land

Chen Yangzhe felt everyone's surprised gazes, his expression changed, he showed a serious expression, and asked sternly.

"What's wrong? Why don't you answer me?"

The eldest aunt's mind was blank at this moment. Feeling her father-in-law's threatening eyes, she asked blankly.

"Every, every week?"

The stammering tone made the eldest aunt look even more stupid. Chen Yangzhe glared at the wife he personally selected for his eldest son and said angrily.

"What's wrong? Daojun is my grandson. They are eligible to participate in family gatherings. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

The eldest aunt showed a nervous look on her smooth face. The powerful Chen Yangzhe's question made her dare not disobey, so she quickly waved her hands and responded.

"I understand, no problem, I will put the tableware for the Ricky family!"

With a faint smile on his lips, Chen Daojun looked at everyone in Zhengxinzhai who was stunned. At this moment, he could see the true attitude of everyone towards Chen Ruiji's family, which showed that they were not welcoming.

Chen Ruiji and Li Hairen also had shocked expressions on their faces, even a bit excited, and looked at Chen Yangzhe gratefully.

Chen Yangzhe glanced at his son and daughter-in-law without paying any attention to them. If it weren't for Chen Daojun's amazing performance, he would never have approved of them, let alone let them participate in the weekly family gatherings. But who gave birth to them? The son of an evildoer was so smart that he felt afraid.

Chen Ruiji waited for the family until nightfall, and then said goodbye. On the way home, Chen Ruiji was still excited, and he was a little too excited to control. He kept nagging, which made Chen Daojun a little annoyed and couldn't help it. Rolled his eyes.

Within a week, Chen Yangzhe transferred 50 billion won to Chen Ruiqi's account through other channels. Chen Ruiqi was shocked. After returning home, he asked Chen Daojun about the origin of the money.

"Daojun, why did grandpa give you such a large sum of money?"

Chen Daojun raised his eyes from the book, closed such a financial work, and spoke lightly with a calm look in his eyes.

“That’s my consulting fee, I earned it from my grandpa!!”

Chen Ruiji frowned when he heard this. He found that he actually didn't understand the son in front of him. He knew Chen Yangzhe's character very well. He knew that Chen Yangzhe would not be a generous person and valued money very much. How could this happen? It’s so easy to give Chen Dojun 50 billion won.

"Dad, just leave it alone!"

Chen Ruiqi has a gentle personality. Even though Chen Daojun is his son, he still treats him as an equal, gives him full respect, and nods, but he really doesn't delve into the 50 billion won.

Chen Ruiji looked at his son who made 50 billion won in the hands of his father and asked curiously.

"Since you earned these 50 billion won, how are you going to use this money?"

Chen Daojun's expression moved slightly. He had already made plans for the money. When he heard this, he looked up at Chen Ruiji and discussed.

"Dad, can you open an account for me? I want to use this money to trade stocks!"

Chen Daojun is just a child now, so naturally he cannot open an account, so he needs to use Chen Ruiji's identity to open an account on the stock exchange and conduct operations.

Chen Ruiji had no idea about this huge sum of money. He was slightly stunned when he heard this, nodded, and actually agreed to Chen Daojun's ridiculous request. He was not afraid that the other party would waste the 50 billion won.

Monday, October 19th, was the famous Black Monday in history. For the first time, people in the world witnessed what is called a stock market crash. In one day, the Dow Jones Industrial Index fell by more than 22%, and countless People climbed to the top of the building and ended their short lives. The whole world was affected by the stock market crash. Stock markets in Europe, Southeast Asia, and every country plummeted, leaving countless people bankrupt. The stocks in their hands became waste paper and they were penniless. value.

Chen Daojun took advantage of this opportunity to sell short continuously and made huge profits. Chen Ruiji finally understood how powerful his son was. In just a short period of time, 50 billion won turned into 300 billion won, making five times the profit. , Chen Ruiji was so excited that he wished he could mortgage all his wealth to trade stocks with his son.

Fortunately, Chen Daojun remained calm and stopped Chen Ruiji's crazy behavior, telling him that the stock market is risky and he needs to be cautious when entering the market. I don't know how many people who like gambling have lost their wealth and life in this stock market crash. The money in the stock market is not It is so profitable that even Shunyang Group was affected by the stock market crash and changed its development strategy and became more conservative.

Chen Dojun spent all the 300 billion won to buy the land in Bundangdong. It was still a barren land and was not valuable. However, because of the large amount of money involved, there were still some troubles. It was Chen Dojun who approved Chen Yangzhe to be there. Having enclosed a large piece of land, he can be called a big landowner.

"That's an abandoned land that used to be used to make ceramics. What do you want the land for?"

Chen Yangzhe is an old fox, and he is a little curious about the choices of his shrewd grandson. He knows that this kid has used the 50 billion won earned from him to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in just a few months. When he got the news from Shunyang Economic Research Center, he still couldn't believe it.

If he hadn't ordered people to monitor Chen Ruiji's account all the time, he wouldn't have known that Chen Daojun was so bold. He had just shorted the U.S. stock market and bit off a piece of flesh during the stock market crash that had just subsided. He was fierce and precise. He was worthy of Chen Daojun. Raising Zhe's grandson has caused Americans to suffer a big loss.

"Money in your hands can only depreciate. Only by using money to make money can you earn more wealth. I believe in the development potential of South Korea. I want to bury land in Bundang-dong and wait for the appreciation!"

Chen Yangzhe looked at Chen Daojun with doubt, and secretly murmured in his heart whether he should also buy some land in Buntangdong. If the land here increases sharply, it can also bring huge profits to Shunyang Group.

"It's a pity that semiconductor research and development now consumes a lot of Shunyang Group's funds, leaving Shunyang Group without so much spare money for investment!"

Chen Yangzhe sighed. He was not sure whether the land in Buntangdong would rise sharply in the future. Shunyang Group did not have so much funds to wait for the land to appreciate, so it had no choice but to give up.

Chen Daojun has known this for a long time. After all, the acquisition of Yongzhen Semiconductor has consumed a lot of money from Shunyang Group. In addition, Shunyang Group is currently undergoing transformation, and the capital chain is very tight, and it is impossible to withdraw a large amount of money. Chen Yangzhe would not take the risk of breaking the capital chain and gamble on the appreciation of the land value.

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