I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1928 Cao Cao ascends the throne

At this time, Cao Ren and Cao Hong stepped into the palace, followed by three hundred armored men holding sharp swords with murderous intent. They stared at the emperor and shouted sternly.

"Please ask Your Majesty to abdicate as King of Wei!"

Liu Xie looked at the cold light of the sharp sword, his face was dejected, he slumped on the ground, and said desperately.

"I wish to entrust the world to the King of Wei and survive to the end of my life."

Hua Xin then let go of his dragon robe, looked down at the Emperor Liu Xie on the ground and said.

"The King of Wei will live up to your majesty. Your majesty can issue an edict urgently to reassure everyone."

Liu Xie ordered Chen Qun to draft an imperial edict for the Zen Kingdom, and ordered Hua Xinfu to hold the imperial edict and lead hundreds of officials to the Wei palace to present it.

Wang Lang read out the edict: "I have been in power for twenty-three years, and the world was overthrown. Fortunately, thanks to the spirit of my ancestors, I survived the crisis. But now I look up at the sky and observe the people's hearts. The number of Yan Jing is over, and my fortune depends on the Cao family. . Therefore, the king of Wei not only established traces of divine martial arts, but also shone bright virtues in response to his period. The numbers are clear and can be known by faith. The husband's journey of the great road, the world is for the public; Tang Yao did not privately treat his son, but his reputation spread to infinity. , I sincerely admire Yan, now he follows Yao Dian, and his Zen is located in the prime minister Wei Wang. The king will not say goodbye!"

Cao Cao refused and did not follow the imperial edict, so he asked Wang Lang to act as an example. He claimed that he was of poor virtue and asked not to ask for a great virtuous person to succeed him to the throne.

Emperor Liu Xie was shocked and confused when he saw this. He didn't know what Cao Cao meant, so he couldn't help but ask.

"The King of Wei doesn't accept it, what can I do?"

Hua Xin stepped forward again.

"When the King of Wei accepted the royal title, he made three speeches but was not allowed by the imperial edict. Then he accepted it. Now His Majesty can issue another imperial edict, and the King of Wei must accept it."

Only then did Liu Xie understand that although he was sad and angry, he could only follow what Hua Xin said and issue another edict.

"I ask you, the King of Wei, to submit a letter of humility. It has been a long time since I stole the mausoleum of the Han Dynasty. Fortunately, thanks to the King of Wei, I have been virtuous and blessed with good fortune. I have exerted my power, eliminated the violence, and settled the Xia region. Towards the end of my virtue, my reputation has been glorious. The teachings were spread all over the world, and benevolence fanned eight districts; the calendar of heaven is really bowed to you. In the past, Yu and Shun had great achievements, but they gave Xun Zen to the world; Yu the Great had achievements in guiding, but he emphasized Hua Zen as the emperor. The Han Dynasty inherited the destiny of Yao , has the meaning of passing on the saints, adds the spirit of the emperor, informs the emperor of the day, and sends Zhang Yin, the imperial censor, to honor the emperor's seal and ribbon with integrity. The king accepts it!"

Cao Cao was afraid that he would be known as a usurper in the future, so he ordered Zhang Yin to bring the seal and ribbon back. However, he secretly ordered Hua to have the emperor Liu Xie build an altar, named the Zen Altar. He chose an auspicious day and a good time to gather all the officials and ministers under the altar. He personally presented the seal and ribbon, Zen the world and Cao Cao.

The emperor Liu Xie did not dare to disobey, so he had no choice but to follow the instructions. He sent Taichang officials to build a three-story high altar and abdicated at Yinshi on the 10th day of the first lunar month.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the emperor invited Cao Cao, the king of Wei, to go to the altar to accept Zen. There were more than 400 officials, big and small, gathered under the altar, and more than 300,000 imperial guards and guards.

The emperor Liu Xie personally presented the jade seal to Cao Cao. Only then did Cao Cao accept it. The ministers under the altar knelt down to listen to the edict.

"Your Majesty the King of Wei! In the past, Yao's Zen of Tang Dynasty was located in Yu and Shun, and Shun also ordered Yu: The destiny of heaven is not permanent, but it is virtuous. The Han Dynasty was late, and the order of the world was lost. When it came to my bow, great chaos led to fainting, and the group was evil. Unwillingness leads to subversion in the world. King Lai Wu and Shen Wu are trying to save this country from all directions, but Qing District Xia is the only way to protect our ancestral temple. How can one person be granted the title of Yi, but Jiufu will actually receive his gift. Now there is the King of Wei, who has restored the great cause of civil and military affairs. The emperor's spirit descends auspiciously, and the gods and men declare war; the birth is brilliant, and the teacher Xi and I are ordered. Quan said that Er Du Ke Xie was Yu Shun, and he led me in the Tang Dynasty to respect your throne. In the play! The calendar of heaven is in your bow. , Your Majesty, please follow the great gift and serve all nations to fulfill the destiny of heaven!"

After reading the imperial edict, King Cao Cao of Wei received eight great gifts and ascended the throne. The year name was changed to the early year of Yuanwu, and the country was named Dawei.

Cao Cao did not do his best and killed Liu Xie. Instead, he made Liu Xie the Duke of Shanyang, with the power to feed thousands of households. He allowed him to retain the emperor's rites in his fief and build a Han Dynasty ancestral temple to worship his ancestors. This was considered a victory. Good death.

After Cao Cao ascended the throne as emperor, Wei Zhongdao made a memorial, reformed the law, established a cabinet, and established six ministries, which caused an uproar. Fortunately, Cao Cao's high prestige suppressed the opposition from all over the court and implemented it smoothly.

Chen Qun also submitted a petition suggesting that Cao Cao implement the nine-level Zhongzheng system, but Wei Zhongdao strongly opposed it, pointing out that this method would cause endless harm and could not be implemented.

The criteria for evaluating characters in the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System are family background, morality, and talent. However, since those who serve as Zhongzheng are usually of the second rank, and the second rank has the right to participate in the selection of Zhongzheng, and those who obtain the second rank are almost all from aristocratic families, so the aristocratic families completely control the right to select officials. In the process of Zhongzheng rank, the standard of talent and virtue will gradually be ignored, and family background will become more and more important, and even become the main criterion of the ninth rank Zhongzheng system. Eventually, a situation will be formed in which "there are no poor families in the upper grades, and no noble families in the lower grades".

For this reason, Wei Zhongdao proposed the imperial examination system, improved papermaking, and came up with movable type printing, so that book knowledge was no longer monopolized by aristocratic families. Cao Cao was overjoyed. With the sword in his hand, despite the opposition of the aristocratic families, he still It was carried out.

By the time these things subsided, it was already the third year of Yuanwu. Cao Cao had finally overcome the opposition of the aristocratic families and unified the will of the country. The process was naturally bloody. I don’t know how many heads were cut off, and many aristocratic families were not killed. Go down.

After three years of recuperation and reform, the power of the Wei Dynasty became strong. Cao Cao became interested in conquering foreign tribes. He first sent generals Cao Ren and Zhang Liao to conquer the barbarians in southern Shu, and then sent generals Jin and Gan Ning to conquer Shanyue and harvested hundreds of Thousands of people greatly increased the national destiny of Wei.

In the Chaotian Pavilion, Taoist Nanhua watched the fortunes of the country coming one after another, washing the cause and effect on his body, and laughed excitedly. The immortal's method of killing the Tao was indeed feasible. Cao Ren's conquest of the barbarians benefited him a lot, the cause and effect. I solved a lot of problems and got some luck for the country. It was so satisfying.

Li Yi and Zuo Ci were the same, their whole bodies were trembling, and streams of luck poured into their bodies from the void, purifying the cause and effect on them, and then integrated into the cauldron of luck. The two of them were stimulated by this refreshing feeling. His face was flushed, and he was dancing with joy as if he was showing off.

Master Huolong and Master Zixu on the side were filled with envy. They looked eagerly at Ma Chao and Zhang Xiu in Luoyang City, secretly complaining in their hearts why they didn't go out on the expedition. They also wanted to show off like the three Taoists from Nanhua.

"It's so cool. If I had known there was such a method of cultivation, why would I have to stay in the mountains and deep forests to practice hard? I would have been out wandering around a long time ago!"

Taoist Nan Hua has a somewhat unreliable personality, often going off the rails and speaking without restraint. This can be seen from the fact that he easily taught the "Essential Art of Taiping" to Zhang Jiao, otherwise he would not have been almost cheated by Zhang Jiao. His body and soul died.

"Fellow Taoist, this time I have solved almost half of the cause and effect. It can be said that I am not far away from achieving a pure Taoist body!"

Master Zixu opened his Dharma Eyes and looked at the fortune above Taoist Nanhua's head. The gray calamity aura was reduced again. It seemed that as long as Cao Ren made a few more military exploits and increased the fortune of the Wei Dynasty, Taoist Nanhua would be free from the consequences. , as long as you accumulate luck and merit, you are expected to ascend.

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