I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1920 Taoist Immortal

To the west of Qingcheng Mountain, there is a valley with lush vegetation and winding paths. There is a fairy village deep in the valley, with clear clouds and auspicious atmosphere.

Master Zixu fell from the sky and shouted towards the depths of the valley.

"Fellow Taoist Li Yi, Zixu is here to visit, please see me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the clouds surged above the valley, and thousands of rays of light fell on the ground, converging into a road leading directly to the Immortal Village.

"Fellow Taoist Zixu came here, but I was disappointed to receive him from afar. I hope you will forgive me!"

A clear sound resounded in the Immortal Village. The sound was like the sound of a jade chime. When it fell into the ears, people's worldly thoughts disappeared and their hearts became clear.

Master Zixu stepped onto the rainbow road and walked towards the villa. In front of the villa was a Taoist independent, it was Li Yi.

Taoist Li Yihe has a childlike face, green eyes with square pupils, shining brightly. He is wearing a purple and gold Bagua Taoist robe, and his body is like an ancient cypress. He exudes Taoism and makes people admire him.

After Master Zixu and Li exchanged the greetings, they entered the villa hand in hand. The two sat down and a Taoist boy presented them with tea and reminisced about old times before getting down to business.

"I wonder what the purpose of your visit is?"

Li Yi is also a Taoist immortal who can predict the unknown and is proficient in arithmetic, but Master Zixu's cultivation and Taoism are not inferior to him, and it is difficult for him to calculate the other party's intention.

Master Zixu took a sip of tea and then put down the teacup in his hand.

In recent years, due to the influence of Wei Zhongdao, tea has been popular in the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty. This fully reflects that what is good from above will be effective below. Moreover, the tea is bitter at first and then sweet, and the tea soup is fragrant, which is more in line with the true meaning of Taoism and is highly praised by Taoist people. favorite.

"The current Taichang Wei Zhongdao hopes that I will contact the Taoist immortals from all over the world and gather together in Xudu!"

There was a bit of bitterness on Master Zixu's face. When he thought about the situation that day, he was still frightened. How could such a terrifying existence exist in this world? His mental power was extremely terrifying.

"Wei Zhongdao?"

There was a bit of surprise in Li Yi's eyes. Even if Wei Zhongdao is today's Taichang Order, he should not let Master Zixu run around for him. The purpose of their Taoist immortals' cultivation is to be free and at ease, detached from the world, Master Zixu's cultivation. He was superb and not weaker than him, so how could he obey Wei Zhongdao's orders?

"Fellow Taoist, you don't know something!"

Master Zixu couldn't see Li Yi's doubts, he smiled bitterly, memories flashed in his eyes, and he said quietly.

"This person's cultivation is really terrifying. I am no match for him. I lost to him! If I am willing to admit defeat, I will naturally obey his orders and contact all fellow Taoists to go to Xudu together!"

"Furthermore, in order to unify the world, Cao Cao promised Zhang Lu that as long as he was willing to sacrifice Hanzhong, he would allow the Five Dou Rice Sect to preach in the Central Plains and make him a Taoist Celestial Master. In this way, most of my Taoist destiny would be taken up by him. , it will be even harder for me to ascend!”

Li Yi's expression changed slightly, his eyes were full of surprise, his brows were furrowed, and he kept thinking in his mind. If a Taoist immortal wants to ascend, in addition to practicing Taoism, he must also have good fortune and make great merits to the world. , and it cannot be contaminated by the cause and effect of the world of mortals, otherwise it will be difficult to ascend due to the entanglement of cause and effect.

Many immortals among the Han Dynasty have reached the realm of ascension in their Taoist cultivation, but due to luck and cause and effect, they are trapped in the earthly world and find it difficult to escape. If the Five Dou Rice Sect takes up most of the Taoism's luck, their ascension will be far away.

"It seems that we have to go. If the Five Pecks of Rice Sect really takes away most of the Taoist sect's luck, it will be even more difficult for us and the Taoist tradition to inherit in the future!"

Li Yi stood up, his face solemn, and two rays of divine light shot out from his blue eyes. Although the Taoist sect emphasizes tranquility and inaction, it is about luck and has to be fought for. He must go to Xudu.

Master Zixu stood up quickly, saluted Li Yi, and said in a deep voice.

"It's true, it's about the road, we have to do it!"

Master Zixu and Li Yi discussed the details before flying into the void and continuing to look for other Taoist immortals.

Lushan Mountain in Jiangzhou, where birds and beasts gather, is surrounded by aura. There is a sect of immortals living here. The Taoist name is Huolong Zhenren, his common name is Zheng Yin, and his courtesy name is Siyuan. He is proficient in the Book of Rites, Shangshu, good at law, and has read Jiugong, Sanqi, and Heluo. , prophecy. He practiced the "Tai Qing Golden Liquid Divine Alchemy Sutra", mastered the inner elixir to refine himself, and made a heaven-reaching spiritual sword. Someone once wrote a poem praising it: "Killing demons thousands of miles around with lightning." The white dragon is flying in the air. I used to hold this sword to kill evil spirits. This gift is given to your family to put an end to their troubles.

Master Zixu and Master Huolong reminisced about their past, and then they revealed their purpose of coming. Without any hesitation, Master Huolong agreed to Zixu's invitation and agreed to go to Xudu.

Master Zixu left without stopping and flew towards a cave heaven paradise again. He also wanted to contact some Taoist masters. After all, this matter was of great importance and the Taoist sect must treat it carefully.

Kunlun Mountain is towering into the clouds, majestic and majestic. Master Zixu flew into the mountainside and looked at the snow-covered mountain scenery. He didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery and shouted loudly.

"Fellow Taoist Nanhua, Zixu is here to visit, please show up and see me!"

The sound shook the heavy snow covering the mountain, triggering an avalanche. The thousands of snowflakes were like a flood, rushing down the mountain unstoppably.

Suddenly, a powerful spiritual force was reflected in the void, connecting the air of heaven and earth, causing the energy to riot, intercepting the thousands of snowflakes, and resolving a crisis.

An old man with an immortal air and Taoist spirit appeared in mid-air, wearing a purple Taoist robe, holding a fly whisk, with a clear face, bright eyes, crane-haired childlike face, body like a pine and cypress, with Taoism lingering around him, and glared at Master Zixu angrily. , complained.

"Fellow Taoist was too careless and almost caused an avalanche. My luck is greatly reduced now, Taoist, and I can't stand your torment like this!"

Nanhua Old Immortal looked bitter, thinking of the stupid things he had done before, he wished he could bury himself alive.

When Master Zixu heard what Old Immortal Nanhua said, he opened his Dharma Eyes and looked at the void above Old Immortal Nanhua. A pillar of luck stood up, covered with gray calamity energy, locking the luck tightly and filling it with energy. The unknown and disaster were clear in his heart, and he said softly.

"Who told you, fellow Taoist, to pass on the "Essential Art of Taiping" to Zhang Jiao? The Dao of Taiping almost exhausted the man's energy for hundreds of years. Under the backlash of cause and effect, it was a fluke that you hadn't fallen yet. Fortunately!"

Old Immortal Nanhua said angrily with endless regret in his eyes and an angry look on his face.

"Thanks to the traitor's Taoism and cultivation, he was not able to overthrow the big man. Otherwise, my old Taoist soul would be shattered by the backlash of fate, and I wouldn't even have the chance to be reincarnated and cultivate again!"

The two fell down and stood on the hillside of Kunlun Mountain, looking into the distance. Master Zixu thought about it for a while before speaking.

"Now, the world is about to be unified, Cao Wei has become the lord of the world, and the dynasty will change today. Wei Zhongdao, the number one conspirator under Cao Cao, wants the Taoist immortals to gather in Xudu to discuss the Taoist affairs!"

Hearing this, Old Immortal Nanhua had a bit of surprise on his face. He turned his head to look at Master Zixu and asked in confusion.

"I and other Taoist immortals have always been solitary and carefree. What do we care about the worldly dynasty?"

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