I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1913 Cao Cao tests the disciples

The matter of Cao Cao's canonization of the King of Wei finally passed smoothly. Xun Yu claimed that he was ill and was resting. Cao Cao rewarded him generously, letting everyone know that the matter had been settled. It also made many Yingchuan family members in the court breathe a sigh of relief. Xun Yu As a representative of their strength, if he is killed by Cao Cao, the strength of the Yingchuan family will be greatly reduced, and the balance of the court will be broken.

Because Wei Zhongdao originally suggested returning the capital to Luoyang, Cao Cao ordered people to build the Wei Palace in Luoyang, preparing to move in directly when the capital was moved.

Now that Cao Cao has become the king, it is natural to start discussing the establishment of an heir apparent. Cao Cao's first wife, Mrs. Ding, had no children. The Liu family gave birth to the eldest son Cao Ang, and the Bian family gave birth to four sons: the second son Cao Pi, the third son Cao Zhang, and the fourth son Cao Zhi.

Although Cao Cao had long regarded his eldest son Cao Ang as his heir, he still hesitated and wanted to test his sons.

Cao Cao held a family banquet at the Palace of the Prince of Wei, and only a few important officials attended. Among them were Wei Zhongdao, Xun Yu and other conspirators, Zhao Yun and other top generals, as well as several of Cao Cao's sons and some female relatives.

Cao Cao first drank a lot and talked about the glorious past with all the civil and military officials. When he was still drunk, he spoke to his sons.

"Today, I want to see what you have learned. Why not compose a poem for all the ministers to appreciate!"

When Cao Ang heard this, he looked slightly stunned. Although he had studied many classics and historical works and was knowledgeable, he was not a man of great literary talent after all. In addition, in the past few years, he had either been on an expedition or assisting Cao Cao in handling government affairs, so his interest in literature had long been neglected. He bowed and bowed.

"Father, my son has little talent and little knowledge, and it is difficult for him to write good articles. I will stop showing my shame in front of all the ministers!"

Cao Cao turned his head, with some deep meaning in his eyes. He looked at the somewhat ashamed Cao Ang, nodded slightly, and said with a calm expression.

"Forget it, you don't need to write a poem, just enjoy the literary talent of your brothers from the sidelines!"

Cao Ang looked normal and nodded gently. He knew that this was Cao Cao's test, but he was really not good at it. It was better to hide one's weakness than to show off one's ugliness, so that was all.

Among Cao Cao's sons, Cao Chong was the smartest. Unfortunately, he died of illness midway through his career, which made Cao Cao extremely sad.

If we talk about literary talent, it must be Cao Zhi. This man was full of literary thoughts, quick in thinking, and extremely accomplished in literature.

Xie Lingyun, a writer in the Southern Song Dynasty, praised: "There is only one stone in the world, and Cao Zijian has eight buckets!"

Zhong Rong, the author of "Poems", also praised Cao Zhi: "He has extraordinary high character, brilliant lyrics, elegance and resentment, body and texture, and his charisma over the past and present makes him outstanding."

Wang Shizhen said that in the two thousand years since the Han and Wei dynasties, only Cao Zhi, Li Bai, and Su Shi could be called "immortals" among poets!

Although Cao Pi is not as good as Cao Zhi in terms of literary thoughts, he still has extraordinary literary talent. In addition, he has a deep heart. Not only does he have deep attainments in literature, but he is also extremely sensitive to politics, and his intelligence is even better than Cao Zhi's.

As for Cao Zhang, he liked martial arts and was not interested in literature. He hung out in the military camp all day long and had a short temper. Naturally, it was difficult for him to write any good articles, so he stood up and said directly.

"Father, like my elder brother, I am not interested in these things, so please don't embarrass me!"

Cao Cao did not embarrass Cao Zhang. He knew that he didn't like poetry and books, and he really had no talent in this area. He nodded and agreed to Cao Zhang's request.

Cao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, grabbed the mutton on the table, and began to bite it fiercely, just like the style of a general in the army, informal, bold and rude.

Cao Cao secretly shook his head and removed this son from the inspection list. Then he turned his attention to Cao Pi and Cao Zhi and asked with some expectation.

"You two have ideas, can you write a good article?"

Cao Zhi was a frivolous person with a willful temperament. He picked up the wine bottle, poured it into his mouth, stood up and walked out of the queue, being bohemian and speaking with his head held high.

"Father, I already have an article in my mind. Please give it a listen!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed and was very surprised by Cao Zhi's literary talent. After a while, he already had inspiration in his heart and wrote it down.

Xun Yu and others also looked slightly moved. They did not expect that Cao Zhi's literary attainments were so amazing. In just a moment, he had an article in his mind, and he couldn't help but listen attentively.

Only Wei Zhongdao looked calm, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, looking at Cao Zhi with a half-smile.

"In the 18th year of Jian'an, the capital of Yu Dynasty returned to Luochuan. The ancients said: The god of Si water was named Mi Fei. Feeling about Song Yu's treatment of the goddess of the King of Chu, he wrote a poem about it. His words said:. The shape is as graceful as a startling grandson, graceful as a swimming dragon. The autumn chrysanthemums are shining brightly, and the spring pines are gorgeous. It seems like the moon covered by light clouds, and flutters like the snow blown by the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the rising sun. "If you look at it with force, it will burn like a flower emerging from Lubo."

Cao Zhi spoke eloquently and eloquently. One piece of "Luo Shen Fu" was compared with Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs" and Song Yu's "Goddess". The rhetoric was extremely gorgeous and made people mesmerized. Xun Yu and others applauded and praised. Cao Cao smiled and twisted his mouth.

Wei Zhongdao was thoughtful, looking at Cao Zhi's straight eyes and staring at a woman not far away. This woman had a cold expression and beautiful appearance. She was really Cao Ang's concubine Zhen Mi.

Wei Zhongdao chuckled in his heart, shook his head slightly, and murmured in his heart.

"Cao Zhi actually fell in love with Zhen Mi on such an occasion. Is he trying to imitate Cao Zhi, a wife? But like father, like son!"

Cao Cao glanced at Wei Zhongdao and saw him shaking his head with a tired expression. Then he praised Cao Zhi nonchalantly.

"What a great article. As soon as this poem came out, my father was in awe!"

Only then did Cao Zhi look away from Zhen Mi. He was so proud that he behaved even more wildly. He raised his head and took another sip. He glanced at Cao Ang and Cao Pi proudly. His intention to demonstrate was very clear, and he returned to his seat.

Cao Ang's expression remained motionless, without any abnormality, and there was a faint smile on his face, as if he was expressing his appreciation for Cao Zhi's literary talent.

There was a gloom in Cao Pi's eyes. He was already lagging behind Cao Ang, and he finally got a chance today to overshadow Cao Ang. Unexpectedly, Cao Zhi actually came out again, stole the show, and wrote such a good article.

Although Cao Pi knew that his literary talents were not as good as Cao Zhi's, he still refused to give up this opportunity to show his face. He pondered for a while, then stood up and chanted.

"Since the Ming Dynasty, all the cities, towns and ruins in the world are only the residence of Cong Taipujun. After the southern expedition to Jingzhou, he returned to the countryside and left it. He planted sugarcane in the courtyard, traveled through the summer and autumn, first flourished and then declined, realizing the impermanence of ups and downs. , I sigh with emotion forever, so I wrote this poem.

In the Spring Festival of Yiyang, I realize the connection between heaven and earth. Gaze at the lushness of the mysterious clouds, and look up at the gloomy darkness. The sweet rain falls in the abundant rain, and the long and long slippery slopes are cool and cool. The central hall is used as a garden, and sugarcane is planted in the front courtyard. It flourishes in the hot summer and will decline in the cold autumn. How can it be that this is unique? Believe in the characters and have them. "

Cao Pi had extraordinary literary talent. Although the rhetoric of this "Ode to Senwu" is not as gorgeous as Cao Zhi's, it has a depth that Cao Zhi does not have. It expresses Cao Pi's feelings about the ups and downs of the world. It has a good intention and made everyone marvel again.

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