I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1900 Zhuge observes the stars, Zhang Ren seeks battle

After hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Cao Ang's eyes sparkled with curiosity, he looked at Zhuge Liang's handsome face, and asked with a hint of joy.

"Did Kong Ming think of any good strategy to attack Luoxian County?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head slightly, with an enigmatic smile on his face, which made Cao Ang curious and asked again.

"Kong Ming, please stop being secretive and make it clear!"

Zhuge Liang fanned the feather fan in his hand. The gentle breeze brought a bit of cold breeze in this early spring season. It brushed on the face and refreshed people. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said.

"I just watched the sky at night and saw the flags blowing in the west wind. I counted with my fingers and found out that General Xichuan was moved and wanted to surrender. Please wait a moment, sir. Someone will definitely come to ask for surrender later!"

When Cao Ang heard this, he looked confused. He knew that Zhuge Liang was as wise as a monster. Why did he talk about observing the sky at night and telling fortunes with his fingers today? Could it be that Zhuge Liang had been a Taoist priest before?

"Kong Ming is really good at joking, how can he use the magic of gods and ghosts to talk nonsense about such things?"

Cao Ang persuaded Zhuge Liang sincerely, feeling that Zhuge Liang seemed to have changed a different person today. He was no longer the gentle and wise man before, but had turned into a magic stick wearing the appearance of Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said nothing, nor did he argue. In fact, all top counselors are proficient in the art of Qi Men Dun Jia and the art of looking at the sky and stars, but most of them trust their own wisdom more and believe that man can defeat nature, so they rarely use these methods. .

Zhuge Liang is one of the best. He once obtained a Qimen Dunjia Heavenly Book and is particularly proficient in this area. The Eight Formations are the culmination of his wisdom. As long as this formation is established, even the top counselors under Cao Cao will be able to defeat him. It takes a joint effort to suppress him, which shows how powerful he is.

Zhuge Liang and Cao Ang turned around and entered the tent to discuss military affairs. Within a quarter of an hour, soldiers came to report that there were people outside the camp asking to see them.

A trace of doubt flashed between Cao Ang's brows, and he looked at Zhuge Liang with some confusion. Seeing the incomprehensible smile on his face, his heart was slightly shaken, and he asked the soldiers to lead the people into the tent.

A Yizhou soldier entered the big tent, did not dare to raise his head, fell to his knees suddenly, took out a letter from his arms, raised his hands high, and spoke with great respect.

"I am the personal attendant of General Liu Suan. I have been ordered to deliver a letter of surrender. I also ask the general to accept it!"

When Cao Ang heard this, his pupils tightened, and he turned to look at Zhuge Liang who was smiling without saying a word. Thinking of what Zhuge Liang had just said, he felt horrified in his heart. He had a miraculous calculation and foresight. Zhuge Kongming really had the power of gods and ghosts. He could anticipate the enemy and detect opportunities. , no wonder he was so feared by his father.

Cao Ang ordered the soldiers around him to hand over the letter. Looking at the words of surrender in it, his eyes flashed. He thought it was just Liu Zhang who wanted to surrender, but he didn't expect that Lingbao and Deng Xian actually signed it. Obviously Liu Zhang Among the four generals sent, only Zhang Ren was determined and unwilling to surrender. The other three had already developed dissent and did not dare to resist Cao Ang's army.

Cao Ang was overjoyed and promised Liu Quan to follow him personally. He agreed on a time to open the city gate at noon tomorrow and the army entered Luoxian County.

Cao Ang held the letter in his hand, with a somewhat cautious look in his eyes. He looked at Zhuge Liang and asked worriedly.

"Kong Ming, Liu Suan and others suddenly surrendered. Is there any fraud?"

Zhuge Liang flapped his feather fan, with a bit of confusion between his brows, and looked towards the west in the direction of Jinping Mountain. He pinched his hands repeatedly, his mental energy was consumed rapidly, and pictures flashed in the depths of his eyes. Liu Quan and the four of them went to Zixu The scenes in the Master's Nunnery emerged one by one.

Zhuge Liang's brows began to widen, but he was still a little confused as to why Master Zixu would help them. He gave the eight sentences of criticism to the four of them, Liu Suan, and the others. He pinched his hands again and continued to deduce the truth of the matter with his mental power running crazily.

Suddenly, a terrifying energy of spiritual power appeared in the void with astonishing power. Zhuge Liang was shocked. He quickly stopped pinching in his hand. A trace of understanding appeared in his eyes, and a bit of a wry smile appeared on his face. , said to Cao Ang.

"Young Master, there is no need to be suspicious. I am afraid that this matter is Wei Taichang's handiwork. Tomorrow Liu Sui and others will sincerely surrender, and we will definitely be able to take Luo County in one fell swoop!"

A look of surprise flashed in Cao Ang's eyes. Since it was Wei Zhongdao's handiwork, he felt relieved. In his heart, Wei Zhongdao trusted him more than Zhuge Liang.

The next day, at noon, the army was attacking Luoxian County, but suddenly the city gate opened and Cao's army swarmed in. Cao Ang and others were overjoyed and rushed into the city with them.

Zhang Ren was wearing strong armor and holding a bright silver gun. His body was stained red with blood. He held the weapon tightly in his palm and looked at the soldiers surrounding him. His eyes were full of determination and his eyes widened with anger. Staring at Liu Huang and the other three, he yelled.

"You are a villain who sells his goods for glory. If you are brave, can you dare to fight me?"

There was a bit of embarrassment and fear on the faces of the three Liu Sui people. They had known Zhang Ren for a long time, and they naturally knew that Zhang Ren was brave and had superb marksmanship, which they could not handle. Their feet did not move at all.

Cao Ang looked at Zhang Ren, who was standing proudly in the field, with some admiration in his eyes. Even enemies would admire a loyal and brave person.

"I wonder which general is willing to capture Zhang Ren?"

Cao Ang's expedition is also full of talents. Not only Lu Bu is in the army, but also Ma Chao, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Pang De and other powerful generals are accompanying him. Although Zhang Ren is good in strength, he is just a top-notch general with internal energy. In the state of out-of-body perfection, he is only as strong as Zhang Liao, or even a little weaker.

When Zhang Liao heard what Cao Ang said, he held a big sword in his hand and bowed to ask for orders.

"The general is willing to capture Zhang Ren, please give me your permission!"

Cao Ang was overjoyed. He also knew something about Zhang Liao's strength. He was only one step away from entering the ultimate state of internal energy separation. Even among Cao Cao's army, he was a powerful general. He was skillful in military tactics and had the style of a general. Even Cao Cao was against him. He also likes it very much.

"General Wenyuan is brave and brave. With you in the battle, I will feel relieved!"

Zhang Liao stepped into the arena with a big sword in his hand. The aura in his body rose and he pressed towards Zhang Ren. The inner energy in his body surged and he approached Zhang Ren step by step.

Zhang Ren felt a pressure and couldn't help but look at Zhang Liao, with a cautious look in his eyes and a solemn face. He held the spear tightly in his hand, swung forward, and took half a step back with his right leg. His momentum was also amazing, and his inner energy was Surging, a ball of fire appeared, blessing on the spear, and stepped hard under his feet. The soil flew away, leaving a big pit in place. The man had turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Zhang Liao.

Zhang Ren was also a well-known martial artist, with excellent marksmanship. The spear in his hand turned into countless spear shadows, covering the void, flashing with flames, and stabbed Zhang Liao fiercely, fiercely and magnificently.

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