I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1898 Zhuge points the way, Zhongdao suppresses Zixu

It is precisely because of their admiration for Zhuge Liang that everyone is more in awe of Wei Zhongdao. A great talent like Zhuge Liang, who is as wise as a demon, was captured by Wei Zhongdao before he even succeeded. How terrifying it is. Don't dare to think deeply.

Zhuge Liang flapped the feather fan in his hand, his expression was full of confidence, his eyes were bright, and he spoke loudly with a bit of a smile.

"Congratulations to the young master. The Prime Minister has appointed the young master as the commander-in-chief. This is an important task entrusted to him. As long as the young master conquers Yizhou, his status will be as stable as Mount Tai in the future. No matter how hard Mr. Zi Heng and others spend their efforts, it will never be possible to shake the young master's position."

When Cao Ang heard this, a faint smile appeared on Yingwu's calm face. How could he not know this? He also understood that Cao Cao had high hopes for him, hoping that he could win the battle, make great achievements and stabilize his position.

"I also know what Kong Ming said, but I would like to ask Kong Ming for advice on how to capture Yizhou!"

There was light shining in Zhuge Liang's clear eyes. He had been secretly paying attention to Zhang Song's affairs for a long time, and he said softly with confidence.

"Zhang Yongnian presented a geographical map of Xichuan to the Prime Minister before he came to Xu Du. It recorded the dangerous mountains and rivers of Yizhou, the money and food in the treasury, and the deployment of troops. You can ask the Prime Minister to give you this map tomorrow. We will wait for you. Then you can know yourself and the enemy, and you will have a better chance of winning!"

Cao Ang nodded, this is not difficult. Since Cao Cao ordered him to attack Yizhou, this map will definitely be handed over to him.

"This is easy, Kong Ming, please continue!"

Zhuge Liang didn't show off, and glanced at everyone before continuing his analysis.

"Now Zhang Lu of Hanzhong is ready to take action. He has a grudge against Liu Zhang for killing his mother, and wants to attack Yizhou. You can wait for the battle between the two sides, and then send troops from Jingzhou to attack the back of Yizhou, making it vulnerable to enemies in the back and flanks. You will be successful in one battle. become!"

Cao Ang nodded repeatedly, with joy on his face. With Zhuge Liang's analysis, he had a clear understanding of the situation. There was no need to elaborate on other tactics, as they depended on the details.

The next day, Cao Ang asked Cao Cao for the geographical map of Xichuan. He also knew that Zhang Song and others could be internal agents, and he felt more confident. Cao Cao did not make a big show of it, but secretly ordered the Jingxiang soldiers and horses to obey Cao Ang's command. Cao Ang took Zhuge Liang and others. The people quietly left Xudu and went to Xiangfan, waiting for Zhang Lu to send troops to Yizhou, and then send out a large army to sweep Yizhou.

In April, Zhang Lu's troops came out of Hanzhong, and a hundred thousand troops pressed into Yizhou. Liu Zhang was shocked and sent his generals to resist.

Cao Ang followed Zhuge Liang's advice and sent generals Lu Bu and Ma Chao to jointly attack Fucheng. The two men opened the city gate with a shocking blow. The army swarmed in, killed the famous Shu generals Yang Huai and Gao Pei, and captured the city. Pass, heading towards Luoxian County.

Liu Zhang was horrified and quickly sent Liu Huang, Lingbao, Zhang Ren, and Deng Xian with an army of 50,000 to guard Luo County at starry night to resist Cao Ang's army.

Liu Huang heard that I heard that there was a strange man in Jinping Mountain, named Master Zixu, who knew the dignity of life and death. We are marching today and are passing Jinping Mountain. He couldn't help but speak to the other three people.

"I heard that Master Zixu has great supernatural powers, why don't you try to ask him?"

Zhang Ren is a warrior on the battlefield. He does not believe in fate, but only believes in the weapons in his hands. He frowned and retorted with an unhappy look.

"When a man is marching to resist the enemy, how can he ask the people in the mountains and fields?"

Liu Huang was not angry either, with a gloomy look on his face, he stared at the brocade screen and said loudly.

"Otherwise. The sage said: The path to sincerity can be known in advance. We ask wise people to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune."

Lingbao and Deng Xian felt that Liu Huang's words were reasonable, and they persuaded Zhang Ren together. Zhang Ren couldn't resist the three of them, so they had to go to the foot of Jinping Mountain together. The four of them went up the mountain to the nunnery, and saw a boy coming out to greet them, carved in pink and jade, very beautiful. Lovely asked the four people for their names before taking them into the nunnery.

I saw Master Zixu sitting on the Pudun, with a clear face, white beard and hair, wearing a Bagua Taoist robe, and the spirit of immortality, which made people awe.

The four people hurriedly bowed and asked about their future.

Master Zixu's expression was indifferent, with wisps of purple light in his eyes. He stared at the four people sitting down, his thoughts turned in his mind, and he declined.

"The poor Taoist is a useless person in the mountains, how can he know that he is not guilty?"

Liu Quan was very sincere and asked again and again. Master Zixu had no choice but to order the Taoist boy to take a pen and paper, write down eight sentences and give them to Liu Quan. The article said: "The fierce tiger has entered Sichuan, and it is unstoppable. The crouching dragon ascends to the sky, and Xichuan changes its master. The number of days is like this, and it is difficult for manpower to disobey it. Act when you see the opportunity, and don't lose Jiuquan."

Liu Huang looked at the eight sentences in his hand, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he continued to ask calmly.

"Please, Master, please have mercy and tell us how popular the four of us are?"

Master Zixu's eyes moved, staring at Liu Huang's face, thoughtfully, and spoke softly.

"The general has already made up his mind, why bother asking again!"

Liu Huang's heart moved slightly, and he asked again. Master Zixu lowered his eyes and said nothing, as if he was asleep, motionless.

The four of them, Liu Huang and others, seemed to be descending from the mountain. Liu Huang gave the other three people a thoughtful look and reminded them.

"You must not disbelieve the words of immortals."

Zhang Ren, however, had the demeanor of a military general and did not believe in destiny. He did not take what Master Zixu said to heart, he frowned and said sternly.

"This man is a wild old man in the mountains, what's the use of listening to him!"

Zhang Ren held the spear tightly in his hand, got on his horse, full of evil spirit and overwhelming momentum. The three of them looked at each other with something strange in their eyes, calmly, nodded slightly, mounted their horses at the same time, and headed towards Luoxian County.

Master Zixu sensed that the four people had left, and then he opened his eyes. The purple light was strong and shot out three feet, which was extremely frightening. He stood up and looked into the void. The powerful spiritual power shot out of the void, sensing the energy coming from the void. Feeling a faint sense of oppression, I couldn't help but secretly clicked my tongue and said loudly:

"Wei Taichang, I have followed your instructions and issued a comment, which has made Liu Huang and others think about whether it is time for you to leave this place!"

A faint glow appeared in the void, powerful and terrifying spiritual power gathered, and a shadow stood in the nunnery, with hands behind its back, overlooking the fertile land of Xichuan and all the living beings, with a bit of smile in its eyes, and a clear voice sounded. , making Master Zixu's heart full of distracting thoughts and unable to calm down.

"I keep my word. Since you have completed what I told you, you will naturally not be embarrassed. It's just that Xichuan Ruoding, the prime minister, deliberately recruited Zhang Lu and allowed the Five Pecks of Rice Sect to preach in the Central Plains and be named a Taoist Celestial Master! I don't know, Master Zixu If you and other Taoist masters are willing to expand the Taoism, you can come to Xudu to discuss it in detail!"

After saying that, Wei Zhongdao's figure gradually faded and disappeared into the void. Even the top practitioners of the Taoist sect, such as Master Zixu, never noticed what method Wei Zhongdao used to leave.

Master Zixu stood up and walked out of the nunnery, flew into the void, stood on the top of the mountain, looked towards Hanzhong, with purple light in his eyes, and looked at a pillar of luck that turned red in color, soaring straight into the sky, frowning slightly, The Five Dou Rice Sect has great luck. If it is really introduced to the Central Plains, it can be transformed into a purple cloud pillar. It will flourish in the world and be passed down endlessly. It will definitely become a prominent Taoist sect in the future. They are afraid that these secret Taoist sects will have a hard time fighting against it. .

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