I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1881 Zhongdao sends the east wind

Pang Tong's face changed slightly, looking a little ugly. He looked at Xu Shu in surprise and confirmed again.

"Yuan Zhi is really going to break my plan?"

A bit of sadness appeared on Xu Shu's face. Looking at Pang Tong who was a little anxious, the memories of the scenes in his mind came to his mind, and he said with a bit of heaviness between his brows.

"Don't worry, Shi Yuan. I naturally won't let Cao Sikong tell me off this plan. Uncle Liu Huang was kind to me back then, but later because of Cao Sikong's trick, he tricked me into Xudu. I have never repaid you. Although I am now in Cao Sikong, I don't want to worry. Camp, don’t offer a strategy, don’t devise a plan.”

Pang Tong looked moved. He was well aware of Xu Shu's talent. Now that he was in Cao's camp, he was unable to show his talent. This was the cruelest thing for people like them.

"It's just that I am traveling with the army now. If the 800,000-strong army is defeated, I will definitely bring disaster to Chiyu. If I ask Shiyuan to teach me how to escape, I will definitely keep silent and go to seek refuge!"

When Pang Tong heard this, he let go of his worries. He moved in his heart and said to him.

"It's easy!"

"You only need to spread rumors in the military camp, saying that Xiliang Ma Teng and Han Sui are plotting to rebel and kill Xudu. Cao Cao must be worried. As long as you take the initiative to ask for help and lead troops to Sanguan to secure the pass, Cao Cao will definitely agree. What does Yuan Zhi think of this plan?"

Xu Shu took a deep look at the quick-thinking Pang Tong, nodded meaningfully, and said.

"Shi Yuan Gaoming, farewell from now on, see you again in the future!"

Pang Tong then left by boat and went to Jiangdong Water Village to report the progress of the matter to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that Cao Cao had been fooled. He completely doubted Cao Cao's acting. Of course, Cao Cao and others did so and did not deceive Zhou Yu.

On the second day, rumors continued in Cao Cao's camp that Ma Teng and Han Sui in Xiliang had rebelled and raised 200,000 troops to attack Xudu. The generals were talking about it. Cao Cao raised his tent to discuss the matter and discussed countermeasures with all the civil and military officials.

"When I lead my troops to march south, the only people I worry about are Han Sui and Ma Teng. Although the rumors in the army have not been proven true, they must be guarded against."

Xu Shu suddenly stood up, bowed and took the initiative to ask for help.

"The Prime Minister accepted the request, and I hate to be rewarded with nothing. I would like to ask three thousand troops to go to Sanguan to guard the pass. If there is any military situation, I will report back!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed and agreed to Xu Shu's request, and ordered him to command three thousand troops and horses to rush to Sanguan, with Zang Ba as the vanguard and accompanying him.

Xu Shu took the order and went out, preparing his troops and horses, without stopping at all, preparing to go to Sanguan.

In Xu Shu's tent, Wei Zhongdao bowed to Xu Shu and thanked him.

"I'm in trouble for you Yuan Zhi, thank you for your help!"

Xu Shu helped Wei Zhongdao up, his brows full of freedom and boldness, and said softly.

"Zhongdao doesn't need to be polite. Although I put on a show in front of Pang Shiyuan, I didn't lie to him. I just didn't tell him that you knew their plan!"

Since Xu Shu has made his decision, he will not regret it. He did not tell Cao Cao about Jiangdong's plan, nor did he offer a plan for Cao Cao. Naturally, he did not deceive Pang Tong, but sometimes, the truth can be more deceiving.

Xu Shu did a full show and led three thousand soldiers and horses towards Sanguan. Pang Tong got the news and finally let go of the last worry in his heart. As expected, Xu Shu took refuge and left. They could let go and do what they wanted. Cao Cao's million-strong army would Buried in flames.

On November 15th, the winter of the 13th year of Jian'an, the weather was clear and the weather was calm. Cao Cao ordered.

"Place wine and music on the big ship. I want to meet with the generals tonight."

It was getting late, and the moon above the eastern mountain was as bright as the day. The Yangtze River area is like Heng Su Lian. Cao Cao was sitting on the big ship, with hundreds of attendants on his left and right, all wearing brocade clothes and carrying halberds. All the civil and military officials sat in turn. Cao Cao saw the picturesque scenery of Nanping Mountain, the Chaisang Land in the east, the Xiakou River in the west, Fanshan Mountain in the south, and Wulin in the north. He looked around at the vastness, and felt happy in his heart. He sighed to the civil and military officials.

"Since the uprising, I have eliminated evil and harm. I have vowed to sweep away the four seas and level the world. Jiangnan is what I have not conquered. Now there are millions of powerful troops, and more depends on the lives of the public. There is no need to worry! After conquering Jiangnan, the world will be fine. , should share wealth and honor with all the public, and enjoy peace."

All the civil and military officials stood up to thank him and thanked him in unison.

"We all hope to sing a triumphant song soon, and we will rely on the Prime Minister's blessing for the rest of our lives."

Cao Cao was overjoyed and ordered everyone to drink wine. After drinking until midnight, I was still intoxicated and was in a great mood for poetry. Suddenly I heard the sound of crows flying south. I took a stick and stood it on the bow of the boat. I poured wine into the river and drank the three princes. Then I composed a song across the stick.

"Singing to wine, how much life is: like morning dew, the passing days will be more bitter. Generosity should be used, and worries will be unforgettable; Du Kang is the only one who can relieve worries. Qingqingzijin is so long in my heart; but for the sake of you, I have been pondering it till now. Yoyo deer Singing, eating apples in the wild; I have a guest, playing the harp and the sheng. Bright as the moon, when can we stop? The sorrow comes from it and cannot be cut off! Crossing the distance across the country, we live together in vain; we talk about the banquet, and remember the old kindness. The moon and stars are sparse, and the magpie flies south; it circles the tree three times, but there is no branch to cling to. The mountains never get too high, and the water never gets too deep: The Duke of Zhou spits out food, and the world returns to its heart."

Everyone was laughing together, and the atmosphere was extremely cheerful and lively. Zhou Yu heard the report carefully, sneered a few times, and said to the generals under the tent.

"When the army is in proportion and the soldiers are using their lives, Cao Cao's words are unlucky!"

Gan Ning was confused when he heard this and quickly stood up and asked.

"May I ask the Governor, what's wrong with Cao Cao's words?"

Zhou Yu has an extraordinary handsome appearance and is known as the handsome Zhou Lang. Hearing Gan Ning's question, he smiled softly and added a bit of grace to his words.

"The moon and stars are sparse, and the magpies are flying south; they circle the tree three times, but there are no branches to rely on. This is an unlucky statement!"

The generals nodded in agreement and shouted that Cao Cao's ominous words were a sign of inevitable defeat!

Zhou Yuyu stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the warships on the water in the north of the river. They were lined up on the river, with flags and signals, all in order. Cao Cao's army was rehearsing. The northwest wind suddenly picked up. Each ship raised its sails and beat the waves, as steady as the ground. The Northern troops were on the boat, enthusiastically showing their courage, stabbing with spears and using knives. The flags and flags of the armies at the front, rear, left and right are not mixed.

Seeing this grand scene, Zhou Yu felt wary and asked the generals around.

"The warships in Jiangbei are as dense as reeds and maneuvered with many tricks. What strategy should be used to destroy them?"

Suddenly there was a strong wind and waves in the river crashed on the shore. A gust of wind blew by, blowing the horn of the flag across Zhou Yu's face. Zhou Yu's face changed drastically, and when he remembered something, he vomited blood and fell down.

Although Zhou Yu had already decided on a plan to attack with fire, he remembered that whenever he used fire to attack, he must use the power of wind. In the middle of winter, there was only west wind and north wind, and no east or south wind. Even if he and Jiangdong's counselors used magic to borrow the wind, it would be difficult to resist the interference of Cao Jun's wise men. Where can he go to ask for the right time to let the east wind blow in winter?

Wei Zhongdao watched the sky at night and saw the stars on the south bank dim and swaying continuously. A strange light flashed in his eyes, and a picture appeared in his mind. He understood it clearly, turned around and walked towards the tent, murmuring in a low voice.

"I will send you an east wind to make your wish come true. Otherwise, how can you attract all your Jiangdong army and win in one battle?"

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