I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1874 Cao Cao shows kindness and is a ruthless hero

"Qi Breaking the Realm, the realm of demigods, Zilong has finally taken this step!"

Wei Zhongdao looked at Zhao Yun who had returned to his original nature in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh, with some fluctuations. It seemed that Zhang Fei's death had greatly touched Zhao Yun, otherwise he would not have broken into the realm of demigods at this time.

Zhao Yun glanced at Wei Zhongdao with a complicated expression, then looked back at Zhang Fei, who was still alive. Without any joy in his eyes, he nodded slightly and returned behind Wei Zhongdao.

Cao Cao had a clear view of Zhao Yun's performance, his heart moved slightly, and he spoke.

"Zhang Fei was brave and loyal. He was awarded the title of General of Chariots and Cavalry. He was given the honorary title of Marquis of Zhongyong and Yong. He was buried richly!"

Zhao Yun looked shocked and fell to his knees suddenly, thanking Cao Cao.

"The last general thanked Sikong on behalf of Yide!"

Cao Cao quickly stretched out his hand to help Zhao Yun up, his face full of love, and he said.

"Why should Zilong be so polite!"

Cao Cao was satisfied when he saw Zhao Yun's moved expression. He glanced at Zhang Fei's body standing on the shore, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and then he continued.

"In order to help Liu Bei escape, Zhang Fei would rather die than retreat. His loyalty and bravery are admirable. Please pass on the order and no longer pursue Liu Bei's remnant army today. In the name of Zhang Fei's loyalty!"

Zhao Yun was shocked by Lao Cao's operation and was completely fooled. He was grateful to Cao Cao again and again, which made Wei Zhongdao roll his eyes. Lao Cao had done a good job. Although he did not reward Zhao Yun in any way, he just Zhang Fei was commended for his loyalty and bravery, but the damage to Zhao Yun was huge, almost hitting him seven inches above Zhao Yun, and he could not tolerate being moved.

Liu Bei fled all the way and came to Hanjin, where he happened to encounter Guan Yu leading 10,000 troops and horses to respond. These were troops borrowed by Zhuge Liang from Jiangxia Liu Qi.

"Is it okay, brother?"

Liu Bei finally breathed a sigh of relief and saw that no pursuers were coming from behind. He thought Zhang Fei had scared Cao Cao's army, so he let go of his worries.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu led their troops to retreat towards Jiangxia, waiting for Zhang Fei to join them. However, until night, there was still no news. Liu Bei and Guan Yu felt uneasy and anxious.

It wasn't until the end that the scouting horse came back. Zhang Fei's plan was not hidden from Cao Jun. He refused to retreat and was already dead. The two of them were hit hard. Liu Bei vomited blood and fell to the ground. Guan Yu was also shaky, his whole body became weak, and he acted randomly for a while. There was a group, and there were constant exclamations.

"Third brother! It hurts me so much!"

Cao Cao's army stopped chasing Liu Bei and diverted to Jiangling. Deng Yi was in charge of Jingzhou, and Liu Xian was not able to resist. Knowing that they could not withstand the power of Cao Cao's army, they took the initiative to surrender and led Cao Cao and others into the city. Since Cao Cao agreed to Wei Zhongdao, he has never massacred the city again. , so the soldiers and people in Jingzhou were not afraid. Cao Cao also ordered that military discipline be strictly enforced and the people should not be disturbed, so they were in peace.

Cao Cao sat in the main seat, with civil and military officials sitting on the left and right. Cao Cao looked around and saw all the talented people. He felt proud and then asked.

"Now that Liu Bei has fled to Jiangxia, it will be difficult to deal with Sun Quan if he joins forces with Jiangdong. What are your plans?"

Xun You also followed the army this time and sat under Wei Zhongdao. Hearing the words, he stood up and played.

"There is no need to worry, Sikong. Our army is now vigorously boosting its strength and sending envoys to the east of the Yangtze River. We invite Sun Quan to hunt in Jiangxia, capture Liu Bei together, divide the land of Jingzhou, and form an alliance forever. Sun Quan will be surprised and come to surrender, and great things will be done."

Cao Cao nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, feeling that it made sense. He looked at the others and saw that they had no objections. Then he looked at Wei Zhongdao and saw that his expression was indifferent. He felt moved in his heart and asked.

"What do you think Zhongdao?"

Wei Zhongdao had made up his mind this time to help Cao Cao win Jingzhou and defeat Sun Quan. After thinking for a moment, he replied.

"Jiangdong and Jiangxia are at odds with each other and will form an alliance. Even if Sikong sends an envoy to Jiangdong, Sun Quan will never surrender. He will definitely stop our army. Why bother with this? It's better to fight and defeat them. Sun Quan will naturally surrender. !”

When Cao Cao heard this, a look of contemplation flashed in his eyes, he nodded slowly and said.

"What Zhongdao said is reasonable. In this case, we will defeat the Sun-Liu Alliance in one fell swoop. When the time comes, who dares to disobey!"

The next day, before Cao Cao marched, Jingzhou civil and military forces arrived. Liu Cong offered his surrender. Cao Cao was overjoyed. As expected, Wei Zhongdao had been right. Liu Cong was young and had difficulty convincing the crowd. The Jingzhou family did not want to resist the army with him, so they followed the trend. Surrender and save yourself.

Cao Cao's army entered Xiangyang City and made Kuai Yue the Marquis of Fancheng, the governor of Jiangling; Fu Xun, Wang Can and others were all Marquis of Guannei; and Liu Cong was appointed the governor of Qingzhou and let him go to a different place.

Liu Cong was reluctant, but he dared to go against Cao Cao's wishes, so he could only leave Jingzhou in aggrieved manner, knowing that he had been tricked by the Jingzhou family. At the beginning, they promised that if Liu Cong surrendered, they would ask Cao Cao for a memorial and let him rule forever. Jingzhou.

Cao Cao was a ruthless person, so he turned around and ordered Yu Jin to lead his army to hunt down Liu Cong and his son, eradicate the weeds and leave no further trouble.

Wei Zhongdao saw this and did not stop him. Cao Cao was a tycoon. Without such a ruthless character, how could he quickly calm down the troubled times.

After the affairs in Jingzhou were settled, Cao Cao raised his troops and counted a total of 830,000 horse and foot water troops, falsely claiming to be one million. They marched on both land and water, with boats and cavalry traveling in pairs. They came along the river, connecting Jing and Xia in the west and Qi and Huang in the east. , Sai Zha contacted each other for more than 300 miles and headed towards Jiangxia.

At this time, Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi died suddenly for unknown reasons, and Liu Bei became the lord of Jiangxia. Sun Quan from Jiangdong heard that Cao Cao's army had arrived in Xiangyang and that Liu Cong had surrendered. He was shocked and quickly sent envoys to Jiangxia to mourn, in order to unite Liu Bei and fight together. Fight against Cao Cao's millions of troops.

Liu Bei and Sun Quan hit it off immediately. Zhuge Liang went to Jiangdong alone and persuaded Jiangdong's civil and military forces. Sun and Liu joined forces to defeat Cao Cao. They fought with the Confucian scholars with unparalleled style.

Although the Jiangdong family wanted to persuade Sun Quan to surrender, Sun Quan objected, and he had soldiers and horses in hand. It was not Liu Cong from Jingzhou who provoked him, but he would go on a killing spree, so they had no choice but to obey Sun Quan and defeat Cao's army together.

Sun Quan gave Zhou Yu the sword, and named Zhou Yu the chief governor, Cheng Pu the deputy governor, and Lu Su the captain of the Zan Army. If any of the civil and military officers disobeys orders, they will be killed with this sword.

Zhou Yu went to the camp and sat high in the military tent. There were swordsmen and axemen on the left and right, and civilian and military generals gathered to listen to orders. That is to say, Han Dang and Huang Gai were sent as the vanguard to lead the warships of the headquarters. They set off immediately and went to the village at Sanjiangkou. Don't listen to the general's orders. Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai were the second team; Ling Tong and Pan Zhang were the third team. Taishi Ci and Lu Meng were the fourth team; Lu Xun and Dong Xi were the fifth team; Lu Fan and Zhu Zhi were the patrol envoys from all directions, urging and supervising the officers and soldiers of the six counties, advancing by land and water, and capturing all the troops in the period. Zhou Yu mobilized his troops in a methodical manner, and he was well versed in the art of using troops. He was truly a talented general, which made veteran generals such as Cheng Pu admire him. From then on, the Jiangdong naval forces united as one to fight against Cao's army.

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