I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1861 Ten wins and ten losses Guo Fengxiao, one step late Xu Ziyuan

Liu Bei used sweet words to deceive Yuan Shao for a while, and then he let him go and ordered him and Wen Chou to go to attack Cao Cao together as a rear army to recruit Guan Yu.

It is a pity that Wen Chou had just entered the battle and defeated Xu Huang and others in a row, but was killed by Guan Yu in the first few rounds. Liu Bei did not dare to stay in Yuan Shao's army, so he quickly fled Jingzhou and ordered Sun Qian to inform Guan Yu.

Only then did Guan Yu know the news about Liu Bei, and he wanted to leave. When Cao Cao heard about it, he deliberately closed the door behind him. Guan Yu could only seal up the things Cao Cao had given him, and without moving a penny, he took his two sisters-in-law to Jingzhou.

Xia Houyuan and Zhao Yun stood behind Wei Zhongdao, looking at Guan Yu's leaving figure, frowning and asking in confusion.

"Sir, are you going to let Guan Yunchang go like this?"

Wei Zhongdao smiled slightly, looked back at Xia Houyuan, and said softly.

"Send the order and don't stop Guan Yu from leaving at the passes along the way. Let him go to Jingzhou."

"Liu Biao of Jingzhou is cunning and cunning. If Liu Bei goes to him, he will surely stir up troubles!"

Cao Cao had true love for Guan Yu. Hearing that Guan Yu left without saying goodbye, he ordered someone to catch up and gave him a brocade robe token so that he could pass the customs smoothly, which made Guan Yu feel a little ashamed.

Because Yuan Shao defeated two generals, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, he couldn't help but raise an army and marched towards Guandu. An army of 700,000 people was stationed in the east, west, north, and south, and was connected for more than 90 miles.

Cao Cao led an army of 70,000 to stop him, leaving Xun Yu in charge of Xudu. Wei Zhongdao, Guo Jia, and Xun You followed the army to serve as staff and make plans to resist Yuan Shao.

The two sides fought for several days. In general, Cao Cao was at a disadvantage. After all, he was short of men and horses and lacked food and grass. He was not as wealthy as Yuan Shao. He had four states and many soldiers. If it weren't for his lack of tents, he could resist Xiahou Yuan and Zhao Yun. The superb generals of the others had already defeated Cao Cao.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Cao Cao gathered all the officials and generals to discuss matters. The atmosphere inside the tent was gloomy and heavy. It was obvious that the war situation was unfavorable and worrying.

Wei Zhongdao is sitting in the first place on the left, still looking lazy. Next to him is Guo Jia. He is full of ingenuity and has gained Cao Cao's trust. His status is higher than that of Xun You and Cheng Yu. points, second only to Xun Yu.

Guo Jia glanced sideways at Wei Zhongdao and winked, indicating that as the head of civil servants, it was time for him to step forward. Wei Zhongdao rolled his eyes and ignored Guo Jia, shaking his head slightly, obviously not wanting to step forward.

Guo Jia had no choice but to stand up and speak to Cao Cao.

"It is known to the public that Liu and Xiang were defeated. The ancestors of the Han Dynasty were able to win only by wisdom. Although Xiang Yu was strong, he was eventually captured. Jia stole the information and found out that Shao suffered ten defeats and Gong won ten. Although Shao had a strong army, he could not do anything. Shao is rich in etiquette and etiquette, and the public body is left to nature. This way is better than one. Shao is rebellious, and the public is obedient to lead the world. This righteousness is better than two. When Shao sees people who are hungry and cold, his sympathy is reflected in his color. If you don't see it, you may be worried about it. The so-called woman's benevolence and ears are always neglected in the small things at present. As for the big things, they are connected with the world, and the kindness they receive is beyond their expectations. Although they are not seen, they are worried about everything. There is nothing wrong with this, and this benevolence is better than seven. The ministers of Shao fight for power, slander and confuse chaos, and the public governs the subordinates with Taoism, but it cannot be infiltrated. This is the clear victory of eight. It is impossible to know what is right and wrong in Shao. The public is promoted by etiquette, and what is not correct is treated by law. , this article is better than nine. Shao is good at false power and does not know the key points of the army. The public uses a small number to defeat the masses. He uses troops like a god. The soldiers rely on him and the enemy is afraid of him. This is a victory of ten. If the public has these ten victories, he will defeat Shao. It’s no problem.”

Guo Jia's argument about ten victories and ten defeats was so impassioned and passionate that Cao Cao was so excited that the fight was so intense that he applauded him repeatedly. Then he turned to look at Wei Zhongdao and asked for advice.

"Following filial piety is a great idea. I wonder if Zhongdao can teach me?"

Wei Zhongdao stood up helplessly, glanced at the people in the tent, and said directly.

"Yuan Shao has nothing to fear. He is nothing more than a chicken and a dog. As long as we burn his food and grass, we will definitely defeat the 700,000-strong army in one fell swoop!"

Cao Cao naturally knew this truth, but the difficulty was that they didn't know where Yuan Shao's food and grass were hidden, so they could only stare.

"How come I don't know what Zhongdao said? It's just that Yuan Shao's food and grass are secret and it's hard for us to find out where they are stored?"

Wei Zhongdao already knew where Yuan Shao's grain and grass were hidden, and he had used his powerful mental power to deduce it using his mental talent. He laughed when he heard this.

"This is easy. I already know the location of Yuan Shao's grain and grass. It's in Wuchao. Tonight, Sikong can send troops to attack in a sneak attack. They can burn Yuan's army's grain and grass in one fell swoop and defeat 700,000 troops!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed and stood up and walked around. He still couldn't believe what Wei Zhongdao said. He frowned slightly and asked.

"Zhongdao, why are you so sure that Yuan Shao will store grain and grass in Wuchao?"

Just as Wei Zhongdao was about to explain something, he suddenly frowned and mentally sensed a person coming from outside the camp. He chuckled and said.

"If Sikong wants to know the truth, why not hurry up and greet Xu You. He has already arrived outside the camp and should be able to confirm that what Wei said is true!"

When Cao Cao heard Xu You's visit, he didn't care about anything else and ran towards the camp gate like a fool. He was very excited. He knew that Xu You came here at this time and must have taken refuge in him and could help him.

Xu You saw that Cao Cao had run away with his shoes and was in a mess. His eyes shone brightly. He was very satisfied with Cao Cao's reaction. The two held hands and entered the tent. At this time, all the civil and military personnel had left, leaving only the two of them to talk in detail.

Cao Cao had already learned that Yuan Jun's food and grass were in Wuchao, but he still respected Xu You very much. He bowed and bowed, making a gesture that satisfied Xu You's vanity, and then he spoke.

"Yuan Shao has no plans, refuses to listen to his words, and refuses to follow his plans. Today I have come to meet you. I ask you, Meng De, to take me in because of our past friendship!"

Although Xu You spoke with great respect, he addressed Cao Cao by his first name. Cao Cao didn't take it seriously and just kept talking.

"If Ziyuan is willing to come, I will accomplish something great! Please tell me how to defeat Yuan Shao, Ziyuan?"

Xu You was very proud. He sat up high and looked at the impatient Cao Cao. He chatted for a long time without revealing his plan. Cao Cao's expression changed slightly and he suddenly spoke.

"Ziyuan, did Yuan Shao store grain and grass in Wuchao?"

The wine glass in Xu You's hand suddenly dropped in shock, and he looked at Cao Cao in shock. He never expected that Cao Cao actually knew where Yuan Shao's lifeline was, and his role was greatly reduced.

"How does Meng De know?"

When Cao Cao saw Xu You's reaction, he already knew in his heart that what Wei Zhongdao said was right. He was convinced, and then he said with a smile.

"Although I know that Yuan Shao has stationed grain and grass here, I don't know the layout of Wuchao. Please ask Ziyuan to teach me!"

Only then did Xu You smile again, no longer daring to put on airs, and went through the arrangements of Wuchao one by one, making Cao Cao overjoyed.

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