I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 186 Farewell

"I hope you can escape smoothly!" Guo Baokun murmured to himself. Regarding Si Lili's feelings, it is impossible to say that Guo Baokun has no turmoil in his heart at all. It is just because of Fan Ruoruo's existence and the fact that Si Lili belongs to Northern Qi As a spy, Guo Baokun was wary of the natural hostility in his attitude, so he could only cut off the relationship with his sword and did not want to get entangled too much. This was a good thing for both the manager and himself. But even so, Guo Baokun still secretly wished Si Lili could get back Northern Qi and not be hunted down by Fan Xian.

"Huh?" Guo Baokun felt a familiar aura outside the mansion, and disappeared into the lobby in a flash, reaching the back alley of Guo's mansion.

"Why are you here?" Guo Baokun looked at this familiar figure, a little helpless. Why did she come to Guo Mansion if she didn't run for her life at this time? Didn't she know that this period was the golden time for her to escape? Why should she? Waste this precious time.

"I may be leaving Kyoto in the near future, and I don't know when we will see each other again, so I want to see you one last time, so I came here to say goodbye to you." Si Lili looked at Guo Baokun with an expression, and hesitated to speak, but In the end, they simply sued each other and did not tell Guo Baokun the fact that he might never come back. Si Lili knew that her destiny was not under her control. Although she fell in love with Guo Baokun, she also knew that she could not have love, not only because Guo Baokun was avoiding him, but also because her identity and destiny were not hers. Can be controlled.

"Let's go, the sooner we leave the better, the sooner we go the better, don't get caught!" Guo Baokun restrained his emotions on the one hand, and on the other hand he felt the deep affection for Si Lili, so he still reminded him, hoping Si Lili can leave as soon as possible without getting caught.

"You?" Si Lili looked at Guo Baokun with some confusion. He didn't expect that Guo Baokun seemed to be aware of his identity. Could this be the reason why Guo Baokun never accepted him?

"I knew from the beginning that you were not a Northern Qi spy, but it had nothing to do with me. Now, although you are involved in Fan Xian's assassination case, I owe you a favor, so I can only continue to pretend to be ignorant and help you. Conceal your identity. After you leave today, I hope you will not come back again!" After all, Guo Baokun did not retain Si Lili, but urged Si Lili to leave quickly.

"I am satisfied with your words!" Si Lili smiled sweetly, but for some reason, Guo Baokun saw a hint of bitterness and sadness in this smile.

Guo Baokun watched quietly as Si Lili turned and left, like a black butterfly in the sun that had just broken out of its cocoon and flown into the sky.

. . . . . .

Fan Xian and Wang Qinian stood on the bank of Liujing River, looking at the flower boat with thick smoke in the middle of the river. They felt helpless. Si Lili ran away and burned the flower boat before running away. This made Fan Xian a little bit Frustrated, now that all the clues have been lost, only Guo Baokun knows the truth of the matter, but he has his own difficulties and does not want to tell himself the truth of the matter. Fan Xian does not want to embarrass Guo Baokun, so he can only give up. clues.

"Sir, don't worry. What I'm good at is tracking. There are two tracking masters in the Inspection Institute. One of them is named Zong Zhui. He follows the director Chen Pingping all year round. Now he is not in Kyoto. The other one is me. !" Wang Qinian suddenly spoke up, proudly introducing his skills to Fan Xian, slapping his chest with his right hand, looking confident.

"You still have this ability, so why do you want to be a small clerk?" Fan Xian looked at the guy in front of him. He really couldn't believe that this guy could be a tracking expert. He thought of a series of incredible things that Wang Qinian had done. The reliable things, especially the map of Kyoto that he originally sold to him, didn't look like he was a tracking expert.

"Doing paperwork is a safe job. You don't have to fight and kill people every day. I still have a wife and a daughter to support, so naturally I can't gamble with my life." Wang Qinian said matter-of-factly. He didn't have any masculinity at all, but Fan Xian was extremely Appreciate, this is a man who loves his family and has a sense of responsibility. He will not disregard his family for the so-called dignity and face of a man. He is quite similar to the man in Fan Xian's previous life, which makes Fan Xian unconsciously feel good about him.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go after Si Lili now!" Fan Xian clapped his hands and said excitedly. He was a little frustrated because all the clues were lost, but he didn't expect that there would be no way to recover the suspicion. In another village, Wang Qinian still has the ability to track.

"Not yet. I need to go home to get tools. I have kept all the tools needed for tracking at home!" Wang Qinian stopped Fan Xian who wanted to set off immediately and explained the preparations needed for tracking. .

"Then let's go back to your house to get the tools now!" Fan Xian pulled Wang Qinian and rushed towards Wang Qinian's home.

"Sir, please wait a moment, let me go in and check the wind!" Wang Qinian looked towards the door of the house with a sneaky look, which made Fan Xian want to laugh. Unexpectedly, Wang Qinian was still a strict wife. This familiar scene made Fan Xian want to laugh. When I recall the men in my previous life, aren't most of them like this?

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Fan Xian responded with a joking smile.

Wang Qinian carefully pushed the door open a gap, ducked in, and closed the door.

"Wang Qinian, how dare you come back!!" A irritable female voice sounded.

"Madam, calm down first and don't slap me in the face. I have to go out!"

"Madam, I realize my mistake, please spare me this time!"

Fan Xian snickered unkindly as he listened to Mrs. Wang Qinian's sharp shouts and Wang Qinian's constant begging for mercy, coupled with the sounds of being beaten and beaten from the courtyard.

After a while, the door opened, and Wang Qinian appeared in front of Fan Xian carrying a wooden box.

Fan Xian looked at Wang Qinian. In just a blink of an eye, Wang Qinian changed drastically. The clothes on his body were wrinkled, and there were a few red marks on his neck. It looked like he had been scratched by a woman's nails, and there were still marks on his face. A bright red palm print.

But what makes Fan Xian strange is that there is no trace of displeasure on Wang Qinian's face. Instead, he is happy with it. Fan Xian can't help but sigh, the world is so big, there are all kinds of things, and everyone has their favorite carrots and cabbages.

"Sir, I am now fully prepared and ready to go!" Wang Qinian reported to Fan Xian.

"Then let's go!" Fan Xian said nothing else and took the lead in walking towards the Liujing River again. Since he is tracking Si Lili, he must start at Zuixian Tower as a starting point in order not to miss anything. Clues to better trace Si Lili’s traces.

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