I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1803 Parents died tragically

Wei Zhongdao looked at the numerous fruits still hanging on the big tree, most of which were still green, and frowned slightly. It seemed that he would have to work hard and concentrate on his studies in the future to mature these fruits and awaken his spiritual talents. It’s heavy but there’s a long way to go, he sighed.

"My life also has a limit, and my knowledge has no limit. If there is a limit, then it will be endless. It is already gone! Those who have already known it are gone! There is no near name for good deeds, and there is no near punishment for evil deeds. The predestined governor considers it a sutra, which can protect one's life. You can have a whole life, you can raise your family, you can live your whole life.”

This passage comes from "Zhuangzi·Neipian·Yangshengzhu No.3". Wei Zhongdao is proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, so he is naturally very proficient in Zhuangzi's works.

Wei Zhongdao has awakened his spiritual talent. This trip to Luoyang can be regarded as achieving his goal. He should go back. After all, although this place is good, it is not my hometown. He still has his parents and clan members at home. Naturally, he does not want to stay in Luoyang for a long time. He has already made a decision in his heart. Having made up his mind, Wei Zhongdao naturally would not hesitate. After giving instructions, the maids and servants began to pack their bags. He walked out of the small courtyard and prepared to say goodbye to Cai Yong.

"My nephew is leaving now, why don't you stay for two more days? I remember that you have never visited Luoyang City since you came to Luoyang. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave like this!"

Cai Yong tried his best to persuade Wei Zhongdao to stay for a while and take a good look at the prosperity of the Han capital. Today, Luoyang is the largest city in the world. Even in the mouths of some barbarians, Luoyang is the sacred city that will never fall between heaven and earth. The center of the world shows that the Han Dynasty is now famous far and wide.

Nowadays, we are not like those dynasties in later generations who weakened when they saw foreigners. The country was destroyed by weakness, and the Han Dynasty was destroyed by strength. Now one Han is equal to ten Hus. Even in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, the surrounding Hu people were beaten to the point of crying. It's a pity that the Three Kingdoms stood in power and fought for years, resulting in a sharp decline in the population of the Central Plains and making them extremely weak. This led to the subsequent disaster of the Five Husbands, which made people sigh.

Wei Zhongdao's expression remained as usual, without any fluctuations. He looked directly at Cai Yong with gentle and peaceful eyes, with a somewhat respectful look on his face, and said in a deep voice.

"As the saying goes, if your parents are here, you won't travel far away. My nephew has been away from home for more than a year. My parents at home have written to inquire about me many times. They are worried about my situation. It is unfilial for me to stay in Luoyang and not return. I can't stay in Luoyang for a long time. Got it!"

Cai Yong looked regretful and sighed. Wei Zhongdao had already moved out the filial piety, and he could no longer keep him, so he could only say.

"In this case, I wish my nephew a bright future and a prosperous future!"

Wei Zhongdao leaned over and bowed, thanked Cai Yong respectfully, and then left Luoyang City with Cai Yong as his escort.

Wei Zhongdao looked back and saw the tall city wall of Luoyang City. It was deeply imprinted in his heart. He didn't know when he would come here next time.

Wei Zhongdao looked at the servants and maids beside him with complicated expressions, stepped onto the carriage, and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go!"


Horse whips were raised, dust was flying, and several carriages were heading east of the river. Wei Zhongdao never left any mark or influence in the capital of the Han Dynasty, nor did he take anything away. He only had a belly full of classics and that terrifying spiritual talent. I don’t know. What kind of turmoil will it cause in the world in the future?

Wei Zhongdao, who returned to the Wei family in Hedong, did not rise to fame and remained unknown. The most he did was study and practice martial arts. Although the Wei family in Hedong was now an aristocratic family, he still had the martial arts skills practiced by Wei Qing, but they were shelved. Few people care anymore.

Wei Zhongdao dug it out in the family library. Looking at the dusty martial arts skills, he also had a black line on his face, and specifically asked Wei's father why he was like this.

Unexpectedly, Father Wei didn't care and replied in an understatement. Although military generals are powerful, they have a lot of restraint due to the development of the world, the rise of army souls, cloud formations and counselors. In addition, it is easy to get started with martial arts practice. , to become a master requires talent, so it is normal that the skills are not taken seriously.

Wei Zhongdao didn't take it seriously at first, and practiced hard, but finally discovered that it was indeed the case. When he was born in this life, his constitution was weak and his origin was defective. Although he has now got rid of the condition of early death, he still has no talent for martial arts. Although Although he has strong spiritual power to assist his practice, his progress is still slow. At most, he will be able to enter the realm of inner energy separation for the first time in this life. He can barely become a first-rate military commander. There is no hope of achieving the ultimate inner energy separation, let alone reaching the realm of gods that break the world. .

Fortunately, Wei Zhongdao doesn't care about this. He practices martial arts just to strengthen his body. Being able to achieve the state of inner Qi leaving the body for the first time is enough for him. After all, he only majors in spirit, feather fan. Lunjin, strategizing, this is the most popular thing in this era.

In the blink of an eye, spring turned to autumn, and Wei Zhongdao had returned to the Wei family in Hedong for more than three years. During this period, Wei Zhongdao also successfully ripened several Tao fruits and reawakened more than ten spiritual talents.

Wei Zhongdao's mind sank, feeling the brilliant spiritual power in his mind, crystal clear, a spiritual tree rising straight into the sky, with countless Tao fruits hanging on the branches, green and red, mixed with each other, As Wei Zhongdao learns more knowledge, the more Taoist fruits he acquires, ranging from collections of classics and history to military strategies, as well as trivial life skills. They are complicated and messy. Some Wei Zhongdao are too lazy to learn and just come into contact with them accidentally. Just arrived.

Wei Zhongdao has not only improved his spiritual training, but also his martial arts. He has entered the realm of practicing Qi and becoming a gang. He can be regarded as a second-rate general. He is no longer a weak scholar who cannot lift with his hands or carry on his shoulders. .

Since Wei Zhongdao started practicing martial arts, his body has grown rapidly and his height has soared. Now he is eight feet tall. He is tall and straight, vigorous, elegant and steady, handsome and extraordinary. He is a handsome young man.

On this day, Wei Zhongdao was sitting in the courtyard, admiring the scenery and reading. He felt very comfortable when he heard a rush of footsteps. His expression moved slightly. He sensed the fear and uneasiness in the heart of the owner of the footsteps. He was in a hurry with a bit of anxiety. I couldn't help but look back.

A middle-aged old servant walked into the small courtyard, his face full of sorrow, and he knelt down on the ground. An ominous premonition arose in Wei Zhongdao's heart. The spiritual talent awakened by studying Taoist classics, he used it immediately. An invisible spiritual wave leaped into the void, matching the laws of the great avenue, and a picture suddenly flooded into his mind.

Countless figures wearing yellow scarves surrounded a luxurious carriage. Under the protection of family guards, the father and mother of Wei broke out left and right. In the end, they still could not escape and committed suicide.


A stream of essence and blood spurted out from Zhongdao's mouth in self-defense, which hurt his heart. His parents had been very good to him in this life, but he didn't expect that he would suffer such a misfortune today. He fell to the ground in the middle of the siege of the Yellow Turban Army.

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