I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1794 Ordinary and happy daily life

Liu Qianqian's eyes sparkled, she looked back at Li Ziyi, reached out and touched her head, and asked curiously.

"You actually wear your hair in a ponytail, doesn't it look good?"

He has a charming smile and beautiful eyes that make people feel amazing. Although Li Ziyi is not the kind of person who talks sweetly, he still knows how to praise his girlfriend, nodding and saying affirmatively.

"It looks good! It suits you especially!"

There was joy and joy in Liu Qianqian's eyes. There is no more beautiful words in the world than the praises of her lover. Her heart felt as if she had eaten honey. Her big eyes narrowed into a line, with a sweet smile on her face. Once again He turned his attention to the wok, flipping the shovel, and constantly competing with the ingredients in the pot.

Li Ziyi chuckled lightly, stood behind Liu Qianqian, stretched out his hand to stop Liu Qianqian's slender waist, put his chin on Liu Qianqian's shoulder, took a light breath, smelled the beauty's body, felt a little intoxicated, and felt extremely peaceful in his heart , quietly watching his girlfriend cooking vegetables clumsily, without giving any advice.

Liu Qianqian happily leaned her body against Li Ziyi's arms, feeling the body temperature of her lover behind her, enjoying the rare leisure and tranquility very comfortably. From time to time, she would turn back and kiss Li Ziyi's cheek, which made Li Ziyi feel funny and couldn't help but joke. .

"What are you doing? Why are you so clingy?"

Liu Qianqian was not shy at all. She ignored Li Ziyi's teasing and turned around to kiss him again. She had to express her love if she didn't have the courage to express it. How could the two of them get together? Liu Qianqian was not a shy person. A girl has her own persistence. She grew up abroad and has the cheerfulness and bravery of foreign girls. Naturally, she will not back down because of a few words of ridicule.

Li Ziyi couldn't help but smile when he looked at his coquettish girlfriend, let go of the girl in his arms, turned around and walked towards the living room, still mumbling.

"It seems I can't stay in the kitchen, otherwise we won't be able to have dinner today!"

With a smile on her face, Liu Qianqian concentrated on cooking and stopped being passionate with her lover. It took her a long time to learn these dishes. She must show off her skills today and surprise Li Ziyi.

Sure enough, after Li Ziyi left the kitchen, Liu Qianqian's cooking speed increased greatly, and a steaming plate of dishes was served in a short time.

Li Ziyi sat at the dining table, lowered his head and looked at the plate of fried pork with green peppers in front of him. It looked pretty good. Under Liu Qianqian's expectant eyes, he picked up a chopstick, put it in his mouth, and chewed it slowly for two bites. After swallowing, he commented to Liu Qianqian who was waiting for the results.

"It's not bad. I thought it would be dark cuisine, but I didn't expect the taste to be passable. I've put in the effort!"

Liu Qianqian said proudly with a smile on her face, her little head raised, her face full of pride.

"You don't even care who did it!"

"I learned from famous chefs. The masters praised me for being spiritual. I can master it as soon as I teach it. My understanding is extraordinary!"

Li Ziyi looked at his proud girlfriend, stretched out his hand to scratch her little nose, and said with some emotion.

"It's so hard for you. You even hired a chef to learn how to cook for me!"

Liu Qianqian had been cooking since she was a child. She never touched Yang Chun Shui with her fingers. She was very delicate. Now she spent a lot of money to learn how to cook from a chef for Li Ziyi. Her hands still have red marks left by the splash of oil. But he never told Li Ziyi, which shows that he put his heart into it, which moved Li Ziyi very much.

Li Ziyi held Liu Qianqian's hand and looked at the dots of red marks on it. He had been a chef, so he didn't know how the marks were left, and he said distressedly.

"You don't have to do this. Your hands are very delicate. If there are scars, what will happen in the future when filming?"

The job of an actor is not as easy as imagined. You have to practice various professional skills, diet to stay in shape, and you must cherish and take care of your body. You must not leave any visible scars, otherwise the audience will easily be disappointed. It also has a huge impact on its own commercial value.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few splashes of hot oil. It will dissipate soon. Don't worry, I will be careful!"

Liu Qianqian put her hand down from Li Ziyi's and smiled nonchalantly. This is what she wants to do. On weekdays, cooking a delicious meal for Li Ziyi makes her feel extra at ease. This is An ordinary kind of happiness is what she has always longed for.

Li Ziyi took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't persuade her, so he didn't say anything more, just quietly enjoying the sweetness of the moment. There are people in life who care about and care about. This is the happiest thing and makes people feel at ease. , even after a day of exhaustion at work, you will instantly feel refreshed and feel that life is worth it.

Liu Qianqian cooked three dishes in total. They were all home-cooked dishes, and the taste was acceptable. Although some dishes did not look good, Li Ziyi still cooked them all, which made Liu Qianqian very happy. She was very happy and smiled extraordinarily. Bright and bright.

After dinner, Li Ziyi took the initiative to take over the task of washing the dishes. The two had a clear division of labor and were very harmonious. By the time they finished cleaning up, it was already dark. The two sat on the sofa hugging each other, watching TV together and talking to each other. They chatted every sentence, told each other about today's work and experiences, and shared each other's life and work. This is where love makes people intoxicated, sharing life and each other.

Time passed, the night got dark, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening. The two had been dating for a while and had lived together for a long time, so there was no need to separate. After washing, Li Ziyi picked up his girlfriend and ran towards the bedroom. Go, naturally the two of them are you and me. After nearly an hour of tossing, Liu Qianqian couldn't bear the challenge, and Li Ziyi reluctantly enjoyed himself, but he felt sorry for Liu Qianqian's body, so he gave up and turned off the lights to rest together.

In the early morning, the morning light shone through the curtains and shone on the bed. Li Ziyi looked at his sleeping girlfriend, kissed her forehead, stood up gently, and prepared a sumptuous breakfast for his lover.

Liu Qianqian stretched her waist a lot. Haitang woke up from her spring sleep. She was charming, with graceful curves and infinite charm. Listening to the sound coming from the kitchen, she stood up quickly, briefly combed her makeup, and walked towards the kitchen, looking at The tall figure was busy in the kitchen, feeling particularly at ease and happy. He couldn't help but walk in, and gave Li Ziyi a passionate kiss when he turned around. Li Ziyi was a little confused, and he reached out and patted his girlfriend's head gently. warned.

"Wash up quickly, breakfast is ready!"

Liu Qianqian glanced at the exquisite breakfast and nodded repeatedly. She had spent a lot of energy last night, and now she was hungry. She had been hungry for a long time, so she trotted to wash up.

When I write about the modern world, I obviously don’t write any over-the-top plots, but I always have to be reviewed. It’s really annoying. This is why I don’t want to write about these urban worlds. I have to ask the editor for help every time to get it passed.

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