"What's wrong? Have you ever confronted me?" Teng Zijing looked at Fan Xian who was walking heavily from the backyard. He immediately came to Fan Xian's side and grabbed Fan Xian's shoulders tightly with both hands. In his anxiety, he was a little too strong. is too big.

Fan Xian could feel Teng Zijing's eagerness from the strength of Teng Zijing's hand on his shoulder, "We've talked about it!"

Fan Xian was thinking about organizing his thoughts on how to tell Teng Zijing the truth about the grudge between Teng Zijing and Guo Baokun. However, Fan Xian thought about it and couldn't think of a better idea. He scratched his head. After thinking about it, he decided to tell Teng Zijing the good news first. As long as Teng Zijing If his family is fine, most of Teng Zijing's resentment towards Guo Baokun will be eliminated, and the remaining things will be easier to handle.

"We may have made a mistake. It seems that your family is not dead!" Fan Xian cautiously revealed the news, sizing up Teng Zijing's reaction.

"Not dead?" Teng Zijing was stunned. This news caught Teng Zijing off guard. His eyes were as wide as copper bells. He confirmed to Fan Xian in a gentle and trembling voice. There was expectation and hope in his voice. He was afraid that this good news was because of his appearance. Auditory hallucinations.

"She shouldn't be dead, that's what Guo Baokun said!" Fan Xian was a little unsure. Although he believed Guo Baokun's words, the truth of the matter has not yet been verified.

"What should they be? Did they fall into the hands of Guo Baokun? I agree to whatever he wants me to do!" Teng Zijing looked at Fan Xian who was not so sure, and immediately became anxious, and quickly asked Fan Xian, he was completely He misunderstood Fan Xian's meaning and thought it was Guo Baokun who was using his family as an excuse to threaten him into doing something.

"No, it's because this news needs to be verified by someone to confirm. Only he knows where your family is. But the news should be true and has nothing to do with Guo Baokun!" Fan Xian quickly grabbed the excited Teng Zijing, hoping that he could calm down After all, some people have started to pay attention here.

Fan Xian pulled Teng Zijing to a remote corner, and then let Teng Zijing go.

"Who can I ask for confirmation?" Teng Zijing asked immediately after getting rid of Fan Xian.

"Wang Qinian, Guo Baokun said that your family was hidden by Wang Qinian!" Fan Xian explained the situation to Teng Zijing.

"Are you saying that I was almost killed by a housekeeper from the beginning to the end?" Teng Zijing asked sadly, with an expression of disbelief and a trace of imperceptible resentment.

Fan Xian was speechless. He thought of the stone tablet erected at the entrance of the inspection institute, and of his cheap wife Ye Qingmei's ideal that everyone was equal and there was no distinction between high and low.

Only by deeply experiencing this world can you realize the difference between this world and your previous world. You are so out of place and lonely in this world. Perhaps only your cheap wife who died and was also a time traveler can empathize with this experience. This kind of loneliness.

"Forget it, don't worry about this. You have to know that with the current power of Guo Mansion, if you really offend them, that will be the worst result." Although Fan Xian had complicated emotions in his heart, he still comforted Teng Zijing. I don't want him to get entangled in this. The most important thing for Teng Zijing now is to reunite with his family.

"Then I should really feel lucky and thank God!" Teng Zijing said humorously to himself, with a slightly bitter smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, spreading his hands and shrugging his shoulders.

"Forget it, pursuing these truths has absolutely no meaning for a powerless little person like me. As long as I can be reunited with my family, that is my greatest hope. Should we go to Wang Qinian for verification now?" Teng Zijing shook his head. He shook his head, as if doing so could get rid of all the unnecessary distracting thoughts in his mind. He discussed with Fan Xian again what to do next. Now he has received too much stimulation in the past few days, and he can no longer find it. Judge whether his behavior is correct, so I hope Fan Xian can make a decision for him.

"No, not now. Wang Qinian is on duty at the Inspection Institute now. You are considered dead. You betrayed the Inspection Institute and cannot enter. And Wang Qinian thinks that I killed you because I must be full of malice towards your family, so I did not You don't trust me, so you can only wait until night to act and we go to Wang Qinian together. Only when he sees you can he tell you the whereabouts of your family." Fan Xian did not agree to the suggestion of going to Wang Qinian now. After all, Teng Zijing faked his death. If he directly entered the forensic area during the day, he did not trust me. Going to court is courting death.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Teng Zijing thought about Fan Xian's words carefully and nodded unconsciously. Fan Xian's words made sense. Although he didn't know why Wang Qinian would help him, Wang Qinian did not trust Fan Xian, otherwise The file will not be changed.

"Now, you continue to watch Ruoruo here. I'm still looking for my chicken leg girl. I'm just looking after your business. I haven't found any clues about the chicken leg girl yet." Fan Xian thought about his chicken leg girl and scratched his head. , why was she not found among the official ladies? Could it be that he had guessed wrong. She was not from an official family, so she did not participate in the poetry meeting. But that day, Fan Xian clearly noticed that the clothes the drumstick girl wore were of the highest quality. High-quality silk is definitely not something that people from ordinary families can afford. Moreover, Guo Baokun actually knew her. She must have been born into a wealthy family.

"Leave it to me!" Teng Zijing responded happily.

"Actually, you can ask Guo Baokun to verify the identity of the chicken leg girl. Didn't he say that he knows!" Teng Zijing came up with an idea with some uncertainty, looking a little hesitant.

"No, if you ask him directly, you will definitely be embarrassed by him. I can tell that he likes to tease people and is extremely bad." Fan Xian suddenly shuddered when he thought of Guo Baokun's character, thinking that he wanted to beg Guo Baokun. Seeing the scene of being teased by him in front of me, I shook my head and threw this extremely tempting choice out of my mind.

In fact, Fan Xian didn't know that he missed the best opportunity. Guo Baokun had just been moved by him. If he asked the chicken leg girl's identity at this time, Guo Baokun would tell him directly. But if Guo Baokun calmed down, he would definitely make it difficult for him. Fan's.

After Fan Xian said goodbye to Teng Zijing and dismissed the so-called talented men and beauties who came to greet him warmly, he came to the backyard of Prince Jing's Mansion again and wandered around. Now he had no idea how to find the girl with chicken legs. Unknowingly, he came to The chef of Prince Jing's Mansion, thinking about his sweetheart, Fan Xian walked into the kitchen by accident.

"How will you be here?"

"How will you be here!!!"

The same words, different tone, but completely express the same mood between the two people.

Fan Xian looked at the girl who was eating chicken drumsticks again in the kitchen of Prince Jing's Mansion. His excitement was self-evident. Fate prompted the two to meet again, which further prompted Fan Xian to believe that the girl in white who was eating chicken drumsticks in front of him was his future partner. , he wanted to break off his engagement with Lin Wan'er, marry the girl in front of him, and grow old together.

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