I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1529 Ma Suqin takes the initiative

Ma Hua rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, and Ma Suqin's starry eyes flashed with worry. She slowly stretched out her hands and placed them on Ma Hua's head, helping to press it gently.

Ma Hua's body stiffened slightly, and he raised his eyes and glanced at Ma Suqin. There was a trace of concern and tension in his clear eyes, and his body was even a little stiff. Thoughts flashed in Ma Hua's eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes without making a sound.

Ma Suqin breathed out lightly, and a blush appeared on her face. She was a capable and refreshing woman. Ever since Ma Hua came to the workshop, she had fallen in love with him at first sight, but Ma Hua had always been polite to her and not cold. Not hot, this was the bold initiative he had just taken. Seeing that Ma Hua did not reject him directly, he understood that he did not hate himself, and he also had a good impression of himself. His heart suddenly cheered up, and his autumn eyes were filled with sparkles. The smile became a little more charming.

Ma Hua knew that this was a steel rolling mill, and people were coming and going. He and Ma Suqin could easily be seen gossiping here. They just enjoyed the beauty quietly for a moment, and then slowly opened their eyes, with a vigorous look in their starry eyes. Angry, he glanced at the tender Ma Suqin, shook his head gently, and said softly.

"I'm much better, thank you Sister Qin!"

Ma Suqin retracted her slender hands. She didn't show the shyness of an ordinary woman. She just smiled brightly, turned around and left the place, returning to the workshop. She hadn't finished her work yet, but she just saw Ma Hua going out alone. When I got to the workshop, I was worried that he would be provoked by Li Guang and others and feel unhappy, so I came out to comfort him.

Ma Hua looked at the graceful and swaying figure and sighed. He was becoming more and more like a person of this era, but he was still a few months short of turning twenty. He had just had the idea of ​​getting married. The influence of habits and environment It's really scary, letting myself integrate into this world and this special era unconsciously, without any disharmony.

Ma Hua looked down at the strong tea brewed from the tea leaves in the tea vat, his eyes confused and scattered. The sun shone on his head, the golden light was shining like an impressionist painting, very beautiful.

"Ma Suqin!"

A low murmur sounded in this quiet corner, and a smile slowly bloomed at the corner of his mouth. Ma Hua chuckled, stood up suddenly, no longer hesitated, strode towards the workshop, came to the lathe, picked up The heavy parts on the ground were carefully polished, and the noise of the machine was so pleasant to Ma Hua's ears. He glanced at Ma Suqin opposite, who was immersed in work. The sun shone in her hair, and the golden light illuminated him. The shroud made Ma Huahao's eyes flash with surprise.

Ma Suqin is a flower in the factory. It is not that no one is pursuing her. She has never taken a high look at her. She has always been single. In this day and age, at the age of twenty-three, she is still unmarried and can barely be regarded as an old girl. Fortunately, Ma Suqin She has a stubborn temper, but she didn't feel pressured by her family to marry someone at will.

Moreover, you should not look at Ma Suqin who looks very charming and weak, but she is as good as a woman, works as well as men, has excellent skills, is already a fourth-level fitter at a young age, and her salary is much higher than that of MCA, with a full five Eleven yuan, she has been working in the steel rolling mill for six or seven years, and she is considered an old person in the workshop. Even Li Guang and others have to call her Master Ma when they see her.

As a girl, Ma Suqin has more delicate thoughts than men after all. How could she not feel Ma Hua's appraising gaze? Not only did she not dodge coyly, but she boldly looked at Ma Hua with a bright light in her eyes and a smile that made people dare not look directly. , Ma Hua suddenly realized that he was actually not as courageous as a woman, so he couldn't help but dodge his gaze and lowered his head again.

Ma Suqin's mouth was filled with a bright smile, radiant and charming, which made a middle-aged female worker on the side stunned and sighed.

"Su Qin, you look so handsome. I wonder who will be lucky enough to marry you home in the future?"

Ma Suqin suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth, glanced secretly at Ma Hua not far away, lowered her head, and was secretly happy in her heart, hoping that her future husband would be him.

The summer sun is very harsh. Even at six o'clock in the afternoon, it is still a bit unbearable. All the workers have already started to get off work. They are walking bustling on the main road in the factory. There are crowds of people, and Ma Hua is pushing his bicycle. , there was still a layer of sweat on his forehead, which was crystal clear under the golden light. He looked at Silly Zhu who was also sweating profusely beside him, and asked aloud.

"Master, how are you today?"

Silly Zhu pushed the bicycle with his left hand, raised his right hand, wiped the hot sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, took a breath, and said with some discomfort.

"I don't know how to do workshop work. I just do it there every day. It's very boring. When will this kind of life end?"

Although Shazhu is only in his thirties now, he has been growing up in the kitchen and only knows how to cook. Now that he is asked to go to the workshop, he naturally feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable, not to mention how angry he is.

Ma Hua is not worried at all. It is not that there is no one in the steel rolling mill who can cook a big pot of food, but there is no one who can take the place of Si Zhu. His master-level cooking skills have long made all the factory leaders cunning, even if The current deputy director Li is no exception. As time goes by, he will still invite Sha Zhu back, so as long as he endures for a while, he and Sha Zhu can leave the workshop.

"Master, you don't have to worry. Although Deputy Director Li doesn't want to deal with you, he still wants to use you. No one knows your cooking skills. There is no chef in our steel rolling mill who can replace you. Sooner or later, someone will ask you to come back. !”

Silly Zhu also knew this, but he just kept letting him idle in the workshop. He always felt uncomfortable and couldn't cheer up all day long, so he complained.

"That bastard doesn't know when he will invite me back. It's really annoying!"

Ma Hua chuckled softly when he heard this. He knew that Shazhu was scolding Deputy Director Li. This man was the best at speculating. He saw the situation and took the initiative. He knocked down Director Yang and successfully rose to the position, becoming the deputy director and deputy director of the steel rolling mill. The director of the Revolutionary Committee, whose status is second only to the newly appointed factory director, is the veritable number two figure in the steel rolling mill. He has astonishing power and controls the fate of thousands of workers in the steel rolling mill.

Silly Zhu scolded as he walked, and finally felt bored, so he stopped. He and Ma Hua walked out of the gate of the steel rolling mill, and saw a girl walking towards him. He couldn't help but be startled. This girl was really beautiful, with a graceful figure and facial features. He is handsome, with bright eyes, and two shallow dimples when he smiles. He couldn't help but say in surprise.

"Ma Suqin, what's wrong with you?"

Shazhu also knew this famous beauty from the steel rolling mill, but he never thought of having any development with her. He was self-aware that he was older and mature, and he did not dare to climb high.

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