Chapter 1506 The cafeteria aunt’s special skill: shaking the spoon

Although the kitchen is warm, in this cold winter weather, putting your hands in cold water to wash vegetables is still a hard job. Ma Hua fished out the Chinese cabbage from the basin. He was tenacious and had already done it for two full days. After hours of work, his hands were already red from the cold, and the biting cold water made his hands numb and numb. However, there was still no impatience or reluctance on his face. He worked hard and worked very hard.

Silly Zhu chatted with everyone about the latest news in the place, who was in love with whom, who had children, whose children were naughty and didn't like to study. Of course, their favorite thing to talk about was whose family was at war again. It can be regarded as giving MCA a basic understanding of some people and things in the factory.

Silly Zhu glanced at Ma Hua who was working in the corner from time to time, and nodded secretly. He must not be lazy when working in the kitchen. Ma Hua worked seriously, and he naturally saw it. Even Liu Lan, the old man in the kitchen, also While paddling in the water from time to time, MCA, a newcomer, works hard and does not complain. Only such people can make a difference.

Shazhu not only learned Tan's cuisine for his father He Daqing, but also learned Sichuan cuisine from a master. He also had to endure hardships in the kitchen. After working as a helper for three years, he had the opportunity to become an apprentice with the master. During his training, he even He is very hardworking, otherwise he would not have such excellent cooking skills.

It was around 10:30 that all the preparation work in the kitchen was finished. Only then did Sha Zhu get up and start getting busy, directing everyone to work enthusiastically. At this time, Ma Hua seemed much more relaxed, just helping. Just hold the basin and hand something over.

As a chef, Shazhu didn't have to cook the big pots himself. He just watched from the side and pointed out the seasonings and heats to the other chefs on the stove. In the blink of an eye, more than an hour had passed, and several big pots were steaming. The dishes are considered to be out of the country, they are all common home-cooked dishes, with almost no meaty smell, such as cabbage stewed vermicelli, pepper and potato shreds, and a roasted radish.

Although the dishes are very ordinary, the aroma permeates the entire kitchen. Ma Hua twitches his nose unconsciously. Silly Zhu’s cooking skills are indeed amazing. He has a long family background and has learned from famous chefs. His cooking skills are considered to be master-level. In later generations, he would be able to support himself as a chef in a five-star hotel.

Ma Hua also came to work at this time, and moved the prepared meals to the window of the cafeteria with everyone. He was sweating from exhaustion, and then stood behind Liu Lan, following Liu Lan to learn how to cook, watching Liu Almost every spoonful of Lan's food was about the same amount of food. He couldn't help but nod. It seemed that even the simplest dish was very particular. It was not like Liu Lan had always eaten too much with one spoon. With a flick of his wrist, the dish was ready immediately. Once dropped, the weight becomes almost the same.

The corner of Ma Hua's mouth twitched when he saw it. This technique was so similar to that of later generations of canteen aunties. It was simply inherited from the same line. It seemed that shaking the spoon was an essential skill for the rice cooks. As a new cook, he must master the truth-telling skills, otherwise I really have no shame hanging around here.

After Ma Hua watched for a while, Liu Lan asked Ma Hua to pick up the spoon and follow her, helping to prepare the meal, and giving instructions from time to time.

Ma Hua was a little clumsy at first, and his hands were not that dark. With one spoonful, he wanted to fill up his lunch box. Liu Lan gently pulled his arm and gave it a shake, and most of the food went down immediately.

Ma Hua was already smarter than ordinary people, and he suddenly understood the true meaning of cooking skills. His hands were very steady, and every time he took a spoonful, the portion was just right, and it was basically the same. Even if there were one or two times when he had too much, At this time, he had mastered the secret skill of the rice cooker. With a flick of his wrist, the weight immediately became lighter. The face of the rice cooker in front of him was darkened, but he was embarrassed to say that after all, he was not given less food.

Qin Huairu walked to the window and took a look at the newly arrived Ma Hua. A shrewd look flashed in her eyes. She stretched the lunch box forward and said to Ma Hua.

"You're new here. I haven't seen you before. Give me more shredded potatoes and less cabbage and radishes!"

Qin Huairu has been a widow for several years, and she plans to save money every day in order to give her three children more food. Life is difficult, and some calculations are understandable. Fortunately, she is not the kind to hurt others. Although people who are not self-interested sometimes take advantage of small things and snatch the lunch boxes that Sha Zhu brings back, they are not shameless. They also help Sha Zhu clean up the room and wash some clothes. Sha Zhu looks at their life as an orphan and a widowed mother. It's not easy, and I don't mind.

Ma Hua recognized his new neighbor Qin Huairu at a glance. Ma Hua had just moved to the courtyard, but he had never met Qin Huairu and others. After listening to Qin Huairu's request, he understood that cabbage was a stew and soup. More. The radish itself has a lot of water and will not make you hungry, so you need to eat less. The shredded potatoes are solid and can fill your stomach, so eat more. Qin Huairu can eat less and take them home to her children.

Ma Hua looked at Qin Huairu, who was chatting animatedly with Liu Lan, and deliberately put down the food with a spoon. When the food was on the top, he flicked his wrist to smooth it off. Liu Lan spoke as Ma Hua expected.

"Okay, that's it!"

Ma Hua remained calm and glanced at Qin Huairu, who was somewhat grateful, and poured a spoon full of shredded potatoes into the lunch box. Liu Lan was a very discerning person and knew that Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu were very familiar, and Sha Zhu was very familiar with them. Qin Huairu also takes good care of her, so she takes more care of her when preparing meals, and fills the lunch box full every time.

"Thank you, Liu Lan, and your little brother!"

Qin Huairu was not the kind of ungrateful person. Knowing that the two people in front of her were taking special care of her, she thanked them and hurriedly left the window.

Liu Lan waited until Qin Huairu left, her hands kept moving, her mouth was not idle, and she said to Ma Hua.

"Just now, that person was Qin Huairu, and she and Shazhu were neighbors in the same courtyard. Her husband died and she raised three children. There is also a mother-in-law above her. Life is not easy. In the future, she will do the dishes and take more care of them!"

Ma Hua nodded. In fact, this matter is nothing. Nothing can be hidden in the factory. The workers at the back also saw that Qin Huairu had more meals than them every time, but they didn't say anything. The other party's family was in trouble. It is normal to take more care of each other. This era is not as indifferent as later generations. We help each other and have a strong sense of humanity.

The canteen of the steel rolling mill only serves lunch once. At other times, when the leaders are entertaining, a few people need to be left in the kitchen to help. Other times, the afternoon is very relaxing. Basically, they clean the kitchen and tidy up everything. Plant kitchen utensils and wait until work time before leaving.

Ma Hua sat next to everyone, quietly listening to Sha Zhu chatting with them about all kinds of new things, without making a sound, but he seemed extremely quiet, making Sha Zhu secretly nod, not to mention Sha Zhu's eloquence. , but he is very strict with his mouth. This is what his master taught him when he was an apprentice. The cook only needs to cook and don't talk too much about other things.

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