Li Ziyi was stunned when he heard the words, and glanced at the girl next to him. He didn't say anything for a long time. Liu Qianqian raised her head uncontrollably, suppressing the shyness in her heart. Her big eyes flickered, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes were full of emotions. Expectation, with a bright light in his eyes, made Li Ziyi couldn't help but look away.

Park Zhixun watched anxiously. He secretly stretched out his hand and poked Li Ziyi's back, indicating that he should seize the opportunity. Girls are so proactive. Isn't it obvious that he wants to take Li Ziyi's place? answer.

Li Ziyi ignored Park Zhixun's hint, thought for a moment, and then answered ambiguously.

"Of course I'm just like everyone else!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Qianqian's eyes, but she didn't show it at all. At least Li Ziyi didn't explicitly reject her, which was enough. As long as she worked hard, she believed she would be able to get a clear answer from the other party.

Park Zhixun sighed and stood up and walked out. What a waste of a good opportunity. This girl is so good. She is beautiful and famous. He felt a little pity that Li Ziyi didn't know how to seize the opportunity.

The filming of the crew went extremely smoothly. After more than a month, it was all finished. Li Ziyi attended the wrapping banquet, but Liu Qianqian had already finished filming her part, left the crew, and continued to make announcements. This girl was also Perseverance, he keeps in touch with Li Ziyi every day, sends text messages and makes phone calls every day. Li Ziyi gradually adapts to the other person's existence, but because he has been busy with the preparations for the crew of "The Wandering Earth", Li Ziyi has no time to meet with him. .

During this period, the broadcast of "Nirvana in Fire" became a hit, and Li Ziyi became even more famous. However, he was busy with the crew and did not have time to experience the feeling of becoming famous. However, Liu Qianqian's fame rose to a higher level because of this, and she completely opened up. The distance between her and other young actresses has greatly increased her commercial value, and the constant stream of endorsements and advertisements has kept her very busy.

After the Chinese New Year, the crew started filming, and Li Ziyi became even busier. Liu Qianqian saw that Li Ziyi had not made an appointment with her for a long time, so she came to the crew to visit her a few times. Li Ziyi was very calm in the face of everyone's teasing. , without any embarrassment, he gradually accepted the other party, but there was still a layer of window paper that had not been broken. He saw Park Zhixun anxious on the side, but he did not dare to make any random ideas, lest he do bad things with good intentions and ruin a good event. Marriage.

Liu Qianqian really enjoys the ambiguity at this time. After all, Li Ziyi treats her differently from others. He will send messages to care about her when he has time, asking her to pay attention to rest. The relationship is also warming up, so for a while, he is not in a hurry to confirm. relation.

"The Wandering Earth" is different from Li Ziyi's previous films. Many science fiction films require the use of special effects, so they are mostly shot in studios with green cloth. Because the actors cannot see the special effects scenes in the later stages, they are Acting is more difficult. Fortunately, Li Ziyi is a master of acting. He has his own way of guiding actors. However, in terms of time and progress, it will inevitably be slower and the energy spent will be different from before. Even with his spirit and physique, it is inevitable that Feeling a little tired.

Fortunately, the filming progressed quite smoothly, and with Park Jihoon helping him with some chores on the crew, he could concentrate on filming the movie. It took eight months, and it was already late autumn before the filming was completed and transferred to In addition to post-production, the company and investors determined the release date, started publicity through various channels, and arranged various announcements and variety shows. Li Ziyi had to focus on special effects production while also being busy with publicity. I didn't bother to contact and meet Liu Qianqian.

It was not that Li Ziyi had never thought about doing the post-production special effects himself, but after thinking about it, it was the company that spent the money anyway, and the funds were sufficient. There was no need for him to work so hard, so he gave up on this ridiculous plan. There was no way he could make enough money. Today's wealth has long lost sight of freedom. Although it is not as troublesome as in other worlds, it still has billions of assets, but most of them are not known to anyone, otherwise I am afraid that some people in the entertainment industry It's been posted a long time ago.

Li Ziyi has been busy until the release of "The Wandering Earth", and he took the actors for a few more days of road shows. When the box office results for the first three days of the weekend came out, it was more than one billion, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Everyone knows that Li Ziyi has stabilized. Major theaters have increased the number of screenings, and the number of films scheduled for the Spring Festival accounts for 35%. The family's first science fiction blockbuster was promoted. For a while, "The Wandering Earth" occupied all the topics during the Spring Festival. Li Ziyi now had some time to rest. As for the road show promotion, the cast of the crew was divided into three groups. Traveling around major first- and second-tier cities, even Mr. Wang followed a group of people to arrange the itinerary.

Li Ziyi turned on the lights in the villa and sat tiredly on the sofa, recalling the busy year. He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "The Wandering Earth" was a box office hit, which was enough for him to rest for a while. The company There was an explanation there.

Li Ziyi rested for a while, washed up, and then returned to the bedroom. He thought that he had not been reincarnated for more than a year, and he couldn't help but think about it.

At this time, Li Ziyi has been reincarnated in more than ten worlds, and the accumulated foundation is really profound. If he is reincarnated again with these accumulations, it will have a great impact on the improvement of his realm after reincarnation. He uses what he has learned to hypnotize and seal part of the soul. The knowledge and realm learned in reincarnation, the first attempt to reincarnate with only part of the soul, to go to other worlds.

Sijiu City is an imperial city, and all the people living here have a sense of arrogance. They walk with their heads held high, like to chat, and are very proud of themselves as natives of Sijiu City.

In 1963, it was already the twelfth lunar month of winter. MCA finally finished organizing his father's funeral and sent away the guests. Now he was only sixteen years old and had become an orphan. His mother He fell seriously ill and passed away when he was young, and father and son have always been dependent on each other.

Now his father also died due to an accidental work-related injury, leaving only him at a young age. Fortunately, the steel rolling mill gave him some compensation and allowed the sixteen-year-old to replace his father's worker status and go to work in the steel rolling mill, and he also studied in the steel rolling mill. He was lonely and helpless and still young. Instead of assigning him to do heavy work in the workshop, he was asked to work as an apprentice helper in the kitchen of the cafeteria, which was considered as special care for him.

First of all, let me explain that when I write about Siheyuan, I will definitely not be too extreme. I will continue to criticize the people in Siheyuan. People are complex animals, not black and white. They are not saints. Of course, there are some selfish places. They like to watch stupid things. As for the dark plot, I can only say that you should skip it. I am still more loyal to the warm idea of ​​mutual help between neighbors expressed in the TV series, and will not follow the popular novel website and call it Qinman Siheyuan.

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