I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1485 Parting on bad terms

Song Daren's face turned pale. The relationship between him and Wen Min had been dragging on for decades. Now he finally saw some hope and confirmed his feelings for each other. He didn't expect that there would be complications and such a thing, but he did have feelings for Fan Yuxiao. There is no complaint, just sighing about my bad luck.

Fan Yuxiao's expression remained unchanged. He fully agreed with what Tian Buyi said. Whether Master Shuiyue agreed or not had no influence on him. He asked Tian Buyi to go to Xiaozhu Peak to propose marriage. It was just a formality, and it really didn't work. , he just directly snatched the bride, or at worst acted like a rogue, no one is afraid of him!

Xiaozhu Peak, Jingxu Hall.

Tian Buyi held his head high and his chest high, with a strong momentum, holding out his slightly protruding belly, with his hands behind his back, his eyebrows dancing with joy, a bit of pride on his face, joy in his small eyes, walking leisurely in the courtyard with figure-eight steps under his feet, Next to him was his wife Suru, and they walked into the lobby together.

Master Shuiyue sat above, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in the narrow slits of his eyes. In the past, Tian Buyi never followed Suru back to Xiaozhu Peak, avoiding Master Shuiyue. Today Tian Buyi is again Such a look gave Master Shuiyue a vague premonition. He held the whisk in his hand tightly with his slender and weak palms, frowned lightly, and looked at Tian Buyi with an unwelcome look on his face. He glanced at Tian Buyi. Then he got up and welcomed Suru in and sat down.

Suru and Master Shuiyue chatted for a long time. Before they got to the main topic, Tian Buyi sat aside and drank two cups of tea. He felt a little impatient. He frowned and put the tea cup down. There was a sound between the porcelain and the desk. There was a crisp sound, and after thinking about his words, Tian Buyi looked up at Master Shuiyue and said straight to the point.

"Shuiyue, I'm here for one thing only. I want to help my two incompetent disciples Wen Min and Lu Xueqi. Do you agree or not?"

Suru glanced sideways at Tian Buyi, dissing him for speaking too directly. She chuckled, smoothed things over, and said to Master Shuiyue, who had angry eyebrows.

"Senior sister, don't be angry. He can't speak. That's just his temper!"

"We are indeed here for the marriage of our two children, Daren and Yu Xiao. They are in love with Wen Min and Xue Qi. We sincerely want to marry these two nephews. I also ask my senior sister to consider it carefully. one time!"

Master Shuiyue finally calmed down the anger in her heart. For some reason, she was always angry every time she saw Tian Buyi, and she couldn't help but want to get angry.

Master Shuiyue lowered his eyes slightly, swung the whisk in his hand slightly, and fell into deep thought. It was impossible to say that she did not agree with the marriage of several people, but it was just that these two were the most successful in her Xiaozhu Peak. If she married both As a disciple of Dazhufeng, it is inevitable that there will be no successors in the future, which makes her very embarrassed. After all, the happiness of her apprentice and the future of Xiaozhufeng are what she needs to consider.

Suru was also considerate of Master Shuiyue's difficulties and did not urge the senior sister to weigh things up. However, Tian Buyi was impatient. He wanted to let his apprentice marry the best disciple from Xiaozhu Peak back to Dazhu Peak. Master Shuiyue was so arrogant that he had to speak again.

When Suru saw this, she immediately raised her eyes and glared at Tian Buyi. He immediately shrank his head like a quail and stayed there honestly without daring to say anything. He snorted in dissatisfaction and turned to look at The scenery outside Jingxu Hall.

Master Shuiyue woke up with a start, glanced at Tian Buyi with disgust, and then at the concerned Suru, pondered for a while, and said.

"I have no objection to the marriage between Wen Min and Song Daren, but I still need to consider the matter between Xue Qi and Fan Yuxiao. After all, Xue Qi is my original successor to Xiao Zhufeng!"

Tian Buyi suddenly became angry, stood up, and said to Master Shuiyue.

"What do you mean? Does it mean that Lu Xueqi can't take over as the leader of Xiaozhu Peak after getting married? Does she have to be an old Taoist nun like you?"

Master Shuiyue's face suddenly turned gloomy and dark, his eyes filled with anger. He stood up suddenly and issued an order to expel the guests.

"Tian Buyi, my Xiaozhufeng is not your Dazhufeng. It's not your turn to decide what to do. Jingxu is too small to accommodate you, so please leave!"

Tian Buyi snorted angrily, stood up, and was about to argue with Master Shuiyue. Suru quickly stood up and spoke first.

"Senior sister, don't be angry. He has a bad temper. Don't get along with him!"

Suru seemed to comfort Master Shuiyue with a few words, then turned to the angry Tian Buyi and said.

"You go back first, you will ruin all the good things!"

Tian Buyi's chest was rising and falling, and he was holding his anger in his heart. He wanted to say something angrily, but after all he did not dare to go against his wife's words. He snorted angrily, flicked his sleeves, and walked out of the lobby. He sacrificed the fairy sword and returned to Dazhu alone. peak.

Song Daren, who was outside the Shoujing Hall, looked at the master venting his anger in the hall. He trembled and hid outside the door, not daring to go in, listening to the roar coming from the Shoujing Hall.

"Shui Yue, an old Taoist nun, can't get married herself, yet she doesn't allow her disciples to get married. She's simply vicious! It's extremely abominable!"

Song Daren's expression suddenly changed, he mustered up the courage, rushed directly into the Shoujing Hall, and asked Tian Buyi.

"Master, Master Shuiyue doesn't agree with the marriage between his disciple and Junior Sister Wenmin?"

Tian Buyi glanced at the useless eldest disciple bitterly, snorted angrily, and said coldly.

"Who said that old Taoist nun Shuiyue doesn't agree with what happened between you and Wenmin!"

Tian Buyi glanced at Song Daren, who was smiling, and he felt even more angry and scolded.

"You're a worthless guy who only knows about love between men and women, get out of here!"

Song Daren was so excited that his face turned red. Even though he was scolded by his master Tian Buyi, he did not feel sad and ran out of the Shoujing Hall in a hurry, making Tian Buyi even more depressed and angry.

In the Jingxu Hall, Master Shuiyue and Suru sat across from each other. Water vapor rose from the steaming tea cup, as if in a dream. The two faced each other in silence.

Master Shuiyue thought of the scene of Lu Xueqi's sword dance under the moon a few nights ago, sighed and whispered.

"Junior sister, it's not that I disagree with Xue Qi's matter, it's just that"

Suru understood what the senior sister meant, and a smile appeared on her face. As long as Master Shuiyue didn't object, everything else would be easy to handle. After thinking for a while, she said.

"Senior sister, this matter is easy. Xue Qi and Yu Xiao are both still young now. Don't worry, as long as you don't object to their relationship. We can talk about the rest later. It's just that Wenmin and Daren are already quite old. We need to get married as soon as possible!"

Seeing that Master Shuiyue was still hesitant, Suru said again.

"It's not easy. Although he said it in a hurry, it is not unreasonable. Even if Xue Qi marries Yu Xiao, she can still become the leader of Xiaozhu Peak. No one has stipulated that a disciple of Xiaozhu Peak who is married cannot take over the position of leader!"

Master Shuiyue nodded slowly. She never married, just because she fell in love with Wan Jianyi. There was no rule against getting married at the top of Xiaozhu Peak.

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