I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1477 The Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven

Everyone looked up, and the angle at which their heads looked up became wider and wider. The wooden wall was shrouded in fog, and the end could not be seen at a glance. It was no longer clear from a height of six to seven feet. Everyone looked at each other and jumped. He flew into the air and flew above the mist.

Baoguang broke through the fog, and everyone stopped immediately, staring at the incredible scene in front of them. This wooden wall was actually the root of a giant tree that reached the sky.

Extremely shocked, everyone stood on the magic weapon and looked up at the sacred tree that looked like a pillar of heaven. How could it be possible? How could there be such a giant tree in the world, implanted in the sky, hundreds of thousands of feet high? The trunk is hundreds of feet wide, and the crown of the tree is like a canopy between heaven and earth, covering half of the forest, towering into the clouds, which is amazing.

Everyone kept flying upwards, the air gradually became thinner, and the cold current was biting. They couldn't help but shudder, and they used magic to wrap themselves up, so that they could continue to fly upwards. When they approached the crown of the tree, there was a slight change. The original dry brown There are more colors on the bark, first there is a touch of green, and the leaves that are several times larger than a human come into view. There are veins on them, which are clearly visible. Gradually, there are more branches, and in these long leaves, there are more colors. These colorful flowers are entwined on the branches thousands of feet high. They are all strange plants that no one has ever seen before. They add a bit of fragrance to the high sky, and everyone can't help but take a deep breath. The fragrance It fills the nasal cavity and makes people intoxicated.

There are also unknown vines entangled on the branches, which are as thick as a person. They are densely packed. Everyone falls on the branches of the branches. It is dozens of feet in diameter and very wide, enough for a hundred people to stand again. Not crowded.

Fan Yuxiao took a look at the surrounding scene, and then flew upward again. Everyone saw what happened and followed him closely. As they went up, there were more and more vines and the flowers became denser. They seemed to have broken into the palace of the heaven. Like a garden, the fragrance is overflowing, making people feel calm and satisfied.

Fan Yuxiao's figure suddenly stopped. The tree trunk was completely covered by countless vines. The flowers were dazzling and blooming. From top to bottom, they were like a sea of ​​flowers, condensing into a wall. In the sea of ​​flowers, a stone gate stood five feet high. , three feet wide, embedded in the trunk of the tree, surrounded by countless vines and flowers, leaving only the thick boulder in the middle, with four large characters in ancient seal script engraved on it.

"The Emperor's Treasure House!"

There was a faint sound from the sky, and the rain fell from the sky. Everyone was inexplicably horrified. Are there really gods in this world? Otherwise, how could the Emperor of Heaven exist?

A trace of disdain flashed in Fan Yuxiao's eyes. This so-called Emperor of Heaven is just the world's first master of spiritual practice. His cultivation may have exceeded the Taiqing realm, but compared with himself at this time, who is stronger and who is weaker? Only by trying it can we know. Unfortunately, this person turned into a handful of loess and did not live to this era. He may have encountered an accident or failed to survive the catastrophe. In short, he was just fooling future generations.

In the distance, there was suddenly a faint roar. The sound came from the depths of the mist beneath everyone's feet. It seemed to be far away, and it sounded like the roar of some wild beast. After a while, everyone felt at the same time that the truly towering tree under their feet suddenly trembled slightly from the trunk.

Fan Yuxiao lowered his head and looked down into the mist. A flash of realization flashed in his eyes, and he raised his head and said to everyone.

"Be careful. The black water snake in the Dead Soul Abyss has appeared and is climbing up the tree trunk. It seems that there are rare treasures in this treasure house that attract this giant beast."

After Fan Yuxiao said that, he raised his head and looked at an unknown place in the sky. His eyes fluctuated slightly. A small black dot was flying towards here. It was the yellow bird that Youji and Qinglong were talking about. The wings spread out to a size of thousands of feet. As the wings flickered, the strong wind tore apart the surrounding clouds wantonly, leaving a passage in the void and rushing straight to this place.

"There are also nine-day spiritual birds coming from the sky. It seems that there is going to be a war with alien beasts here. You should be careful and alert!"

When everyone heard about the Black Water Black Snake, their expressions changed drastically. When they heard that there was another Nine-Sky Spiritual Bird running towards them, they suddenly broke out in cold sweat. The battle between these towering giant beasts was a fierce and heaven-destroying battle. There was no way they could get involved in Mie Di. Back then, Kui Niu almost overthrew the Ghost King Sect on Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea. Now if these two giant beasts fight here, they are afraid that Chi Yu will be in trouble.


A bright sound of birdsong was heard in the sky, and the sound of "hissing" was heard from under their feet. Everyone quickly retreated and waited quietly for the arrival of the two giant beasts.

The huge tree trunk trembled violently. This time the shaking was so intense that the trunk of the sacred tree swayed in the air. Everyone's feet were unsteady and most of them staggered a few steps. Everyone turned pale almost at the same time. At the same time, from the depths of the mist below, there was suddenly another loud roar, like an evil beast roaring to the sky. The invisible sound turned into a huge wind, surging from bottom to top, sweeping everyone away. Clothes were blowing loudly, and everyone looked down.

In the clear sky, in the direction where the huge branches extended, where there were some clouds before, it suddenly seemed like two huge flames were burning.

The green flame! In the flames, there were two slender, vertical, deep pupils, shining with a cold light. The fishy smell in the air suddenly became strong, making you want to vomit when you smell it. The head of the Blackwater Black Snake suddenly appeared, the size of a small mountain. Its cold and cunning eyes stared at the people in Qingyun Gate and Tianyin Temple until they were in sight. A figure appeared, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes that were bigger than the rocks, and he shrank back slightly. This was the instinctive reaction of snakes when they encountered danger. It would never forget that time in the Necromancer. Yuan was the villain in front of him and severely injured it with one blow, causing him to recover from the injury for several years.

Lu Xueqi's starry eyes were cold, and a glimmer of understanding flashed across her face. She fell into the abyss of death and happened to see Fan Yuxiao before she passed out. The black water black snake seemed to be a little afraid of Fan Yuxiao, and she knew that it would definitely eat Fan Yuxiao. Too bad, otherwise I wouldn't have reacted like this.

The body of the Black Water Black Snake was tightly entangled on the tree trunk, turning countless vines and flowers into debris and a mess. The Emperor's back garden no longer had the beauty of the past, and the snake's head was raised high. The bloody mouth opened wide, and the two fangs were several feet long. They were as sharp as swords and made people fearful. The red snake tongue kept spitting out and making a hissing sound. The air was full of fishy smell, which made everyone shut up involuntarily. Hold your breath.

The Black Water Black Snake stared closely at Fan Yuxiao's voice, very nervous, shaking his head constantly, not daring to act rashly. His eyes glanced at the stone door of the Emperor's Treasure House, and it was obvious that the things inside were very tempting to him and could make him It went one step further, otherwise it would have escaped as early as when it met Fan Yuxiao.

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