I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 140 Things are fermenting

Not to mention that the second prince sent his right-hand man Xie Bian here to teach Guo Baokun a lesson. On the other side of the East Palace, the prince and his subordinates also started talking.

"Your Majesty, since His Majesty has spoken not to allow you to retaliate against Guo Baokun, as the East Palace, you should naturally follow His Majesty's will and not do anything that goes against His Majesty's will, because everyone's eyes are fixed on you, risks and benefits. Not directly proportional." As the prince's staff, he naturally has a few skills to analyze the pros and cons of things for the prince in detail.

"Gu understands that if the prince does more, he will make more mistakes. If he does less, he will make fewer mistakes. If he doesn't do anything, it's good. What's more, his father is here. Who is his father? He is wise, powerful, and talented. But the wiser the father is, the more incompetent I will be. , Otherwise, how could he be able to secure the position of prince." The prince picked up the wine glass, took a deep sip, put the glass down, and said with some self-deprecation.

"I have long understood over the years that I cannot do what the princes can do, and I cannot say what the princes can say, so I have learned to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and to pretend to be crazy and stupid. Only in this way can I stay stable in the huge East Palace. , if one day I can no longer stay in the East Palace, it means that I will die without a burial place, so although they all envy my position as prince, they don’t know how difficult it is to be in my position!!!" Prince This time, I may have really touched my heart, so I said all the things I never said on weekdays.

"Prince, please be careful what you say!" The staff saw that what the prince said was becoming more and more explicit, and it was really not suitable to continue talking.

"Forget it, I understand!" The prince looked at the worried staff in front of him and sighed in his heart. He knew that he should not show his inner emotions and stopped talking.

"Let's talk about what happened today. What is Guo Baokun's ability that makes my father value him so much that he alone warns us not to retaliate?" After thinking about it, the prince still didn't understand why Emperor Qing would do this. He glanced at the surrounding subordinates with his eyes. Next, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. We are really too stupid to guess His Majesty's thoughts!" The prince looked at the staff who were kneeling on the ground and felt disappointed, but he still comforted them and stood up, saying that there was no need to be polite.

"Actually, we don't have to guess what Guo Baokun's abilities are. After today, we will know what Guo Baokun's abilities are!" The prince chuckled, as if he had thought of something, and the expression on his face improved significantly.

"Did His Highness think of any key information?" The staff asked quickly as they saw the prince's mood improving.

"That's not true. It's just that I know that Li Chengze appears to be courteous and virtuous, and is open-minded and eager to learn. But in fact, he is the proudest in his heart. He always looks down on me on weekdays, and he was so humiliated today. It must be that his anger cannot be suppressed, even though he has his father. warning, but he will definitely send someone to test Guo Baokun. If Guo Baokun is unscathed tomorrow, it means that Li Chengze must have suffered a big loss. If Guo Baokun is ill tomorrow and cannot go to court early, Gu Ye will feel bad, no matter what the result is. , it’s all good news for Gu!” The prince came to the conclusion confidently. Regarding the understanding of the second prince Li Chengze, if the prince is to be the second prince, absolutely no one dares to be called the first. After all, the two have been fighting with each other since they were young. , the prince has long understood the character of the second prince Li Chengze deeply. Even Li Chengze himself does not understand him as well as the prince. This is the so-called person who knows you best is often your enemy.

The prince picked up the food in front of him and said goodbye, shook it, raised his head and drank it, "Don't forget to remind me tomorrow. If Guo Baokun is not injured, I will still copy the Analects of Confucius. If Guo Baokun is ill, I will not need it." Transcribed!”

The prince ignored others and stood up and walked towards his residence. Looking at the stars in the sky, he suddenly felt that what happened today was not necessarily a bad thing for him, but maybe it was a good thing.

. . . . . . .

"I heard that you beat the crown prince and the second prince today. Is this true?" Guo Youzhi rarely asked Guo Baokun for the truth during dinner. You can imagine his worry about this matter.

"How did my father know about this? There were no outsiders present at the time. How could this news be spread?" Guo Baokun did not directly answer Guo Youzhi's question. Instead, he was curious about how Guo Youzhi got the news.

"There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone a place like the palace where everyone is watching. As long as there is any disturbance, people will pay attention!" Guo Youzhi ignored Guo Baokun's curiosity and didn't see anything wrong with the news. Appropriate.

"This is impossible, unless it was passed down by someone who was present at the time!" As the Grand Master, Guo Baokun, no one within a few hundred meters around him can hide it from him, even the Grand Master, so Guo Baokun can be sure that it was passed down by someone present. .

"Who was present at that time?" Guo Youzhi had been ups and downs in the officialdom for many years. After Guo Baokun reminded him, he immediately became vigilant.

"I, Eunuch Hou, the Crown Prince and the Second Prince, and no one else!" Guo Baokun said truthfully.

"The Crown Prince and the Second Prince, as humiliated people, will never spread such embarrassing things to outsiders, so we can rule it out!" Guo You came up and ruled out the suspicion of the two people, with absolute confidence in his expression. No one in a position of authority would spread their scandals to outsiders. After all, this would damage their majesty and image, which would be detrimental to their success in seizing the heir.

"I have never told anyone about this!, so it can only be spread by Eunuch Hou!" Guo Baokun saw Guo Youzhi looking at him and understood that he was asking whether he had told anyone about this.

"Eunuch Hou is His Majesty's eyes, ears, and tongue!" Guo Youzhi said calmly and stopped asking further.

Guo Baokun understood that Guo Youzhi would not comment much on Emperor Qing, but he had already made some guesses in his heart and had some understanding of Emperor Qing's plans. This was a plan to kill three birds with one stone. First, he could criticize that this period of time was too jumpy. The prince and the second prince took off their clothes and asked them to be honest for a period of time. Secondly, they could ruin the relationship between themselves and the two princes and prevent themselves, the great master, from being attracted by the two princes. Thirdly, they could show goodwill to themselves and show favor to Manchu. Chao Wenwu showed his status and expressed his respect for himself.

Emperor Qing was indeed wily and scheming, with a superb grasp of political power and a deep understanding of people's hearts.

"You have to be careful." Although Guo Youzhi stopped talking about the matter, he couldn't help but remind Guo Baokun before leaving the dining table and walking to the study.

"Who is it?" Guo Baokun waited until Guo Youzhi left, then suddenly disappeared in front of the dining table and was outside the wall in an instant.

"How is that possible?" There was a man in the shadows outside the wall wearing night clothes and holding a sword in his hand. His eyes were wide open and his heart was full of shock.

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