I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1382 Teaching skills and preaching

Song Daren looked at several bags full of sorghum and didn't understand why Fan Yuxiao was struggling for this small amount of sorghum. It's not like there was no food in Dazhu Peak, and it was also good rice. It was much better than this coarse grain sorghum, so why bother? back and forth.

Fan Yuxiao was well-versed in human nature and had a clear understanding of world affairs. He could see at a glance the doubts Song Daren had not expressed even when he opened his mouth several times, and explained.

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat drips from the soil. Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard work. Although these sorghums are not much, they are my half-year's work. I used to rely on these grains to survive, so naturally I can't Throwing it away is disrespectful to the value of my work!"

Fan Yuxiao wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeves, leaving wet marks on his sleeves. It was extremely hard for him to pull the grain up to Dazhu Peak alone. It was not an easy task. The clothes inside were already wet. Thoroughly.

Fan Yuxiao did not stay in the kitchen for long, and went directly back to the bedroom to shower and change clothes, and then returned to the dining room again. Just like last time, everyone was already seated and he was the last to arrive.

Although Tian Buyi was angry that Fan Yuxiao had not forgotten the little grain in the fields, he still did not start the meal. He waited until Fan Yuxiao sat down and then said coldly.

"Have a meal!"

Obviously, Tian Buyi's concern for his disciples is far from being as indifferent as he appears on the surface. Otherwise, he would not have waited for Fan Yuxiao to arrive several times before opening the door. Generally speaking, it is the disciples who wait for the master, but Tian Buyi is the opposite. He came over, but he never scolded Fan Yuxiao for being late and disrespecting his teacher.

For dinner today, Zhang Xiaofan steamed multigrain rice with the sorghum and rice sent by Fan Yuxiao. It was fragrant and extremely sweet. His cooking skills were improved compared to yesterday, and everyone was very happy to eat. Zhang Xiaofan was very fond of cooking. He is truly gifted and blessed with the art, and he was simply born to cook.

Even someone as picky as Fan Yuxiao couldn't help but nod and expressed satisfaction with Zhang Xiaofan's craftsmanship.

Zhang Xiaofan held the bowls and chopsticks, squinted his eyes, and looked at the people eating happily, feeling extremely satisfied. He felt that just seeing this scene was the greatest recognition for himself, and he became more and more obsessed with things in the kitchen.

After Tian Buyi finished his dinner, he looked at the disciples who had stopped using their chopsticks, still looking dissatisfied, but he said.

"Daren, tonight you will pass on the rules and introductory teachings of the master to Xiao Qi, and tomorrow let him, Ling'er and Xiaofan go together to do the introductory homework!"

Having said that, Tian Buyi seemed to feel that he had lost face because he cared so much about his disciples, so he hurriedly walked out of the dining hall.

Song Daren responded. He had taught Zhang Xiaofan the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao early this morning, but Zhang Xiaofan was really a bit stupid. Just memorizing the first level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao took up a lot of energy on his part, which meant that he was a steady person. , and he has enough patience. If he were to put it on Tian Buyi, he would probably be pissed to death.

After everyone helped Zhang Xiaofan clean up the kitchen, Song Daren and Fan Yuxiao went to his bedroom together, preparing to teach him the Qingyun Sect's Tai Chi Xuan Qing Tao.

The furnishings in Fan Yuxiao's house are simple and plain, with tables, chairs, beds, and nothing else around. Almost all the disciples' rooms are like this, without any exception, maybe only He Dazhi's room has some more saints' classics, the Four Books and the Five Classics.

Song Daren glanced at Fan Yuxiao who was standing in front of him, his expression straightened, and he said to Fan Yuxiao seriously.

"Junior brother, there is something I have to tell you: this sect's miraculous arts are profound and mysterious, and there are many evil spirits and demons who can spy on them. You must make a solemn oath. After you have learned it, you will never teach it to outsiders unless you are a disciple of our sect. "

This is a rule shared by all sects. Mysterious skills are not taught to outsiders, so it is necessary to make a strong oath before learning the skills. This is also the right thing to do.

Fan Yuxiao naturally understood, and with a straight look on his face, he placed his right hand three feet above his head. There was a god three feet above his head. He dug his little finger with his thumb and straightened his three fingers, and said in a deep voice.

"By the heavens above, if disciple Fan Yuxiao leaks the secrets of Qingyun Sect's Taoism in the future, he will be struck by five thunders and die without a burial place."

Song Daren smiled and nodded, and asked him to sit down at the table. He first taught him how to meditate and meditate, then briefly talked about the human body's meridians and the movement of essence, and finally taught him the first-level practice method of "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" .

"Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" is the foundation of all the magical arts of Qing Yun Sect. It was comprehended by Qing Yunzi from the unnamed ancient scroll two thousand years ago. After careful study by Qing Yun Sect masters of all generations, it has become The supreme Tao method that conquers the creation of heaven and earth and is unparalleled in mysteries.

Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao has three realms: Yuqing, Shangqing, and Taiqing. The disciples of Qingyun sect, including many smart and talented people, cannot break through the Yuqing realm throughout their lives. However, even so, they are only at the top level of Yuqing realm. Cultivation is also rare in the world.

There are nearly a thousand people in the Qingyun Sect, but those who can break through the Yuqing Realm and enter the Shangqing Realm, led by the leader Daoxuan Zhenren, are only ten or so. But with just these dozen people, Qingyun Sect is one of the strongest and deepest sects in cultivation today. As for the legendary supreme realm of Taiqing, it is said that only Patriarch Qingye, a prodigy who was unparalleled in the world at that time, had cultivated it.

The process of practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao ranges from easy to difficult. Most people can achieve the first level of Yu Qing Realm in the first year, but starting from later on, the difficulties and difficulties become apparent. At the second level, ordinary people have to practice the five levels. Years ago, the third level was a watershed. Those with lower qualifications would stay here for their entire lives, while it was not uncommon for those with better qualifications to practice for fifty or sixty years.

The main training methods of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao are basically taught at the third level. From then on, it depends more on the level of qualifications and you have to rely on your own cultivation. Teachers with advanced cultivation may give some pointers, but they are only based on personal experience, so that students can avoid taking some detours. Of course, the so-called "detours" here are mostly measured in hundreds of years.

Those who have cultivated the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao to the fourth level of the Jade Clear Realm have the foundation of all methods, and can start to practice other magical techniques and cultivate their own magic weapons at the same time. Magical weapons and secret weapons have a long history. In myths and legends, most of the gods in the sky have their own magical weapons, which are extremely powerful. In the human world, practitioners of Taoism and Taoism have great power in controlling the creation of heaven and earth. The small ones can fly through the air and move like lightning, while the big ones can shake the heavens and the earth, destroy mountains and cut off rivers.

The materials of the magic weapon are also diverse and strange, but one thing is that the material of the magic weapon determines the power of the magic weapon after training. If you use ordinary iron to perform the "Sword of Thunder Control", the sword will already be with the owner before attacking the enemy. Became ashes.

As for the Qingyun sect, because Patriarch Qingye obtained the ancient sword "Zhu Xian" in the "Huan Yue Cave", he fought with it all over the world and was almost invincible. Most of his descendants admired him and most of them practiced the immortal sword. Thousands of years later, swordsmen have emerged in large numbers, and it has almost become an unwritten rule of the Qingyun Sect.

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