I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1376: Knowing the Small Things

Master Cangsong didn't care about Tian Buyi's glare. He rolled up his sleeves and took Lin Jingyu away from Tongtian Peak and back to Longshou Peak.

Tian Buyi reluctantly told Zhang Xiaofan and Fan Yuxiao to follow him, then walked out of Yuqing Palace first and met Song Daren waiting outside.


Song Daren walked a few steps towards Tian Buyi, bowed and saluted, looked at Tian Buyi followed by Zhang Xiaofan and Fan Yuxiao, couldn't help but feel happy, and said to Tian Buyi.

"Master, did the master give this child to us at Dazhu Peak?"

Song Daren stretched out his hand and pointed at Fan Yuxiao, who looked indifferent and indifferent. He was in high spirits and only cared about happiness. He was so impressed by Fan Yuxiao that he felt that this child was different. He had maturity and calmness that no child of this age had ever seen. He was completely He didn't notice his master's droopy face.

Tian Buyi flicked his sleeves, glared at Song Daren angrily, and said angrily.

"What's there to be happy about? The beautiful jade was picked up and the broken tiles were thrown to us at Dazhu Peak. I'll go first and you take the two of them back to Dazhu Peak!"

Song Daren opened his mouth to explain something, but at this moment the angry Tian Buyi had already thrown out a red fairy sword, stepped on it, and returned to Dazhu Peak in a flash.

Song Daren opened his mouth, shook his head helplessly, looked at Fan Yuxiao and Zhang Xiaofan behind him, stopped them in his arms, launched the Ten Tigers Flying Sword, and flew towards Dazhu Peak.

The main hall of Dazhu Peak is the Shoujing Hall, Qingyun Gate. Everyone from the Dazhufeng lineage has gathered in the Shoujing Hall. The floor is paved with red bricks, and there are red tile stone pillars. There is a large "Tai Chi" figure carved on the ground in the lobby. It's very simple to say.

There were two chairs in front of the hall, and two people were sitting there. One was Tian Buyi, and the other was a quiet and dignified beautiful woman. She looked to be in her thirties and was graceful. Next to her stood a little girl with delicate features and a pair of beautiful eyes. Her bright eyes are watery, extremely lively and endearing.

As for the other five male disciples, they stood in a row at the bottom. They were tall or short, strong or thin. At this moment, their eyes fell on Zhang Xiaofan and Fan Yuxiao who walked in.

Song Daren walked to the front of the hall and said respectfully: "Master, Master, I have brought my two junior brothers here."

Tian Buyi snorted coldly, a little impatient, but the beautiful woman Suru was very kind and glanced at Tian Buyi. Tian Buyi then calmed down his temper and said coldly.

"let's start!"

Song Daren reminded him and Fan Yuxiao.

"Two junior brothers, if you don't kneel down and kowtow quickly, master will admit you!"

Zhang Xiaofan is a person without any opinion. When he heard Song Daren's reminder, he immediately knelt down on the ground, very respectfully, like a kowtowing insect. He kowtowed to his head more than ten times in a row without stopping. The little girl beside him couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Fan Yuxiao also knelt down on the ground. The Lord of Heaven and Earth is his master. As Tian Buyi is his master, he does not object to kneeling and worshiping. However, there are rules for bowing to the master. Three kneels and nine bows are the right rules.

Suru was thoughtful and saw that although this disciple was in a mess, with blood and mud covering his true appearance, he could still see a trace of demeanor and courtesy, which seemed to be different from ordinary farm children, so he couldn't help but be curious and asked.

"Yu Xiao, seeing how you know etiquette so well, have you ever been to school?"

Fan Yuxiao straightened his back, looked directly at his master's wife, tilted his head and said bluntly.

"My family is poor. I have been living in the fields and have never been admitted to school!"

Suru nodded slightly and stopped asking. She just glanced at Tian Buyi, who was still angry, and said.

"It's not easy. I've already become a disciple, so don't make such a gesture again!"

Tian Buyi looked at Zhang Xiaofan, whose head was bruised, and felt more and more that he was hopelessly stupid. He felt disgusted in his heart. He gave an order to Song Daren beside him, turned around, left the place, and returned to the back hall.

"Fan Yuxiao is ranked seventh, Zhang Xiaofan is Xiaoba, and Daren, you will take them first. You will also teach the sect's rules and regulations, as well as some introductory methods!"

Song Daren looked at the displeased master, not daring to disobey, and replied: "Yes!"

Suru looked at Tian Buyi who had left, comforted Fan Yuxiao and Zhang Xiaofan with a few words, and chased after Tian Buyi with her daughter Tian Linger.

At this time, without the presence of the teacher, several disciples from Dazhu Peak returned to their true colors, greeted Fan Yuxiao and the two of them affectionately, and introduced themselves.

Among Tian Buyi's disciples, Song Daren was the eldest brother, followed in order by Wu Dayi, Zheng Dali, He Dazhi, Lu Daxin, and Du Bishu.

Zhang Xiaofan memorized it with all his heart. While remembering, he muttered, "Oh, Senior Brother Dayi, Senior Brother Dali, Senior Brother Dazhi, Senior Brother Daxin, Senior Brother Dashu..."

Song Daren interrupted Zhang Xiaofan's memory and reminded him.

"It's Senior Brother Du Bishu!"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly froze on the spot and asked with some confusion.

"Why is it that only Sixth Senior Brother is different?"

Fan Yuxiao, however, was extremely intelligent and guessed the reason immediately, and said firmly.

"It must be because the sixth brother's name is disrespectful to the teacher and he has a gambling habit, so the teacher changed his name!"

The six senior brothers couldn't help but cast their eyes on this silent and indifferent junior brother, and were shocked by his intelligence. Du Bishu even asked hurriedly.

"Xiao Qi, how did you find out?"

Fan Yuxiao glanced at the curious brothers and said calmly.

"Du Dashu, Uncle Du, didn't you take advantage of your master and his wife? If you don't respect your master and Taoism, you must change your name. As for why it was changed to Du Bishu, the sixth brother still holds a dice in his hand. He must have had a bad habit of gambling in the past, and he still has it today." It’s hard to change! The name Du Bishu must also hide the hard work of Master and Mistress!”

Du Bishu opened his palm, and sure enough there was a dice in his palm, but Fan Yuxiao noticed it for some reason, which showed that he had amazing powers of observation, was thoughtful, and knew the smallest details.

All the senior brothers looked at the calm Fan Yuxiao in front of them with surprise. They did not expect that this seventh junior brother was so smart. Song Daren secretly sighed that it was indeed the case. When he saw Fan Yuxiao for the first time, he felt that this junior brother was different. , is not a thing in the pool, so when Tian Buyi was upset about losing Lin Jingyu, a good talent and beauty, when he saw Fan Yuxiao worshiping at Dazhu Peak, not only did he not feel any regret in his heart, but he was very happy.

"Xiao Qi, you guessed it right. Junior Brother Sixth's name was changed by Junior Brother. She said that his name was disrespectful to the teacher, so she wanted to teach him a lesson. He was so frightened that he quickly asked Junior Sister to help change his name. Du Bishu, it was also because Junior Brother Sixth Brother became a disciple. Qingyun has a bad habit of gambling in front of his family. Although he no longer gambles, he usually likes to bet with others for fun. This move by Master Madam also means to be vigilant. "

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