I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 13 Guidance again

It has been a few months since Ningci learned that Xiao Li practiced Taijutsu. Xiao Li did not disappoint Neci. He has a tough character and is hard-working. Although his talent is not suitable for Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, he is a genius in Taijutsu. It's just that in the ninja world, pure taijutsu ninjas are not taken seriously, and taijutsu is only used as an auxiliary means for ninjas. Most ninjas are biased against taijutsu ninjas, so many taijutsu geniuses like Xiao Li have been buried.

In the original world of Naruto, there were few pure taijutsu ninjas. If Xiao Li hadn't been admired by Mike Kai, he accepted him as a disciple and passed on the Eight Gates of Dunjia. Xiao Li may end up like many ordinary people, finding a girl to marry, doing an ordinary job, and running around for life. Although it is a kind of happiness, it is also inactive, and his life is lifeless.

As Xiao Li's practice progressed rapidly, Ningci and Xiao Li had more interactions. Many times, Neci practiced with Xiao Li. After all, Ningci now lives alone, his parents have died, and he has been alone for a long time. , people will naturally long for communication. This is the innate instinct of human beings. Neji did not go against the instinct. Practice is to let nature take its course, so Neci gradually regarded Xiao Li as his friend, no longer just a simple friend. I treat Xiao Li because of the influence of the original work.

"Xiao Li, please stop. Your current training intensity is already enough. Increasing the training volume will put a burden on your body and is not conducive to your long-term development." After hearing Ningji's words, Xiao Li wiped his face. Sweating heavily, he took off the green tight-fitting training clothes on his upper body and twisted them hard, causing sweat to flow all over the floor.

This green tight-fitting training suit is exactly the same as Kai's training suit in the future. Needless to say, this is Neji's bad taste. Looking at Xiao Li wearing this training suit, Neji feels an inexplicable sense of familiarity. This may be First impression is terrible.

But I have to say that Kai chose this training suit for a reason. Although the color is vulgar, the quality is indeed good, durable and breathable, making it very suitable for high-intensity training like Xiao Li's.

After several months of getting along, Xiao Li's understanding of Ningci has deepened a lot, and he no longer simply admires Ningci because he is a genius.

After Ningci's guidance, Xiao Li felt great progress and realized Ningci's profound knowledge and strength, and he obeyed Ningci's words.

"Then what training should I do now? This feeling of being able to experience my own growth all the time is so wonderful that I don't want to stop training for a moment." Xiao Li was excited about his progress and knew what Neji said. It was right, but after I stopped training, I felt uncomfortable all over again.

"Now your physical skills have reached a bottleneck period. If you train more intensively, there won't be much improvement. This is an age limit, so you should strengthen your control now, which will also help improve your strength." Neji He knew that a training maniac like Xiao Li would feel uncomfortable if he was left idle, so he came up with a new training method.

"I don't understand. Neji, you know I'm stupid, so can you put it more simply?" Xiao Li sheepishly scratched the back of his head with his hand and asked in a low voice.

"To put it simply, after the control is improved, the damage caused by one point of force can be compared to the original damage of three points of force." Looking at Xiao Li, who was simple-minded, Neji had to explain again.

"How is that possible!" Xiao Li's face was full of disbelief, and his voice was raised by three points.

"Forget it, let me demonstrate it to you!" Sighing, Neji completely gave up on trying to convince Xiao Li with theory.

"My chakra is of wind and water attributes, and I later developed chakra of other attributes."

"I'll show you now." Neji stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped the wooden stake. A small hole three centimeters deep immediately appeared on the wooden stake.

Neji shook his head and motioned for Xiao Li to step forward and observe carefully.

After Xiao Li saw it clearly, he stretched out his index finger and tapped the bottom of the small hole again. In an instant, the chakra in his hand penetrated the wooden stake.

Xiao Li put his eyes in front of the wooden hole and looked carefully. As if he didn't believe it, he walked behind the wooden pile and looked closer.

"You should feel that I used the same amount of chakra both times, but the first time was just pure chakra attachment, and the second time I gave the chakra shape changes and property changes, and the shape changes and property changes It is the withdrawal of chakra control, which not only increases the power of ninjutsu, but also saves chakra."

"In the same way, if you can control your strength freely, you can increase the power of your physical skills, save a lot of energy, and improve your attack efficiency, which is equivalent to improving your own strength in disguise." Ning This was a vivid demonstration for Xiao Li.

"I see, then how should I improve my control of power? And to what extent should I achieve it?"

Everyone understands the principle, but how to do it is the key.

"You used to use as much force as you had and use all your strength, but now you have to start to control the force, achieve precise control, send and receive freely, and accurately grasp the force." Neji came to a special practice pile In front of the target, a thick layer of paper was tied to the entire wooden stake.

"Five pieces of paper, seven pieces of paper, eleven pieces of paper." Neci said the data, punched the wooden stake three times with his right hand quickly, and moved to the side of the wooden stake.

"Xiao Li, please take down the paper and take a look." Neji motioned to Xiao Li to test the effect of the blow just now.

Little Li neatly untied the paper from the wooden pile and counted the papers with fist prints one by one.

"One, two...five, hey, only five pieces of paper were torn."

"One... seven."


"It's amazing, it's really exactly the same, and the paper underneath hasn't changed at all!"

"Ha, ten pieces of paper!" Xiao Li couldn't hold himself back and hurriedly punched the paper on the ground.

"Bang" The thick paper shattered into pieces, leaving a fist mark on the ground.

"How could this happen!" Xiao Li saw that Neci was doing it so easily, but he didn't expect that it would be so difficult for him.

"Your current power can only be sent out but not received, so you need to practice slowly to be able to send and receive it freely." Neji looked at Xiao Li's actions in amusement.

"Now let me show you how far you need to be able to send and receive freely." Neci stepped on the trees to the top of the tree, caught a sparrow, and came to Xiao Li.

He stretched out his hand, and saw that the bird seemed to be stuck to Neji's hand. No matter how hard he flapped his wings, he could not fly out of Neji's hand.

"If you can do it without using chakra, and just use the change in power to completely offset the force of the bird taking off, and become a caged bird in your hand, then you can achieve the state of freely sending and receiving power."

"Then, try it." Neji handed the bird to Xiao Li.

Xiao Li learned to put the bird on his outstretched palm. Before he could react, the bird flew away in an instant.

"I will work hard!" Xiao Li clenched his fists and promised Neji loudly, his whole body seemed to be on fire and full of fighting spirit.

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