I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1282 Buddhism uses tricks, Wukong is plotted

The tree wanted to be quiet but the wind was not stopping. Sun Wukong did not want to cause trouble and walked towards his Great Sage's Mansion, wanting to go back. However, some people were unwilling to let Sun Wukong go like this.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and a Buddhist Buddha hid aside, looked at Sun Wukong who had no reaction to the Peach Conference, and looked at each other. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to the people on the side.

"Zen Master, now I have to trouble you to take action!"

This Buddhist Buddha is none other than Zen Master Wuchao, who was Taoist Lu Ya back then. He has still not beheaded the three corpses and has become a quasi-sage. He is still in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but his cultivation is a bit deeper, far from it. People like Sun Wukong who travel in and out of Daluo can be compared.

Zen Master Wuchao glanced at the sound of Sun Wukong leaving. His expression was as cold as frost, and his eyes were full of coldness. Hearing Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's words, he nodded and took out a straw man in his hand. He was the one who plotted against Zhao Gongming. Secret Technique, Nailhead Book of Seven Arrows, Zen Master Wuchao had already written Sun Wukong's name on the straw man. He did not intend to kill Sun Wukong's life, but just cast a spell to confuse Sun Wukong's soul and make him confused for a period of time. Not difficult.

Lu Ya pressed the magic formula repeatedly, and streaks of black demonic light fell on the straw man. The shadow of Sun Wukong loomed on the straw man's face. He kept struggling, opened his bloody mouth, and let out an angry roar. Rushing towards the demonic light, blocking the casting of spells.

Lu Ya's expression changed. He didn't expect that the monkey's spirit was so powerful that it could actually block his own spells. He couldn't help but step forward, and the spells in his hands became faster and faster. The demonic lights in his hands continued to turn into the sound of sharp arrows. Sun Wukong's empty shadow on the straw man. Although Sun Wukong's soul was not weak, he was plotted and had no defense. After killing a lot of demon light, he was finally shot by a sharp arrow and pierced on the grass man. Sun Wukong was empty. The shadow let out a wail, looked up to the sky and screamed, then disappeared.

Sun Wukong, who was walking towards the Monkey King's Palace, suddenly felt a pain in his soul and his mind was dim. He secretly said something bad, a black sharp arrow flashed in his eyes, and he no longer knew anything.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at Sun Wukong who fell to the ground. The Buddha's light flashed and he used the art of confusing gods in the Buddhist method of salvation. Bursts of Sanskrit sounds faintly sounded in Sun Wukong's ears. He slowly opened his eyes, and there was a faint appearance in his eyes. A golden lotus turned its head sluggishly, no longer walking towards the Monkey King's Mansion, but towards the Pantaoyuan.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at Sun Wukong's leaving figure and looked at Zen Master Wuchao. They both breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

It turns out that Sun Wukong went to the Heavenly Palace, but he did not cause trouble. He had no choice but to discuss it, and personally took action to break the protection of Sun Wukong's soul. He used the Buddhist deception technique to confuse Sun Wukong's soul and manipulate him to cause trouble. This was the scene just now.

Why didn't Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and others do this earlier? It's because Sun Wukong has great merits, tenacity of soul, and clear Taoist mind. Even if they take action, they have to pay a certain price to be able to temporarily confuse Sun Wukong half. About hour.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Zen Master Wuchao looked at their luck and saw that the golden lotus in the pond had withered more than a dozen. Their luck was greatly damaged, but it was because they secretly plotted against Sun Wukong. Although they had been mentally prepared, they still couldn't bear it for a while. It's heartbreaking, but fortunately in the future, when Buddhism is spread eastward, it will make up for it, so it won't be a loss.

Seeing that Sun Wukong had disappeared, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva smiled slightly and said to Zen Master Wuchao.

"Now that the matters assigned by the Buddha have been settled, we'd better go to Yaochi to see the peach feast and wait for the good show!"

Zen Master Wuchao and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva are both well-known beings in the ancient times and have respected status. Naturally, they were invited by the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother to participate in the Peach Fair. It stands to reason that Sun Wukong is in the realm of Daluo Jinxian and is also qualified to participate, just for this plan. , I just didn’t invite him on purpose.

But Sun Wukong walked into the Peach Garden with a dull expression. At this time, there were seven fairies: the red fairy, the plain fairy, the green fairy, the soap fairy, the purple fairy, the yellow fairy, and the green fairy, each carrying a flower basket. Picking peaches in the peach orchard. There are also flat peach gardens and strong men guarding the gates to prevent others from entering.

The sun is shining brightly, every tree is shining brightly. The trees are filled with scorching flowers, and the trees are covered with fruits. The fruits are heavy on the branches, and brocades hang down from the branches, and the flowers are full of rouge clusters on the trees. It blooms at the same time and matures for a thousand years. There is no summer and no winter for ten thousand years. Those that mature first have a blushing face; those that are still raw have green skin with pedicles. The smoke-condensing skin is green, reflecting the sun and showing its beauty. Under the trees, there are strange flowers and flowers, which are in full color at any time of the year. The left and right balconies and buildings are often covered with clouds.

It is not a common seed in Xuandu, it is cultivated by the Queen Mother of Yaochi. This flat peach tree in the heaven was given by Taoist ancestor Hongjun. It is an innate spiritual root and has very magical effects. Later, in order to win over the immortals, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother planted it in the flat peach garden and divided it into Three thousand six hundred lessons, although the magic effect of flat peaches is not as good as before, the number has increased greatly, and a flat peach conference was held, which is the largest feast in heaven.

There are 1,200 peach trees in front of the peach garden. Their flowers are tiny and their fruits are small. They ripen once every three thousand years. People who eat them become immortals and become healthy and light. There are 1,200 trees in the middle, with layers of sweet and fruity flowers that ripen once every six thousand years. People who eat the Xia Li will ascend to the sky and become immortal. There are 1,200 plants at the back, with purple lines and cores. They are ripe once every nine thousand years. If a person eats them, he will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon will have the same age.

Because Sun Wukong was plotted against by the two Buddhists, he came here, regardless of it, he directly recited the incantation, stretched out his finger, and fixed the land, warriors and fairies in the peach garden in place. Then he walked to the peach tree and stretched out his hand. He picked a three-thousand-year-old flat peach and took a bite. The juice splashed everywhere. The flesh was crisp and very sweet. Sun Wukong took another bite. Only the peach core was left in the flat peach in his hand. He threw it away and turned to look at the others. Flat peaches, as expected, the 6,000-year-old flat peaches and the 9,000-year-old flat peaches are bigger and have a sweeter smell. They couldn’t help but move to this place. With a wave of their hand, countless flat peaches were picked and landed in front of Sun Wukong. He piled it into a pile, sat down on the ground, and kept stuffing the treasures of heaven and earth into his mouth. The corners of his mouth were full of juice, and there were peach stones around him. In just a quarter of an hour, all the treasures in the peach garden were filled. Most of the flat peaches were ruined, and then he stood up stumblingly as if he was drunk, and disappeared with Douyun.

Sun Wukong's figure appeared in front of the Lihentian Tusita Palace, staggering and bumping into it with unsteady steps. However, Laojun was nowhere to be seen, and there was no one around. It turned out that Taishang Laojun and the ancient Buddha Ran Deng were preaching on the Zhuling Alchemy Platform in the three-story high pavilion. All the fairy boys, fairy generals, fairy officials and fairy officials were standing around to listen to the lecture.

When Sun Wukong broke into the Tusita Palace, Taishang Laojun paused for a moment in his sermon, looked at the ancient lamp-burning Buddha beside him, and suddenly spoke.

"After this big commotion in Heaven, I no longer owe the West any karma!"

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