I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1280 The Monkey King ascends to heaven for the first time, and the Jade Emperor humiliates D

Sun Wukong sat on the stone seat in the Water Curtain Cave and looked at an old man walking in. He had a full head of white hair, a ruddy complexion, and a kind look that made people want to get close. He couldn't help but feel something in his heart and say something. asked.

"I wonder who the angel is and why he came to my Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain?"

Taibai Jinxing saw the Monkey King for the first time. In his imagination, he should look like a hozen, with an unruly personality and a restless temperament. However, he did not expect that at a glance, he only saw the Monkey King wearing a Taoist robe, quiet and calm. Surrounded by a peaceful aura, it was as if he had attained the Tao and was truly cultivating. Where was the demon? He couldn't help but be stunned. Hearing Sun Wukong's question, he came back to his senses, took out the Jade Emperor's will, stood solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

"I am Taibai Jinxing of the West. Following the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor, I invite the king from the lower world to go to heaven to worship and receive the Immortal Record."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he secretly thought about what caused the trouble. He was puzzled and frowned and asked.

"I would also like to ask Xingjun to clarify my doubts. I have cultivated the path of immortality here and have not done anything amazing. Why does Heaven want me to go to heaven?"

Seeing Sun Wukong's thoughtful etiquette, Taibai Jinxing felt very fond of him and said softly, not wanting such a true cultivator of morality to suffer disaster.

"Your Majesty is meeting today. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva went to heaven to report that the king has robbed the treasure of the Dragon Palace and disrupted the order of the underworld. He wants to send troops to attack him. I can't bear to see a fight, so I propose to come and recruit the king!"

A trace of strangeness flashed between Sun Wukong's brows. He had his soul imprisoned for no reason. He was not looking for trouble. But Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the evil one, complained first and then sued himself to heaven. It was too despicable.

Sun Wukong also heard that the Jade Emperor actually listened to one side of the story and wanted to send troops to attack him. He couldn't help but secretly scolded the Jade Emperor for being stupid. However, thinking of the innocent monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, he couldn't bear to see the weapons, so he went to the heaven. Does he want to see what other arrangements are waiting for him? !

"In that case, I, Old Sun, will go to the Heavenly Court with Xingjun to ask for an official position!"

Taibai Jinxing was overjoyed when he heard this and urged Sun Wukong to get up and go to heaven together. He even refused Sun Wukong's proposal to arrange a banquet.

"The Holy Spirit is here, and I don't dare to stay for a long time. Please ask the king to go with you. After the honorable move, we can talk about it calmly."

Seeing that Taibai Jinxing was anxious, Sun Wukong had no choice but to make some arrangements and said to Monkey Monkey Sun.

"Each of you should be at your own pace and don't stir up trouble. I'll go up to heaven and see the way, so that I can take you up there to live together."

Only then did Sun Wukong rise up from the clouds with Taibai Jinxing and rise above the sky. It was exactly that: he was promoted to the position of high-ranking heavenly immortal and listed in the Yun Ban Baolu.

The Taibai Jinxing and Sun Wukong left the depths of the cave together and rose into the clouds together. Sun Wukong's somersault cloud was different, very fast, leaving the Taibai Venus behind him, and arrived outside the Nantian Gate first. Just as he was about to collect the clouds and go in, the Heavenly King of Growth led his heavenly soldiers and generals, raised their spears, swords, swords and halberds to block the gate of heaven and refused to let him in.

Sun Wukong also knew that the heaven was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and he couldn't easily break in, so he had to stand aside and quietly wait for Taibai Venus to arrive so that he could go in together.

Within a moment, Taibai Jinxing had arrived outside the Nantian Gate. Looking at Sun Wukong who was waiting for him, he quickly confessed his crime and spoke to King Zengguang. Then he retreated and let Taibai Jinxing and Sun Wukong in.

Sun Wukong first ascended to the world and entered heaven. I saw thousands of golden lights rolling red neon, and thousands of auspicious energy spraying purple mist. The Nantian Gate is dark green and made of colored glaze; it is bright and clear, made of precious jade. On both sides are dozens of marshals holding the sky, one of them leaning against the pillars, holding a banner and holding a banner; on the four sides are dozens of golden-armored gods, each holding a halberd, a whip, and a sword. The outer chamber is still pleasant, but the inner chamber is astonishing: there are several large pillars in the inner wall chamber, and there are several long bridges on which are hovering red-crested phoenixes with colorful feathers flying in the air.

Mingxia shines in the sky, and mist covers the mouth. There are thirty-three heavenly palaces in the sky, including Qianyun Palace, Bisha Palace, Wuming Palace, Sun Palace, Flower Medicine Palace,... One palace has a ridge that swallows gold and a stable beast; there are also seventy-two treasure palaces, which are the Chaohui Palace, Lingxu Hall, Baoguang Hall, Tianwang Hall, Lingguan Hall, etc. The pillars of each hall are lined with jade unicorns. On the birthday stage, there are famous flowers that have lasted for thousands of years; beside the medicine refining furnace, there are embroidered grasses that have been evergreen for thousands of years. Then he went to the pilgrimage building, where he was dressed in crimson gauze and the stars were shining brightly; his hibiscus crown was shining with golden jade. Jade hairpin, beads and shoes, purple ribbon and gold medal. The golden bell strikes, and the Three Cao Divine Watches enter Danqi; when the heavenly drum beats, Wan Sheng pays homage to the Jade Emperor. Then he went to the Lingxiao Palace, where golden nails were piled in the jade doors, and colorful phoenixes danced on the red doors.

The corridors are all exquisite and clear; there are three eaves and four clusters, with dragons and phoenixes flying in layers. On the top there is a purple tower, bright and round, with a bright golden gourd top; below there is a fan hanging from the palm of the concubine's hand, and a jade girl holding a fairy scarf. The fierce and fierce general who holds the palm of his hand; the high-spirited and protective fairy. In the middle, in the glass plate, there are many overlapping Taiyi pills; in the agate bottle, there are a few twisting branches of coral trees. It is like a foreign object in heaven, and there is nothing like it in the world. The golden palace and the silver palace merge with the purple palace, and the Qihua Yaocao and Qiongpa. Passing by the King's Jade Rabbit Altar, the golden ginseng flew from the bottom. The Monkey King has the opportunity to come to the heavenly realm and will not fall into the mud of the human world.

Outside the Lingxiao Palace, after receiving the summons, Sun Wukong and Taibai Jinxing stepped in. Looking at the hall full of holiness, Sun Wukong carefully sensed the sacred aura. Sure enough, it was a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Many immortals and gods were not weaker than him, and there were even a few of them. They couldn't see through it, so they kept their minds at bay and didn't dare to be presumptuous.

After Sun Wukong and the Jade Emperor met, they exchanged a few words. The Jade Emperor was surprised when he saw that Sun Wukong was not unruly, but agreed to serve in the heaven. He felt that this monkey was different from what he thought, but he still had to arrange his duties. Jade Emperor The emperor turned to ask Wuqu Xingjun.

"Are there any vacancies in various palaces now?"

Wuquxingjun Dou Rong, who was the commander-in-chief of the Yin and Shang Dynasty back then, had already received secret instructions from the Jade Emperor, walked out of the line, and answered in a deep voice.

"There are many officials in every palace and palace in the Heavenly Palace. It's just that the Royal Horse Supervisor lacks a main hall to take care of things."

The Jade Emperor passed the decree: "Let him be a 'Bima Wen'."

Sun Wukong's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he sneered secretly. He was a great Daluo Jinxian, but he could only be a lowly Bima Wen in heaven. Is this the Jade Emperor insulting his own ignorance?

Naturally, Sun Wukong did not want to be humiliated like this. He snorted coldly and raised his head suddenly. The aura of Daluo Jinxian appeared on his body, majestic and unparalleled in power. He forced Wuqu Xingjun to take two steps back before he asked proudly.

"Excuse me, Heavenly Emperor, is this how Heaven recruits immortals? I, a Daluo Jinxian, can only be a low-class horse breeder, and this Wuquxingjun is not only a Jinxian Daoist, but he is already a second-level immortal official. This is also It’s really unfair and unconvincing!”

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