I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1277 Judge Hu Wei, punished by the emperor

Sun Wukong only felt that his sleep was extremely uneasy, and his hands and feet were not free. He gradually frowned, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the city wall in front of him, and suddenly woke up. There was a pair of iron plates hanging on the city wall. There are three big characters, which are "Netherworld".

At this time, Sun Wukong's soul had left his body, otherwise he would have broken out in a cold sweat. He lowered his head and glanced at the shackles on his hands and feet. He couldn't believe it, and widened his eyes at the black and white impermanence on his left and right sides, who were escorting his soul. , frowned, thinking on his face, a light flashed in his eyes, he knew that the mist behind him finally couldn't help but take action, he, a great golden immortal, would be seduced by the ghosts of the underworld, and his life would end. Death was simply a big joke. He couldn't help but look on his face and pretended not to know. As he stepped into the underworld, he wanted to see what the people behind them wanted him to do.

Bai Wuchang was not surprised that Sun Wukong had woken up. Bai Wuchang had a kind personality. Seeing that Sun Wukong seemed to be frightened, he comforted him.

"Sun Wukong, you don't have to be afraid. You have already reached the end of your life span. I will introduce you to the underworld now. When the ten gods of hell evaluate your merits and demerits in this life, you can be reincarnated!"

Sun Wukong pretended to be grateful and nodded to Wu Chang, his expression was slumped, and he was walking in the netherworld with messy steps. He was an experienced actor, and when he acted, there were no flaws, making it difficult for people to notice. Even the Patriarch Bodhi didn't see through Sun Wukong's tricks back then. His true appearance shows how superb his acting skills are, and he is definitely at the level of an actor.

Sun Wukong followed Black and White Wuchang to the Yama Hall, where ten Yamas were sitting high. On the left and right were judges, Black and White Wuchang, and bull-headed and horse-faced horses. There were countless ghost soldiers lined up behind him.

The Ten Great Yamas looked at Sun Wukong below, expressionless and majestic. He checked the book of life and death in his hands. He looked through it carefully among the monkeys, but his brows gradually wrinkled, and a glint appeared in his eyes. Finally, he closed it. Book of Life and Death, raised his head, looked at the unsurprising soul of Sun Wukong, and asked.

"Black and White Impermanence, have you seduced the wrong soul? There is no name of Sun Wukong from Huaguoshan in this book of life and death?"

Black and White Wuchang was shocked when he heard this. He couldn't help but stand out, presented the approval document in his hand, and said.

"I report to the emperor, I am acting in accordance with the approval of the underworld, and I will never dare to act rashly!"

King Yama is the head of the ten great Yamas. He took the approval document. Sure enough, the three characters Sun Wukong were written on it with a judge's pen. The location was also Huaguo Mountain. It was indeed correct. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly turned his head to look. Judge Cui of the Yinlu Division stood aside. He is the head of the four judges of the Netherworld, so he still needs to be asked about this matter.

"Judge Cui, why is the nameless Sun Wukong in the book of life and death seduced?"

Cui Jue was wearing a red robe, holding the soul-enchanting judge's pen in his right hand. Hearing the words, he came out of the queue and walked to Yan Luo. He looked at the approval document on the table. His expression changed and he looked at a judge in the corner with a gloomy look. This judge's surname was Wei. It was Wei Zheng of the Tang Dynasty who was in charge of the Department of Rewarding Good People in that day. The handwriting on these articles was written by him.

Wei Zheng was noticed by the Ten Great Yamas and other judges, but he did not show any panic or guilt. He just sneered and said.

"It was indeed me who wrote the approval!"

King Yama was displeased when he heard this, frowned, his face was gloomy, and he shouted loudly.

"Judge Wei, you are so brave. You actually dare to change the fate of everyone and lead to the death of Sun Wukong. Aren't you afraid that the way of heaven will be revealed and the cause and effect will be entangled?"

Judge Wei was not afraid of King Yama's scolding at all. Hearing this, he laughed dumbly, shook his head, looked in the direction of Yinshan Mountain, and said.

"When I act like this, I comply with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's decree. If Lord Yama is dissatisfied, he can go to Yinshan Mountain to argue with the Bodhisattva himself!"

When the ten Yamas heard this, they frowned at the same time and shot out rays of cold light. They looked in the direction of Yinshan Mountain with extremely gloomy expressions. This Buddhism is really deceiving people. It dares to interfere with the operation of the netherworld and change the life span of all living beings. They just thought of Ksitigarbha. The Bodhisattva is a quasi-sage, so he couldn't help but sigh. They were unable to resist the power of the quasi-sage, but they couldn't go to argue with him.

King Yama looked at Judge Wei with an ashen complexion. Seeing that he was arrogant and domineering and did not take the rules of the underworld to heart at all, he sighed, stood up, and bowed before him.

"Xiao Wang respectfully asks Emperor Qinghua of the East and Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun!"

Seeing this, the other nine kings of hell also stood up to respectfully invite Emperor Dongji Qinghua. Suddenly Judge Wei's expression suddenly changed. The underworld was also under the jurisdiction of Heaven, and Emperor Dongji Qinghua, one of the six emperors of Heaven, was responsible for managing the underworld, and Dongji Qinghua. Emperor Ji Qinghua is the real person of Chanjiao Taiyi. If he knew that he had cheated on others, colluded with Buddhism, and tampered with the approval documents of the underworld, he might not be able to forgive himself, and he couldn't help but tremble.

As soon as the words of the Ten Great Yamas fell, a man appeared here sitting on a nine-headed lion, with a clear light halo behind his head, wearing a Taoist robe, and a whisk in his hand. He was otherworldly and light in Taoism. He glanced at the scene and pointed his finger at the scene. When he pinched it, he immediately understood the cause and effect of the matter. He couldn't help but frown, and a terrifying aura filled the Yama Palace, making Judge Wei, who was already guilty and frightened, his feet weakened and he collapsed to the ground.

Master Taiyi looked at Judge Wei on the ground, his face was gloomy, his eyes were filled with frightening coldness, his lips were slightly opened, and he said in judgment.

"Judge Wei is arrogant in determining the fate of living beings. He violates the laws of the underworld and commits a heinous crime. However, in consideration of his many years of merit, he will be spared his life and relegated to reincarnation. He will no longer be able to serve as a judge!"

"Follow the law!"

The Ten Great Yamas bowed down, accepted the order, and made a color. Black and White Wuchang immediately threw out the shackles in his hands, locked them up, and escorted them to the Six Paths of Reincarnation to send Judge Wei to reincarnation. The two of them were also at this time. I hate this person so much. If he hadn't cheated, how could the two of them have made this mistake, causing their merits to be reduced and their luck to be lost.

Judge Wei had just been crushed by Master Taiyi and lost his mind. Now that he has come back to his senses, he naturally does not want to be reincarnated. He has cultivated so many merits that he has achieved the position of judge of the underworld. If he falls into reincarnation now, it will be difficult to escape. He started to struggle. How could Hei Bai Wuchang be polite? He gave him a hard blow and knocked him to the ground.

Judge Wei was originally aloof, but now he fell down to earth due to a sudden change of thought. How could he be willing to do so? He raised his head and looked in the direction of Yinshan Mountain and shouted loudly.

"Please ask Bodhisattva to come to our rescue!"

As the voice came out, three large relics suddenly rose in the direction of Yin Mountain. The golden light shone brightly, illuminating the netherworld. A seal of ten thousand Buddhas flew towards the underworld to take Judge Wei away.

Black and white Wuchang looked at the Buddha's seal flying rapidly in the sky in shock. Bai Wuchang's face turned dark in shock, and Hei Wuchang's face turned pale. The two ghosts could not help but take a few steps back.

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