I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 128 Reorganizing the Household Servants

After a night's rest, Guo Baokun's mood was adjusted and he regained his usual calm. Thinking of his performance yesterday, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Yesterday, he was completely carried away by the joy of imperial examination high school and breaking through to the grand master, so A little bit out of place compared to usual, thinking that in Emperor Qing's eyes I might have become someone who loves to take advantage, I couldn't help but have a headache.

"Father!" Guo Baokun sat opposite Guo Youzhi again, and the father and son enjoyed breakfast quietly.

"You were not rude to His Majesty yesterday, were you?" Guo Youzhi asked with concern. It was already midnight when he came back yesterday. Guo Baokun had already gone to bed early, so he did not disturb him.

"No, His Majesty also gave me a ruler to control the princes." Naturally, Guo Baokun would not tell the truth, but took out the ruler put in his long sleeves and showed it to Guo Youzhi.

"That's good!" Guo Youzhi glanced at it and no longer paid attention to the ruler. He was still very relieved about Guo Baokun. Guo Baokun had never let him worry about it since he was a child, and he was very mature and steady.

"Father, your Majesty asked Eunuch Hou to remind me of something yesterday. The housekeeper relied on the power of our Guo Mansion to bully men and women outside, use his power to bully others, and even used his connections in the Kyoto Mansion to plant accusations against others." Guo Baokun thought that he had not even done so. Taking advantage of the power of the Guo Mansion, the housekeeper actually lived a more dignified and comfortable life than himself.

"What is your Majesty's attitude?" Guo Youzhi paid special attention to this matter. After all, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and it is always right to be careful.

"Your Majesty means to let us handle it ourselves." Guo Baokun replied.

"That's okay. It seems that His Majesty still has some love for our Guo family." Guo Youzhi breathed a sigh of relief. The matter should not be in the worst situation. His Majesty does not intend to go into details.

"This matter should be dealt with seriously, and the servants in the mansion should also be rectified, so as not to act domineering in the name of Guo Mansion outside, and who knows which day it will cause disaster to the mansion." Guo Youzhi thought for a while and decided to take advantage of this situation. This is an opportunity to take good care of the servants in the house to avoid unexpected disasters.

"Father, leave this matter to me!" Guo Baokun understood Guo Youzhi's worries, but this was a good thing, so he did not tell Guo Youzhi. Emperor Qing would never trouble the Guo Mansion because of these trivial matters.

"Now that you have an official position and established a career, it's time for you to take charge of the family. I'll leave this matter to you!" Guo Youzhi looked at his son with a face filled with joy. He was delighted that Guo Baokun could be the top pick in high school I feel extremely proud.

. . . . . .

"Send the butler to Kyoto Prefecture." Looking at the butler who was tied up and struggling in front of him, Guo Baokun showed no mercy and sent him directly to Kyoto Prefecture for trial.

"You should all take a look at the fate of the housekeeper. I hope you will remember this lesson. Who outside will dare to do evil and be domineering in the name of Guo Mansion? Don't blame me for not cherishing old friendships!" Guo Baokun said in front of all the servants in the manor. In front of him, he directly captured the housekeeper and killed the chicken to scare the monkeys, hoping to calm all the servants. Seeing the silence of his servants, Guo Baokun understood that at least in the short term, the servants in the mansion would restrain themselves and would not cause trouble outside.

"How is Teng Zijing's condition? He was fished out of Kyoto Mansion!" Guo Baokun looked at the housekeeper who was being escorted away, and then asked Guo Huai, who had just been promoted to housekeeper next to him, about the result.

"Master, we did not find Teng Zijing in the prison in Kyoto Prefecture. He has been rescued. It should be someone from the inspection institute." Guo Huai told Guo Baokun what he had learned.

"What about Teng Zijing's wife and children? Can they be compensated and taken care of?" Guo Baokun was not surprised that the Inspection Institute rescued Teng Zijing. After all, Teng Zijing was rescued by the Inspection Institute in the original work.

"Master, I am incompetent and failed to find Teng Zijing's wife and children. When we rushed there, no one lived in Teng Zijing's family." Guo Huai quickly apologized. He had just been promoted to be the housekeeper of the Guo Mansion. The two things the master ordered were: If nothing gets done, your position may be in jeopardy.

"Forget it, I don't blame you. It was already too late when I got the news. Needless to say, Teng Zijing's wife and children must have been hidden by people from the Inspection Institute. With the methods of the Inspection Institute, you can't find anything. "Guo Baokun helped Guo Huai up and did not blame him. After all, compared with the Inspection and Inspection Institute, the largest intelligence agency in Qing Dynasty, how could Guo Huai, a little housekeeper, be his opponent.

"Thank you, Master!" Guo Huai quickly stood up and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Master was considerate of him and did not blame him.

"You go down, get familiar with the situation in the mansion, and do your job well." Guo Baokun waved Guo Huai to leave. He stood there and lost himself in thinking. After all, the inspection agency's involvement in Teng Zijing's incident was just a simple appreciation. Is Teng Zijing’s character, or does he have other plans to seize the Guo family?

Guo Baokun thought for a moment, shook his head, and got rid of all the distracting thoughts about conspiracies and conspiracies in his mind. Why should he guess the other party's intentions? After all, strength is the most important. As long as his strength is superior, no matter what It doesn't matter what conspiracies the other party has, as long as they are crushed with force, there is no need to compete with these people who deal with conspiracies and conspiracies all day long.

Guo Baokun smiled sarcastically. When would he have thought about these conspiracies? It was a complete waste of time. All he had to do was to strengthen himself. Why waste time on something that was useless to his growth? This place is simply a waste of one's talents and opportunities.

The governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Mei Zhili, was a little confused at this time. Some time ago, the steward of Guo Youzhi, the Minister of Rites, came to visit with Guo Youzhi's name card and asked him to imprison and arrest a commoner, Teng Zijing. Today, Guo Youzhi's son sent someone to hold it again. His own name sent the previous housekeeper to be punished, and said that the previous matter was entirely the housekeeper's own initiative, and he used the reputation of the master's family to do evil.

Mei Zhili reached out and touched his head with some doubts. He couldn't figure out what Guo Mansion was thinking, so he had to turn his eyes to his master, wanting to hear his opinion.

"My lord, why bother to think about the relationship? You just need to give Guo Mansion a favor. There is no need to worry about the stakes. Anyway, I and my son are a family. As long as your lord handles the case according to their requirements and sells them a favor." , can Guo Mansion still be unappreciative?"

"That's right. It has nothing to do with me anyway, so just do what they ask for!" Mei Zhili couldn't figure it out. Fortunately, according to what the master said, it was just a matter of selling favors to the Guo Mansion, so why bother thinking so much.

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