I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1260: Buddhism seeks the underworld, Ksitigarbha enters the Yin Mountains

Sakyamuni put away the saint's treasure, recalled the five great kings, gave him a fierce look, and had to turn around to prepare to inherit the position of the Lord of Buddhism. Today's revenge can only be avenged in the future.

The twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus paused for a moment, then saw Sakyamuni admitting defeat, turned into a celestial light, wrapped Kong Xuan, and returned to Jin'ao Island.

Master Huanglong put away the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus, turned his attention to Kong Xuan, and asked.

"Well, you were originally destined to Western Buddhism, but I took advantage of the entanglement of cause and effect in the Great Tribulation of the Gods to change your fate against heaven. This is how I cut off this fate. Now you have swallowed the golden body of Sakyamuni and gained enlightenment. Having learned a lot of Buddhist mysteries, are you sure you can cut off a good corpse?"

When Master Huanglong ordered Kong Xuan to block Sakyamuni's path, he not only wanted to prevent Taoist Duobao from using the Immortal Execution Formation to kill corpses and swallow up the luck of intercepting the teachings, but he also wanted Kong Xuan to understand the essence of Buddhism and understand the meaning of Buddhism. Understand the opportunity of the good corpse and kill the two corpses as soon as possible, so that Kong Xuan can act alone and become the top supernatural power user among the saints. He will also be able to retire without having to preach to the disciples of Jiejiao in Biyou Palace. , you can also temporarily avoid Empress Yunxiao.

A look of enlightenment flashed in Kong Xuan's eyes, and golden light appeared in the depths of his eyes. He looked up at Master Huang Long and said in a deep voice.

"I have some insights, but it will take some time. I'm afraid I will disappoint you, Senior Brother Huanglong!"

Upon hearing this, Master Huang Long shook his head slightly, his eyes showing relief, and said softly.

"No rush, no rush, as long as you have some understanding, it's not the time for the battle between Buddhism and Taoism. You have plenty of time to practice. I can still sit in Jiejiao for a while!"

Only then did Kong Xuan feel relieved. He also knew that Master Huanglong, as a disciple of the Chan Cult, could not always stay in Biyou Palace. His name was not justified, so he wanted to further his cultivation and kill the two corpses. It's good to retire after success.

"Excuse me, senior brother!"

Kong Xuan bowed and bowed. If it were not for Huanglong Zhenren, Jiejiao would probably have declined by now. With only two or three kittens, there would be no Holy Mother and Daluo Jinxian. How could he still be able to support the name of a saint personally preaching a great religion? .

Master Huanglong flicked his sleeves and helped Kong Xuan up. There was no sign of pride in his expression, he just gave a faint warning.

"Since you have gained some insights, you should go to seclusion and meditate, and strive to kill the good corpses as soon as possible!"

Kong Xuan took the order and left, left the Biyou Palace and returned to the cave. He wanted to kill the good corpse and practice in seclusion.

Wanshou Mountain, Wuzhuang Temple, Zhenyuan Great Immortal, closed the treasure mirror of heaven and earth. The battle between Buddhism and Taoism just flashed in his mind, and a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his eyes. Although Buddhism is now prosperous, its foundation is shallow after all, and Xuanmen and Taoism cannot compete with each other. In addition, Buddhism has no innate treasure to suppress the fate of great religions. Even if it flourishes in the future, I am afraid it will not last long. It seems that we should not get too close.

Zhenyuan Immortal's Wanshoushan lives in Xiniu Hezhou, and is an old neighbor of Lingshan, so he is more concerned about the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism. There is no way. As the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, he is a disciple of Taoism, but his Taoist temple is in Xiniu Hezhou, which is Buddhism. The base camp has to make good friends with Buddhism. It is extremely difficult to grasp the right balance. If one does not do well, it will be marked with the mark of Buddhism, making it difficult to live in Taoism.

However, it is said that although Sakyamuni suffered a great loss in the battle with Jie Jiao and others, not only did he not use the Immortal Killing Formation to kill the evil corpse, but Kong Xuan also chopped the Buddha's golden body into five Ming Kings and cultivated his power. Although he was greatly damaged, he was still the top quasi-sage master under the saints. Among Buddhism, there is only one quasi-sage master, the Ancient Buddha of Deng Deng. No one can match Sakyamuni's cultivation and Taoism. Naturally, it is very difficult. It is easy to become the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, successfully ascend to the throne, and be called Tathagata Buddha. Even the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng has to bow down to others and listen to his orders.

After Tathagata Buddha had a thorough understanding of Buddhist affairs, in order to improve his Taoism and practice, he could only do his best to plan destiny for Buddhism. Considering that although there are eight hundred Buddhist methods, it is difficult to achieve enlightenment in one life, and it requires reincarnation and accumulation many times. After being able to prove the truth, he couldn't help but cast his sights on the underworld, wanting to have a hand in the six paths of reincarnation.

Sakyamuni sat on the golden lotus of nine grades of merit, holding the seven-treasure tree in his hands. The two saints did not take back the treasure of enlightenment, but kept it in the wilderness to protect the future prosperity of Buddhism. Sakyamuni glanced around with his wise eyes and saw that all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Lingshan Mountain were in majestic appearance, and then he spoke.

"I observe that in the Nine Netherworlds, there are many evil ghosts who have suffered injustice, and their obsessions are hard to get rid of. Their resentments are soaring. They cannot be reincarnated, and it is difficult to escape. They are very miserable. I wonder if any of you are willing to go to the underworld to save the evil ghosts, eliminate their grievances, and help them. Waiting for reincarnation!"

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Lingshan Mountain looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know what Tathagata Buddha meant by these words. The evil ghosts and ghosts in the netherworld were all extremely vicious people who were difficult to save, so naturally they were unwilling to go there.

"Disciple Ksitigarbha, I am willing to go to the Nine Netherworlds to save the evil spirits of evil spirits!"

A Bodhisattva wears a Vairocana crown on his head, a cassock, a tin staff in one hand, and a lotus in the other. He has a majestic appearance, his eyes show compassion, his expression is solemn, his compassionate light absorbs all living beings, and his majestic appearance penetrates the Dharma Realm. He suddenly stood up. , bowed to Tathagata Buddha, and said.

Tathagata Buddha was overjoyed when he heard this and praised him.

"Suffering as immovable as the earth, and meditating deeply as a secret treasure, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has great wisdom and compassion. He is truly the best choice!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. His wisdom is like the sea and his merits are perfect. He has already reached the state of Buddha. His status is still respected above ordinary Buddhas. His cultivation is advanced. Now he is also in the state of perfection of Daluo Jinxian.

In Buddhism, as long as one has achieved the Maharaja Immortal Path and Fruit, one can be called a Buddha. There are also those who have achieved the Maharaja Immortal Path and Fruit and are still called Bodhisattva. That is because they have already had the title of Buddha, but because sentient beings are not familiar with this, they keep calling them Bodhisattvas. He is just a Bodhisattva. For example, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also called Ksitigarbha Buddha, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is also called Zhengfa Ming Tathagata.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also a man of great compassion. He does not want all sentient beings to suffer. He only wants to save the souls in hell. After receiving the teachings of Tathagata Buddha, he went to the netherworld alone.

In the land of the netherworld, there is a high mountain called Yin Mountain. There are endless grievances and fierce ghosts lingering here. They are unwilling to reincarnate and cannot be freed. The world is full of resentment.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saw this and came here, sitting on the top of Yinshan Mountain, with a majestic treasure appearance, compassion and solemnity, showing a golden body of Dharma, clear and pure glass, shining with Buddha's light, turning the dark and dark place into a Buddhist paradise, shining with golden light, and sounding Sanskrit sounds. , Countless flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, the ghosts of the wronged souls were illuminated by the Buddha's light, and bursts of black smoke rose from their bodies, which were transformed from evil spirits and resentments. They roared and wailed, and fell on the Jiuyou Earth, rolling back and forth. This endless Buddha's sound, To the evil ghost and resentful soul, it sounded like a voice calling for life. It was very painful, and its face was ferocious, glaring resentfully at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the Yin Mountain.

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