Chapter 1252 Jiang Ziya conferred the title of god, Zhao Gongming beheaded the corpse

Jiang Ziya was in the central army, and he was planning to attack the imperial city with all the princes. Suddenly, he reported to the left and right that he was marching towards the central army road.

"Marshal Qi! The Star Building is on fire."

Jiang Ziya hurriedly ordered all the generals, together with King Wu, Dongbohou, Beibohou and all the princes in the world, to get on their horses and go out of the camp gate to watch the fire. King Wu looked on his horse and saw a man among the smoke. He was wearing an ocher-yellow robe, with a crown on his head, and a jade pendant in his hand. He was sitting in the smoke, hazy and incomprehensible.

King Wu Jifa asked the people around him.

"Is that the Emperor Zhou in the fireworks?"

All the princes looked into the distance and said in unison.

"It's that ignorant and ignorant king. What happened today is his own fault."

Ji Fa's eyes were deep and hard to fathom, and he sighed for a long time and said.

"King Zhou is immoral and has sinned against the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth. He sets himself on fire today, which is actually his own destruction!"

Everyone said so. Amid the discussion, a loud noise was heard. The Star-Zhaing Tower collapsed, like the sky falling apart and the earth cracking. King Zhou was buried in the fire and instantly cremated to ashes. The Taoist Spirit had already entered the Conferring God Platform. Later generations sighed in poems.

"Let Jie Nanchao recall the past, when he was deeply benevolent and established a solid foundation; who knew that Yin suffered so much harm and burned his body in flames that it was too late to regret."

At this point, the world has returned to Zhou Dynasty, and today the Huayi are unified. Jiang Ziya has emerged as a general and has enjoyed infinite wealth and honor in the world: a powerful leader, a supreme minister, rare in ancient and modern times, and everyone in the world admires him. When Jiang Ziya was in trouble, he sat in hiding in the stream. He was already old and used to fishing. He insisted on being eighty years old before he was hired by King Wen to return to his country, and he has done such a thing today. Talk about it today, talk about it tomorrow, and talk about it to Ma's ears in one day. At this time, Mr. Ma was following a husband from a rural landowner. During his month, he heard an old woman next door saying something to Mr. Ma.

"The Jiang Ziya you first married in the past has done so much now!"

So long, so short, said again. Ma's face turned red and his heart was filled with heat. He was speechless for a long time. The old woman said a few more words.

"Madam, you were wrong back then! If you had followed Jiang then, you would have enjoyed the endless blessings today, but it would be worse than living here alone. You would still be unlucky in life."

Ma's heart was like burning oil. She regretted it and became more and more angry. At that time, Mrs. Ma resigned from her old wife and returned to her home. Sitting in her room, the more she thought about it, the more she hated her.

"How could I still look down on him back then? These eyes were so clear-eyed that such a noble person was missed by me?"

Ma felt ashamed, and in the evening, Ma pretended to persuade her husband to go to bed, cleaned up after herself, cried a few times, hanged herself from a beam, and her true spirit went to the Conferring God Platform.

"Death is crazy and I still hope to enjoy glory, but I should regret that I had a bad idea in the past; I have thought about it for three times and have no plan. Even though I am hanging on a beam, I am ashamed of the yellow sand."

Jiang Ziya completed his meritorious deeds and helped Zhou Dynasty destroy Shang Dynasty. He returned to Xiqi, climbed to the altar of the gods, knelt down to worship outside the sky, and reported.

"Today, my disciple asks Yuxu to give orders to a loyal minister and filial son who will be killed in battle. In the event of calamity, the gods will judge him as early as possible. He will not be left wandering and helpless, and he will be in suspense all day long. I beg the teacher to show mercy and grant it quickly. The gods are very lucky, and the disciple is very lucky. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, there were loud reeds in the air, thick smoke from cigarettes, banners with feather covers, and warriors in yellow scarves, all coming together; the White Crane Boy personally handed over the talisman book and descended to the God-conferring Platform.

Jiang Ziya took the talisman album into the Conferring God Platform, placed it in the center, and ordered Wu Ji and Nangong to set up Bagua paper to control the direction, and the ten numbers, and now the two of them were arranged in five directions. After Jiang Ziya told him to stop, he took a shower and changed clothes, held a golden cauldron of incense, drank wine and presented flowers, and walked around the stage three times. Jiang Ziya then began to read Yuanshi Tianzun's edict:

"Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the Supreme Wuji Hunyuan Cult, said: Woohoo! The journey back to the immortal world is not a journey of thick and thin. How can you pass through the paths of gods and ghosts? How can you flatter the evil spirits and steal them? Even if you subdue the energy and refine it on the island, you have not cut off the three The corpse will be destroyed five hundred years later. According to the severity of the disaster, Jiang Shang was specially ordered to rank up and down according to his qualifications. He and others were appointed as the eight righteous gods, who were in charge of each department. They were responsible for the whole world, inspecting the good and evil in the world, and reporting on the three realms. Merits lead to misfortunes and blessings. Since you have performed life and death, you have transcended from now on. On the days when you have merit, you will move in an orderly manner. You must abide by the rules and regulations, do not let yourself be selfish, cause yourself to make mistakes, and bring trouble to others; you will always remember the treasure, always remember it. Holding the silk thread, I am so proud of you!"

After Jiang Ziya read out the edict, he placed the talisman on the table. He was fully armored, holding an apricot in his left hand and a magic whip in his right hand, standing in the center and giving instructions.

"Can Bai Jian hang up the list of gods? All the gods should proceed in an orderly manner and must not take the blame."

Bai Jian received the decree and hung the list of gods under the stage; all the gods gathered to see that the top of the list was Bai Jian. When Bai Jian saw it, he held the soul guide in his hand and hurriedly entered the altar and knelt down under the altar to listen to the decree of Yuanshi. Jiang Ziya said.

"Now, by the order of the Emperor Yuanshi, Erbai Jianxi was the commander-in-chief of Xuanyuan Huangdi. He had made great achievements in the conquest of Chiyou. Unfortunately, he died in Beihai. He sacrificed his life to serve the country. He is commendable for his loyalty. He has always been sinking into Haiqiao, and his injustice is especially pitiable! Fortunately, I met Jiang Shang and was granted the title of God. After successfully guarding the platform, I gave you a special gift to comfort your loyal soul. I have conferred upon you the title of the 365 Qingfu Zhengshen of the Eight Tribes and Leaders of the Three Realms. You are so honored!"

Bai Jian looked at Yu in the audience and kowtowed to express his gratitude. I saw the wind and clouds crowding the stage, the fragrant mist swirling, and Bai Jian outside the stage, holding a lark in his hand. Ziya's fortune-telling led Huang Tianhua to the stage to listen to the seal.

"Now, by the order of the Supreme Emperor Yuan Shi, you, Huang Tianhua, have devoted your youth to serving the country. He has made great achievements when he came down from the mountain. He was especially filial to save his father. Before he was honored, he sacrificed his life on horse leather. How can it be painful? The reward for his merits should be determined according to him. Hou. I have specially entrusted you with the post of Duke Bingling, the righteous god of the Three Mountains. You are so noble!"

Huang Tianhua kowtowed in the audience, thanked him, and left the altar. Ziya ordered Bai Jian to lead the Five Sacred Gods to the stage to receive the seal. When he was young, the God of Qingfu led Huang Feihu and others to the stage, where they knelt down to listen to the edict being read.

"Now, by the order of the Emperor Yuanshi, you, Zhao Gongming, have cultivated the Great Dao in the past, have realized the roots of the Three Vehicles, and have gone deep into the fairyland. However, my heart is burning, and my virtuous deeds have been extremely pure. I am entangled in the delusion, and once I fall into the bad realm, I will return. There is really no way out. You have not entered the realm of Hunyuan since you were born, so you should be punished by the golden imperial edict. I specially confer you the title of Golden Dragon Ruyi, the god of the true king of the dragon and tiger Xuantan. You will lead the four righteous gods under your command to welcome good luck and receive blessings, and chase you away. If you are captured and killed, you are so proud!"

Jiang Ziya was originally a human immortal, but at this time, with the blessing of heaven, he spread the voice of apotheosis throughout the wilderness and sent it into Erlong Mountain.

When Zhao Gongming heard this, his soul felt the urging of Heaven. He stood up from the futon, bowed to Zhenren Huanglong and others, and said.

"Everyone, take care, I'm going right now!"

Yunxiao and the other three looked at Zhao Gongming with no reluctance in their hearts. They knew that the three of them were also on the list and would go to receive the seal soon.

However, Master Huanglong's expression changed. He looked at Zhao Gongming, who had a very complicated expression on his face. With a wave of his hand, he threw twenty-four Dinghai Pearls and Qiankun Ruler at Zhao Gongming and gave a loud shout.

"True Lord Xuantan, if you don't come out now, when will you wait?"

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